Coastal and Marine Geology Program publications, listed by year:
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For more publications, search the USGS Publications Warehouse for over 100,000 publications written by USGS scientists.
Agena, W.F., Lee, M.W., Miller, J.J., Hutchinson, D.R., 1994, Lake Baikal, 1992; processing of multichannel seismic reflection data: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 94-263, 37 p., doi: 10.3133/ofr94263.
Bacon, M.P., Belastock, R A, Bothner, M H,, 1994, Lead-210 balance and implications for particle transport on the continental shelf, middle Atlantic Bight: Deep Sea Research, Part II, v. 41 no. 2/3.
Barton, C., Nishenko, S., 1994, Natural disasters--forecasting economic and life losses: U.S. Geological Survey Selected issues in the USGS Marine and Coastal Geology Program, 4 p.
Behrendt, J.C., Saltus, R., Damaske, D., McCafferty, A., Finn, C., Blankenship, D., Bell, R. E.,, 1994, Aeromagnetic surveys over the Ross Sea, Ross ice shelf and West Antarctic ice sheet reveal patterns of late Cenozoic volcanic and tectonic activity in the West Antarctic rift system [abs.]: Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, v. 75 no. 44-supplement.
Behrendt, J.C., Blankenship, Donald D., Finn, Carol A., Bell, Robin E., Sweeney, Ronald E., Hodge, Steven M., Brozena, John M.,, 1994, CASERTZ aeromagnetic data reveal late Cenozoic flood basalts(?) in the West Antarctic rift system [abs.]: Geology, v. 22 no. 6.
Behrendt, J.C., Cooper, Alan K.,, 1994, Minimal Pliocene-Pleistocene uplift of the dry valleys sector of the Transantarctic Mountains; a key parameter in ice-sheet reconstruction [abs.]: Geology, v. 22 no. 7.
Behrendt, J.C., Saltus, Richard, Damaske, Detlef, McCafferty, Anne E., Finn, Carol A., Blankenship, Donald, Bell, Robin E.,, 1994, Patterns of late Cenozoic volcanic and tectonic activity in the West Antarctic rift system revealed by aeromagnetic surveys: Journal of Geophysical Research, .
Blackwood, D.B., Rendings, R.R., Butler, J., 1994, Freshwater mussel studies in the Ohio River Islands National Wildlife Refuge: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 94-644, Video on DVD-ROM.
Bodgen, P., Rizolli, P, Signell, R.P,, 1994, Open ocean boundary conditions from Interior data--local and remote forcing of Massachusetts Bay [abs.]: Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, v. 75 no. 3.
Bohlke, J.K., and Shanks, W.C., III,, 1994, Stable isotope study of hydrothermal vents at Escanaba Trough; observed and calculated effects of sediment-seawater interaction, in Morton, Janet L., Zierenberg, Robert A., Reiss, Carol A., eds., Geologic, hydrothermal, and biologic studies at Escanaba Trough, Gorda Ridge, offshore Northern California: U. S. Geological Survey Bulletin 2022, pp. 223–239.
Booth, J.S., Winters, W.J., Dillon, W.P.,, 1994, Circumstantial evidence of gas hydrate and slope failure associations on the U.S. Atlantic continental margin, in Sloan, E.D., Jr., Happel, John, and Hnatow, M.A., eds., International Conference on Natural Gas Hydrates: Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, v. 715.
Booth, J.S., Winters, W.J., Dillon, W.P., 1994, Concentrated marine gas hydrate deposits--laboratory simulations seek explanations of their origin and methods of resource analysis [abs.]: , American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Eastern Section Meeting. East Lansing, Mich., 1994.
Booth, J.S., Winters, W.J., Mason, D.H., 1994, Capabilities of GHASTLI for geo-gas hydrate research; Gas Hydrate And Sediment Test Laboratory Instrument: a deep-sea in situ simulations instrument for conducting experiments on the properties and behavior of gas hydrate-sediment systems: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 94-646, 13 p., doi: 10.3133/ofr94646.
Booth, J.S., Folger, David W., Colman, Steven M., Barnes, Peter W.,, 1994, Wave climate and nearshore lakebed response, Illinois Beach State Park, Lake Michigan; The southern Lake Michigan coastal erosion study: Journal of Great Lakes Research, v. 20 no. 1.
Bothner, M.H., Buchholtz ten Brink, M R,, 1994, The distribution of silver in sediments from Massachusetts and Cape Cod Bays, and the changes in concentration with time-preliminary analysis: M.W.R.A. Benthic and Sediment Science Review, Proceedings, Batelle Ocean Sciences, 22 p.
Bothner, M.H., Buchholtz ten Brink, M. R.,, 1994, The distribution of silver in sediments from Massachusetts ad Cape Cod Bays, [abs.]: Boston Harbor/Massachusetts Bay 9th Annual Symposium, Proceedings - Massachusetts Bay Marine Studies Consortium, .
Bothner, M.H., Grassle, J.F,, 1994, Indicators and biological effects sewage sludge accumulation in sediments beneath the 106-mile dumpsite off New York - An Update [abs.]: American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Eastern Section Meeting, .
Bothner, M.H., Takada, H., Knight, I.T., Hill, R.T., Butman, Bradford, Farrington, J.W., Colwell, R.R., Grassle, J.F,, 1994, Indicators of sewage contamination in sediments beneath a deep-ocean dump site off New York: Marine Environmental Research, v. 38.
Bothner, M.H., Buchholtz ten Brink, M.R., Butman, B., Knebel, H.J., Manheim, F.T., Signell, R.P., 1994, Circulation and contaminant transport in Massachusetts coastal waters: A summary of achievements and future plans: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 94-649, 43 p., doi: 10.3133/ofr94649.
Bradbury, J.P., Bezrukova, E, Chemyaeva, G, Colman, Steve M., Khursevich, G, King, J.W., Likoshway, E,, 1994, Paleolimnology of Lake Baikal from diatom records: Journal of Paleolimnology, v. 10.
Brocher, T.M., McCarthy, J., Hart, P.E., Holbrook, W.S., Furlong, K.P., McEvilly, T.V., Hole, J.A., and Klemperer, S.L., 1994, Seismic evidence for a lower-crustal detachment beneath San Francisco Bay, California: Science, v. 265 no. 5177, pp. 1436–1439.
Buchholtz ten Brink, M.R., Allison, M. A., Schlee, J. S.,, 1994, Sewage-sludge migration in the Hudson Shelf valley [abs.]: Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, v. 75 no. 44-supplement.
Buchholtz ten Brink, M.R., Buckely, D, Bullis, R, Heinig, C, Jones, S., Mayer, L., Pederson, J., Pollack, T., Sowles, J., Sundby, B., Tripp, B.,, 1994, Sediment and water quality working group report, in Stevenson, D., and Braasch, E., eds., Gulf of Maine Habitat Workshop Proceedings, 12-13 April 1994, West Boothbay Harbor, Maine: Regional Association for Research on the Gulf of Maine (RARGOM) Report 94-2, 141 p.
Buchholtz ten Brink, M.R., Butman, Bradford, Bothner, M. H., Manheim, F. T., Knebel, H. J., Hathaway, J. C., Signell, R. P., Valentine, P. C.,, 1994, Contaminant distribution and transport in Boston Harbor and Massachusetts Bay [abs.]: Geological Association of Canada Program with Abstracts, Annual Meeting, v. 19.
Buchholtz ten Brink, M.R., Schlee, J. S., Allison, M. A.,, 1994, Sewage-sludge in the Hudson Shelf valley; a tracer of fine-grained sediment dynamics [abs.]: Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, Ocean Sciences Meeting, v. 75 no. 3-supplement.
Buchholtz ten Brink, M.R., Manheim, F.T., Soderberg, N.K., Hathaway, J.C.,, 1994, Data and information management at the Branch of Atlantic Marine Geology and the contaminated-sediment database, in D. K. Phelps et al, eds., Gulf of Maine Data and Information Systems--Workshop Proceedings, 2-3 November 1993: Regional Association for Research on the Gulf of Maine (RARGOM) Report 93-1, .
Buchholtz ten Brink, M.R., Manheim, J.C., Hathaway, J.C., Bothner, M.H.,, 1994, Contaminant metal concentrations in sediments of Boston Harbor, Massachusetts Bay, and Cape Cod Bay [abs.]: Boston Harbor/Massachusetts Bay 9th Annual Symposium, Proceedings - Massachusetts Bay Marine Studies Consortium, .
Buchholtz ten Brink, M.R., Manheim, F.T., Bothner, M.H., 1994, The contaminated-sediment database; a tool for research and management in Massachusetts waters [abs.]: , Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs. Seattle, Wash., October 1994, ISSN 0016-7592.
Burton, K.W., O'Nions, R.K., Martel, D.J., Hein, J.R., 1994, Tracing the water mass evolution of Sr, Nd and Pb in the central Pacific Ocean, in Lanphere, M.A., Dalrymple, G.B., and Turrin, B.D., eds., Abstracts of the eighth international conference on Geochronology, cosmochronology, and isotope geology: U. S. Geological Survey Circular 1107, pp. 45–45.
Burton, K.W., O'Nions, R.K., Martel, D.J., and Hein, J.R., 1994, The influence of erosion and palaeogeography on seawater neodymium during the past 20 million years, in Harte, B., V. M. Goldschmidt Conference; extended abstracts: Mineralogical Magazin, v. 58A no. A-K, pp. 136–137.
Butman, B., Bothner, M.H, Hathaway, J C, Jenter, H L, Knebel, H J, Manheim, F T, Signell, R P, Buchholtz ten Brink, M R,, 1994, Contaminant transport and accumulation in Boston Harbor and Massachusetts Bay [abs.]: Oceanography Society Annual Meeting Abstracts with Programs, .
Campbell, A.C., German, Chris R., Palmer, Martin R., Gamo, Toshitaka, and Edmond, John M., 1994, Chemistry of hydrothermal fluids from Escanaba Trough, Gorda Ridge, in Morton, Janet L., Zierenberg, Robert A., Reiss, Carol A., eds., Geologic, hydrothermal, and biologic studies at Escanaba Trough, Gorda Ridge, offshore Northern California: U. S. Geological Survey Bulletin 2022, pp. 201–221.
Carson, B., Seke, Erol, Paskevich, Valerie, Holmes, Mark L.,, 1994, Fluid expulsion sites on the Cascadia accretionary prism--Mapping diagenetic deposits with processed GLORIA imagery: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 99 no. B6.
Carter, S.J., Colman, S M,, 1994, Biogenic silica in Lake Baikal sediments--Results from 1990-1992 American cores: Journal of Great Lakes Research, v. 20.
Cecil, C.B., Edgar, N.T., 1994, Predictive stratigraphic analysis: Concept and application: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 2110, vi, 72 p.
Chabaux, F., Cohen, A.S., O'Nions, R.K., and Hein, J.R., 1994, 238U-234U-230Th in Fe-Mn crusts; U-Th behaviour and determination of sea water 230Th/232Th ratios: American Geophysical Union Eos, Transactions, v. 75 no. 44, pp. 332–332.
Chabaux, F., Cohen, A.S., O'Nions, R.K., and Hein, J., 1994, TIMS U-series study of the growth history of ferromanganese crusts, in Lanphere, M.A., Dalrymple, G.B., and Turrin, B.D., eds., Abstracts of the eighth international conference on Geochronology, cosmochronology, and isotope geology: U. S. Geological Survey Circular 1107, pp. 50–50.
Chan, L.H., Zhang, L., and Hein, J.R., 1994, Lithium isotope characteristics of marine sediments: American Geophysical Union Eos, Transactions, v. 75 no. 44, pp. 314–314.
Chehbouni, A., Lo Seen, D., Lhomme, J. P., Monteny, B., Qi, J., Nichols, D., Njoku, E. G., Kerr, Y.,, 1994, Net radiation/soil heat flux relationship over heterogeneous surfaces [abs.]: Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, v. 75 no. 44-supplement.
Chick, J.H., McIvor, C.C., 1994, Patterns in the abundance and composition of fishes among beds of different macrophytes: Viewing a littoral zone as a landscape: Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, v. 51, pp. 2873–2882.
Childs, J.R., Hart, P.E., McCarthy, J., and Marlow, M.S, 1994, High-resolution seismic-reflection studies of submerged fault zones throughout the San Francisco Bay area: American Geophysical Union Eos, Transactions, v. 75 no. 44, pp. 684–684.
Cochrane, G.R., Moore, J. C., Mackay, M. E., Moore, G. F., 1994, Velocity-porosity model of the Oregon accretionary prism from multichannel seismic reflection data: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 99, pp. 7033–7043.
Coleman, D.F., Wright, E, Dillon, W.P., Signell, R,, 1994, 3-D visualization of earthquake hypocenters in the northeastern Caribbean Plate boundary region [abs.]: Geological Society of America, .
Colman, S.M., Forester, R M, Reynolds, R L, Sweetkind, D S, King, J W, Gangemi, P, Jones, G A, Keigwin, L D, Foster, D S,, 1994, Lake-level history of Lake Michigan for the past 12,000 years--the record from deep lacustrine sediments: Journal of Great Lakes Research, v. 20 no. 1.
Colman, S.M., Nichols, D R, Bardardinov, A A, Foster, D S, O'Toole, J K, Parolski, K E,, 1994, High-resolution seismic-reflection surveys of Lake Baikal, Siberia, 1990-1992--Methods and examples: International Project on Paleolimnology and Late Cenozoic Climate (I.P.P.C.C.E.) Newsletter, v. 7.
Colman, S.M., Foster, D S,, 1994, A sediment budget for southern Lake Michigan--source-and-sink models for different time intervals: Journal of Great Lakes Research, v. 20 no. 1.
Colman, S.M., Clark, J. A., Clayton, L., Hansel, A. K., Larsen, C. E.,, 1994, Deglaciation, lake levels, and meltwater discharge in the Lake Michigan basin: Quaternary Science Reviews, v. 13 no. 9-10.
Colman, S.M., Keigwin, L. D., Forester, R. M.,, 1994, Two episodes of meltwater influx from glacial Lake Agassiz into the Lake Michigan basin--contrasts in climatic and oceanographic effects: Geology (Boulder), v. 22 no. 6.
Colman, S.M., Kuptsov, V. M., Jones, G. A., Carter, S. J., Kuzmin, M. I., Williams, D. F.,, 1994, Radiocarbon dating of Lake Baikal sediments; a progress report---International Baikal Drilling Project: Russian Geology and Geophysics, v. 34 no. 10-11.
Colman, S., Foster, D., Booth, J.S.,, 1994, Evidence of wave-lakebed interaction, Illinois Beach State Park nearshore zone, Lake Michigan, in Polloni, C.F., Brown, C.L., Folger, D.W., Foster, D.S., and Brill, A.L., eds., The Southern Lake Michigan Coastal Erosion Study, CD-ROM: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 94-255, CD-ROM, doi: 10.3133/ofr94255.
Colman, S.M., Carter, S.J., Hatton, J., Haskell, B.J., 1994, Cores collected in Lake Baikal, Siberia, by the USGS, 1990 to 1992: Visual descriptions, photographs, X-radiographs, bulk-density measurements, and grain-size analyses: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 94-445, 101 p., doi: 10.3133/ofr94445.
Colman, S.M., Carter, S.J., Hatton, J., and Haskell, B.J., 1994, Cores collected in Lake Baikal, Siberia, by the U.S. Geological Survey, 1990 to 1992; visual descriptions, photographs, x-radiographs, bulk-density measurements, and grain-size analysis: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 94-445.
Colman, S.M., Williams, D F, Kuzin, M I, Grachev, M A, Hearn, P.P., Jr., Kawai, T., Horie, S,, 1994, The Baikal Drilling Project--long-term records of global change from central Asia [abs.]: Observation of the Continental Crust Through Drilling 7th International Symposium,Abstracts, .
Cooper, A.K., ten Brink, U.S., Zhang, J., Miller, G., 1994, Initial field report; U.S. Geological Survey participation in the 1993/94 Antarctic Crustal Profile (ACRUP) seismic project, Ross Sea area, Antarctica: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 94-293, 21 p., doi: 10.3133/ofr94293.
Cowan, E.A., Powell, Ross D., Carlson, Paul R., Kayen, Robert E., Cai, Jinkui, Seramur, Keith C., and Zellers, Sarah D., 1994, Cruise report; R/V Alpha Helix Cruise-173 to western Prince William Sound, Yakutat Bay, and Glacier Bay National Park, northeastern Gulf of Alaska, August 17-September 3, 1993: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 94-0258, 176 p.
Davis, A.S., Clague, D.A., and Friesen, W.B., 1994, Petrology and mineral chemistry of basalt from Escanaba Trough, in Morton, Janet L., Zierenberg, Robert A., Reiss, Carol A., eds., Geologic, hydrothermal, and biologic studies at Escanaba Trough, Gorda Ridge, offshore Northern California: U. S. Geological Survey Bulletin 2022, pp. 153–170.
Davis, E.E., and Becker, Keir, 1994, Thermal and tectonic structure of Escanaba Trough; new heat-flow measurements and seismic-reflection profiles, in Morton, Janet L., Zierenberg, Robert A., Reiss, Carol A., eds., Geologic, hydrothermal, and biologic studies at Escanaba Trough, Gorda Ridge, offshore Northern California: U. S. Geological Survey Bulletin 2022, pp. 45–64.
Denlinger, R.P., and Holmes, Mark L., 1994, A thermal and mechanical model for sediment hills and associated sulfide deposits along Escanaba Trough, in Morton, Janet L., Zierenberg, Robert A., Reiss, Carol A., eds. Geologic, hydrothermal, and biologic studies at Escanaba Trough, Gorda Ridge, offshore Northern California: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 2022, pp. 65–75.
Dillon, W.P.,, 1994, Discussion of the paper "Hydrates off Brazil" by Rogerio L. Fontana and Alexandre Mussumeci, in Sloan, E.D., Jr., Happel, John, and Hnatow, M.A., eds., International Conference on Natural Gas Hydrates: Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, v. 715.
Dillon, W.P., Lee, M.W., Coleman, D.F,, 1994, Identification of marine hydrates in situ and their distribution off the Atlantic coast of the United States, in E.D. Sloan, J.r, J. Happel, and M.A. Hnatow, eds., International Conference on Natural Gas Hydrates [abs.]: , Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, Abstracts Volume #19.
Dillon, W.P., Lee, M.W., Coleman, D.F,, 1994, Identification of marine hydrates in situ and their distribution off the Atlantic coast of the United States, in E.D. Sloan, J.r, J. Happel, and M.A. Hnatow, eds., International Conference on Natural Gas Hydrates: Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, v. 715.
Dillon, W.P., Coleman, D.F., 1994, Plate responses to the transition from subduction to strike-slip motion in the northeastern Caribbean; origin of the Puerto Rico Trench [abs.]: , Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs. Seattle, Wash., October 1994.
Dillon, W.P., Coleman, D.F., Scanlon, K., 1994, Plate responses to the transition from subduction to strick-slip motion in the northeastern caribbean in Scholl, D., Bebout, G., and Kirby, S., conveners, SUBCON, An Interdisciplinary Conference on the Subduction Process, Sponsored by U.S. Geological Survey, JOI/USSAC and NSF [abs.]: , U.S. Geological Survey/JOI-USSAC Subduction Conference, Proceedings, Abstracts volume.
Edgar, N.T., Grim, M.S, Cecil, C.B, Chappel, J,, 1994, Seismic stratigraphy in the Gulf of Carpentaria, northern Australia [abs.]: American Association of Petroleum Geologists, National Meeting 1995, Houston, Texas, .
Eittreim, S.L., Gnibidenko, H., Helseley, C.E., Sliter, R., Mann, D., and Ragozin, N., 1994, Oceanic crustal thickness and seismic character along a Central Pacific transect: Journal of Geophysical Research, B, Solid Earth and Planets, v. 99 no. 2, pp. 3139–3145.
Ferrigno, J.G., Mullins, J.L, Stapleton, J.A, Bindschadler, R.A, Scambos, T.A, Bellisime, L.B, Bowell, J, Acosta, A.V,, 1994, Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) image maps of the Shirase and Siple Coast Ice Streams, West Antarctica: Annals of Glaciology, .
Fletcher, C.H., Richmond, B., Barnes, G.M., and Schroeder, T.A., 1994, Marine flooding on the coast of Kaua‘i during Hurricane Iniki: Hindcasting inundation components and delineating Washover: Journal of Coastal Research, v. 11 no. 1, pp. 188–204.
Folger, D.W., ed., 1994, 2nd annual Lake Erie coastal erosion study workshop, February 2-4, 1994,: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 94-200, 55 p..
Folger, D.W., Colman, S.M., Barnes, P.W., 1994, The southern Lake Michigan coastal erosion study, Special Topic Section. , International Association for Great Lakes Research.
Folger, D.W., Colman, Steve M., Barnes, Peter W.,, 1994, Overview of the southern Lake Michigan Coastal Erosion Study: Journal of Great Lakes Research, v. 20 no. 1.
Folger, D.W., Colman, Steven M., Barnes, Peter W.,, 1994, The southern Lake Michigan coastal erosion study: Journal of Great Lakes Research, v. 20 no. 1, 326 p.
Forester, R.M., Colman, S M, Reynolds, R L, Jones, G A, Keigwin, L D, Foster, D S,, 1994, The limnological and climate history of Lake Michigan from ostracode, stable isotope, and magnetic susceptibility records: Journal of Great Lakes Research, v. 20.
Forester, R.M., Colman, Steven M., Reynolds, Richard L., Keigwin, Lloyd D., Folger, David W., Colman, Steven M., Barnes, Peter W.,, 1994, Lake Michigan's late Quaternary limnological and climate history from ostracode, oxygen isotope, and magnetic susceptibility--The southern Lake Michigan coastal erosion study: Journal of Great Lakes Research, v. 20 no. 1, pp. 93–107.
Forsyth, D.A., Milkereit, B, Davidson, A., Hanmer, S, Hutchinson, D. R., Hinze, W. J., Mereu, R. F.,, 1994, Seismic images of a tectonic subdivision of the Grenville Orogen beneath lakes Ontario and Erie: Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, v. 31 no. 2.
Forsyth, D.A., Milkereit, Bernd, Zelt, C. A., White, D. J., Easton, R. M., Hutchinson, D. R.,, 1994, Deep structure beneath Lake Ontario; crustal-scale Grenville subdivisions: Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, v. 31 no. 2.
Foster, D.S., Folger, David W.,, 1994, Preliminary mapping of Lake Erie bottom sediments between Sandusky and Conneaut, Ohio based on sidescan sonar imagery--2nd annual Lake Erie Coastal Erosion Study Workshop, February 2-4, 1994: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 94-200.
Foster, D.S., Folger, David W., Brill, Andrew L.,, 1994, Regional nearshore mapping in southern Lake Michigan [abs.]: Geological Society of America 27th Annual Meeting, Abstracts with Programs, North-Central Section, v. 26 no. 5.
Foster, D.S., Folger, David W., Folger, David W., Colman, Steven M., Barnes, Peter W.,, 1994, The geologic framework of southern Lake Michigan--The southern Lake Michigan coastal erosion study: Journal of Great Lakes Research, v. 20 no. 1.
Fuller, J.A., Circé, R.C., Oldale, R.N., 1994, The geologic framework of the Ohio area of Lake Erie [abs.]: , Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs. Kalamazoo, Mich.
Fuller, J.A., Oldale, R.N., Circé, R., 1994, Geology of the Ohio portion of Lake Erie [abs.]: , Geological Society of America 27th Annual Meeting, Abstracts with Programs, North-Central Section. Kalamazoo, Mich.
Fuller, J.A., Oldale, R.N., Circé, R.C., Liebenthal, D.L., Parolski, K.E., Nichols, D.R., Cross, V.A., 1994, Offshore geology of the Ohio part of Lake Erie interpreted from high-resolution seismic-reflection profiles in Folger, D.W., ed., 2nd annual Lake Erie coastal erosion study workshop, February 2-4, 1994: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 94-200, doi: 10.3133/ofr94200.
Garvin, J.B., Williams, Richard S., Jr., Bufton, J.L,, 1994, Geodetic aircraft laser altimetry of glaciers [abs.]: Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, v. 75 no. 16.
Geist, E.L., and Scholl, D.W., 1994, Large-scale deformation related to the collision of the Aleutian Arc with Kamchatka: Tectonics, v. 13 no. 2, pp. 538–560.
Gelfenbaum, G., 1994, Contaminant transport in Mobile Bay: U.S. Geological Survey Selected issues in the USGS Marine and Coastal Geology Program.
Gibbs, A.E., and Hein, J.R., 1994, High trace metal concentrations in Quaternary hydrothermal stratabound manganese oxide deposits, Yap Arc, West Pacific: , Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. , pp. 363–363.
Grassle, J.F., and Petrecca, Rosemarie F., 1994, Soft-sediment hydrothermal vent communities of Escanaba Trough, in Morton, Janet L., Zierenberg, Robert A., Reiss, Carol A., eds., Geologic, hydrothermal, and biologic studies at Escanaba Trough, Gorda Ridge, offshore Northern California: U. S. Geological Survey Bulletin 2022, pp. 327–335.
Green, H.G., Orange, D., Mann, D., and Gabel, G., 1994, Fluid constructed morphology on Smooth Ridge, Central California: American Geophysical Union Eos, Transactions, v. 75 no. 44, pp. 598–598.
Gwilliam, W.J., Taylor, D.J., Latham, G.V., Krehbiel, S.C., Stanley, W.D., Westhusing, K.J., 1994, Deep seismic reflection studies in the Pacific Northwest United States, data visualization disc: U.S. Geological Survey Digital Data Series DDS-16, CD-ROM.
Haines, J.W., Sallenger, A.H., Jr., 1994, Vertical structure of mean cross-shore currents across a barred surf zone: Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans, v. 99, pp. 14223–14242.
Hall, D.K., Williams, Richard S., Jr.,, 1994, Glaciological observations on Bruarjokull, Iceland, using Landsat TM and ERS-1 data [abs.] in Abstracts, International Symposium on the Role of the Cryosphere in Gloval Change, 7-12 August 1994; Byrd Polar Research Center, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio: International Glaciological Society, no. 87.
Halley, R.B., Swart, P.K., Dodge, R.E., Hudson, J.H., 1994, Decade-scale trend in sea-water salinity revealed through Delta-O-18 analysis of Montastraea annularis annual growth bands: Bulletin of Marine Science, v. 54, pp. 670–678.
Hatcher, R.D., Jr., Colquhoun, D.J, Secor, D.T, Cook, F.S, Dillon, W.P, Klitgord, K, Popenoe, P, Merschat, C.E., Wiener, L.S., Milici, R.C., Nelson, A.E, Sheridan, R.E, Snoke, A.W,, 1994, Centennial Continent/Ocean Transect #18, E-5 - Cumberland Plateau to Blake Plateau: Geological Society of America, .
Hathaway, J.C., Buchholtz ten Brink, M.R, Manheim, F.T, Bothner, M.H,, 1994, Contaminated sediments in Boston Harbor and Masachusetts Bay--spatial and temporal trends [abs.]: Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, Ocean Sciences Meeting, v. 75 no. 3.
Hein, J.R., Yeh, Hsueh-Wen, Gunn, Susan H., Gibbs, Ann E., and Wang Chung-Ho, 1994, Composition and origin of hydrothermal ironstones from central Pacific seamounts: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, v. 58 no. 1, pp. 179–189.
Herring, J.R., Manheim, F.T, Bretz, B, Briggs, P.H,, 1994, Major and trace elements determined by inductively-coupled plasma spectroscopy and visual estimates of phosphate and other minerals in Neogene sediments, with special emphasis on phosphatic horizons, from the Georgia Continental Shelf - TACTS boreholes A,C,E,F and G: 22.
Herring, J.R., Manheim, F.T, Bretz, B, Briggs, P.H,, 1994, Major and trace elements determined by inductively-coupled plasma spectroscopy with special emphasis on phosphatic horizons in bulk and size fractions of Neogene sediment samples from Boreholes GAT-90, Tybee Island, and GAS-90-2, Skidaway Island, Georgia: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 94-008, 21 p..
Herring, J.R., Popenoe, P, Manheim, F.T,, 1994, Middle-Miocene phosphate accumulation on the Georgia continental shelf - deposition mechanism and associated productivity [abs.]: Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, v. 25 no. 3.
Holbrook, W.S., Brocher, T. M., McCarthy, J, Hole, J. A., ten Brink, U S,, 1994, Crustal structure beneath the San Francisco Bay Block and central California [abs.]: Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, v. 75 no. 44-supplement.
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