Dataset description: Bathymetric change analyses of the southernmost portion of the Mokelumne River, California, from 1934 to 2018

Bathymetric change grids covering the periods of time from 1934 to 2011, from 2011 to 2018, and from 1934 to 2018 are presented. The grids cover a portion of the Mokelumne River, California, starting at its terminus at the San Joaquin River and moving upriver to the confluences of the north and south branches of the Mokelumne. Positive grid values indicate accretion, or a shallowing of the surface bathymetric surface, and negative grid values indicate erosion, or a deepening of the bathymetric surface. Bathymetry data sources include the U.S. Geological Survey, California Department of Water Resources, and NOAA’s National Ocean Service.
Keywordssediment transport, sedimentation, estuarine processes, erosion, geospatial datasets, bathymetry
Data typesInterferometric
Amount0.18 MB

See the Source Information section of the metadata for additional datasets from which this data release was derived.


Activities and equipment

2018-609-FASWATH plus-M
A Phase Measuring Bathymetric Sonar (PMBS) also known as an Interferometric Sidescan Sonar (ISS) with a frequency of 234.5 kHz.