USGS Coastal and Marine Hazards and Resources Program
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System RequirementsWWW Browsers:The data and information in this report are formatted for access and download by use of WWW information browsers (e.g., Internet Explorer, Netscape, Mozilla). Hyperlink references in this report that point to additional internet-resident information will not function if your computer is not actively connected to the internet by ISP or online LAN. These web links are functional at the time of publication, but there can be no guarantee that they will not change or be discontinued. GIS:This report contains an Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI) ArcView 3.3 Geographic Information System (GIS) project file in the top-level directory. This project file, ccres.apr, does not require any extensions that are not standard to ArcVieiw 3.3. For those users that do not have ArcView 3.2 or later, the individual GIS data files can still be viewed with a compatible GIS viewer, or a free GIS viewer such as ArcExplorer available from ESRI ( Please note that there are several versions of ArcExplorer software that can be installed on Windows, UNIX or Macintosh OS 10.x operating systems. ZIP files:This report contains several files compressed using the Windows program WINZIP v8.0. For those users who do not have software capable of uncompressing files of this format, software may be obtained from or Image files:The CRP profile images and core images are available in JPEG format. These images are viewable within the HTML pages as well as by using a variety of software packages (for example, Adobe Illustrator, Corel PhotoPaint, plus many more). In addition, the orthophoto of the Salt Pond/Nauset Marsh area is available as a TIFF with accompanying word file. The image alone can be viewed by a variety of software packages, but in order to view it as a georeferenced image, software - such as ESRI products or other GIS software - capable of reading the georeference information is required. Tabular data:These data are contained in Excel spreadsheet files as well as comma-delimited text files (csv files) appropriate to be used as relate tables in ArcGIS. The csv files can be opened with any text editor, while the Excel spreadsheet files require software capable of opening an XLS file. PDF Documents:Individual Geoprobe data collection sheets, in addition to being available within an Excel spreadsheet, are also available as PDFs. The Adobe Acrobat Reader can be used to view these files, and can be freely downloaded from Adobe Systems Incorporated. Additional open source viewers for various operating systems are also available. |