Dataset description: 1984-025-FA-SE-001-01

CD ROM disk of 1A-1 STACKS 1,2,3,4,5, 1A-2 STACKS 6,7,8, 1A-3 1,2,3,4SP245-549, 1A-4 5,6,7,8SP550-894, 1A-5 9,10,11,12SP894-1181, 1A-6 13,14,15,16SP1183-1501, 1A-7 17,18,19,20SP1502-2075, 1A-8 21,22,23,24SP2076-2359, 1A-9 25,26,27,28SP2360-2673, 1A-10 29,30,31,32SP2673-2987, 1A-11 33,34,35,36SP2987-3300, 1A-12 37,38,39,40SP3300-3646, 1A-13 41,42,43,44SP3646-3986, 1A-14 45,46,47,48SP4254-4155, 1A-15 49,50,51,52SP4171-4534,


Activities and equipment

1984-025-FAMultichannel seismics
As described by usage - or one of the following options 3.125 meter group, liquid filled, 16 channels (two 8-channel sections) 1.5 meter group, solid, 24 channels (three 8-channel sections) 6.25 meter group, liquid, 72 channels (nine 8-channel sections)

Geometries linked to this dataset
