Resurveying a portion of the single-beam Echosounder Data (SBES) tracklines acquired under FAN 2017-305-FA specifically 17TST02, 17TST03, and 17TST04. Acquiring Multibeam Echosounder Data (MBES) along a pre defined polygon trajectory. The trajectory is the roof top mounted camera's line of sight nearshore Madeira Beach out to the ADCP offshore spotter buoy. Bathymetry data will assist researchers with wave data interpretation on and benthic morphology of the seafloor on the approach to and within the view of the the camera system.
St. Petersburg, Florida specifically Madeira Beach
Entries for this field activity are based on entries from Field Activity 2017-305-FA. Each vessel will collect specific data types and be assigned a sub-FAN, as follows:
- R/V Sallenger - MBES
- PWC1-RV Shark - SBES; 22BIM01
- Navigation poles and wheels to be determined