USGS - science for a changing world

USGS Coastal and Marine Hazards and Resources Program

U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2006-1381

Geophysical Mapping of Oyster Habitats in a Shallow Estuary; Apalachicola Bay, Florida

Spatial Data

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Spatial Data

This appendix describes the data collected for this project, where they are located, and how to access them depending on the software you have. The primary data format for vector data are personal geodatabase feature classes in the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) coordinate system, Zone 16. As a secondary format for users without access to ArcGIS 9.0, all feature classes in the geodatabase are also delivered as individual shapefiles in Geographic projection. The primary format for distribution of raster data are ESRI raster and GeoTIFF. All spatial data are distributed with FGDC compliant metadata.

The organization and schema of data in the geodatabase is based on the ArcMarine data model developed by the ArcMarine Working Group ( Some of the feature classes in the geodatabase are linked to tables through relationship classes that maintain data integrity and establish joins between spatial data and table objects. These relationships are established as a basis for joins so the user can easily see which features are related to which tables (see fig. 16). The relationships tab in the feature class properties also displays which table objects are related to the feature. The figure below (fig. 17) illustrates that the SurveyLines feature class participates in three different relationships that can be used as joins.

Figure 17. ArcGIS Identify results dialog box showing attributes and relationships for selected features.
Figure 17. ArcGIS Identify results dialog box showing attributes and relationships for selected features.

These relationship classes can also be used as a basis for a select query. For example the SurveyLines feature class has tracklines from two different surveys (05001 and 06001), and two different MeasuringDevices (swath bathymetry and sidescan sonar). If a user wants to see what survey an individual surveyline is from using the inquire tool, the identify popup box automatically shows that line l202f1 was collected during 05001 (fig. 18). This is the information stored in the SurveyInfo table that is linked by a relationship class to the Surveylines feature class.

Figure 18. An example of the information provided in the identify dialog box.
Figure 18. An example of the information provided in the identify dialog box.

You can also use these attributes in a definition query to display only features with certain attributes. For example, a user might want to display only the bathymetric surveylines from the survey rafa05001 (SurveyID = 1). Using the Definition Query tab in the feature class properties, you can build a query based on SurveyID attribute (fig. 19).

Figure 19.  Example of ArcGIS Query Builder dialog box with query syntax.
Figure 19. Example of ArcGIS Query Builder dialog box with query syntax.

The general organization of spatial data on this DVD-ROM is listed below.

folder. GIS- parent folder for all spatial data

OFR_1381.mxd- ArcGIS 9.2 map document with all data loaded in the table of contents.

OFR_1381.pmf- ArcReader map document for use with free ArcReader Software. You can download ArcReader free of charge on the WWW at

Apalachicola.apr- Arcview 3.3 project file.

USGS_ApalachicolaFL.mdb- ArcGIS 9.2 personal geodatabase with all vector data stored in feature class format. See data catalog below for more information.

folder. RASTER- folder containing all raster data in ESRI grid or GeoTIFF Formats.

folder. ASV- Sidescan backscatter data collected by ASV IRIS in GeoTIFF Format

folder. ASV_SEISIMAG- Seismic profile images in jpg format collected by ASV IRIS. These are not hyperlinked to ASV tracklines in the ArcMap document OFR1381.mxd. A user can move these jpgs into the /GIS/Seisimag directory to use the relative path feature for hyperlinks in ArcMap.

folder. BATH- Raster bathymetry ESRI grid and GeoTIFF Formats.

folder. SEISIMAG- Seismic profile images in jpg format collected from R/V Rafael They are hyperlinked to the seismic tracklines in the ArcMap document OFR_1381.mxd distributed with this OFR.

folder. SIDESCAN- Sidescan-sonar backscatter mosaics of collected by R/V Rafael in GeoTIFF format.

folder. SHAPEFILES- Individual shapefiles of feature classes stored in the geodatabase for users without ArcGIS. Shapefiles are in geographic projection.

folder. THUMBNAILS- Small "thumbnail" graphic of each data layer linked to the metadata.

Data Catalog

Vector Data- The vector data are stored and delivered together in a single personal geodatabase. A user with ArcGIS 9.1 or higher can download the single zip file below and access all the vector data and associated metadata. A user without ArcGIS 9.1 or higher can access the layers stored in the personal geodatabase as individual shapefiles in geographic coordinate system.

Layer (metadata) Description View Download
USGS_ApalachicolaFL.mdb ARCGIS 9.2 personal geodatabase including all layers below and FGDC metadata in xml format.    Geodatabase
SurveyLines Vessel navigation from R/V Rafael representing actual tracklines along which bathymetry and sidescan were collected SwathBathmetry Image. Geodatabase
SurficialGeology Interpreted bottom type SwathBathmetry Image. Geodatabase
ApalachicolaBaseMap Basemap data of land features SwathBathmetry Image. Geodatabase
ASV_SeismicLines ASV IRIS survey lines SwathBathmetry Image. Geodatabase
ASV_SeismicShot500 ASV IRIS seismic shot navigation at 500 shot intervals SwathBathmetry Image. Geodatabase
SeismicLines R/V Rafael survey lines hyperlinked to seismic profile image SwathBathmetry Image. Geodatabase
SeismicShot500 R/V Rafael seismic shot navigation at 500 shot intervals SwathBathmetry Image. Geodatabase

Raster Data-

The raster data are stored and delivered outside and separate from the personal geodatabase in either GeoTIFF or ESRI Grid format. All raster data are in the UTM Coordinate system. Four raster data layers are available in geographic coordinates system denoted by the “” in the download column.

Click on each figure for a larger image.

Layer (metadata) Description View Download
St. George Sound -Swath Bathymetry 2 meter resolution bathymetry in ESRI Grid format SwathBathymetry Image.
Apalachicola Bay-Swath Bathymetry 2 meter resolution bathymetry in ESRI Grid format SwathBathymetry Image.
St. George Sound-Swath Bathymetry 2 meter resolution hillshaded color bathymetry in GeoTIFF format SwathBathymetry Image.
Apalachicola Bay-Swath Bathymetry 2 meter resolution hillshaded color bathymetry in GeoTIFF format SwathBathymetry Image.
Bathymetric Model 25 meter resolution bathymetric model of Apalachicola Bay and St. George Sound in GeoTIFF format SwathBathymetry Image.
Bathymetric Model Hillshade Gray-scale hillshade of 25 meter resolution bathymetric model of Apalachicola Bay and St. George Sound in GeoTIFF format SwathBathymetry Image. UTM Z16
Apalachicola Bay Sidescan-Sonar Mosaic 1 meter sidescan-sonar mosaic of Apalachicola Bay in GeoTIFF format SwathBathymetry Image. URM Z16
St. George Sound Sidescan-Sonar Mosaic 1 meter sidescan-sonar mosaic of St. George Sound in GeoTIFF format SwathBathymetry Image.UTM 16
St. George Sound Sidescan-Sonar Mosaic (Julian Day 098) 1 meter sidescan-sonar mosaic of St. George Sound (Julian Day 098) in GeoTIFF format SwathBathymetry Image.UTM Z16
ASV Backscatter
ASV Backscatter Julian Day 1541 meter sidescan-sonar mosaic from ASV IRIS collected on JD154 in GeoTIFF formatSwathBathymetry
ASV Backscatter Julian Day 1571 meter sidescan-sonar mosaic from ASV IRIS collected on JD157 in GeoTIFF formatSwathBathymetry
ASV Backscatter Julian Day 1581 meter sidescan-sonar mosaic from ASV IRIS collected on JD158 in GeoTIFF formatSwathBathymetry
ASV Backscatter Julian Day 1601 meter sidescan-sonar mosaic from ASV IRIS collected on JD160 in GeoTIFF formatSwathBathymetry
ASV Backscatter Julian Day 1621 meter sidescan-sonar mosaic from ASV IRIS collected on JD162 in GeoTIFF formatSwathBathymetry
ASV Backscatter Julian Day 1651 meter sidescan-sonar mosaic from ASV IRIS collected on JD165 in GeoTIFF formatSwathBathymetry
ASV Backscatter Julian Day 1721 meter sidescan-sonar mosaic from ASV IRIS collected on JD172 in GeoTIFF formatSwathBathymetry
ASV Backscatter Julian Day 1731 meter sidescan-sonar mosaic from ASV IRIS collected on JD173 in GeoTIFF formatSwathBathymetry
ASV Backscatter Julian Day 1741 meter sidescan-sonar mosaic from ASV IRIS collected on JD174 in GeoTIFF formatSwathBathymetry
ASV Backscatter Julian Day 1751 meter sidescan-sonar mosaic from ASV IRIS collected on JD175 in GeoTIFF formatSwathBathymetry
ASV Backscatter Julian Day 1761 meter sidescan-sonar mosaic from ASV IRIS collected on JD176 in GeoTIFF formatSwathBathymetry
ASV Backscatter Julian Day 1771 meter sidescan-sonar mosaic from ASV IRIS collected on JD177 in GeoTIFF formatSwathBathymetry
ASV Backscatter Julian Day 1781 meter sidescan-sonar mosaic from ASV IRIS collected on JD178 in GeoTIFF format SwathBathymetry Image.

To hyperlink these seismic image profiles with the seismic tracklines use the "Image Title" attribute in the feature class to use as the hyperlink field.

Layer (metadata) View Download
Seismic JPEGS
Seismic-Reflection Profiles seisimagth.
ASV Seismic-Reflection Profiles asv_seisimag.

Skip past bottom index informationTitle | Figures | 1-Introduction | 2-Data Collection and Processing | 3- Geologic Interpretation | 4-References | 5-Maps | Spatial Data | Acknowledgments

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U.S. Department of the Interior | U.S. Geological Survey | Coastal and Marine Geology

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Page Last Modified: Wednesday, 06-Dec-2017 13:08:15 EST