Mecray, Ellen L.

About the author

Summary of the surficial sample locations, metal concentrations, texture analyses, and Clostridium perfringens spores from Long Island Sound

This tabular data contains a summary of the surficial sample locations, metal concentrations, Clostridium perfringens spores and information regarding sedimentary environments and sidescan sonar from Long Island Sound.

Long Island Sound metals sample distribution locations

This GIS layer contains a point overlay showing the location of surficial samples used in the analysis of metal distributions in LIS. Attribute information containing the chemical analysis values are also included in the data layer.

Summary of sample locations and mercury concentrations in samples from Long Island Sound

This tabular data contains a summary of sample locations and mercury concentrations in samples from Long Island Sound

Station, sample, video, and photo locations in the New York Bight from four U.S. Geological Survey cruises (1996-004-FA, 1998-020-FA, 1999-006-FA, 2000-013-FA) surveyed from 1996 to 2000

This data set shows the locations of stations, samples, photographs and videos collected by the U.S. Geological Survey in the New York Bight on four research cruises carried out between 1996 and 2000.
