1. SIOSEIS (version 2013.1.1) was used to read SEG-Y files, renumber shots starting from one, extract the envelope-detected trace, and write out new SEG-Y files. The original shot numbers, which were assigned by SonarWiz sequentially over the duration of an acquisition session despite SEG-Y file changes, are preserved in the raw SEG-Y data.
2. The SIOSEIS script Sio_medianstk applied a two-trace median stack (trim 50 percent of the values furthest from the median amplitude) to improve subsequent water bottom picking.
3. The SIOSEIS script siothresh_pltwbt was used to pick the water-bottom time from the median stacked SEG-Y files, apply a swell filter to smooth water-bottom time picks and shift the trace data by the difference between the smoothed and unsmoothed water bottom time before writing the shifted trace data to a new SEG-Y file.
4. The Seismic Unix script Plot512i_s creates a swell-filtered PNG image of the seismic profile using supsimage and ImageMagick (version 6.6.1). The resultant images are 29 inches high and contain an 80 millisecond (two-way travel time) window of data. Images show two-way travel time (seconds) along the y-axis (left margin) and distance along profile (in 500 shot intervals, corresponding to the point features in the shapefile 2014-009-FA_512i_500sht.shp) on the x-axis (along top of profile).