U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2006-1169
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GIS/Data CatalogThis report contains an Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI) ArcView 3.3 Geographic Information Systems (GIS) project file in the top-level directory. This project file, ccres.apr, does not require any extensions that are not standard to ArcView 3.3. For those users who do not have ArcView 3.2 or later, the individual GIS data files can still be viewed with a compatible GIS viewer or a free GIS viewer such as ArcExplorer available from ESRI (http://www.esri.com). Please note that there are several versions of ArcExplorer software that can be installed on Windows, UNIX or Macintosh OS 10.x operating systems. This project file requires the directory structure used on this DVD-ROM
and contains a startup script that prompts the user for the drive letter
of the DVD-ROM drive. This information is needed in order to establish
hotlinks found with the project file. If the ArcView project file and
the underlying directories are copied to the computer's hard disk (maintaining
the original directory hierarchy), then the location entered for the startup
script should refer to the directory location of the ArcView project file.
If for some reason the directory location is entered incorrectly, then
the user can click on the pink button with the yellow DVD ( Each drill location from 2006 is hotlinked to a composite JPEG image
of the acquired core. To view these images, make the drillloc_2006 theme
the active theme. This should activate the hotlink tool ( Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC) compliant metadata are available for all the data contained in this report. Each data set has metadata available in several formats. The information contained within each file is the same, but is presented differently to help make the information more user-friendly. The text, HTML, and FAQ versions of the metadata have links to those files provided below. In addition, ArcGIS 9.1 compatible XML metadata are available for use with ArcCatalog. All metadata are stored in the directories delineating the data type. For example, the metadata for individual days of collection for the 2004 raw data reside in the data/res_data/2004/raw_res folder. Shapefiles generally include *.shp, *.shx, and *.dbf files, at a minimum. For the sake of brevity, only the filename prefix has been included in the filename designation listed below. All the files necessary to load a shapefile have been compressed into a single WinZip file, including all forms of the metadata. Therefore, these shapefiles can be downloaded directly from the DVD or by clicking on the filename in the data catalog and saving the zipped files to a preferred location and uncompressing them. In addition to shapefiles, this report includes a registered TIFF image depicting elevation, comma-delimited text files intended to provide additional information for the corresponding shapefiles (coreloc_2006.shp, geoprobeloc_2005.shp, and piezlocs_2005.shp), Excel spreadsheets, and PDF documents. These files and accompanying metadata are included in WinZip files and can be downloaded directly from the DVD or by clicking on the filename in the data catalog and saving the zipped files to a preferred location and uncompressing them. The Continuous Resistivity Profiling (CRP) data are organized by the date of collection. Each line of data comprises more than one file necessary for processing or as an output from the processing. These data are available in a WinZip format with the file comprising a day of collection for each of the states of processing (e.g., raw, processed, RES2DINV format). These files can be downloaded directly from the DVD or by clicking on the filename in the data catalog and saving the zipped files to a preferred location and uncompressing them. Clicking the camera icon will give a preview of the dataset. The state outline is used in several of these images as a backdrop to orient the viewer. No graphic is presented for the core images, comma-delimited text files, Excel spreadsheets, PDF files, or CRP data. The core images can be viewed from the sediment core-images-gallery page, the CRP data can be viewed from the CRP-profile preview pages, and versions of the comma-delimited text files, Excel files, and PDF files are available as tables within the report. For guidance on where to obtain software capable of reading shapefiles and uncompressing zipped files, see the system requirements page. Basemap (data/gis/basemap)
Cores (data/gis/cores)
Electrical Conductance (data/gis/geoprobe)
Ground-water Sampling (data/gis/piezometer)
Tables - Excel Spreadsheets and PDF tables (data/tables)
Resistivity - GIS data (data/gis/resistivity)
2004 CRP data (data/res_data/2004)Raw CRP data (data/res_data/2004/raw_resis): WinZip file includes the STG, GPS, fathometer TEXT files, and the merged navigation files. Processed CRP data (data/res_data/2004/proc_resis): WinZip file includes the linearized STG file and accompanying DEP file, EarthImager-processed files that use the default water resistivity, and the Matlab-generated profile images. RES2DINV format CRP data (data/res_data/2004/res2dinv_format): WinZip file includes the RES2DINV format file based on the linearized STG file and the DEP file. See the metadata or the Continuous Resistivity Profiling page for more details on the individual file types.
2006 CRP data (data/res_data/2006)Raw CRP data (data/res_data/2006/raw_resis): includes the STG and GPS files. Processed CRP data (data/res_data/2006/proc_resis): WinZip file includes the linearized STG file and accompanying DEP file, EarthImager processed files that use the measured water resistivity value, and the Matlab-generated profile images. RES2DINV format CRP data (data/res_data/2006/res2dinv_format): WinZip file includes the RES2DINV format file based on the linearized STG file and the DEP file. See the metadata or the Data Processing page for more details on the individual file types.