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Access_Constraints | USGS-authored or produced data and information are in the public domain from the U.S. Government and are freely redistributable with proper metadata and source attribution. Please recognize and acknowledge the U.S. Geological Survey as the originator(s) of the dataset and in products derived from these data. Please see 'Distribution Info' for details. |
Use_Constraints | None. Users are advised to read the dataset's metadata thoroughly to understand appropriate use and data limitations. |
Data format: | Downloadable zip files, ranging in size from 19.4 MB to 153.37 MB, contain linescan TIFF (.tif) images and associated software-proprietary metadata files (.xml). Zip file names correspond to the names of each core. For example ‘’ contains a linescan TIFF image from pushcart ROV12PC02. in format TIFF Size: 1226.48 |
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