Lee, Kristen M.

About the author

SVANHAB -- Habitat polygons for the nearshore Point Arguello study area, South Vandenberg Reserve

Benthic habitat polygon coverages have been created for marine reserve locations surrounding the Santa Barbara Basin. Diver, ROV and submersible video transects, bathymetry data, sedimentary samples, and sonar mapping, have been integrated to describe the geological, biological, and oceanographic aspects of habitat. The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in a cooperative project with Sea Grant-MERRP and investigators at National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), the Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary ...

BSYCHAB -- Habitat polygons for the Big Sycamore reserve area

Benthic habitat polygon coverages have been created for marine reserve locations surrounding the Santa Barbara Basin. Diver, ROV and submersible video transects, bathymetry data, sedimentary samples, and sonar mapping, have been integrated to describe the geological, biological, and oceanographic aspects of habitat. Big Sycamore reserve, is part of the Marine Ecological Reserves Research Program (MERRP). The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in a cooperative project with Sea Grant-MERRP and investigators at ...

NANAHAB -- Habitat polygons for the nearshore North Anacapa Island, Channel Islands NMS

Benthic habitat polygon coverages have been created for marine reserve locations surrounding the Santa Barbara Basin. Diver, ROV and submersible video transects, bathymetry data, sedimentary samples, and sonar mapping, have been integrated to describe the geological, biological, and oceanographic aspects of habitat. Anacapa Reserve, is part of the Marine Ecological Reserves Research Program (MERRP). The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in a cooperative project with Sea Grant-MERRP and investigators at ...

SMIGHAB -- Habitat polygons for the nearshore San Miguel Island, Channel Islands NMS

Benthic habitat polygon coverages have been created for marine reserve locations surrounding the Santa Barbara Basin. Diver, ROV and submersible video transects, bathymetry data, sedimentary samples, and sonar mapping, have been integrated to describe the geological, biological, and oceanographic aspects of habitat. The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in a cooperative project with Sea Grant-MERRP and investigators at National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), the Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary ...

BSYC1M.TIF - Big Sycamore Reserve sidescan sonar backscatter image in the Nearshore Benthic Habitat Mapping Project S. California map series. (UTM 11N, NAD83)

The sidescan sonar image of the nearshore seafloor (0 to 100 m water depths) of the Big Sycamore reserve area was mosaicked from data collected in 1998. A Klein 2000 sidescan system was used for geophysical surveying. A Triton Elics Isis brand side-scan data recording system was used on the cruise. The 1998 survey was navigated with a Leica Differential Global Positioning System (DGPS) which provided a ship position with accuracy of 1-5 m in DGPS mode. At times during the cruise differential signal was ...

NANA1M.TIF - Anacapa Island Reserve sidescan sonar backscatter image in nearshore Benthic Habitat mapping Project S. California map Series. (UTM 10N, NAD83)

The sidescan sonar image of the nearshore seafloor (0 to 100 m water depths) of the Big Sycamore reserve area was mosaicked from data collected in 1998. A Klein 2000 sidescan system was used for geophysical surveying. A Triton Elics Isis brand side-scan data recording system was used on the cruise. The 1998 survey was navigated with a Leica Differential Global Positioning System (DGPS) which provided a ship position with accuracy of 1-5 m in DGPS mode. At times during the cruise differential signal was ...

SMIG1M.TIF - Sidescan sonar image of South San Miguel Island (UTM 10N, NAD83)

The sidescan sonar image of the nearshore seafloor (0 to 100 m water depths) of the Big Sycamore reserve area was mosaicked from data collected in 1998. A Klein 2000 sidescan system was used for geophysical surveying. A Triton Elics Isis brand side-scan data recording system was used on the cruise. The 1998 survey was navigated with a Leica Differential Global Positioning System (DGPS) which provided a ship position with accuracy of 1-5 m in DGPS mode. At times during the cruise differential signal was ...

SVAN1M.TIF - Point Agruello (South Vandenberg Reserve) sidescan sonar backscatter image in the Nearshore Benthic Habitat Mapping Project S. California map series. (UTM 10N, NAD83)

The sidescan sonar image of the nearshore seafloor (0 to 100 m water depths) of the Big Sycamore reserve area was mosaicked from data collected in 1998. A Klein 2000 sidescan system was used for geophysical surveying. A Triton Elics Isis brand side-scan data recording system was used on the cruise. The 1998 survey was navigated with a Leica Differential Global Positioning System (DGPS) which provided a ship position with accuracy of 1-5 m in DGPS mode. At times during the cruise differential signal was ...
