Oceanographic Data
The time-series data of current, temperature, light transmission, beam attenuation, and pressure shown in the time-lapse movie of the photographs obtained at LT-A are available in Butman and others (2004d). The data also can be obtained from the U.S. Geological Survey oceanographic time-series database at http://stellwagen.er.usgs.gov/mbay_lt.html. The data are archived by mooring number.
MATLAB Routines
MATLAB software (www.mathworks.com) was used to make the data plots and the .avi movie, the Excel table of frame date and time, and the thumbnail Web pages. M-files may be opened either within a text viewer or within the MATLAB editor. To download the m-files, right click on the links below.
create_movie (makes .avi movie)
create_table (makes the .xls table of frame date and time)
create_thumbnail_page (makes the thumbnail pages)
William Strahle, Marinna Martini, and Jon Borden prepared the cameras and instruments for deployment and deployed and recovered them at sea. Frances Lightsom, Mary Hastings, and Ellyn Montgomery processed the time-series data. Maryann Morin digitized and aligned the photographs. Richard Signell suggested the movie and photograph compression schemes. We thank the officers and crew of the USCG Cutter White Heath and USCG Cutter Marcus Hanna for deployment and recovery of instruments at sea. We thank Barbara Hecker, Kenneth Keay, and Page Valentine for assistance with the animal identifications. Ellyn Montgomery and Page Valentine provided helpful reviews. This work was supported by the U.S. Geological Survey Coastal and Marine Geology Program and by the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority. Donna Newman prepared this document in HTML.