Nolan, Matt

About the author

Elevation point clouds of the north coast of Barter Island, Alaska acquired July 01 2014, September 07 2014, and July 05 2015 (LAZ file)

Six elevation point cloud files in LAZ format (compressed LAS binary data) are included in this data release: 3 raw point clouds of unclassified and unedited points and 3 modified point clouds that were spatially shifted and edited to remove outliers and spurious elevation values associated with moving water surfaces. An XYZ coordinate shift was applied to each data set in order to register the data sets to an earth-based datum established from surveyed ground control points. Points are unclassified and ...

Orthophotomosaic image (natural color) of the north coast of Barter Island, Alaska acquired on July 01 2014 (GeoTIFF image, 19-cm resolution)

Aerial photographs were collected from a small, fixed-wing aircraft over the coast of Barter Island, Alaska on July 01 2014, September 07 2014. Precise aircraft position information and structure-from-motion photogrammetric methods were combined to derive a high-resolution orthophotomosaic. This orthophotomosaic contain 3-band, 8-bit, unsigned raster data (red/green/blue; file format-GeoTIFF) with a ground sample distance (GSD) resolution of 19 cm. The file employs Lempel-Ziv-Welch (LZW) compression. This ...

Orthophotomosaic image (natural color) of the north coast of Barter Island, Alaska acquired on September 07 2014 (GeoTIFF image; 11-cm resolution)

Aerial photographs were collected from a small, fixed-wing aircraft over the coast of Barter Island, Alaska on September 07 2014. Precise aircraft position information and structure-from-motion photogrammetric methods were combined to derive a high-resolution orthophotomosaic. This orthophotomosaic contain 3-band, 8-bit, unsigned raster data (red/green/blue; file format-GeoTIFF) with a ground sample distance (GSD) resolution of 11 cm. The file employs Lempel-Ziv-Welch (LZW) compression. This ...

Orthophotomosaic images (natural color) of the north coast of Barter Island, Alaska acquired on July 05 2015 (GeoTIFF image; 8-cm resolution)

Aerial photographs were collected from a small, fixed-wing aircraft over the coast of Barter Island, Alaska on July 05 2015. Precise aircraft position information and structure-from-motion photogrammetric methods were combined to a derive high-resolution orthophotomosaic. This orthophotomosaic contain 3-band, 8-bit, unsigned raster data (red/green/blue; file format-GeoTIFF) with a ground sample distance (GSD) resolution of 8 cm. The file employs Lempel-Ziv-Welch (LZW) compression. This orthophotomosaic was ...

Digital elevation models of the coast of Alaska from Icy Cape to Cape Prince of Wales, 2016

This part of the data release presents digital elevation models (DEMs) spanning the ocean shoreline of Alaska from Icy Cape to Cape Prince of Wales. Aerial images were collected, and data were processed, by Fairbanks Fodar ( in Fairbanks, Alaska, for the U.S. Geological Survey. The aerial images, from which the DEMs were created, were collected in 2016 between August 29 and September 4 and extend from the shoreline to 400-4000 meters inland. The aerial images were collected ...

Elevation point clouds of the coast of Alaska from Icy Cape to Cape Prince of Wales, 2016

This part of the data release presents georeferenced elevation point clouds spanning the ocean shoreline of Alaska from Icy Cape to Cape Prince of Wales. Aerial images were collected, and data were processed, by Fairbanks Fodar ( in Fairbanks, Alaska, for the U.S. Geological Survey. The aerial images, from which the point clouds were derived, were collected in 2016 between August 29 and September 4 and extend from the shoreline to 400-4000 meters inland. The aerial images were ...

Orthoimagery of the coast of Alaska from Icy Cape to Cape Prince of Wales, 2016

This part of the data release presents orthoimagery spanning the ocean shoreline of Alaska from Icy Cape to Cape Prince of Wales. Aerial images were collected, and data were processed, by Fairbanks Fodar ( in Fairbanks, Alaska, for the U.S. Geological Survey. The aerial images, from which the orthoimages were created, were collected in 2016 between August 29 and September 4 and extend from the shoreline to 400-4000 meters inland. The aerial images were collected with precise ...

Tile index for Alaska coastal orthoimagery and elevation data: Icy Cape to Cape Prince of Wales, 2016

This part of the data release presents a shapefile that includes a spatial index of orthoimagery and elevation data describing the Alaskan coastline from Icy Cape to Cape Prince of Wales. The data products referenced in this index include orthoimagery, digital surface models, and elevation point clouds which were generated from aerial imagery using structure-from-motion methods. Fairbanks Fodar, a contracted mapping service, collected the aerial imagery in 2016 and created all of the data products ...

Digital surface models of the north coast of Barter Island, Alaska acquired on July 01 2014, September 07 2014, and July 05 2015 (GeoTIFF image)

Digital surface elevation models (DSMs) of the coastline of Barter Island, Alaska derived from aerial photographs collected on July 01 2014, September 07 2014, and July 05 2015. Aerial photographs and coincident elevation data were processed using Structure-from-Motion (SfM) photogrammetric techniques. These files are single-band, 32-bit floating point DSMs (digital surface models) that represent surface elevations of buildings, vegetation, and uncovered ground surfaces in meters with 23 cm ground sample ...

Surveyed ground control and elevation checkpoints acquired at Barter Island, Alaska, 2014-2016

Ground control points and checkpoints were collected during Global Positioning System (GPS) surveys conducted between September 6, 2014 and September 18, 2016 along the northern coast of Barter Island, Alaska. Data were acquired and post-processed using precise positioning and used to co-register and assess accuracy of photogrammetric data sets.
