Amplitude and phase of tidal constituents were computed using the tidal
analysis program T_TIDE (Pawlowicz and others, 2002). The
constituents are K1, O1, M2, N2,
and S2. This report includes the full output from T_TIDE for each data record. D1 and D2 in the table below denote the computation of tidal constituents from deployment 1 and deployment 2 data records, respectively. C denotes the computation of tidal constituents from the combined records of data from both deployments.
Table headings for T_TIDE output:
- tide: tidal constituent freq: frequency (cycles/hour)
major: major axis of tidal ellipse (for current observations) (cm/s)
emaj: error estimate for major axis (cm/s)
minor: minor axis of tidal ellipse (cm/s)
emin: error estimate for minor axis (cm/s)
inc: inclination of major axis (counter clockwise from east) (degrees)
einc: error estimate for inclination (degrees)
phase: phase of at time of major axis (degrees)
ephase: error estimate of phase (degrees)
snr: signal to noise ratio
** No pressure data available during deployment 1 at site 1.
*** Data lost at site 5 due to significant tilt of the instrument.
§ Pressure signal too muted and skewed during deployment 1 at site 3 for harmonic analysis.
ŧ Pressure signal too distorted by biofouling during deployment 1 at site 7 for harmonic analysis.
t Data record too short during deployment 1 at site 4 for combined harmonic analysis.
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