Geotagged images of sediment grabs collected in the vicinity of Buffalo Reef, Michigan, within Lake Superior during USGS Field Activity 2021-005-FA using the USGS MiniSEABOSS (JPEG images; GCS WGS 84)

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Originator: U.S. Geological Survey
Publication_Date: 20220609
Geotagged images of sediment grabs collected in the vicinity of Buffalo Reef, Michigan, within Lake Superior during USGS Field Activity 2021-005-FA using the USGS MiniSEABOSS (JPEG images; GCS WGS 84)
Edition: 1.0
Geospatial_Data_Presentation_Form: raster digital data
Series_Name: data release
Issue_Identification: DOI:10.5066/P9NJY125
Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center, Woods Hole, Massachusetts
U.S. Geological Survey, Coastal and Marine Hazards and Resources Program
Online_Linkage: Larger_Work_Citation:
Originator: Brian D. Andrews
Originator: Walter A. Barnhardt
Originator: Eric M. Moore
Originator: Alex R. Nichols
Originator: Seth D. Ackerman
Originator: Patrick J. Berube
Publication_Date: 2022
High-resolution geophysical and sample data collected in the vicinity of Buffalo Reef, Michigan, within Lake Superior, U.S. Geological Survey Field Activity 2021-005-FA
Edition: 1.0
Series_Name: data release
Issue_Identification: DOI:10.5066/P9NJY125
Publication_Place: Reston, VA
Publisher: U.S. Geological Survey
Suggested citation: Andrews, B.D., Barnhardt, W.A., Moore, E.M., Nichols, A.R., Ackerman, S.D., and Berube, P.J. 2022, High-resolution geophysical and sample data collected in the vicinity of Buffalo Reef, Michigan, within Lake Superior, U.S. Geological Survey Field Activity 2021-005-FA: U.S. Geological Survey data release,
In August 2021, the U.S. Geological Survey, in collaboration with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, collected high-resolution geophysical data, sediment samples, and bottom imagery to determine the distribution of historical mine tailings on the floor of Lake Superior. Large amounts of waste material from copper mining, locally known as “stamp sands,” were dumped into the lake in the early 20th century, with wide-reaching consequences that have continued into the present. Mapping was focused offshore of the town of Gay on the Keweenaw Peninsula of Michigan, where ongoing erosion and re-deposition of the stamp sands has buried miles of native, white-sand beaches. Stamp sands are also encroaching onto Buffalo Reef, a large area of cobble/boulder substrate that supports productive fisheries in the lake.
The objectives of this cooperative mapping project are to develop a framework for scientific research and provide baseline information required for management of resources within the coastal zone of northern Michigan. High-resolution bathymetry and backscatter data reveal the irregular topography of the shallow, cobble-covered Buffalo Reef and the relatively smooth surface of finer-grained sediment that covers adjacent, deeper parts of the lake floor. Previous research used numerous sediment samples to determine the general distribution of mine tailings on the lake floor in this area, but little information exists on the extent and thickness of the surficial deposits. The main priority of this project is to image the near-surface stratigraphy, specifically the thickness of surficial sand and mud that threaten to cover the reef, with seismic-reflection profiling systems. In addition to continuous coverage of bathymetric and backscatter data, this project collected a dense grid of closely spaced seismic profiles in 2018, which will guide efforts to mitigate the environmental impacts of the shifting stamp sands.
This 2021 (2021-005-FA) survey is the second survey conducted by the Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center (WHCMSC) in Grand Traverse Bay, Houghton County MI. The first survey conducted in September 2018 (2018-043-FA) was a regional geologic framework study that covered a large area (30 sq km) and lower resolution (2-m) and included both single-channel, and swept frequency (chirp) subbottom seismic profiles. Data from this survey were published in Andrews and other (2020), see cross-reference section below for details. The data from the 2018 survey was used to plan the higher resolution (less than 1-m) 2021 survey that covered a smaller area (14 sq km) focused on Buffalo Reef and included 410 bottom photographs, and 60 sediment samples collected using the MiniSEABOSS.
This dataset provides the geotagged images of sediment grabs collected within the Van Veen sampler on the Mini SEABed Observation and Sampling System (MiniSEABOSS) aboard R/V Rafael during USGS field activity 2021-005-FA (August 2021). These data were collected to characterize the lakebed by identifying sediment texture and to ground-truth acoustic data collected during the same USGS field activity. These images are taken with a Nikon D7100 digital camera immediately upon recovery of the sampler after each deployment. These images are used to visually classify grain size and sediment color.
Data were collected using the R/V Rafael, owned, and operated by the USGS Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center. Additional information on the field activity is available from
Field Activity 2021-005-FA was conducted in coordination with the USGS Great Lakes Science Center (GLSC), while they were surveying the inshore (shallow) portions of the study area concurrently. Multibeam depth and backscatter data collected by GLSC at the same time are published in Pecoraro and others 2022 (see cross reference below).
Beginning_Date: 20210813
Ending_Date: 20210815
data were collected on the following dates: 20210813-20210815 (Julian day 225-227).
Progress: Complete
Maintenance_and_Update_Frequency: None planned
West_Bounding_Coordinate: -88.2354649
East_Bounding_Coordinate: -88.1709371
North_Bounding_Coordinate: 47.209077
South_Bounding_Coordinate: 47.169313
Theme_Keyword_Thesaurus: None
Theme_Keyword: U.S. Geological Survey
Theme_Keyword: USGS
Theme_Keyword: Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center
Theme_Keyword: WHCMSC
Theme_Keyword: Coastal and Marine Hazards and Resources Program
Theme_Keyword: CMHRP
Theme_Keyword: Great Lakes Science Center
Theme_Keyword: GLSC
Theme_Keyword: Department of the Interior
Theme_Keyword: DOI
Theme_Keyword: field activity number 2021-005-FA
Theme_Keyword: R/V Rafael
Theme_Keyword: shapefile
Theme_Keyword: sediments
Theme_Keyword: MiniSEABOSS
Theme_Keyword: SEABOSS
Theme_Keyword: SEABed Observation and Sampling System
Theme_Keyword: ground-truth
Theme_Keyword: sample photographs
Theme_Keyword: lakebed photographs
Theme_Keyword: photos
Theme_Keyword: sample images
Theme_Keyword: lakebed images
Theme_Keyword: images
Theme_Keyword: CSV
Theme_Keyword: JPG
Theme_Keyword: JPEG
Theme_Keyword: Lacustrine Geology
Theme_Keyword_Thesaurus: ISO 19115 Topic Category
Theme_Keyword: geoscientificInformation
Theme_Keyword: imageryBaseMapsEarthCover
Theme_Keyword: elevation
Theme_Keyword: inlandWaters
Theme_Keyword_Thesaurus: USGS Thesaurus
Theme_Keyword: lakebed characteristics
Theme_Keyword: underwater photography
Theme_Keyword: image collections
Theme_Keyword: photography
Theme_Keyword: geospatial datasets
Theme_Keyword_Thesaurus: USGS Metadata Identifier
Theme_Keyword: USGS:623c924dd34e915b67d395eb
Place_Keyword_Thesaurus: None
Place_Keyword: United States of America
Place_Keyword: Michigan
Place_Keyword: Keweenaw Peninsula
Place_Keyword: Keweenaw County
Place_Keyword: Houghton County
Place_Keyword: Lake Superior
Place_Keyword: Buffalo Reef
Place_Keyword: Grand Traverse Bay
Stratum_Keyword_Thesaurus: None
Stratum_Keyword: lake floor
Stratum_Keyword: lakefloor
Temporal_Keyword_Thesaurus: none
Temporal_Keyword: 2021
Access_Constraints: none
Public domain data from the U.S. Government are freely re-distributable with proper metadata and source attribution. Please recognize the U.S. Geological Survey as the originator of the dataset. These data are not to be used for navigation.
Contact_Person: Seth Ackerman
Contact_Organization: U.S. Geological Survey
Contact_Position: Geologist
Address_Type: mailing and physical
Address: 384 Woods Hole Road.
City: Woods Hole
State_or_Province: Massachusetts
Postal_Code: 02543-1598
Country: USA
Contact_Voice_Telephone: 508-548-8700 x2315
Contact_Facsimile_Telephone: 508-457-2310
Browse_Graphic_File_Name: Browse_Graphic_File_Description:
Browse graphic of sediment sample photographs collected within Grand Traverse Bay, Lake Superior, Michigan.
Browse_Graphic_File_Type: JPEG
Originator: Brian D. Andrews
Originator: Walter A. Barnhardt
Originator: David S. Foster
Originator: Barry J. Irwin
Originator: Alex R. Nichols
Publication_Date: 2020
High-resolution geophysical data collected in the vicinity of Buffalo Reef, Michigan, within Lake Superior, U.S. Geological Survey Field Activity 2018-043-FA
Edition: 1.0
Series_Name: data release
Issue_Identification: DOI:10.5066/P9K4HX8V
Publication_Place: Reston, VA
Publisher: U.S. Geological Survey
Originator: Samuel D. Pecoraro
Originator: Anthony J. Arnold
Originator: Peter C. Esselman
Originator: Chris Wright
Publication_Date: 2022
High-resolution bathymetry and backscatter data from the Stamp Sands of Lake Superior collected using a Norbit iWBMSh multibeam echosounder during 2021
Edition: 1.0
Series_Name: data release
Issue_Identification: DOI:10.5066/P9LY9F09
Publication_Place: Reston, VA
Publisher: U.S. Geological Survey
Sediment sample images were acquired with a Nikon D7100 digital camera on the R/V Rafael upon recovery of the MiniSEABOSS sampler after each deployment. Gaps in sequential photo numbers exist. Photos were renamed in post-processing. The photos were geotagged with the location that the sediment sample was taken. Locations are not where the topside photo was taken.
This dataset includes geotagged images in JPEG format of the sediment sample prior to subsampling and bagging. Sampling site where no sediment grab was successfully collected have no topside sediment sample photo. Sites where only a little sediment was collected or where a cobble or rock was stuck in the jaw of the sampler, may have a photograph included in this dataset. A total of 61 photos from 94 sampling sites are included in this dataset.
Navigation data were acquired using the WGS 84 coordinate system with a Hemisphere R131 DGPS receiver. DGPS positions were obtained from an antenna on the aft port side of the cabin of the R/V Rafael. DGPS positions are horizontally accurate to 0.5 - 2 meters. The horizontal offset between the antenna location and the SEABOSS deployment location (approximately 2-meter) is not accounted for.
A geophysical and geological sampling survey (field activity 2021-005-FA) was conducted in Lake Superior, Michigan, in August 2021. The R/V Rafael occupied preselected target sites, and the MiniSEABOSS was deployed off the vessel's port side from a davit just aft of the cabin. The MiniSEABOSS was equipped with a modified Van Veen grab sampler, Canon PowerShot G12 digital still camera, an independent strobe, an oblique downward-looking monochrome video camera with a topside feed and a dive light to illuminate the lakebed for photograph collection. The elements of this particular MiniSEABOSS were held within a stainless-steel frame that measured ~1 x 1 meter. The frame had a stabilizer fin that oriented the system as it drifted over the lakebed. Two red lasers were set 20 centimeters apart (both as they were mounted on the MiniSEABOSS frame and as seen in photographs and video on the lake) for scale measurements. The red laser dots can usually be seen in the lakebed photos depending on the bottom type and distance to the bottom. The winch operator lowered the MiniSEABOSS until the lakebed was observed in the topside live video feed. Generally, the vessel and MiniSEABOSS drifted with wind and current for up to a few minutes to ensure a decent photo with a clear view of the lakebed was acquired. The Canon camera was triggered manually by an operator watching the video stream. The photographed area is usually 0.5 to 1.25 meters (across) from left to right. Bottom video used to guide the photo-taking and avoid obstacles was not recorded. Fourteen sites did not have any usable photographs. After photographs were taken, the winch operator lowered the Van Veen grab sampler until it rested on the bottom. When the system was raised, the Van Veen grab sampler closed and collected a sample as it was lifted off the lakebed. The sampler was recovered to the deck of the survey vessel where a photograph of the undisturbed sample in the Van Veen grab sampler was taken before it was subsampled and bagged for further sediment analyses. During the survey, DGPS navigation from a Hemisphere R131 DGPS receiver was logged through a serial connection to a computer running the Global Mapper software package to visualize and record the vessel's spatial location throughout the sampling survey. The DGPS was set to receive fixes at a 1-second interval in geographic coordinates (WGS 84). Dates and times were recorded in UTC. Log files were saved for each survey in NMEA text format.
Process_Date: 20210815
Source_Produced_Citation_Abbreviation: Original JPEG photographs
Source_Produced_Citation_Abbreviation: Raw navigation data
Contact_Person: Seth Ackerman
Contact_Organization: U.S. Geological Survey
Contact_Position: Geologist
Address_Type: mailing and physical address
Address: 384 Woods Hole Rd.
City: Woods Hole
State_or_Province: MA
Postal_Code: 02543-1598
Country: USA
Contact_Voice_Telephone: 508-548-8700 x2315
Contact_Facsimile_Telephone: 508-457-2310
The sample photos were culled to include just one of each topside sample image. The photos were manually renamed by pre-pending the name sampling site on the sequential camera-named photos (e.g. the photo from sampling site 2021-005-002 became 2021-005-002_DSB_8189.JPG; where 2021-005 is part of the field activity number, 002 is the sequential sampling site number, and DSB_8189.JPG is the original Nikon filename of the photo).
Source_Used_Citation_Abbreviation: Original JPEG photographs
Process_Date: 202203
Source_Produced_Citation_Abbreviation: Selected renamed JPEG photographs
The JPEG images do not represent spatial data; however, they were geotagged by linking the image to the sediment analyses spreadsheet which included the position information for each sediment sample. Geotagging these photos provides the spatial location where the sediment sample was collecting and embeds that information into the header of each JPEG image. The photos were geotagged by preparing a csv text file with the following columns of data for each image:
Then exiftool (version 12.30) was used to geotag the images: exiftool -csv=photosampleinfo.csv .
Source_Used_Citation_Abbreviation: Selected renamed JPEG photographs
Process_Date: 202203
Source_Produced_Citation_Abbreviation: Geotagged JPEG photographs
Step 4: Incorporated survey information into the photos' header metadata.
Additional survey information was incorporated into the metadata embedded in the header of each JPEG image. Images may have different metadata formats embedded in their headers, and the commands below incorporated survey information into the following three image metadata formats: Exchangeable image file format (Exif), International Press Telecommunications Council (IPTC), and Extensible Metadata Platform (XMP). The second command below duplicates values from Exif and IPTC metadata tags to XMP tags because various software packages read different tags. Please note that only a subset of these tags may be accessed depending on the software used to view the image metadata.
Command to incorporate survey information into the metadata embedded in the header of each JPEG image using ExifTool (version 12.30):
exiftool -IPTC:Credit="U.S. Geological Survey" -IPTC:Contact="" -EXIF:Copyright="Public Domain" -XMP:UsageTerms="Unless otherwise stated, all data, metadata and related materials are considered to satisfy the quality standards relative to the purpose for which the data were collected. Although these data and associated metadata have been reviewed for accuracy and completeness and approved for release by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), no warranty expressed or implied is made regarding the display or utility of the data for other purposes, nor on all computer systems, nor shall the act of distribution constitute any such warranty." -EXIF:ImageDescription=";Photograph of the USGS MiniSEABOSS VanVeen grab sampler upon recovery during field activity 2021-005-FA; Lake Superior; Keweenaw Peninsula, Michigan" -XMP:AttributionURL="" -EXIF:GPSAreaInformation="position post-processed from when the sample was collected as determined by a nearby GPS; this is not necessarilyarily the location that the photo was taken" -EXIF:GPSMapDatum="EPSG:4326 (WGS 84)" -overwrite_original -P *.JPG
Command to duplicate metadata from the Exif and IPTC formats to XMP using ExifTool:
exiftool -P -m "-XMP-photoshop:Credit<IPTC:Credit" "-XMP-iptcCore:CreatorWorkEmail<IPTC:Contact" "-XMP-dc:Rights<EXIF:Copyright" "-XMP-dc:Description<EXIF:ImageDescription" "-XMP-exif:all<GPS:all" "-XMP-exif:GPSLatitude<Composite:GPSLatitude" "-XMP-exif:GPSLongitude<Composite:GPSLongitude" "-XMP-exif:GPSDateTime<Composite:GPSDateTime" "-XMP-photoshop:DateCreated<EXIF:DateTimeOriginal" "-XMP-xmp:ModifyDate<EXIF:ModifyDate" "-XMP-dc:Creator<EXIF:Artist" "-XMP-tiff:Make<EXIF:Make" "-XMP-tiff:Model<EXIF:Model" -overwrite_original *.JPG
The following metadata tags were populated in the JPEG image header using the above ExifTool commands:
Exif tags and the information used to populate these tags:
Artist: Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center (WHCMSC) Sea Floor Mapping Group (SFMG) Copyright: Public Domain GPSAreaInformation: position post-processed from when the sample was collected as determined by a nearby GPS; this is not necessarily the location that the photo was taken GPSMapDatum: EPSG:4326 (WGS 84) ImageDescription:;Photograph of the USGS MiniSEABOSS VanVeen grab sampler upon recovery during field activity 2021-005-FA; Lake Superior; Keweenaw Peninsula, Michigan
IPTC tags and the information used to populate these tags:
Contact: Credit: U.S. Geological Survey
XMP tags and the information used to populate these tags:
AttributionURL: Creator: duplicated from Exif Artist CreatorWorkEmail: duplicated from IPTC Contact Credit: duplicated from IPTC Credit DateCreated: duplicated from Exif DateTimeOriginal Description: duplicated from Exif ImageDescription GPSAreaInformation: duplicated from Exif GPSAreaInformation by copying all the Exif GPS tags to the same-named tags in XMP (-XMP-exif:all<GPS:all) GPSDateTime: duplicated using the composite of Exif GPSDateStamp and Exif GPSTimeStamp GPSLatitude: duplicated using the composite of Exif GPSLatitude and Exif GPSLatitudeRef GPSLongitude: duplicated using the composite of Exif GPSLongitude and Exif GPSLongitudeRef GPSMapDatum: duplicated from Exif GPSMapDatum by copying all the Exif GPS tags to the same-named tags in XMP (-XMP-exif:all<GPS:all) Make: duplicated from Exif Make Model: duplicated from Exif Model ModifyDate: duplicated from Exif ModifyDate PreservedFileName: original image file name, which is unique for each image Rights: duplicated from Exif Copyright UsageTerms: Unless otherwise stated, all data, metadata and related materials are considered to satisfy the quality standards relative to the purpose for which the data were collected. Although these data and associated metadata have been reviewed for accuracy and completeness and approved for release by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), no warranty expressed or implied is made regarding the display or utility of the data for other purposes, nor on all computer systems, nor shall the act of distribution constitute any such warranty.
To extract the geotagging and survey information (except for the duplicated tags) from the image metadata using ExifTool, the following command can be used (tested with ExifTool version 12.30):
exiftool -csv -filename -EXIF:GPSTimeStamp -EXIF:GPSDateStamp -GPSLatitude -GPSLongitude -n -IPTC:Credit -IPTC:Contact -EXIF:Copyright -XMP:UsageTerms -EXIF:ImageDescription -XMP:AttributionURL -EXIF:GPSAreaInformation -EXIF:GPSMapDatum -EXIF:Artist *.JPG > out.csv
The "-csv" option writes the information to a CSV file. The "-n" option formats the latitude and longitude as signed decimal degrees. Please note that the above command was tested on macOS; Windows users may need to use "exiftool.exe" instead of "exiftool."
Source_Used_Citation_Abbreviation: JPEG
Process_Date: 202203
Source_Produced_Citation_Abbreviation: Geotagged JPEG photographs with updated metadata tags
Latitude_Resolution: 0.000001
Longitude_Resolution: 0.000001
Geographic_Coordinate_Units: Decimal degrees
Horizontal_Datum_Name: D_WGS_1984
Ellipsoid_Name: WGS_1984
Semi-major_Axis: 6378137.000000
Denominator_of_Flattening_Ratio: 298.257224
Entity_Type_Label: 2021005FA_SEABOSS_samplepics
JPEG-format images collected of the sediment sample in the sampler upon recovery of the MiniSEABOSS after each deployment in Lake Superior, Michigan, in August 2021 during USGS field activity 2021-005-FA (61 JPEG-formatted images).
Entity_Type_Definition_Source: U.S. Geological Survey
This dataset contains 61 geotagged JPEG images of the sediment samples in the USGS MiniSEABOSS, in August 2021 during USGS field activity 2021-005-FA. Survey information was also incorporated into the metadata embedded in the header of each JPEG image. Locations can be extracted from the set of photos using the code mentioned above at the end of Process Step 4.
Entity_and_Attribute_Detail_Citation: U.S. Geological Survey
Contact_Organization: U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase
Address_Type: mailing and physical address
Address: Denver Federal Center
Address: Building 810
Address: Mail Stop 302
City: Denver
State_or_Province: CO
Postal_Code: 80225
Contact_Voice_Telephone: 1-888-275-8747
Geotagged images of sediment grabs within the Van Veen sampler on the Mini SEABed Observation and Sampling System (MiniSEABOSS) aboard the Research Vessel (R/V) Rafael during USGS field activity 2021-005-FA (August 2021). Photos were taken with a Nikon D7100 digital camera. A browse graphic of with an example image (2021005FA_SEABOSS_samplepics_browse.jpg) and a Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC) Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata (CSDGM) metadata file in XML format is included (2021005FA_SEABOSS_bottomphotos_meta.xml).
Neither the U.S. Government, the Department of the Interior, nor the USGS, nor any of their employees, contractors, or subcontractors, make any warranty, express or implied, nor assume any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed, nor represent that its use would not infringe on privately owned rights. The act of distribution shall not constitute any such warranty, and no responsibility is assumed by the USGS in the use of these data or related materials. Although these data and associated metadata have been reviewed for accuracy and completeness and approved for release by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), and have been processed successfully on a computer system at the USGS, no warranty expressed or implied is made regarding the display or utility of the data for other purposes, nor on all computer systems, nor shall the act of distribution constitute any such warranty. The USGS or the U.S. Government shall not be held liable for improper or incorrect use of the data described and/or contained herein. Any use of trade, firm, or product names is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.
Format_Name: JPEG
Format_Version_Number: JPEG no version
Format_Specification: JPEG
This dataset contains 61 JPEG images collected by the U.S. Geological Survey - Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center in Lake Superior and the associated metadata.
File_Decompression_Technique: Use WinZip, 7zip, Peazip or pkUnzip
Transfer_Size: 635
Computer_Contact_Information: Access_Instructions:
The first link is to the page containing the data, the second link downloads all data available from the page as a zip file, and the third link is to the publication landing page.
Fees: none
To utilize these data, the user must have software capable of viewing a JPEG image.
Metadata_Date: 20240319
Contact_Person: Seth Ackerman
Contact_Organization: U.S. Geological Survey
Contact_Position: Geologist
Address_Type: mailing and physical address
Address: 384 Woods Hole Rd.
City: Woods Hole
State_or_Province: MA
Postal_Code: 02543-1598
Country: USA
Contact_Voice_Telephone: 508-548-8700 x2315
Contact_Facsimile_Telephone: 508-457-2310
The metadata contact email address is a generic address in the event the person is no longer with USGS. (updated on 20240319)
Metadata_Standard_Name: FGDC Content Standards for Digital Geospatial Metadata
Metadata_Standard_Version: FGDC-STD-001-1998
Metadata_Time_Convention: local time

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