Status Active
Photo Photograph of the platform
Description Small Surf Vehicle: remote controlled autonomous self-righting surf vehicle equipped with manufacturer EchoLogger Dual Frequency Echosounder ECS 24D (200/450kHz)
URL https://meridian.allenpress.com/jcr/article-abstract/37/5/933/466481/Development-of-a-Highly-Portable-Unmanned-Surface?redirectedFrom=fulltext
Platform type Vessel > Class A > Class A boats range from 1 to 16 feet.
USGS Center USGS, Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center (WHCMSC)
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution(WHOI)
Woods Hole, MA02543

Usage of this platform

Field activity Center Survey location and description
2020-015-FA WHCMSC Head of the Meadow beach, Truro, MA
2021-029-FA WHCMSC Pea Island National Wildlife Refuge, Hatteras Island, North Carolina, United States, Atlantic Ocean