Warner, John C.

About the author

South Carolina Coastal Erosion Study Data Report for Observations : October 2003 - April 2004

Oceanographic observations have been made at nine locations in Long Bay, South Carolina from October 2003 through April 2004. These sites are centered around a shore-oblique sand feature that is approximately 10 km long, 2 km wide, and in excess of 3 m thick. The observations were collected through a collaborative effort with the U.S. Geological Survey, the University of South Carolina, and Georgia Institute of Technology Savannah Campus as part of a larger study to understand the physical processes that ...

Oceanographic Observations made near Diamond Shoals, North Carolina, as part of the Carolinas Coastal Change Processes Project; January-May 2009

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Coastal and Marine Geology Program in Woods Hole, Massachusetts, is leading an effort to understand the regional sediment dynamics along the coastline of North and South Carolina. As part of the mulit-disciplinary Carolinas Coastal Change Processes Project, we are examining the interactions between oceanographic forcing, geologic conditions, and the resulting changes to topography in the inner shelf, nearshore, and subaerial beach regions. This dataset presents data from an ...

Grain-Size Analysis Data from Sediment Samples in Support of Oceanographic and Water-Quality Measurements in the Nearshore Zone of Matanzas Inlet, Florida, 2018

The interactions of waves and currents near an inlet influence sediment and alter sea-floor bedforms, especially during winter storms. As part of the Cross-Shore and Inlets Processes project to improve our understanding of cross-shore processes that control sediment budgets, the U.S. Geological Survey deployed instrumented platforms at two sites near Matanzas Inlet between January 24 and April 13, 2018. Matanzas Inlet is a natural, unmaintained inlet on the Florida Atlantic coast that is well suited for ...

Grain-size analysis data from sediment samples in support of oceanographic and water-quality measurements in the nearshore zone of Sandy Neck Beach, Cape Cod Bay, Massachusetts, collected in March and April, 2021

The U.S. Geological Survey Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center collected data to assess cross-shore sediment transport prediction techniques in coastal models for a wave-dominated sandy coast. A quadpod was deployed on the seafloor in the nearshore zone of Sandy Neck Beach, Cape Cod Bay, MA in March 2021 to analyze water velocities near the seabed and the response of the seabed to these forces. The quadpod was mounted with upward- and downward-looking Nortek Signatures to measure velocity ...
