Dataset description: 1973-002-FA-SE-001-03

CD ROM disk of 1-1 1,2,3SP101-1681NO LOGS, 1-2 4,5SP1682-2510NO LOGS, 1A-3 1,2,3SP1-1669NO LOGS, 1A-4 4,5,6SP1669-3207NO LOGS, 1A-5 7,8,9SP3207-4156NO LOGS, 2-1 1,2,3SP1-41147NO LOGS, 2-2 4,5,6SP41148-81746NO LOGS, 2-3 7,8,9SP1-110831NO LOGS, 2-4 B,C STACK SP1-6366NO LOGS, 3-1 1,2,3,4SP130-2315NOSTK,LOG, 3-2 5,6,7,8,9,10SP2315-4489NO, 3-3 11,12,13,14,15SP4490-6786, NAVOCEANO ATLANTIC PLOTS,


Location of materials and files

Physical mediaCD/DVD ROM storage section of the WHSC Data Library
Public files(Not specified)
Supporting documentation or data
Physical locationData Library
Digital location

Activities and equipment

1973-002-FAMultichannel seismics
As described by usage - or one of the following options 3.125 meter group, liquid filled, 16 channels (two 8-channel sections) 1.5 meter group, solid, 24 channels (three 8-channel sections) 6.25 meter group, liquid, 72 channels (nine 8-channel sections)

Geometries linked to this dataset
