USGS - science for a changing world

USGS Coastal and Marine Hazards and Resources Program

Project PROBE Leg I - Report and Archive of Multibeam Bathymetry and Acoustic Backscatter, CTD/XBT and GPS Navigation Data Collected, Puerto Rico Trench 24-30 September 2002
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Cruise Data GIS Data

3D Visualization





Cruise Data

Directory Structure

The contents of this DVD-ROM are as follows:

Top level Directory:

  • index.htm - This file is the designated starting point for DVD-ROM access. It is written for reading with a WWW browser and has links to the DVd's contents.
  • prt2002.apr - This file is an Arcview 3.x project file that when opened with Arcview will display trench imagery with other supporting data (provided on this DVD) for use in a GIS.
  • ofr2005_1066_metadata - This file is an FGDC compatible metadata file describing the specifics about this publications collected and other relevant data.
  • readme.txt - ASCII text file containing a description of this DVD-ROM. This file may be viewed or printed with any system program capable of opening an ASCII text file.


  • data - contains the cruise data files and directories
    1. bathymetry
      - bathy_1000m - 1000 meter isobaths derived from the NOAA/NGDC ETOPO2 grid
      - bathy_500m - 500 meter isobaths derived from the NOAA/NGDC ETOPO2 grid
    2. boundaries
      -  pr_eez_region - United States Exclusive Economic Zone for Puerto Rico
      -  caribis - Caribbean Island country boundaries from ESRI data files
    3. oceanography
      - ctd - Conductivity, Temperature, Density cast station location
      - xbt - expendable bathythermograph cast station locations
    4. multibeam
      geo - collected and processed trench raster data in geographic coordinate system.
      Geozui3D - contains a freeware 3D application to view scientific data using 3D Visualization.
      - prj - collected and processed trench raster data in the UTM coordinate system 
    5. navigation
      nav2002 - processed navigation tracklines and its raw data file format which includes a dn subfolder break down from cruise NOAA/USGS RB0208/02051.
    6. posters
      - contains one map that includes two images of Bathymetry, Map I, and Sidescan-sonar, MapII, in PDF format. This map can be opened in Adobe Acrobat or Adobe Illustrator and printed.
    7. svp
      - contains a Microsoft Excel file listing all sound velocity profiles
  • htmldocs - contains all HTML pages accessed within this report.
          - images - contains the image files utilized within HTML pages
               - images - contains the image files utilized within HTML pages

Multibeam Data Files

Multibeam Bathymetry Data files - are stored in directories by serial day number, Julian Day (JD).  Multibeam data files are binary encoded and cannot be viewed directly.  The .mb41 files are typically ~6mb and are labeled with the date and time that they were created, for example, sb200209242033.mb41 which stands for Sea Beam 2002 collected on date mmdd 09-24 at 20:33 hours gmt.  These files have an ascii header.  During this cruise we used the Caris Hips software to read and process the raw data files.

DN267 JD 267, 24 September 2002
DN268JD 268, 25 September 2002
DN269JD 269, 26 September 2002
DN270JD 270, 27 September 2002
DN271 JD 271, 28 September 2002
DN272 JD 272, 29 September 2002
DN273 JD 273, 30 September 2002

Navigation Data Files

Navigation trackline data in ascii, comma delimited format. Filename indicates the day, for example, NAV09242002 represents month 09, day 24, and year 2002

Navigation file directory

Ship navigation file (text format)

Sound Velocity Profile (SVP) Data files

Sound Velocity Profiles (SVP) are in tab delimited and Excel spreadsheet formats.  The Excel files have CTD and XBT raw data and also plots of the SVP profiles.

SVP files (data/svp)

Imagery Data Files

Trench imagery consists of multibeam/acoustic backscatter grid-derived raster files. These imagery files are in Tagged Image File Format (TIFF) and can be viewed using ESRI ArcView or GeoZui3D.

Imagery subdirectories (data/multibeam....)

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Page Last Modified: Wednesday, 06-Dec-2017 12:36:18 EST