Field Activity 2016-657-FA

Identifier 2016-657-FA
Purpose To study hydrothermal fields and associated biota on Gorda and Juan de Fuca Ridges, including changes to the extent and temperature of the fields.
Equipment or personnel only. Data, if any, are managed under a different field activity.
Location Gorda Ridge (SESCA, MESCA, NESCA, SeaCliff sites) and Juan de Fuca Ridge (CASM site at Axial Seamount), Pacific Ocean
Summary USGS will not be primary repository of data.
Info derived Changes to the extent and activity level of hydrothermal fields on the Gorda and Juan de Fuca Ridges.
Comments This activity will not result in any data. This operation is only for personnel support for Activity MBARI 2016 Northern Expedition Leg 1. MBARI is the lead organization. The Principal Investigator is David Clague of MBARI; the only USGS participant is Stephanie Ross. MBARI is also the lead funding organization; USGS is funding travel for Stephanie Ross.
Western Flyer
117' twin hull MBARI, Moss Landing, CA
Start moss landing, ca 2016-07-26
End newport, or 2016-08-04
Days in the field 10
West -135.7031
East -123.27149038
North 51.90022347
South 40.33450832


Organization Equipment or personnel support provided by
2885 Mission Street
Santa Cruz, CA95060
(831) 460-7401
Principal investigators Stephanie L Ross
Crew members
Stephanie L Ross
Scientist, Staff
Information specialist(s)
Stephanie L Ross
Specialist, Information
Affiliate principal PI is David Clague (MBARI). Only USGS investigator is Stephanie Ross. Affiliate investigators include Jim McClain (UC Davis), Robert Zierenberg (UC Davis), and Jenny Paduan (MBARI),

Data types and categories

Data category: Location-Elevation
Data type: Navigation

Equipment used

Equipment Usage description Data types Datasets
navigation Navigation (no data reported)


Samples collected during this field activity