Field Activity S197SC

Identifier S197SC
Alternate names S-1-97-SC
Description Chief Scientist: Kim Klitgord. Geophysical and Sampling data (airgun, 3dot5khz, gravitycore, pipedredge, 24channel) of field activity S-1-97-SC in Santa Monica Basin, California from 05/26/1997 to 06/01/1997
Location California
Comments Staff information imported from InfoBank Kim Klitgord (USGS Western Region) - Chief Scientist Kaye Kinoshita (USGS Western Region) - Information Specialist Pat Hart (USGS Western Region) - Geophysicist Ray Sliter (USGS Western Region) - Geophysicist Walter Barnhardt (USGS Western Region) - Geophysicist Brian Edwards (USGS Western Region) - Geologist Homa Lee (USGS Western Region) - Geologist Jane Reid (USGS Western Region) - Watchstander Bill Robinson (USGS Western Region) - Electronics Technician Walt Olson (USGS Western Region) - Mechanical Technician Hal Williams (USGS Western Region) - Mechanical Technician Fred Payne (USGS Western Region) - Electronics Technician
Robert Gordon Sproul
Length: 125 feet; Beam: 32 feet.
Start (port not specified) 1997-05-26
End (port not specified) 1997-06-01
West -118.887
East -117.23621
North 34.02234
South 32.63382
Activity Geophysical and Sampling


Principal investigators Klitgord, Kim
Crew members
Patrick E Hart
Scientist, Staff
Ray W Sliter
Scientist, Staff
Jane A Reid
Scientist, Staff
Homa J Lee
Scientist, Staff
Brian D Edwards
Scientist, Staff
Olson, Walt
Scientist, Staff
Payne, Fred
Scientist, Staff
Williams, Hal
Scientist, Staff
Robinson, Bill
Scientist, Staff
Information specialist(s)
Kinoshita, Kaye
Specialist, Information

Data types and categories

Data category: Location-Elevation, Sampling, Seismics
Data type: Navigation, Geology, Air Gun / Water Gun, Multichannel, Sub Bottom Profiler

Equipment used

Equipment Usage description Data types Datasets
3.5khz Sub Bottom Profiler (no data reported)
gravitycore Geology (no data reported)
pipedredge Geology (no data reported)
24channel Multichannel 5
navigation Navigation 2
airgun Air Gun / Water Gun (no data reported)


Datasets produced in this activity

Dataset name Equipment Description Dataset contact
mcs 24channel data on FAD Carol A Reiss
migrated 24channel data on FAD Carol A Reiss
Multichannel data (stack data) 24channel Ray W Sliter
Seismic FFID/Shot/CDP data s-1-97-sc.410_mcs 24channel Carolyn Hayashida Degnan
Best file with nav in ArcInfo E00 format navigation Carolyn Hayashida Degnan
Global positioning system (GPS) data s-1-97-sc.062 navigation Provisional best file Carolyn Hayashida Degnan

Datasets compiled from multiple sources

Dataset name Equipment Description Dataset contact
Multichannel seismic-reflection data acquired off the coast of southern California - Part A 1997, 1998, 1999, and 2000 24channel Multichannel seismic-reflection (MCS) data were collected in the California Continental Borderland as part of southern California Earthquake Hazards Task. Five data acquisition cruises conducted over a six-year span collected MCS data from offshore Santa Barbara, California south to the Exclusive Economic Zone boundary with Mexico. The primary mission was to map late Quaternary deformation as well as identify and characterize fault zones that have potential to impact high population areas of southern California. To meet its objectives, the project work focused on the distribution, character, and relative intensity of active (i.e., Holocene) deformation along the continental shelf and basins adjacent to the most highly populated areas. In addition, the project examined the Pliocene-Pleistocene record of how deformation shifted in space and time to help identify actively deforming structures that may constitute current significant seismic hazards. The MCS data accessible through this report cover the first four years of survey activity and include data from offshore Malibu coastal area west of Santa Monica, California to the southern survey limit offshore San Diego. The MCS data, which were collected with a 250-m-long, 24-channel streamer used a small gas-injector airgun source. This system provided optimum resolution of the upper 1 to 2 km of sediment for mapping active fault systems. The report includes trackline maps showing the location of the data, as well as both digital data files (SEG-Y) and images of all of the profiles. These data are also available via GeoMapApp ( and Virtual Ocean ( earth science exploration and visualization applications. Ray W Sliter


Samples collected during this field activity