December 2007
- Students Enjoy Earth Science Day 2007 at USGS in Menlo Park, California
- USGS Emeritus Scientist Leads Field Trip to Ancient Submarine-Canyon Fill on Central California Coast
- Renee Takesue Recognized by AGU for Excellence in Refereeing
November 2007
- Distinguishing Tsunami from Storm Deposits in the Geologic Record
- Mapping the Sea Floor Southwest of Santa Rosa Island, California
October 2007
- USGS Researchers Collaborate with National Park Service Scientists to Understand the Impact of Watershed Erosion on Coral Reefs in War-in-the-Pacific National Historical Park, Guam
- Western Coastal and Marine Geology Team Welcomes Three New Hires
- Another Good Showing by USGS Paddlers in Outrigger-Canoe Races
September 2007
- Offshore Mapping Captures Active Tar Seeps in the Santa Barbara Channel, California
- Upcoming! "A Tale of Two Kelp Forests" -- USGS Will Observe Sea Otter Awareness Week with a Public Lecture on September 27 in Menlo Park, California
- Scientists Meet Managers at Coastal Zone 2007
- Upcoming! New Vice President of Pacific Section SEPM Helps Plan Fall Field Trips
August 2007
- New Book Integrates Wealth of Data on Continental-Margin Sedimentation
- WCMG Team Welcomes Peter Swarzenski
- USGS Researchers and Academic Collaborator Win Best Paper Award at International Conference on Landslides and Climate Change
July 2007
- Alchemy in the Abyss--USGS Public Lecture on Deep-Ocean Minerals
- Piedmont College Students Introduced to USGS Studies in the San Francisco Bay Region
- USGS Hosts Onshore-Offshore Geologic Map Workshop
- USGS Analyzes 70 Years of Coastal Cliff Retreat in California
June 2007
- USGS Current Drifter Ends Decades-Long Journey on Beach in San Pablo Bay
- High-Resolution Topographic Data and Cross Sections of Recent Coastal Landslide
May 2007
- Beam Time at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Awarded to USGS Scientist
- Tar Balls Washed Onto Central California Beaches by Storms
- USGS Cohosts Multiagency Hanalei Watershed Workshop
- Jessica Lacy Accepts Position as Research Oceanographer in the Western Coastal and Marine Geology Team
- Patrick Barnard Becomes the Western Coastal and Marine Geology Team's Newest Research Geologist
- Four New Postdoctoral Fellows Will Research Coastal and Marine Topics
April 2007
- Deadly Tsunami Hits Solomon Islands
- Tsunami-Forecasting System Tested by Recent Subduction-Zone Earthquakes
- Sub-Sea-Floor Methane in the Bering Sea:
WCMG Emeritus Describes Possible Gas-Hydrate Accumulations to the Geophysical Society of Alaska - WCMG Researcher Receives Award from the American Society of Civil Engineers
March 2007
- Surveying Faults and Sediment Outside the Entrance to San Francisco Bay
- USGS Helps Middle-School Students Envision a Future City
- Chinese Delegation Briefed on USGS Science During a Visit to Menlo Park, California
- Restore America's Estuaries Conference in New Orleans
January/February 2007
- Portable Underwater Photographic Tripod for Coral-Reef Studies
- USGS Ridge-to-Reef Team Honored for Work in Hawaiian Islands
- Video Footage of Pacific Ocean Bottom Transferred to DVD
- See also: Chezar, Henry, and Newman, Ivy, 2006, Overview, DVD-video disc set of seafloor transects during USGS research cruises in the Pacific Ocean: USGS Open-File Report 2004-1101/