Dataset description: Anthothela spp. processed data

Zip file containing processed data files (QIIME), MIMARKS-compliant sampling and laboratory process metadata for Anthothela spp. collected in Baltimore and Norfolk Canyons
Keywordscoelenterates, DNA sequencing, genetics, laboratory methods, microbiology, reef ecosystems
Data typesBiology
Formatcomma-delimited text; Microsoft Excel format; TXT; FASTA; FNA
Amount5.35 GB


Activities and equipment

12DCM02Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) Kraken 2
The Kraken2 (K2) - is a 1000 meter light work class ROV that has been highly modified to provide power and telemetry for a variety of imaging and sampling systems. This system operates with an electo-optic tether and can support two simultaneous high definition camera and up to four standard definition cameras. The K2 also has a 6 function robotic arm, an extensible, insulated biobox and an suction sample system with eight buckets for sample collection.