USGS - science for a changing world

USGS Coastal and Marine Hazards and Resources Program

South Carolina Coastal Erosion Study, Data Report for Observations, October 2003 - April 2004

Time Series Plots

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Time series plots of selected data from Sites 1 to 8, and from coastal stations are presented to provide an overview of the observations. Plots were generated using unfiltered data and low-pass filtered data. The low-pass filtered data shows fluctuations with periods of a few days, as the low-passed filter is designed to remove fluctuations at tidal periods.

Type of Plots

Meteorological observations: Wind speed (m/s), wind direction (degrees), the North and East wind velocity components (m/s), significant wave height (m), average wave period (s), dominant wave period (s), mean wave direction (degrees), air and water temperature (degrees), and barometric pressure (mb) are shown at supporting meteorological stations. A combined plot of these parameters at all stations is also provided. Wave information exists only at the NOAA NDBC stations. The COAMPS wind model (Hodur, 1997) only provides wind information.

NOAA NDBC Moored Buoy 41013wind temperature, pressure, and waves
NOAA NDBC C-Man Station FPSN7windtemperature, pressure, and waves
NOS Station 8661070windtemperature, pressure
NOS Station 8659897windtemperature, pressure
COAMPS wind modelwindNo temperature, pressure, or wave data
All Stationswindtemperature, pressure, and waves

Coastal river streamflow observations: Streamflow at the Cape Fear and Pee Dee Rivers (m³/s): Streamflow (PDF format): Average daily streamflow (m³/s) is shown as supporting meanflow stations along the Cape Fear and PeeDee River.

Salinity and temperature observations: Seawater temperature (degrees C), conductivity (S/m), salinity (psu) and sigma-theta (kg/m³) are shown at sites 2, 3, 6, and 7A. At Site 2 and Site 3 observations were at the surface and the bottom. Observations at Site 6 were at the bottom, while at Site 7 observations were at the surface. A combined plot of all observations is also provided. Conductivity-temperature sensors were not deployed at sites 1, 4, 5, 7B and 8. An absence of observations is indicated by n/o. Significant wave height from site 2 is also included to provide an indication of wave energy. Data from all sites show an offset near January 20 when the instruments were removed, cleaned, and re-deployed. This type of offset typically indicates biofouling during the first deployment. The drift was not removed from the data provided in this report.

Site 2surfacebottom
Site 3surfacebottom
Site 6n/obottom
Site 7Asurfacen/o
All Observations    

Unfiltered water flow observations: Unfiltered water flow observations (cm/s) at individual sites are shown at the surface, at 4 mbs, at 6 mbs, and at the bottom. Observations are from RD Instruments' Workhorse ADCPs, except at sites 6 and 8, where observations are from a SonTek Argonaut ADP and a Nortek Aquadopp AP, respectively. At all sites, the surface is the upper most bin at which data has not been greatly affected by waves or tides. Significant wave height (m) from Site 2 is also shown to provide an indication of wave energy.

Sites Current speed and direction at the surface, 4 mbs, 6 mbs and the bottom East and north velocity at the surface and 4 mbs East and north velocity at 6 mbs and the bottom Cross- and longshore velocity at the surface and 4 mbs Cross- and longshore velocity at 6 mbs and the bottom
Site 1spdir_s46b en_s4 en_6b xl_s4xl_6b
Site 2 spdir_s46b en_s4 en_6bxl_s4xl_6b
Site 3spdir_s46ben_s4 en_6b xl_s4 xl_6b
Site 4 spdir_s46b en_s4 en_6b en_6b xl_6b
Site 5 no usable data no usable data no usable data no usable data no usable data
Site 6 spdir_s46b en_s4 en_6b xl_s4 xl_6b
Site 7B spdir_s46b en_s4 en_6b xl_s4 xl_6b
Site 8 spdir_s46b en_s4 en_6b xl_s4 xl_6b
All Obs.No plot en_s4_all s4_en_6b_all xl_s4_all xl_6b_all

Low-pass filtered water flow observations: Low-passed water flow observations (cm/s) at individual sites are shown at the surface, at 4 mbs, at 6 mbs, and at the bottom. Observations are from RD Instruments' Workhorse ADCPs, except at sites 6 and 8, where observations are from a SonTek Argonaut ADP and a Nortek Aquadopp AP, respectively. At all sites, the surface is defined as the upper most bin at which data has not been greatly affected by waves or tides. Significant wave height (m) from Site 2 is also shown to provide an indication of wave energy.

Sites Low-passedcurrent speed and direction at the surface, 4 mbs, 6 mbs and the bottom Low-passed east and north velocity at the surface and 4 mbs Low-passed east and north velocity at 6 mbs and the bottom Low-passed cross- and longshore velocity at the surface and 4 mbs Low-passed cross- and longshore velocity at 6 mbs and the bottom
Site 1spdir_s46b_lp en_s4_lp en_6b_lp xl_s4_lpxl_6b_lp
Site 2 spdir_s46b_lp en_s4_lp en_6b_lpxl_s4_lpxl_6b_lp
Site 3spdir_s46b_lpen_s4_lp en_6b_lp xl_s4_lp xl_6b_lp
Site 4 spdir_s46b_lp en_s4_lp en_6b_lp en_s4_lp xl_6b_lp
Site 5 no usable data no usable data no usable data no usable data no usable data
Site 6 spdir_s46b_lp en_s4_lp en_6b_lp xl_s4_lp xl_6b_lp
Site 7B spdir_s46b_lp en_s4_lp en_6b_lp xl_s4_lp xl_6b_lp
Site 8 spdir_s46b_lp en_s4_lp en_6b_lp xl_s4_lp xl_6b_lp
All Obs.No plot en_s4_all _lp en_6b all_lp xl_s4_all_lp xl_6b_all_lp

Unfiltered pressure observations: Unfiltered pressure observations are shown at individual sites. Pressure (Pa) measured by an ADCP, an Argonaut, or an Aquadopp is shown in panel 2. Pressure (dbar) measured by an external pressure sensor is shown in panel 3. Pressure (mbar) measured by an external pressure sensor that was attached to an ADV or PCADP is shown in panel 4. Significant wave height (m) from Site 2 is shown in panel 1 to provide an indication of wave energy. A combined plot of pressure observations at all sites is also provided.

Site 1
Site 2
Site 3
Site 4
Site 5 (data unusable)
Site 6
Site 7A
Site 7B
Site 8
All Observations

Low-pass filtered pressure observations: Low-passed pressure observations are shown at individual sites. Pressure (Pa) measured by an ADCP, an Argonaut, or an Aquadopp is shown in panel 2. Pressure (dbar) measured by an external pressure sensor is shown in panel 3. Pressure (mbar) measured by an external pressure sensor that was attached to an ADV or PCADP is shown in panel 4. Significant wave height (m) from Site 2 is shown in panel 1 to provide an indication of wave energy. A combined plot of pressure observations at all sites is also provided.

Site 1
Site 2
Site 3
Site 4
Site 5 (data unusable)
Site 6
Site 7A
Site 7B
Site 8
All Observations

Unfiltered surface wave observations: Unfiltered significant wave height (m), peak wave period (s), peak wave direction (deg. true North towards), mean-removed water depth (m), and the velocity-derived non-directional wave height spectrum (m/sqrt(Hz)) at are shown at individual sites. A combined plot of surface wave observations at all sites is also provided.

Site 1
Site 2
Site 3
Site 4
     Site 5 (data unusable)
Site 6
Site 7B
Site 8
All Observations

Unfiltered Acoustic Doppler Velocimeter (ADV) observations: Unfiltered distance of measurement location the sea floor (m), water flow (cm/s) and the standard deviation of water flow (cm/s) near the sea floor is shown at Site 6 and Site 7A. All observations are from Sontek ADVs. Significant wave height (m) from Site 2 is also shown to provide an indication of wave energy. A combined plot of observations at both Site 6 and Site 7 is also provided.

Site 6
Site 7A
All Observations

Low-pass filtered Acoustic Doppler Velocimeter (ADV) observations: Low-passed distance from the sea floor (m), water flow (cm/s) and the standard deviation of water flow (cm/s) near the sea floor is shown at Site 6 and Site 7A. All observations are from Sontek ADVs. Significant wave height (m) from Site 2 is also shown to provide an indication of wave energy. A combined plot of observations at both 6 and Site 7 is also provided.

Site 6
Site 7A
All Observations

Unfiltered Pulse-Coherent Acoustic Doppler Profiler (PCADP): Unfiltered distance from the sea floor (m), water flow (cm/s) and the standard deviation of water flow (cm/s) near the sea floor is shown at Site 7A. All observations are from Sontek PCADPs. Significant wave height (m) from Site 2 is also shown to provide an indication of wave energy.

Site 7A

Low-pass filtered Pulse-Coherent Acoustic Doppler Profiler (PCADP): Low-passed distance from the sea floor (m), water flow (cm/s) and the standard deviation of water flow (cm/s) near the sea floor is shown at Site 7A. All observations are from Sontek PCADPs. Significant wave height (m) from Site 2 is also shown to provide an indication of wave energy.

Site 7A

Unfiltered Acoustic Backscatter Sensor (ABS) observations: Burst-mean statistics calculated from ABS data at Site 6, Site 7A, and Site 7B. Statistics include the burst-mean, standard deviation, and percentiles for the ABS' three transducers. Squares of these statistics were also calculated. Both pdf and png versions are provided. Please note that due to the complexity of these figures, the pdf version may load slowly.

Site all transducers transducer 1 transducer 2 transducer 3
mean mean squared standard deviation standard deviation squared percentiles percentiles squared percentiles percentiles squared percentiles percentiles squared
png png png png png png png png png png
pdf pdf pdf pdf pdf pdf pdf pdf pdf pdf
Site 7A png png png png png png png png png png
pdf pdf pdf pdf pdf pdf pdf pdf pdf pdf
Site 7B png png png png png png png png png png
pdf pdf pdf pdf pdf pdf pdf pdf pdf pdf

Unfiltered Optical Backscatter Sensor (OBS) observations: Burst-mean voltage from OBS data at Site 6 and Site 7A.

Site 6
Site 7A

Animation of Sonar Data: The changing condition of the sediment bed at site 7B can be viewed as animation using media player that supports .avi files. In the top panel of the animation, backscatter intensity of the sediment bed is shown in the grayscale image, with ADV current speed noted in red. ADV current speed and direction are also indicated by the magnitude and orientation, respectively, of the red arrow. An estimate of sea floor ripple wavelenth and the direction towards which are propagating are noted in cyan. The orientation of the cyan arrow indicates the wave direction, whereas the magnitude of the cyan arrow indicates the estimate of sea floor ripple wavelength. This magnitude has been multiplied by 5 for visual purposes. The bottom panel shows significant wave height at site 7B. The red dot in this panel coincides with the time provided in the image in the top panel. At site 6 the sonar was tilted upward and (or) flooded so no sea floor images were recovered.

Site 7Bfall deployment
spring deployment

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