Woods Hole Science Center
Sidescan-Sonar Imagery, Multibeam Bathymetry, and Surficial Geologic Interpretations of the Sea Floor in Rhode Island Sound, off Sakonnet Point, Rhode Island
Title |
Introduction |
Geologic Setting |
Data Acquisition/Processing |
Bathymetry |
Sidescan-Sonar Imagery |
Environments |
Discussion |
Summary |
GIS Data Catalog |
Acknowledgments |
References |
Figures |
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Figure 9. Detailed sidescan-sonar imagery and bathymetry illustrating the relatively smooth central basin floor scattered with rocks and boulders in the south and adjacent ridge to the north. Sand waves are located on the ridge and a scarp crosses the ridge in an east-west direction. Sand waves have curved crests oriented east-west and wavelengths of 40 to over 100 m in the west and about 50 m in the east. High-resolution multibeam bathymetry has been overlaid on bathymetry from the NGDC Coastal Relief Model. Figure location is shown in figure 2. |