Woods Hole Science Center
A total of 232 bottom photographs were obtained at 63 locations as part of this study (fig. 14). The small SEABOSS system was used to obtain 1-7 still photographs at each station as the RV Rafael drifted over the sea floor for 2-5 minutes. The field of view of each image is approximately 50 cm wide (photographs taken with small SEABOSS suspended about 50 cm above the bottom). Low-resolution images (150 pixels wide) of the photographs may be viewed by browsing the thumbnails in the photo gallery below. These thumbnails are hyperlinked to medium-resolution images (550 pixels wide) for more detailed viewing. Alternatively, the directory containing the full-resolution images may be accessed by clicking here. These full-resolution images can be identified using the .jpg image names in galleries below. Texture analyses of samples obtained at these stations, where available, are provided in Sediment Data. Photo Galleries |