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Sidescan-Sonar Imagery, Multibeam Bathymetry, and Surficial Geologic Interpretations of the Sea Floor in Rhode Island Sound, off Sakonnet Point, Rhode Island

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Figure 10. Bathymetric profiles of sand waves showing slip faces oriented northward.

Figure 10. Bathymetric profiles of sand waves showing slip faces oriented northward. Profile C-C' is of sand waves in the eastern field of east-west oriented crests, which have wavelengths of about 50 m. Profile D-D' is of sand waves in the northwestern corner of the study area where wavelengths are also about 50 m. Location of profiles shown in figure 2.

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U.S. Department of the Interior | U.S. Geological Survey | Coastal and Marine Geology

Page Contact Information: CMGDS Team
Page Last Modified: Wednesday, 06-Dec-2017 13:13:14 EST