USGS Coastal and Marine Hazards and Resources Program
GIS Data DescriptionThis DVD-ROM contains an Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI) Geographic Information System (GIS) project file. The file, prt2002.apr, is located at the top-level directory of the DVD-ROM. Puerto Rico Trench data include TIFF images with associated world files (tfw) projection files (prj), research area trackline data, CTD/ XBT data, and sound velocity profiles. It also contains several data layers (or themes) to allow for scenario creation and emulation using relative data, that is, place and location model objects of the Puerto Rico Trench and vicinity. Most data layers are provided in geographic coordinates (decimal degrees) to allow the data to be integrated into most GIS systems. The imagery was collected and processed in UTM coordinates (UTM, WGS84 datum, Zone 19) and is available in both UTM projection and decimal degrees (unprojected). Each GIS data layer from this publication is cataloged for easy access. The individual data layers are available with Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC) metadata and as downloadable archive 'zip' files. The metadata for the individual data layers are provided in three versions (HTML, FAQ, text). Selecting associated metadata files from the table will open the information in a new browser window. A 'zip' compressed, downloadable archive file containing the ArcView shapefile and its components for each data layer is also provided. Compressed downloadable files were created using the Windows program WINZIP v8.0. For users who do not have software capable of uncompressing the archived zip files, a free version of the software is available from Winzip Computing, Inc. or Pkware, Inc. In addition to the ESRI shapefile, the CTD/XBT and navigation position data layers are available in ASCII text format and Microsoft Excel spreadsheet formats to allow users who may not have access to GIS software to read the data layer tabular information in an alternate format. The first record of the ASCII file and Excel spreadsheet contains the name of the data fields for that file. If the user does not have access to ArcView 3.2 or higher, ESRI's free viewer, ArcExplorer, may be used. See the ESRI Website for a detailed description of this product and download instructions. Note: ESRI supports Microsoft Windows/XP and UNIX systems. ESRI's, ArcExplorer—Java Edition is provided for support of the Macintosh OS X platform in addition to Windows.. The ESRI Project File:
Views: The 'Puerto Rico Trench' View within prt2002.apr is unprojected. All raster image data are also available projected in UTM, WGS84 datum, Zone 19. All point and vector data are stored in decimal degrees.