Magnetic data were postprocessed following the methodology:
1)Initial Processing in MagMap2000
-Download base files from INTERMAGNET observatory (
-Despike base files and visually inspect for dropouts
-Apply bias to DIURNAL (base) readings for GMT to local PDT + longitude diff. from base to survey = -7hrs + 0.15hrs =-24,660sec **NOTE: 0.0666667hr/deg longitude correction
-Import .survey files, despike
-Export files as Geosoft .xyz
2)Import to Oasis
3)Calculated IGRF for G882 data = IGRF_G882
4)Back calculated Base Magnetometer measurements
G882-DIURNAL_1 = FRN_base
5)Calculated IGRF value at base station FRN = 42130.4nT
6)Calculated Total Field (Residual) Anomaly (Resid_anom) using the following equation:
A(x) = [F(x,t) - I(x)] - [FB(t) - IB]
A(x)is total field anomaly at position x
F(x,t) is the G882 reading at time t and position x
I(x) is IGRF/DGRF at the G882
FB(t) is the base station reading at time t
IB is the IGRF/DGRF at the base station
To produce a georeferenced tiff file, data were gridded with ArcMap at 200m using minimum curvature. Colors are plotted using histogram equalize (not linear), to highlight subtle anomaly gradients. Projection is UTM z10N, wgs84.