Energy Resources

Natural features that provide a capacity to do work through combustion, movement, radiation, or heat; these resources include oil, natural gas, coal, wind, sun, currents, tides, and natural heat gradients. Distributions are recorded observations, maps, or models of specified resources at known locations, in some cases as a function of season or other temporal scales. Assessments are evaluations of the economic or ecological value associated with the resources or of the difficulty, environmental effects, or sustainability of energy extraction and production. Some assessments can appropriately be included in the Energy Resources category and also in related Living Resources or Uses categories. Predictions are the results of models or projections of future distributions, values, or impacts of energy resources; these data include forecasts of changes due to natural and human processes, such as resource losses or gains under different rates of resource extraction, effects of climate change, and so on.
Ocean Currents (2 items)
Tides (3 items)
Wind (3 items)

5 results listed by similarity [list alphabetically]
Geochemical analysis of authigenic carbonates and chemosynthetic mussels at Atlantic Margin seeps (ver. 2.0, March 2019)

Isotopic analyses of authigenic carbonates and methanotrophic deep-sea mussels, Bathymodiolus sp., was performed on samples collected from seep fields in the Baltimore and Norfolk Canyons on the north Atlantic margin. Samples were collected using remotely operated underwater vehicles (ROVs) during three different research cruises in 2012, 2013, and 2015. Analyses were performed by several different laboratories, and the results are presented in spreadsheet format.

Hydrodynamic modeling of the mouth of the Columbia River, Oregon and Washington, 2013

A process-based numerical model of the mouth of the Columbia River (MCR) and estuary, Oregon and Washington, was applied to simulate hydrodynamic conditions for the time period of the Office of Naval Research-funded River and Inlets Dynamics (RIVET II) field experiment conducted between May 9 and June 15, 2013. The model application was constructed using Delft3D, an open-source software package used to solve the unsteady shallow water equations to simulate water motion due to tides, waves, wind, and ...

Wave and wind projections along United States coasts

Coastal managers and ocean engineers rely heavily on projected average and extreme wave conditions for planning and design purposes, but when working on a local or regional scale, are faced with much uncertainty as changes in the global climate impart spatially varying trends. Future storm conditions are likely to evolve in a fashion that is unlike past conditions and is ultimately dependent on the complicated interaction between the Earth’s atmosphere and ocean systems. Despite a lack of available data ...

CoSMoS 3.2 Northern California sub-regional tier 2 FLOW-WAVE model input files

This data set consists of physics-based Delft3D-FLOW and WAVE hydrodynamic model input files used for Coastal Storm Modeling System (CoSMoS) sub-regional tier 2 simulations. Sub-regional tier 2 simulations cover portions of the Northern California open-coast region, from Point Arena to the California/Oregon state border, and they provide boundary conditions to higher-resolution simulations. Simulations are run for several storm events (covering a range of no storm, 1-year, 20-year, and 100-year coastal ...

CoSMoS 3.2 Northern California Tier 1 FLOW-WAVE model input files

This data set consists of physics-based Delft3D-FLOW and WAVE hydrodynamic model input files used for Coastal Storm Modeling System (CoSMoS) Tier 1 simulations. Tier 1 simulations cover the Northern California open-coast region, from the Golden Gate Bridge to the California/Oregon state border, and they provide boundary conditions to higher-resolution simulations. Simulations are run for several storm events (covering a range of no storm, 1-year, 20-year, and 100-year coastal storm conditions) and sea-level ...
