USGS - science for a changing world

USGS Coastal and Marine Hazards and Resources Program

South Carolina Coastal Erosion Study, Data Report for Observations, October 2003 - April 2004

Mooring Identification and Mooring Log

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Mooring Identification

Every surface mooring bottom tripod platform; (see Field Program page) deployed during this study is assigned a 3-digit mooring number that is used to key all information about the mooring and the data. The mooring numbers are assigned in anticipated order of mooring deployment in the field and are roughly sequential, although logistics may alter mooring deployment schedules. An electronic mooring log (PDF format) is maintained in an Excel spreadsheet that summarizes mooring deployments and recoveries. The entries in this mooring log (links here) include USGS mooring number, date deployed, date recovered, instrument serial numbers, instrument sampling schemes, and other documentation of each mooring and the instrumentation on it.

Field Mooring Log

In addition to the electric mooring log, paper logbooks are maintained to track instrumentation and field deployments. The Field Mooring Log is the notebook of the field team that physically deploys the instrumentation at sea. The Field Mooring Log includes: mooring number, date and time deployed, date and time recovered, three dimensional spatial location, instrument serial numbers, deployment platform, and descriptions of significant events which occurred during field operations (for example, a mooring or tripod damaged, divers necessary for recovery, sensors fouled). In addition to the Field Mooring Logs, Instrument Logbooks are also kept for each instrument to record upgrades, failures, calibrations and other maintenance actions. These instrument logs are not included in this report.

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