Woods Hole Science Center
Sea-Floor Character and Sedimentary Processes in the Vicinity of Woods Hole, Massachusetts
Title | Abstract | Introduction | Setting | Methods | Bathymetry and Backscatter | Seismic Profiles | Character and Processes | Data Catalog | Acknowledgments | References | Figures | Bottom Photography | Sediment Data | Contacts
WH41 / Gravel with scattered cobbles and bouldery patches. Shell debris is common; sponges, tunicates, and anthropogenic debris are present. | |||
WH41A |
WH41B |
WH41C |
WH41D |
WH41E |
WH42 / Gravel with some sand and shell debris. Scattered boulders, starfish, live seaweed, gravel-sized muddy clasts are present. | |||
WH42A |
WH42B |
WH43 / Gravel with some rippled coarse sandy patches on the tidal delta at the eastern entrance to Woods Hole Passage. Mussel-shell debris is abundant; gravel-rafted seaweed and starfish are present. | |||
WH43A |
WH43B |
WH43C |
WH44 / Faintly rippled sand with abundant burrows and drifting, dead seaweed and gravel patches with abundant shell debris. Sponges, starfish, and anthropogenic debris are present. | |||
WH44A |
WH44B |
WH45 / Gravel with scattered cobbles and boulders. Some of the gravel and cobbles are composed of muddy, bioeroded, dark-gray mud. Shells and shell debris are common. Starfish, live seaweed, gravel-sized muddy clasts are present. | |||
WH45A |
WH45B |
WH45C |
WH46 / Faintly rippled sand with patchy accumulations of dead eelgrass. Burrows are common. Shell debris (largely scallop) and sponges are present. | |||
WH46A |
WH46B |
WH47 / Gravel with scattered cobbles in depression off Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution dock. Sides of the depression are much sandier and rippled. Shell debris and anthropogenic debris are common; starfish and sponges are present. | |||
WH47A |
WH47B |
WH48 / Gravel with scattered cobbles. Starfish, shell debris (largely scallop), and sponges are present; tunicates are common. | |||
WH48A |
WH48B |
WH48C |
WH48D |
WH48E |
WH49 / Faintly rippled sand with scattered boulders and cobbles. Seaweed attaches to the boulders. Sponges and burrows are common; starfish and quahog-shell debris are present. | |||
WH49A |
WH49B |
WH49C |
WH49D |
WH50 / Gravel with scattered cobbles and boulders. Shell debris is abundant; starfish, live seaweed, and sponges are present. | |||
WH50A |
WH50B |
WH50C |
WH50D |
WH51 / Gravel with scattered boulders. Shell debris is abundant; starfish, live seaweed, crabs, sponges, and anthropogenic debris are present. | |||
WH51A |
WH51B |
WH51C |
WH52 / Faintly rippled and smooth, muddy sand with abundant, patchy scallop-shell debris. Burrows are common; sponges and anthropogenic debris (bottle and barrel) are present. | |||
WH52A |
WH52B |
WH53 / Undulating, smooth, muddy sand bottom. Burrows are abundant; crabs, starfish, animal tracks, shell debris, and patchy dead seaweed are present. | |||
WH53A |
WH53B |
WH54 / Undulating, smooth, muddy bottom. Burrows are abundant; starfish, animal tracks, shell debris, patchy dead seaweed, and anthropogenic debris are present. | |||
WH54A |
WH54B |
WH54C |
WH54D |
WH55 / Undulating, smooth, muddy, sandy bottom. Burrows and shell debris are abundant; animal tracks, patchy dead seaweed, and anthropogenic debris are present. | |||
WH55A |
WH55B |
WH55C |
WH56 / Undulating, smooth, muddy bottom. Burrows are abundant; starfish, animal tracks, shell debris, and patchy dead seaweed are present. | |||
WH56A |
WH56B |
WH57 / Undulating, smooth, muddy bottom. Burrows are abundant; starfish, animal tracks, shell debris, patchy dead seaweed, and anthropogenic debris are present. | |||
WH57A |
WH57B |
WH58 / Current-rippled sand waves and megaripples with fine-grained gravel and shell debris concentrated in the wave troughs. Dark organic color deeper than 2 centimeters into sediment. | |||
WH58A |
WH58B |
WH58C |
WH59 / Current-rippled sand waves with gravel and shell debris concentrated in the wave troughs. Scattered boulders and cobbles protruding through the sand suggest that the sand layer is relatively thin. Gravel-rafting seaweed and dead eelgrass are common. | |||
WH59A |
WH59B |
WH61 / Outcrops of dense, dark olive gray, bio-eroded, organic-rich mud, presumably marsh deposits. Outcrop forms a near-vertical wall with as much as 6 meters of relief; boulders encrusted with sponges and algae, gravel, and cobbles are concentrated at the base in an apparent talus pile. | |||
WH61A |
WH61B |
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WH61E |
WH61F |
WH61H |
WH61I |
WH61J |
WH61K |
WH61L |
WH61M |
WH61N |
WH61O |
WH61P |
WH61Q |
WH61R |
WH61S |
WH61T |
WH61U |
WH61V |
Title | Abstract | Introduction | Setting | Methods | Bathymetry and Backscatter | Seismic Profiles | Character and Processes | Data Catalog | Acknowledgments | References | Figures | Bottom Photography | Sediment Data | Contacts