Dataset description: 1997-019-FA-SE-002

Raw ELICS Data - Raw Great Salt Lake data for Lines 1-17. (Huntec)
FILE: readme.txt BOOMER AND 3.5 kHz SEISMIC REFLECTION DATA: GSLK 97019 CRUISE (11-26 July 1997) U.S. Geological Survey Internal CD-ROM prepared 8/97 U.S. Geological Survey Seafloor Mapping Project Woods Hole Field Center 384 Woods Hole Road Quissett Laboratory Woods Hole, MA 02543 (508) 548-8700 INTRODUCTION This CD-ROM (Compact Disc-Read Only Memory) has been produced in accordance with the ISO 9660 CD-ROM Standard and is therefore capable of being read on any computing platform that has appropriate CD-ROM driver software installed. The boomer and 3.5 kHz subbottom data are stored as Elics compressed format in the sub directories organized by date of data acquisition, i.e. the directory gsl7-16 contains data collected on July 16, 1997. Files within these sub directories are identified as follows: 3.5 kHz Elics compressed format data - line1f.tra Data parametr file - line1f.par Navigation file - line1f.nav Boomer Elics compressed format data - line1s.tra Data parametr file - line1s.par Navigation file - line1s.nav The elics disk file can be converted to SEG-Y format for processing on most seismic processing systems. The conversion program runs on Windows and is located in the Delphwin directory. To avoid the need for editing the Elics parameter files, the Delphwin directory and its contents should be copied to the C: drive and exeuted from there.


Activities and equipment

1997-019-FASingle channel hydrophone

Geometries linked to this dataset
