
Study of the oceans in the geologic past, including their physical, chemical, biologic, and geologic history.
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9 results listed alphabetically [list by similarity]
Descriptive core logs, high-resolution images and derived data for Holocene reef cores collected from 1976 to 2017 along the Florida Keys reef tract

The USGS core archive (Reich and others, 2009; houses an extensive collection of coral-reef cores that USGS researchers have collected from throughout the Florida Keys reef tract (FKRT). USGS scientists have compiled all available data on the 71 core records that recovered Holocene reef framework, including radiometric ages (radiocarbon and U-series), data on reef development (timing of reef initiation and senescence, reef accretion, and reef thickness) and geospatial ...

Geochemical analysis of authigenic carbonates and chemosynthetic mussels at Atlantic Margin seeps (ver. 2.0, March 2019)

Isotopic analyses of authigenic carbonates and methanotrophic deep-sea mussels, Bathymodiolus sp., was performed on samples collected from seep fields in the Baltimore and Norfolk Canyons on the north Atlantic margin. Samples were collected using remotely operated underwater vehicles (ROVs) during three different research cruises in 2012, 2013, and 2015. Analyses were performed by several different laboratories, and the results are presented in spreadsheet format.

Geochemical analysis of seeps along the Queen Charlotte Fault

Geochemical analyses of authigenic carbonates, bivalves, and pore fluids were performed on samples collected from seep fields along the Queen Charlotte Fault, a right lateral transform boundary that separates the Pacific and North American tectonic plates. Samples were collected using grab samplers and piston cores, and were collected during three different research cruises in 2011, 2015, and 2017.

Late Pleistocene coral ages and elevations from south Florida

This data release compiles Uranium-series (U-series) data and descriptive collection information (such as sample/core identifier, location, elevation, etc.) for late Pleistocene coral subsamples from coral reef cores previously collected throughout the Florida Keys (Florida) by U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) researchers. The samples were collected under scientific research permits from the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary (FKNMS) and U.S. National Park Service (NPS) and all samples are currently ...

Local radiocarbon reservoir age (Delta-R) variability from the nearshore and open-ocean environments of the Florida Keys reef tract during the Holocene and associated U-series and radiocarbon data (Marine13 Radiocarbon Calibration Curve)

Holocene-aged corals from reef cores collected throughout the Florida Keys reef tract (FKRT) were dated using a combination of U-series and radiocarbon techniques to quantify the millennial-scale variability in the local radiocarbon reservoir age (ΔR) of the shallow water environments of south Florida. ΔR provides a measure of the deviation of local radiocarbon concentrations of marine environments from the global average and can be used as a tracer of oceanic circulation and local hydrology. U.S. ...

Local radiocarbon reservoir age (ΔR) variability from the nearshore and open-ocean environments of the Florida Keys reef tract during the Holocene and associated U-series and radiocarbon data (Marine20 Radiocarbon Calibration Curve)

68 Holocene-aged corals from reef cores collected throughout the Florida Keys reef tract (FKRT) were dated using a combination of U-series and radiocarbon techniques to quantify the millennial-scale variability in the local radiocarbon reservoir age (ΔR) of the shallow water environments of south Florida. ΔR provides a measure of the deviation of local radiocarbon concentrations of marine environments from the global average and can be used as a tracer of oceanic circulation and local hydrology. U.S. ...

Radiometric ages and descriptive data for Holocene corals from southeast Florida

This data release compiles descriptive information (location, water depth, etc.) and radiometric ages from corals collected through the Southeast Florida Continental Reef Tract (SFCRT; Figure 1). The database includes data from studies published between 1977 and 2015 as well as previously unpublished data. The samples were originally collected using coral-reef coring or other geologic sampling methods. Many of the samples are presently stored in the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Core Archive at the St. ...

South Florida mangrove peat radiocarbon metadata

In 2016, U.S. Geological Survey St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (USGS SPCMSC) researchers and academic collaborators collected cores of mangrove peat from two islands in the Florida Keys: Snipe Key (24.679°N, 81.653°W) and Swan Key (25.349°N, 80.251°W). This data release contains the radiocarbon ages and associated data for peat samples analyzed throughout the two cores (SNK-16-C1 and SBC-16-C10).

Uranium-Thorium Ages for Late Holocene Corals from the Southeast Florida Nearshore Ridge Complex

This data release (Modys and others, 2023a) compiles Uranium-Thorium (U-Th) dating data for late Holocene coral samples collected from the Nearshore Ridge Complex (NRC) off Pompano Beach, Southeast Florida (SEFL). The samples were collected under Scientific Activity Licenses (SAL) from the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (SAL-18-1659A-SRP) and with permission from Broward County Environmental Protection and Growth Management.
