Well Logger Deployments: All well loggers for this data release were In-Situ, model type Aqua TROLL 200 (30 psi maximum pressure; "a" indicates an absolute pressure sensor that is not vented to the atmosphere). The manufacturer's accuracy specification for this sensor is +/- 0.05 percent full-scale from -5 to 50 degrees Celsius, long-term stability is less than 0.1 percent full-scale; the manufacturer's specification for resolution is 0.005 percent full-scale or better. For specific logger serial numbers used at each site, refer to the file HR_WellSensorDeploymentHeights_2020_2021.csv included with this data release.
Well data loggers were initially deployed at two sites in September 2015; in subsequent years, additional sites, wells, and sensors were added to the study and this data was released in O'Keefe Suttles and others 2020 (previously cross referenced in this metadata record). The present data release begins with data logged between 1/8/2020 and November 2021. Data loggers were periodically downloaded in the field using instrument manufacturers' software (WinSitu); data were inspected for general accuracy. Further data processing and calculation steps are described in the next process steps. Dates of site visits are listed as follows,
Typha: 1/8/2020, 5/4/2020, 5/15/2020, 9/23/2020, 12/07/2020, 12/11/2020, 4/15/2021, 5/07/2021, 9/17,2021.
Dry Forest: 1/8/2020, 7/16/2020, 9/23/2020, 12/07/2020, 12/11/2020, 4/15/2021, 5/07/2021, 11/02/2021.
Wet Shrub: 1/8/2020, 7/16/2020, 9/23/2020, 12/07/2020, 12/11/2020, 4/15/2021, 5/07/2021, 11/02/2021.
Phragmites Shallow: 1/8/2020, 4/29/2020, 5/21/2020, 6/18/2020.
Phragmites_Restricted_LowSal: 6/18/2020, 7/16/2020, 7/28/2020, 8/12/2020, 8/25/2020, 9/23/2020, 10/19/2020, 11/20/2020, 12/07/2020, 12/11/2020, 4/14/2021, 5/07/2021, 7/13/2021, 8/12/2021, 9/17/2021, 11/17/2021.
Phragmities_Restricted_HighSal: 6/18/2020, 7/16/2020, 7/28/2020, 8/12/2020, 8/25/2020, 9/23/2020, 10/19/2020, 11/20/2020, 12/07/2020, 12/11/2020, 4/14/2021, 5/07/2021, 7/13/2021, 8/12/2021, 9/17/2021, 11/17/2021.
The process date represents the most recent end date for this process step.
Process_Date: 2021