Advanced Remote Sensing Methods for Coastal Science and Management

Dates 2001-10-01 to 2018-09-30
Description The objectives of the proposed project are to:1) Determine the horizontal and vertical positioning accuracy of both subaerial and shallow submarine surface elevations provided by the NASA Experimental Advanced Airborne Research Lidar.2) Develop and test methods for the extraction of "bald earth" topography from full temporal waveform-digitizing airborne lidar observations under a variety of coastal vegetation cover types.3) Develop methods to enable the estimation of vegetation canopy metrics based upon temporally-resolved airborne lidar reflected waveforms. Examine the potential to use this information in improving a) fire fuel estimation, b) discrimination of vegetation community classes, and c) the discrimination of barrier island habitats. 4) Develop methods that use topographic complexity observations from airborne lidar to improve the accuracy of fine scale shallow benthic habitat maps over coral reef and seagrass communities.
Status Inactive
Center USGS, St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center