Sri Lanka International Tsunami Survey Team
The Sri Lanka International Tsunami Survey Team (ITST) included 16 researchers from the United States:
- Geological Survey (USGS)
- Cornell University (Cornell)
- Geological Survey & Mines Bureau of Sri Lanka (GSMBSL)
- GeoEnvironmental Consultants of New Zealand (GeoEnv)
- University of Washington (UW)
- Texas A&M University (TAMU)
- University of Southern California (USC)
- University of Peradeniya (Sri Lanka)
- Upali Group of Companies of Sri Lanka
- Arizona State University (ASU)
- Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech)
- Silicon Technology of Sri Lanka
To cover as much territory as possible, the Sri Lanka ITST divided up into an East Team and a South Team. The ITST collected data at more than 30 sites in Sri Lanka.
East Team

Members of the East Team of the Sri Lanka ITST (from left to right): Patrick Lynett, Texas A & M University; Bretwood Higman, University of Washington; Upali, Driver; Quirin Schiermeier, reporter from Nature; Starin Fernando, Geological Survey & Mines Bureau of Sri Lanka; Tom Paulson, reporter from Seattle Post-Intelligencer; Bruce Jaffe, USGS; K. Sri Indrakanthan, University of Peradeniya; Philip Liu, Cornell University (TEAM LEADER)
Members of the Sri Lanka ITST East Team
Bretwood Higman , University of Washington
Bruce Jaffe, USGS
Philip Liu, Cornell University (TEAM LEADER)
Patrick Lynett, Texas A & M University
Tom Paulson, reporter from Seattle Post-Intelligencer
Quirin Schiermeier, reporter from Nature |
Lanka |
Starin Fernando, Geological Survey & Mines Bureau
K. Sri Indrakanthan, University of Peradeniya |
Members of the Sri Lanka ITST South Team
Harindra (Joe) Fernando, Arizona State University (TEAM LEADER)
Hermann Fritz, George Institute of Technology
William Hermann, The Arizona Republic
Robert Morton, USGS
Costas Synolakis, University of Southern California
Jeff Topping, Topping Photography |
Zealand |
James Goff, GeoEnvironmental Consultants |
Lanka |
P. G. R. Dharmaratne, Geological Survey & Mines Bureau
Rohan Fernando, Upali Group of Companies
H. A. Hemachandra Jayasena, University of Peradeniya
S. Gehard Mendis, Silicon Technology
Sriwardana, Geological Survey & Mines Bureau
Jeffrey DeLile, University of Peradeniya |
Importance of Survey