Grim, Muriel S.

About the author

Bathymetric contours of the continental margin offshore of Washington, Oregon, and California based on data available in the late 1980s.

Bathymetric contours (contour interval 100 m) of the continental margin offshore of Washington, Oregon, and California (cowbat) were compiled from various sources available in the late 1980s and used to construct 1:1,000,000-scale maps (Chase and others, 1992a, 1992b; Grim and others, 1992). The contours range from 200 to 5300 m depth.

Digital data for depth to basement in the deep-sea basins of the Pacific continental margin (cowbsm) based on data collected in 1984.

Digital vector data for the contours of depth to basement for the deep-sea basins of the Pacific continental margin offshore of Washington, Oregon, and California. The data were interpreted from GLORIA (Paskevich and others, 2011) sidescan data and related seismic-reflection data. The data were published as USGS maps in paper format (Gardner and others, 1992, 1993a, 1993b).

Digital data for sediment thickness in the deep-sea basins of the Pacific continental margin based on 1984 surveys

Contours of sediment thickness for the deep-sea basins of the Pacific continental margin offshore of Washington, Oregon, and California were were interpreted from GLORIA (Paskevich and others, 2011) sidescan imagery and related seismic-reflection data and were published as maps in paper format (Gardner and others, 1992, 1993a, 1993b).

Bathymetric grid (1000 m) of the continental margin offshore of Washington, Oregon, and California based on data available in the late 1980s.

Cowbatg.tif is a 1000-m resolution bathymetric grid of the continental margin offshore of Washington, California, and Oregon. The grid was generated from bathymetric contours (cowbathy.shp, also in this data set) mapped by Chase and others (1992a, b) and by Grim and others (1992) from various sources of bottom topography of the continental margin off the states of Washington, Oregon, and California.

Grid of depth to basement in deep-water basins offshore Washington, Oregon, and California (cowbsmg.tif) based on data collected in 1984

COWBSMG is a 1000-m resolution grid of depth to basement off of Washington, Oregon, and California constructed from depth to basement contour data (cowbsm.shp, also in this data set) from 1:1,000,000-scale maps (Gardner and others, 1992, 1993a, 1993b). The range in depth to basement in this region is -5582 to -985 m with a mean of -3817 m.

Sediment thickness grid of the deep-sea basins offshore of Washington, Oregon, and California (cowthkg.tif) based on data collected in 1984

Cowthkg.tif is a 1000-m resolution grid of sediment thickness derived from contours (cowiso.shp, also in this data set) from 1:1,000,000-scale Map Showing Sediment Isopachs in the Deep-sea Basins of the Pacific Continental Margin, Strait of Juan de Fuca to Point Loma, California (Gardner and others, 1992, 1993a, 1993b). The maximum sediment thickness in this region is 2342 m with a mean value of 359 m.
