We thank the captains and crews of the R/V Dan Moore for their outstanding logistical support for this field measurement program. A collaborative effort of the USGS, USC, and GT safely conducted three cruises to deploy and recover individual instruments on 26 moorings to obtain this data set. John Warner and George Voulgaris were co-chief scientists on the cruises. Fran Lightsom and Ellyn Montgomery oversaw and processed the time series data. Charlene Sullivan wrote most of the Matlab scripts, made all of the plots and calculations, and assembled the data report. Marinna Martini, Jonathan Borden, and Stephen Ruane oversaw the preparation and deployment of the physical oceanographic instrumentation. John Warner, George Voulgaris, Stephanie Obley, and Marinna Martini took most of the photographs in this report. Diving support was provided by the South Carolina Underwater Archaeology Institute of the University of South Carolina. The reviewers provided useful reviews of this report. This research was funded by the South Carolina Coastal Erosion Project (http://pubs.usgs.gov/fs/2005/3041/), a cooperative study supported by the USGS and the South Carolina Sea Grant Consortium (Sea Grant Project No: R/CP-11).