Dataset description: Digital elevation model (DEM) created using bathymetry data collected between 1999 and 2016 (MLLW)

A 1-m resolution, continuous surface, bathymetric digital elevation model (DEM) of the northern portion of San Francisco Bay, which includes San Pablo Bay, Carquinez Strait, and portions of Suisun Bay, was constructed from bathymetric surveys collected from 1999 to 2016.
Keywordstopography, single-beam echo sounder, multibeam sonar, digital elevation models, geographic information systems, geospatial datasets, GPS measurement, lidar, bathymetry
Data typesInterferometric
Amount940 MB


Activities and equipment

2015-633-FASWATH plus-M
A Phase Measuring Bathymetric Sonar (PMBS) also known as an Interferometric Sidescan Sonar (ISS) with a frequency of 234.5 kHz.