Woods Hole Science Center
Sea-Floor Character and Sedimentary Processes in the Vicinity of Woods Hole, Massachusetts
Title | Abstract | Introduction | Setting | Methods | Bathymetry and Backscatter | Seismic Profiles | Character and Processes | Data Catalog | Acknowledgments | References | Figures | Bottom Photography | Sediment Data | Contacts
WH21 / Gravel with abundant mussel-shell debris and scattered boulders overgrown with seaweed. Living seaweed is common; starfish and crabs are present. | |||
WH21A |
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WH21D |
WH22 / Megaripples of fine-grained gravel with coarser gravel and some sand. Seaweed and shell debris (primarily mussel) are abundant. | |||
WH22A |
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WH22E |
WH23 / Faintly rippled sand and living eelgrass with scattered boulders overgrown by seaweed and algae. | |||
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WH23D |
WH24 / Rippled sand and seaweed at the mouth of Little Harbor. Shell hash and gravel-rafting of seaweed is common. | |||
WH24A |
WH24B |
WH25 / Flat, sandy seabed with abundant strands of dead eelgrass. Scattered live seaweed and dead horseshoe crabs and starfish are present. | |||
WH25A |
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WH25C |
WH26 / Flat, undulating seabed composed of muddy sediment covered by an organic mat in Little Harbor. Small burrows and anchor line drop marks are common. Drift transect crosses the edge of a steep-sided pockmark. Sediment smelled strongly of hydrogen sulfide. | |||
WH26A |
WH26B |
WH27 / Flat, undulating seabed composed of muddy sediment covered by an organic mat in Little Harbor. Small burrows and anchor-line drop marks are common. Sediment had a strong smell of hydrogen sulfide. | |||
WH27A |
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WH27C |
WH28 / Sandy gravel and mussel beds with scattered boulders overgrown with seaweed. Starfish are common; sponges are present. | |||
WH28A |
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WH28D |
WH29 / Gravel with some sand and abundant mussel-shell debris. Some sponges and patches of living mussels. | |||
WH29A |
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WH29C |
WH30 / Current-rippled sand waves and megaripples with pea gravel and shell debris concentrated in troughs of the bedforms. Accumulation of dead, drifting eelgrass and gravel-rafting seaweed are present. | |||
WH30A |
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WH30C |
WH31 / Current-rippled sand with gravel patches and scattered cobbles. Shell debris and seaweed and are common. | |||
WH31A |
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WH31C |
WH32 / Dense mussel bed with scattered small gravel patches. Starfish are common; crabs are present. | |||
WH32A |
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WH32D |
WH33 / Boulders overgrown with mussels, seaweed, and sessile biota with intervening patches of gravel constitute the sea floor adjacent to Juniper Point. Seaweed is common; sponges and moon snails are present. | |||
WH33A |
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WH33C |
WH33D |
WH34 / Sandy gravel with abundant shell debris (primarily mussel), small sponges, and sea urchins. Starfish and anthropogenic debris (ghost lobster trap and bottle) are present. | |||
WH34A |
WH34B |
WH34C |
WH35 / Gravel, and cobbles with scattered boulders with sponges, hydrozoans, seaweed, and other sessile biota. This character is replaced by boulders and dense mussel beds northwestward toward the end of the drift track where starfish and crabs are present. | |||
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WH35I |
WH35J |
WH35K |
WH36 / Rippled sand with mussel shells and shell debris concentrated in the ripple troughs. Sediment below 2 centimeters has a dark color and organic smell. | |||
WH36A |
WH36B |
WH37 / Sandy gravel with scattered, heavily encrusted cobbles. Patchy mussel beds and shell debris are present. Sea urchins and starfish are abundant. | |||
WH37A |
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WH37C |
WH37D |
WH37E |
WH38 / Gravel with scattered cobbles and abundant mussel-shell debris on the tidal delta at the eastern entrance to Broadway channel. Starfish and live seaweed are present. | |||
WH38A |
WH38B |
WH38C |
WH38D |
WH39 / Boulders and cobbles overgrown with seaweed, encrusting fauna, and algae and intervening patches of gravel with abundant mussel-shell debris at the eastern entrance to Broadway channel. Live seaweed and starfish are common. | |||
WH39A |
WH39B |
WH39C |
WH39D |
WH39E |
WH39F |
WH39G |
WH40 / Boulders and cobbles overgrown with encrusting fauna and algae and intervening patches of gravel. Sea urchins and starfish are common. | |||
WH40A |
WH40B |
WH40C |
WH40D |
WH40E |
WH40F |
WH40G |
WH40H |
Title | Abstract | Introduction | Setting | Methods | Bathymetry and Backscatter | Seismic Profiles | Character and Processes | Data Catalog | Acknowledgments | References | Figures | Bottom Photography | Sediment Data | Contacts