Woods Hole Science Center
Time-series Photographs of the Sea Floor in Western Massachusetts Bay, Version 2, 1989 - 1996
Digitizing the Films
Each photograph on the 35-mm film was digitized as an image in .tif format at a resolution of 1920 by 1080 pixels at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) using a special film transport mechanism and aligned using Combustion 4.0 (http://dv411.com/combustion4.html) and Shake 5.0 (http://www.apple.com/shake/) software. The photographs were reduced to 600 by 337 pixels using PolyView (www.polybytes.com) and compressed to 256-color .png images using IrfanView (http://www.irfanview.com), reducing the photograph size by about a factor of 6. This photograph size and compression provide reasonable resolution and manageable size for publication. The full resolution digital photographs and the original 35-mm films are archived at the USGS Woods Hole Science Center.
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