Woods Hole Science Center
GeneralThis DVD publication was prepared by the USGS, NOAA, and the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection. The datasets contained in this report have been approved for release and publication by the Director of the USGS. Although these datasets have been subjected to rigorous review and are substantially complete, the USGS reserves the right to revise the data pursuant to further analysis and review. Furthermore, they are released on condition that neither the USGS nor the United States Government may be held liable for any damages resulting from their authorized or unauthorized use. Reference therein to any specific commercial product, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise does not constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the United States Government or any agency thereof. Accessibility:Section 508 and Accessibility at the USGS The USGS is committed to and is making every possible effort to ensure that all electronic and information technology developed, procured, maintained, or used by the USGS is accessible to people with disabilities, including both employees and the customers we serve. If you cannot fully access the information on this DVD-ROM, please e-mail the contact person or group named in the contact information provided on this DVD-ROM, and they will help you. This may include providing the information to you in an alternate format. For further information and to learn more about the regulations governing the accessibility of Federal electronic information products, visit the Section 508 Web pages listed below: Section 508 home page - http://www.section508.gov/ |
Title |
Introduction |
Setting |
Methods |
Results |
Discussion |
Data Catalog |
Acknowledgments |
References |
Figures |
Contacts |