2021 Experimental Discrete Field and Laboratory CO2 System Measurements from the Hillsborough River, Florida
This dataset contains carbon dioxide (CO2) system data collected by scientists from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) to investigate the effects of Mercuric chloride (HgCl2) on low salinity, organic-rich estuarine water samples acquired from the Tampa Bay estuary located in west central Florida. Discrete water samples were collected using two, 30-liter (30L) Niskin bottles to capture surficial waters from the lower Hillsborough River. Filtered water ... |
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Attenuation Factor model results for Upper Floridan aquifer vulnerability to Bromacil and Ethylene Dibromide
This dataset includes Attenuation Factor (AF; Rao and others, 1985) model results for Upper Floridan aquifer vulnerability to Bromacil and 1,2-Dibromoethane or Ethylene Dibromide (EDB). The AF value serves as an index for assessing the transport of pesticide mass from the vadose zone. The AF model setup requires the input of raster soil bulk density, soil organic carbon content, soil field capacity, soil air filled porosity, recharge to the aquifer, depth to groundwater, the pesticide sorption coefficient, ... |
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Buck Island, U.S. Virgin Islands, wave and water level data, 2015
Time series data of wave height and water surface elevation were acquired for 147 days at four locations off of the north coast and four locations off the south coast of Buck Island, U.S. Virgin Islands, in support of a study on the coastal circulation patterns and the transformation of surface waves over the coral reefs. The relative placement of sensors on the reefs were as follows: BUI15S1T and BUI15N1T – fore reef BUI15S2T and BUI15N2T – outer reef flat BUI15S3T and BUI15N3T – ... |
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Buck Island, U.S. Virgin Islands, wave and water level data, 2016
Time series data of wave height and water surface elevation were acquired for 109 days at four locations off of the north coast and four locations off the south coast of Buck Island, U.S. Virgin Islands, in support of a study on the coastal circulation patterns and the transformation of surface waves over the coral reefs. The relative placement of sensors on the reefs were as follows: BUI16S1T and BUI16N1T – fore reef BUI16S2T and BUI16N2T – outer reef flat BUI16S3T and BUI16N3T – ... |
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Conductivity-Temperature-Depth (CTD) profile data from transects of Whales Tail Marsh tidal creeks, South San Francisco Bay, California during 2021 and 2022
Spatial surveys of water column physical properties were acquired with a conductivity-temperature-depth (CTD) profiler for five (5) surveys in summer 2021 and three (3) surveys in winter 2021-2022 during king tides along transects of tidal creeks in the Whales Tail Marsh, South San Francisco Bay, California. The data are provided in netCDF files. |
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Conductivity-Temperature-Depth (CTD) profile data in the National Park of American Samoa, Tutuila, American Samoa, 2015
Spatial surveys of water column physical properties were acquired with a conductivity-temperature-depth (CTD) profiler for four days in February 2015 and one day in July 2015 off the north coast of the island of Tutuila, American Samoa in support of a study on the coastal circulation patterns within and in the vicinity of the National Park of American Samoa. |
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Continuous Resistivity Profiling, Electrical Resistivity Tomography and Hydrologic Data Collected in 2017 from Indian River Lagoon, Florida
Extending 200 kilometers (km) along the Atlantic Coast of Central Florida, Indian River Lagoon (IRL) is one of the most biologically diverse estuarine systems in the continental United States. The lagoon is characterized by shallow, brackish waters and a width that varies between 0.5 and 9.0 km; there is significant human development along both shores. Scientists from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center used continuous resistivity profiling (CRP, a towed ... |
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Coral growth parameters, Kahekili, west Maui
Surface runoff and submarine groundwater discharge in particular are known vectors to the coastal ocean of elevated nutrients and contaminants leading to eutrophication, algal overgrowth, and coral disease. Freshwater discharging directly from submarine groundwater vents off of Kahekili Beach Park, Kaanapali, in West Maui contains elevated nutrient concentrations and lower pH values. Coral cores were collected in July 2013 from the shallow reef at Kahekili in Kaanapali, West Maui, Hawaii from ... |
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CTD profile measurements collected along the Cascadia margin for the FK190612 expedition in June 2019
CTD (Conductivity Temperature Depth) data were collected along the Cascadia margin for the FK190612 expedition in June 2019 |
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CTD profile measurements collected off California and Oregon during NOAA cruise RL-19-05 (USGS field activity 2019-672-FA) from October to November 2019
CTD (Conductivity Temperature Depth) data were collected offshore of California and Oregon from October to November 2019 during NOAA cruise RL-19-05 (USGS field activity 2019-672-FA). This data release supersedes version 1.0, published in August 2020 at https://doi.org/10.5066/P9ZS1JX8. Versioning details are documented in the accompanying VersionHistory_P9JKYWQU.txt file. |
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CTD profile measurements collected off California and Oregon during NOAA cruise SH-18-12 (USGS field activity 2018-663-FA) from October to November 2018
CTD (Conductivity Temperature Depth) data were collected offshore of California and Oregon from October to November 2018 during NOAA cruise SH-18-12 on the R/V Bell M. Shimada (USGS field activity 2018-663-FA). This data release supersedes version 2.0, published in September 2021 at https://doi.org/10.5066/P99DIQZ5. Versioning details are documented in the accompanying VersionHistory_P99MJ096.txt file. |
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Distribution of particle size in suspension at various depths from San Pablo Bay and Grizzly Bay, California, 2019
These data present suspended particle size distributions collected by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center within two embayments of San Francisco Bay. Data were collected at one site in San Pablo Bay and one site in Grizzly Bay from June through August 2019, by deploying a Sequoia Scientific Laser In-situ Scattering and Transmissometry instrument (LISST 100x) from a small vessel near pre-established USGS instrument moorings. At both sites, data were collected on six ... |
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Distribution of particle size in suspension at various depths from San Pablo Bay and Grizzly Bay, California, 2020
These data present suspended particle size distributions collected by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center within two embayments of San Francisco Bay. Data were collected at one site in San Pablo Bay and one site in Grizzly Bay from January through February 2020 by deploying a Sequoia Scientific Laser In-situ Scattering and Transmissometry instrument (LISST 200x) from a small vessel near pre-established USGS instrument moorings. At both sites, data were collected on ... |
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DRASTIC model results for Upper Floridan aquifer vulnerability to Bromacil and Ethylene Dibromide
This dataset includes DRASTIC (Aller and others, 1987) model results for Upper Floridan aquifer vulnerability to contamination. The DRASTIC value serves as an intrinsic vulnerability index for assessing the transport of contaminants from the surface. The DRASTIC model setup requires the input of raster data for depth to groundwater, aquifer recharge, aquifer media, soil media, topography, vadose zone media, and aquifer hydraulic conductivity. These variables were entered into the DRASTIC equation using the ... |
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Geochemical data supporting investigation of solute and particle cycling and fluxes from two tidal wetlands on the south shore of Cape Cod, Massachusetts, 2012-19 (ver. 3.0, January 2025)
Assessment of geochemical cycling within tidal wetlands and measurement of fluxes of dissolved and particulate constituents between wetlands and coastal water bodies are critical to evaluating ecosystem function, service, and status. The U.S. Geological Survey and collaborators collected surface water and porewater geochemical data from a tidal wetland located on the eastern shore of Sage Lot Pond in Mashpee, Massachusetts, within the Waquoit Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve, between 2012 and 2019. ... |
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Hydrodynamic and sediment transport data from San Pablo Bay (northern San Francisco Bay), 2011-2012
The U.S. Geological Survey Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center collected data to investigate sediment dynamics in the shallows of San Pablo Bay in two deployments: February to March 2011 (ITX11) and May to June 2012 (ITX12). This data release includes time-series data and grain-size distributions from sediment grabs collected during the deployments. During each deployment, time series of current velocity, water depth, and turbidity were collected at several stations in the shallows, and one station in ... |
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Hydrodynamic and sediment transport model of San Francisco Bay, California, Nov-Dec 2014
A three-dimensional hydrodynamic and sediment transport model of San Pablo and Suisun Bays was constructed using the Delft3D4 (D3D) modeling suite (Deltares, 2021a) to simulate water levels, flow, waves, and suspended sediment for time period of Nov 1 to Dec 31, 2014. This data release describes the construction and validation of the model application and provides input files suitable to run the model on D3D software version 4.04.01. |
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Hydrodynamic and sediment transport model of the mouth of the Columbia River, Washington and Oregon, 2020-2021
A three-dimensional hydrodynamic and sediment transport model application of the mouth of the Columbia River (MCR) was constructed using the Delft3D4 (D3D) modeling suite (Deltares, 2021) to simulate water levels, flow, waves, and sediment transport for time period of September 22, 2020, to March 10, 2021. The model was used to predict the dispersal of sediment from a submerged, nearshore berm composed of sediment that was dredged from the entrance to the MCR navigation channel and placed on the northern ... |
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Hydrodynamic modeling of the mouth of the Columbia River, Oregon and Washington, 2013
A process-based numerical model of the mouth of the Columbia River (MCR) and estuary, Oregon and Washington, was applied to simulate hydrodynamic conditions for the time period of the Office of Naval Research-funded River and Inlets Dynamics (RIVET II) field experiment conducted between May 9 and June 15, 2013. The model application was constructed using Delft3D, an open-source software package used to solve the unsteady shallow water equations to simulate water motion due to tides, waves, wind, and ... |
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Hydrodynamic model of the lower Columbia River, Oregon and Washington, 2017-2020
A three-dimensional hydrodynamic model of the lower Columbia River (LCR) was constructed using the Delft3D Flexible Mesh (DFM) modeling suite to simulate water levels, flow, and seabed stresses for time period of January 1, 2017 to April 20, 2020. This data release describes the construction and validation of the model application and provides input files suitable to run the model on Delft3D Flexible Mesh software version 2021.01. |
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Hydrodynamic time-series data from San Pablo Bay and Grizzly Bay , California, 2019
Hydrodynamic and sediment transport time-series data, including water depth, velocity, turbidity, conductivity, and temperature, were collected by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center within two embayments of San Francisco Bay. Data were collected in San Pablo Bay and Grizzly Bay from June to August 2019 at seven unique stations. Data files are grouped by area (shallows of San Pablo Bay, channel of San Pablo Bay, and shallows of Grizzly Bay). Each shallow site ... |
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Hydrodynamic time-series data from San Pablo Bay and Grizzly Bay, California, 2020
Hydrodynamic and sediment transport time-series data, including water depth, velocity, turbidity, conductivity, and temperature, were collected by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center within two embayments of San Francisco Bay. Data were collected in San Pablo Bay and Grizzly Bay from January to June 2020 at seven locations. Data files are grouped by area (shallows of San Pablo Bay, channel of San Pablo Bay, and shallows of Grizzly Bay). Each shallow site contained a ... |
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Hydrodynamic timeseries data from south San Francisco Bay, California, summer 2020
Hydrodynamic and sediment transport time-series data, including water depth, velocity, turbidity, suspended particle size, conductivity, and temperature, were collected by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center at two locations in south San Francisco Bay. Data were collected in the channel (one platform) and in the shallows (three co-located platforms) for 2 weeks in July 2020. Data files are grouped by site (channel or shallows). Each site contained instrumentation to ... |
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Hydrodynamic time-series data from three locations in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, California, 2017 to 2018
Hydrodynamic and sediment transport time-series data, including water depth, velocity, turbidity, conductivity, and temperature, were collected by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center at three locations in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta. Data were collected in Lindsey Slough in April 2017, and Middle River and the Mokelumne River in March 2018. Data files are grouped by location. At each of the three sites, data were collected at stations outside and within patches ... |
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Hydrodynamic time-series data from two marshes and adjacent shallows in Northern San Francisco Bay, California, 2022-2023
Hydrodynamic and sediment transport time-series data, including water depth, velocity, turbidity, conductivity, and temperature, were collected by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center at shallow subtidal and intertidal sites in Corte Madera Bay and San Pablo Bay National Wildlife Refuge (SPNWF) in San Francisco Bay, CA, as well as on the marsh plain of SPNWF marsh and in a tidal creek and on the marsh plain of Corte Madera Marsh, in 2022 and 2023. Data files are ... |
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Hydrodynamic time-series data from Whale's Tail South marsh in Eden Landing Ecological Reserve in Alameda County, CA in 2021 and 2022
Hydrodynamic and sediment transport time-series data, including water depth, velocity, turbidity, conductivity, and temperature, were collected by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center in South San Francisco Bay and in the Whale's Tail South marsh in Eden Landing Ecological Reserve in Alameda County, CA in 2021 and 2022. Data files are grouped by data type and season (summer and winter). At Bay sites, instruments were deployed on small quadpods. In the tidal creek, ... |
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Kwajalein Island, Marshall Islands, wave and water level data, 2013-2015
Time series data of water surface elevation and wave height were acquired at ten locations for 518 days (in three separate deployments) off the south coast of Kwajalein Island, Marshall Islands, in support of a study on the coastal circulation patterns and the transformation of surface waves over the coral reefs. The relative placement of sensors on the reefs were as follows: KWA13W1 and KWA13E1 – fore reef KWA13W2 and KWA13E2 – outer reef flat KWA13W1 and KWA13E1 – middle reef flat ... |
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Microbial and environmental dataset from Crocker Reef, Florida Keys, 2014-2015
Crocker Reef was the site of an integrated reefscape characterization effort focused on calcification and related biogeochemical processes as part of the USGS Coral Reef Ecosystem Study (CREST) project. This effort included two intensive seasonal sampling trips to capture summer (July 8 to 17, 2014) and winter (January 29 to February 5, 2015) conditions. This data release represents water column microbial and environmental data collected for use as metadata in future publications examining reef metabolic ... |
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Nearshore groundwater seepage and geochemical data measured in 2015 at Guinea Creek, Rehoboth Bay, Delaware
Assessment of biogeochemical processes and transformations at the aquifer-estuary interface and measurement of the chemical flux from submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) zones to coastal water bodies are critical for evaluating ecosystem service, geochemical budgets, and eutrophication status. The U.S. Geological Survey and the University of Delaware measured rates of SGD and concentrations of dissolved constituents, including nitrogen species, from recirculating ultrasonic and manual seepage meters, and ... |
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Near-shore seawater-column estimates of groundwater advection rate, Makua, Kauai, USA, August 2016
In-situ near-shore seawater measurements of dissolved radon, conductivity, and water level were used to determine the advection rate of groundwater onto the fringing reef off Makua, HI, USA. |
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Near-shore seawater-column measurements of excess radon (Rn-222) and water levels, Faga'alu Bay, Tutuila, American Samoa, August 2018
This data table includes in-situ near-shore seawater measurements of excess radon (Rn-222) and water levels collected in Faga'alu Bay, Tutuila, American Samoa. |
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Near-surface measurements of Conductivity-Temperature-Depth (CTD) data, Makua, Kauai, USA, August 2016
Transects of near-surface seawater properties were collected over the fringing reef off Makua, HI, on the north shore of Kauai using a Conductivity-Temperature-Depth (CTD) logger, either hand-carried or mounted to a kayak. The instrument returns temperature, salinity as a function of depth, and latitude/longitude. |
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Oceanographic time-series measurements from the mouth of the Columbia River, Oregon and Washington, 2013
Time-series data of water surface elevation, wave height, and water column currents, temperature, salinity, and acoustic seabed images were acquired for 38 days between 9 May and 15 June, 2013 in the mouth of the Columbia River, Oregon and Washington. |
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Ofu, American Samoa, wave and water level data, 2020
Time series data of wave height and water surface elevation were acquired for 399 days at four locations on the southern reef of Ofu, American Samoa, in support of a study on submarine groundwater dynamics on this reef within the National Park of American Samoa’s Ofu Unit. The relative placement of sensors on the reef were as follows: OFU20E03 – mid reef at East site; OFU20E04 – inner reef at East site; OFU20W03 – mid reef at West site; OFU20W04 – inner reef at West site. |
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Percent Carbon content from suspended sediment in water samples collected Whale's Tail South marsh tidal creeks in South San Francisco Bay, California, Winter 2021-2022
Water samples were collected in Whale's Tail South marsh tidal creeks on December 3 and 6, 2021 and January 3, 2022 and processed to determine percent carbon in the samples. The water samples were collected near pre-established USGS instrument moorings with a Niskin bottle. |
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Percent sand and fines in suspended sediment from water samples from South San Francisco Bay, California, 2021
Water samples were collected in South San Francisco Bay adjacent to Whale’s Tail South marsh on three days from June through December 2021 to analyze for suspended-sediment concentration and the percent of sand and fines in suspended sediment. |
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Physicochemical measurements of the coastal aquifer and coastal groundwater discharge on Kalaupapa, Moloka'i, Hawaii
This data table includes in-situ near-shore seawater measurements of excess radon (Rn-222), tide and crater lake water levels and salinity collected in Kalaupapa, Moloka'i, Hawaii. |
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Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in the San Lorenzo River, Santa Cruz, California, USA, from 2015 to 2016
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are reported for water samples collected from the San Lorenzo River water during the rainy seasons from 2015 to 2016. Samples were collected during 2-, 5- and close to 10 year flood events. |
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Profiles of salinity, temperature, depth, turbidity, and distributions of particle size in suspension collected during four 0.25-day periods in south San Francisco Bay, California, summer 2020
Profiles of salinity, temperature, turbidity, and particle size distribution were collected by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center at two locations in south San Francisco Bay. Data were collected at depth intervals ranging between 0.5 and 2 m (depending on total water depth); sensors remained at each depth for 1 minute. Each profile was collected from surface to bed, and the near-surface region was sampled again at the end of the profile to check steady-state ... |
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Profiles of salinity, temperature, depth, turbidity, and distributions of particle size in suspension collected during four days in South San Francisco Bay, California, June 2021 to January 2022
Profiles of salinity, temperature, turbidity, and particle size distribution were collected by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center in South San Francisco Bay. Data were collected at depth intervals ranging between 0.5 and 2 m (depending on total water depth); sensors remained at each depth for 1-2 minutes. Each profile was collected from surface to bed, and the near-surface region was sampled again at the end of the profile to check steady-state conditions. Profiles ... |
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Rincon, Puerto Rico, wave and water level data, 2019
Time series data of wave height and water surface elevation were acquired for 147 days at eleven locations, in two cross-reef transects, off of the west coast of Rincon, Puerto Rico, in support of a study on the coastal circulation patterns and the transformation of surface waves over the coral reefs. The relative placement of sensors on the reef were as follows: PRI19N01 – offshore reef crest, north transect PRI19N02, PRI19N03 – offshore reef flat, north transect PRI19S03 – offshore reef flat, south ... |
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Rincon, Puerto Rico, wave and water level data, 2020
Time series data of wave height and water surface elevation were acquired for 135 days at six locations off of the west coast of Rincon, Puerto Rico, in support of a study on the coastal circulation patterns and the transformation of surface waves over the coral reefs. The relative placement of sensors on the reef were as follows: PRI20N01 – offshore PRI20N02 and PRI20N03 – fore reef PRI20N35, PRI20N04 and PRI20N45 – reef flat |
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Roi-Namur Island, Marshall Islands, wave and water level data, 2013-2015
Time series data of water surface elevation and wave height were acquired at ten locations for 517 days (in three separate deployments) off the north coast of Roi-Namur Island, Kwajalein Atoll, Marshall Islands, in support of a study on the coastal circulation patterns and the transformation of surface waves over the coral reefs. The relative placement of sensors on the reefs were as follows: ROI13W1 and ROI13E1 – fore reef ROI13W2 and ROI13E2 – outer reef flat ROI13W1 and ROI13E1 – ... |
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San Juan, Puerto Rico, wave and water level data, 2018-2019
Time series data of water surface elevation and wave height were acquired at ten locations for 153 days off San Juan, on the north coast of Puerto Rico, in support of a study on the transformation of surface waves and resulting water levels over the coral reefs. The relative placement of sensors on the reefs were as follows: PRI18E01, PRI18W01 – fore reef PRI18E02, PRI18W02 – reef crest PRI18E03, PRI18W03 – outer reef flat PRI18E04, PRI18W04 – middle reef flat PRI18E05, ... |
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Seawater carbonate chemistry, Kahekili, west Maui
Time-series of seawater carbonate chemistry variables, including salinity, dissolved inorganic nutrients, pH, total alkalinity, and dissolved inorganic carbon from sites along Kahekili Beach Park, west Maui near submarine groundwater seeps and living coral reefs. Samples for seawater were collected by pumping bottom water from the seafloor using a peristaltic pump and collecting discrete water samples every 4-hrs over a 6-day period. |
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St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center's Geologic Core and Sample Database Metadata
This database contains a comprehensive inventory of geologic (coral, coral reef, limestone, and sediment) cores and samples collected, analyzed, published, and/or archived by, or in collaboration with, the U.S. Geological Survey St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (USGS SPCMSC). The SPCMSC Geologic Core and Sample Database includes geologic cores and samples collected beginning in the 1970s to present day, from study sites across the world. This database captures metadata about samples ... |
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Suspended particle size distribution data from three locations in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, California, 2017 to 2018
These data present suspended particle size distributions collected by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center at three locations in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta. Data were collected in Lindsey Slough on April 4 and April 18, 2017, and near the mouth of the Mokelumne River and in Middle River on March 14, 2018 by deploying a Sequoia Scientific Laser In-situ Scattering and Transmissometry instrument (LISST 100x) from a small vessel during the deployment of the ... |
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Suspended sediment concentrations from water samples collected from the shallows and a tidal creek of Northern San Francisco Bay, California, 2022-2023
Water samples were collected in San Pablo Bay, Corte Madera Bay, and a tidal creek in Corte Madera Marsh between April 2022 and June 2023 to measure suspended-sediment concentrations and percent carbon of suspended sediment. The water samples were collected near the USGS instrument platforms (see time-series data page) with a peristaltic pump, via a Niskin sampler, or directly with a sample bottle. |
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Suspended-sediment concentrations from water samples collected in Bellingham Bay, Washington, USA, 2019 to 2021
Water samples were collected in Bellingham Bay, Washington, USA on 14 days from July 30, 2019, to April 15, 2021. The water samples were collected from a small vessel near pre-established USGS instrument moorings using a van Dorn water sampler. These data were collected to support studies of sediment delivery, transport, deposition, and resuspension in this Pacific Northwest estuarine embayment. |
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Suspended sediment concentrations from water samples collected in San Pablo Bay and Grizzly Bay , California, 2019
Water samples were collected in San Pablo Bay and Grizzly Bay on five days from June through August 2019. The water samples were collected near pre-established USGS instrument moorings with a peristaltic pump or via a Niskin bottle, deployed off of a small vessel. Data are provided in a comma-delimited values spreadsheet. |
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Suspended sediment concentrations from water samples collected in San Pablo Bay and Grizzly Bay, California, 2020
Water samples were collected in San Pablo Bay and Grizzly Bay on five days from January through June 2020. The water samples were collected from a small vessel near pre-established USGS instrument moorings using a peristaltic pump or a Niskin bottle. Data are provided in a comma-delimited values spreadsheet. |
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Suspended sediment concentrations from water samples collected in South San Francisco Bay, California, and adjacent tidal creeks, Summer 2021
Water samples were collected in South San Francisco Bay and Whale's Tail South marsh tidal creeks from June 2021 through September 2021. The water samples were collected near pre-established USGS instrument moorings with a peristaltic pump, via a Niskin bottle, or directly with a sample bottle to analyze for suspended sediment concentration. |
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Suspended sediment concentrations from water samples collected in South San Francisco Bay, California, and adjacent tidal creeks, Winter 2021-2022
Water samples were collected in South San Francisco Bay and Whale's Tail South marsh tidal creeks from November 2021 through February 2022. The water samples were collected near pre-established USGS instrument moorings with a peristaltic pump, via a Niskin bottle, or directly with a sample bottle to analyze for suspended sediment concentration. |
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Suspended sediment concentration (SSC) in the San Lorenzo River, Santa Cruz, California, USA, from 2008 to 2019
Suspended-sediment concentrations are reported in mg/L for water samples collected from the San Lorenzo River during the rainy seasons from 2008 to 2019. Samples were collected during 2-, 5- and 10-year flood events. |
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Time series data of oceanographic conditions from La Parguera, Puerto Rico, 2017-2018 Coral Reef Circulation and Sediment Dynamics Experiment
Time-series data of water surface elevation, waves, currents, temperature, and salinity collected between 17 May 2017 and 17 Jan 2018 off the southwest coast of Puerto Rico in support of a study on circulation and sediment transport dynamics over coral reefs. The data are available in NetCDF format, grouped together in zip files by instrument site location. A README.txt file details the files contained within each zip, including the file names, type of data collected, instrument that collected the data, ... |
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Time-series data of water surface elevation, waves, currents, temperature, and turbidity collected between November 2017 and March 2018 off the west coast of Maui, Hawaii, USA
Time-series data of water surface elevation, waves, currents, temperature, and turbidity collected between November 2017 and March 2018 off the west coast of Maui, Hawaii, USA. The data are available in NetCDF format, grouped together in zip files by instrument site location. These data support a modeling study on the effects of potential watershed restoration on decreasing sediment loads to adjacent reefs (Storlazzi and others, 2023). |
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Time-series measurements of oceanographic and water quality data collected at Thompsons Beach and Stone Harbor, New Jersey, USA, September 2018 to September 2019 and March 2022 to May 2023
In October 2012, Hurricane Sandy made landfall in the Northeastern U.S., affecting ecosystems and communities of 12 states. In response, the National Fish and Wildlife Federation (NFWF) and the U.S. Department of Interior (DOI) implemented the Hurricane Sandy Coastal Resiliency Program, which funded various projects designed to reduce future impacts of coastal hazards. These projects included marsh, beach, and dune restoration, aquatic connectivity, and living shoreline installation, among others. To ... |
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Time-series measurements of oceanographic and water quality data collected in the Herring River, Wellfleet, Massachusetts, USA, November 2018 to November 2019
Restoration in the tidally restricted Herring River Estuary in Wellfleet, MA benefits from understanding pre-restoration sediment transport conditions. Submerged sensors were deployed at four sites landward and seaward of the Herring River restriction to measure water velocity, water quality, water level, waves, and seabed elevation. These data will be used to evaluate sediment dynamics and geomorphic change and inform marsh modeling efforts over tidal and seasonal timescales. |
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Time-series oceanographic data collected from reef flat and lagoon sediment dynamics packages in 2016 off Jurabi Point, Ningaloo Reef, Western Australia
Time series data of water surface elevation, wave height, water column currents and temperature, and suspended sediment were acquired for 6 weeks on a coral reef off Jurabi Point, Ningaloo Coast UNESCO World Heritage site in Western Australia in support of a study on the circulation and sediment transport patterns of these reefs. |
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Time-series oceanographic data collected off Makua, Kauai, USA, August 2016
Time-series data of water-surface elevation, wave height, water-column currents, temperature were acquired for 6 days off the north coast of the island of Kauai, Hawaii in support of a study on the coastal circulation patterns and groundwater input to the coral reefs of Makua. |
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Time-series oceanographic data from the Monterey Canyon, CA October 2015 - March 2017
Time-series data of water depth, velocity, turbidity, and temperature were acquired between 5 October 2015 and 21 March 2017 within the Monterey Canyon off of Monterey, CA, USA. In order to better understand the triggering, progression and evolution of turbidity currents in Monterey Submarine Canyon, an experiment was designed to directly measure velocity, suspended sediment and physical water properties (temperature, salinity and density) along the canyon axis during an 18-month period. Three moorings in ... |
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Time-series oceanographic data from the National Park of American Samoa, Tutuila, American Samoa, 2015
Time-series data of water surface elevation, wave height, and water column currents, temperature, and salinity were acquired for 150 days between 13 April and 14 July 2015 off the north coast of the island of Tutuila, American Samoa in support of a study on the coastal circulation patterns within and in the vicinity of the National Park of American Samoa. |
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Time-series oceanographic data of currents and waves from bottom-mounted instrument packages off Waiakane, Molokai, HI, 2018
Time series data of water surface elevation, wave height, and water column currents and temperature were acquired at seven locations for 86 days off of Waiakane on the south coast of the island of Molokai, Hawaii, in support of a study on the coastal circulation patterns and the transformation of surface waves over the coral reefs. |
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Time-series of biogeochemical and flow data from a tidal salt-marsh creek, Sage Lot Pond, Waquoit Bay, Massachusetts, 2012-2016 (ver. 2.0, July 2023)
Extended time-series sensor data were collected between 2012 and 2016 in surface water of a tidal salt-marsh creek on Cape Cod, Massachusetts. The objective of this field study was to measure water chemical characteristics and flows, as part of a study to quantify lateral fluxes of dissolved carbon species between the salt marsh and estuary. Data consist of in-situ measurements including salinity, temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, redox potential, fluorescent dissolved organic matter, turbidity, ... |
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Total suspended solids and particle size distributions from grab samples collected during four 0.25-day profiling periods in south San Francisco Bay, California, summer 2020
Water samples were collected in south San Francisco Bay on four days in July 2020. The water samples were collected near pre-established USGS instrument moorings with a Niskin bottle, lowered from the R/V Snavely. Data are provided in comma-delimited values spreadsheets. |
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Tuvalu, South Pacific, wave and water level data, 2019
Time series data of wave height and water surface elevation were acquired for 100 days at three locations off of the island of Nanumanga, three locations off of the island of Nanumea, three locations off of the island of Nui, two locations off of the island of Nikulaelae, and two locations off of the island of Niulakita, in the island nation of Tuvalu, in support of a study on the coastal circulation patterns and the transformation of surface waves over the coral reefs. The relative placement of sensors on ... |
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Vessel-mounted acoustic-doppler current profiler (ADCP) and surface-wind data from the National Park of American Samoa, Tutuila, American Samoa, 2015
Spatial surveys of water column currents and surface winds were conducted from February 17 to 20, 2015, off the north coast of the island of Tutuila, American Samoa. These data were collected using an acoustic-doppler current profiler (ADCP) and a meterological sensor in support of a study on the coastal circulation patterns within and in the vicinity of the National Park of American Samoa. |
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Waiakane, Molokai, Hawaiian Islands, wave and water level data, 2018
Time series data of water surface elevation, wave height, and water column currents and temperature were acquired at seven locations for 86 days off of Waiakane on the south coast of the island of Molokai, Hawaii, in support of a study on the coastal circulation patterns and the transformation of surface waves over the coral reefs. The relative placement of sensors on the reef were as follows: MKK18C01 – offshore MKK18C02 and MKK18C09 – fore reef MKK18C18 – reef crest MKK18C20 – ... |
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Water column acoustic backscatter data from the mouth of the Columbia River, Oregon and Washington, 2013
Spatial surveys of water column acoustic backscatter were performed between May 28 and June 2, 2013, in the mouth of the Columbia River, Oregon and Washington. These data were collected using a Biosonics DTX single-beam echosounder with 430 kHz transducer. |
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Water-column environmental variables and accompanying discrete CTD measurements collected off California and Oregon during NOAA cruise SH-18-12 (USGS field activity 2018-663-FA) from October to November 2018 (ver. 3.0, July 2022)
Various water column variables, including salinity, dissolved inorganic nutrients, pH, total alkalinity, dissolved inorganic carbon, radio-carbon isotopes were measured in samples collected using a Niskin-bottle rosette at selected depths from sites offshore of California and Oregon from October to November 2018 during NOAA cruise SH-18-12 on the R/V Bell M. Shimada (USGS field activity 2018-663-FA). CTD (Conductivity Temperature Depth) data were also collected at each depth that a Niskin-bottle sample was ... |
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Water-column environmental variables and accompanying discrete CTD measurements collected off California and Oregon during NOAA Ship Lasker R-19-05 (USGS field activity 2019-672-FA) from October to November 2019 (ver. 2.0, July 2022)
Various water column variables, including salinity, dissolved inorganic nutrients, pH, total alkalinity, dissolved inorganic carbon, radio-carbon isotopes were measured in samples collected using a Niskin-bottle rosette at selected depths from sites offshore of California and Oregon from October to November 2019 during NOAA Ship Lasker R-19-05 (USGS field activity 2019-672-FA). CTD (Conductivity Temperature Depth) data were also collected at each depth that a Niskin-bottle sample was collected and are ... |
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Water-column environmental variables and accompanying discrete CTD measurements collected offshore the U.S. Mid- and South Atlantic (ver. 2.0, July 2022)
Various water column variables, including salinity, dissolved inorganic nutrients, dissolved inorganic carbon, and radio-carbon isotopes were measured in samples collected using a Niskin-bottle rosette at selected depths from deepwater sites offshore the US Mid- and South Atlantic from September 2017 to April 2019. CTD (Conductivity Temperature Depth) data were also collected at each depth that a Niskin-bottle sample was collected and are presented along with the water sample data during the following five ... |
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Water-level, wind-wave, and suspended-sediment concentration (SSC) time-series data from Liberty Island (station LWA), Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, California, 2015-2017
Water depth and turbidity time-series data were collected in Little Holland Tract (LHT) from 2015 to 2017. Depth (from pressure) was measured in high-frequency (6 or 8 Hz) bursts. Burst means represent tidal stage, and burst data can be used to determine wave height and period. The turbidity sensors were calibrated to suspended-sediment concentration measured in water samples collected on site. The calibration and fit parameters for all of the turbidity sensors used in the study are tabulated and provided ... |
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Water-level, wind-wave, and suspended-sediment concentration (SSC) time-series data from Little Holland Tract (station HWA), Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, California, 2015
Water depth and turbidity time-series data were collected in Little Holland Tract (LHT) in 2015. Depth (from pressure) was measured in high-frequency (6 or 8 Hz) bursts. Burst means represent tidal stage, and burst data can be used to determine wave height and period. The turbidity sensors were calibrated to suspended-sediment concentration measured in water samples collected on site. The calibration and fit parameters for all of the turbidity sensors used in the study are tabulated and provided with the ... |
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Water-level, wind-wave, and suspended-sediment concentration (SSC) time-series data from Little Holland Tract (station HWC), Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, California, 2015-2017
Water depth and turbidity time-series data were collected in Little Holland Tract (LHT) from 2015 to 2017. Depth (from pressure) was measured in high-frequency (6 or 8 Hz) bursts. Burst means represent tidal stage, and burst data can be used to determine wave height and period. The turbidity sensors were calibrated to suspended-sediment concentration measured in water samples collected on site. The calibration and fit parameters for all of the turbidity sensors used in the study are tabulated and provided ... |
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Water-level, wind-wave, velocity, and suspended-sediment concentration (SSC) time-series data from Liberty Island Conservation Bank (station WVA), Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, California, 2017
Water depth, turbidity, and current velocity time-series data were collected in Liberty Island Conservation Bank (WVA) in 2017. The turbidity sensors were not calibrated to suspended-sediment concentration at this location. Typically, each zip folder for a deployment period contains two data files from a velocimeter and one data file from a CTD, each of which include data from an optical backscatter sensor. |
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Water-level, wind-wave, velocity, and suspended-sediment concentration (SSC) time-series data from Liberty Island (station LVB), Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, California, 2015-2017
Water depth, turbidity, and current velocity time-series data were collected in Liberty Island from 2015 to 2017. Depth (from pressure) and velocity were measured in high-frequency (8 Hz) bursts. Burst means represent tidal stage and currents, and burst data can be used to determine wave height, period, and direction, and wave-orbital velocity. The turbidity sensors were calibrated to suspended-sediment concentration measured in water samples collected on site. The calibration and fit parameters for all of ... |
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Water-level, wind-wave, velocity, and suspended-sediment concentration (SSC) time-series data from Little Holland Tract (station HVB), Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, California, 2015-2017
Water depth, turbidity, and current velocity time-series data were collected in Little Holland Tract from 2015 to 2017. Depth (from pressure) and velocity were measured in high-frequency (8 Hz) bursts. Burst means represent tidal stage and currents, and burst data can be used to determine wave height, period, direction, and wave-orbital velocity. The turbidity sensors were calibrated to suspended-sediment concentration measured in water samples collected on site. The calibration and fit parameters for all ... |
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Water-level, wind-wave, velocity, and suspended-sediment concentration (SSC) time-series data from Little Holland Tract (station HVD), Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, California, 2016
Water depth, turbidity, and current velocity time-series data were collected in Little Holland Tract in 2016. Depth (from pressure) and velocity were measured in high-frequency (8 Hz) bursts. Burst means represent tidal stage and currents, and burst data can be used to determine wave height, period, and direction, and wave-orbital velocity. The turbidity sensors were calibrated to suspended-sediment concentration measured in water samples collected on site. The calibration and fit parameters for all of the ... |
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Water-level, wind-wave, velocity, and suspended-sediment concentration (SSC) time-series data from Little Holland Tract (station HVE), Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, California, 2016
Water depth, turbidity, and current velocity time-series data were collected in Little Holland Tract in 2016. Depth (from pressure) and velocity were measured in high-frequency (8 Hz) bursts. Burst means represent tidal stage and currents, and burst data can be used to determine wave height, period, direction, and wave-orbital velocity. The turbidity sensors were calibrated to suspended-sediment concentration measured in water samples collected on site. The calibration and fit parameters for all of the ... |
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Water pressure/depth and turbidity time-series data from CHC13 Marsh and mudflat stations in San Pablo Bay and China Camp Marsh, California
Files contain hydrodynamic and sediment transport data for the location and deployment indicated. Time-series data of water depth, velocity, turbidity, and temperature were collected in San Pablo Bay and China Camp Marsh as part of the San Francisco Bay Marsh Sediment Experiments. Several instruments were deployed in tidal creek, marsh, mudflat, and Bay locations, gathering data on water depth, velocity, salinity/temperature, and turbidity. Deployment data are grouped by region (Bay channel (main Bay), Bay ... |
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Water pressure/depth and turbidity time-series data from CHC14 Marsh and mudflat stations in San Pablo Bay and China Camp Marsh, California
Files contain hydrodynamic and sediment transport data for the location and deployment indicated. Time-series data of water depth, velocity, turbidity, and temperature were collected in San Pablo Bay and China Camp Marsh as part of the San Francisco Bay Marsh Sediment Experiments. Several instruments were deployed in tidal creek, marsh, mudflat, and Bay locations, gathering data on water depth, velocity, salinity/temperature, and turbidity. Deployment data are grouped by region (Bay channel (main Bay), Bay ... |
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Water pressure/depth and turbidity time-series data from CHC16 Marsh and mudflat stations in San Pablo Bay and China Camp Marsh, California
Files contain hydrodynamic and sediment transport data for the location and deployment indicated. Time-series data of water depth, velocity, turbidity, and temperature were collected in San Pablo Bay and China Camp Marsh as part of the San Francisco Bay Marsh Sediment Experiments. Several instruments were deployed in tidal creek, marsh, mudflat, and Bay locations, gathering data on water depth, velocity, salinity/temperature, and turbidity. Deployment data are grouped by region (Bay channel (main Bay), Bay ... |
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Water pressure/depth, velocity, and turbidity time-series data from CHC13 Bay channel station in San Pablo Bay and China Camp Marsh, California
Files contain hydrodynamic and sediment transport data for the location and deployment indicated. Time-series data of water depth, velocity, turbidity, and temperature were collected in San Pablo Bay and China Camp Marsh as part of the San Francisco Bay Marsh Sediment Experiments. Several instruments were deployed in tidal creek, marsh, mudflat, and Bay locations, gathering data on water depth, velocity, salinity/temperature, and turbidity. Deployment data are grouped by region (Bay channel (main Bay), Bay ... |
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Water pressure/depth, velocity, and turbidity time-series data from CHC13 Bay shallows stations in San Pablo Bay and China Camp Marsh, California
Files contain hydrodynamic and sediment transport data for the location and deployment indicated. Time-series data of water depth, velocity, turbidity, and temperature were collected in San Pablo Bay and China Camp Marsh as part of the San Francisco Bay Marsh Sediment Experiments. Several instruments were deployed in tidal creek, marsh, mudflat, and Bay locations, gathering data on water depth, velocity, salinity/temperature, and turbidity. Deployment data are grouped by region (Bay channel (main Bay), Bay ... |
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Water pressure/depth, velocity, and turbidity time-series data from CHC13 Tidal creek stations in San Pablo Bay and China Camp Marsh, California
Files contain hydrodynamic and sediment transport data for the location and deployment indicated. Time-series data of water depth, velocity, turbidity, and temperature were collected in San Pablo Bay and China Camp Marsh as part of the San Francisco Bay Marsh Sediment Experiments. Several instruments were deployed in tidal creek, marsh, mudflat, and Bay locations, gathering data on water depth, velocity, salinity/temperature, and turbidity. Deployment data are grouped by region (Bay channel (main Bay), Bay ... |
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Water pressure/depth, velocity, and turbidity time-series data from CHC14 Bay channel station in San Pablo Bay and China Camp Marsh, California
Files contain hydrodynamic and sediment transport data for the location and deployment indicated. Time-series data of water depth, velocity, turbidity, and temperature were collected in San Pablo Bay and China Camp Marsh as part of the San Francisco Bay Marsh Sediment Experiments. Several instruments were deployed in tidal creek, marsh, mudflat, and Bay locations, gathering data on water depth, velocity, salinity/temperature, and turbidity. Deployment data are grouped by region (Bay channel (main Bay), Bay ... |
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Water pressure/depth, velocity, and turbidity time-series data from CHC14 Bay shallows stations in San Pablo Bay and China Camp Marsh, California
Files contain hydrodynamic and sediment transport data for the location and deployment indicated. Time-series data of water depth, velocity, turbidity, and temperature were collected in San Pablo Bay and China Camp Marsh as part of the San Francisco Bay Marsh Sediment Experiments. Several instruments were deployed in tidal creek, marsh, mudflat, and Bay locations, gathering data on water depth, velocity, salinity/temperature, and turbidity. Deployment data are grouped by region (Bay channel (main Bay), Bay ... |
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Water pressure/depth, velocity, and turbidity time-series data from CHC14 Tidal creek stations in San Pablo Bay and China Camp Marsh, California
Files contain hydrodynamic and sediment transport data for the location and deployment indicated. Time-series data of water depth, velocity, turbidity, and temperature were collected in San Pablo Bay and China Camp Marsh as part of the San Francisco Bay Marsh Sediment Experiments. Several instruments were deployed in tidal creek, marsh, mudflat, and Bay locations, gathering data on water depth, velocity, salinity/temperature, and turbidity. Deployment data are grouped by region (Bay channel (main Bay), Bay ... |
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Water pressure/depth, velocity, and turbidity time-series data from CHC16 Bay channel stations in San Pablo Bay and China Camp Marsh, California
Files contain hydrodynamic and sediment transport data for the location and deployment indicated. Time-series data of water depth, velocity, turbidity, and temperature were collected in San Pablo Bay and China Camp Marsh as part of the San Francisco Bay Marsh Sediment Experiments. Several instruments were deployed in tidal creek, marsh, mudflat, and Bay locations, gathering data on water depth, velocity, salinity/temperature, and turbidity. Deployment data are grouped by region (Bay channel (main Bay), Bay ... |
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Water pressure/depth, velocity, and turbidity time-series data from CHC16 Bay shallows stations in San Pablo Bay and China Camp Marsh, California
Files contain hydrodynamic and sediment transport data for the location and deployment indicated. Time-series data of water depth, velocity, turbidity, and temperature were collected in San Pablo Bay and China Camp Marsh as part of the San Francisco Bay Marsh Sediment Experiments. Several instruments were deployed in tidal creek, marsh, mudflat, and Bay locations, gathering data on water depth, velocity, salinity/temperature, and turbidity. Deployment data are grouped by region (Bay channel (main Bay), Bay ... |
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Water pressure/depth, velocity, and turbidity time-series data from CHC16 Tidal creek stations in San Pablo Bay and China Camp Marsh, California
Files contain hydrodynamic and sediment transport data for the location and deployment indicated. Time-series data of water depth, velocity, turbidity, and temperature were collected in San Pablo Bay and China Camp Marsh as part of the San Francisco Bay Marsh Sediment Experiments. Several instruments were deployed in tidal creek, marsh, mudflat, and Bay locations, gathering data on water depth, velocity, salinity/temperature, and turbidity. Deployment data are grouped by region (Bay channel (main Bay), Bay ... |
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Water pressure/depth, velocity, and turbidity time-series data from SPA14 Bay shallows stations in San Pablo Bay and China Camp Marsh, California
Files contain hydrodynamic and sediment transport data for the location and deployment indicated. Time-series data of water depth, velocity, turbidity, and temperature were collected in San Pablo Bay and China Camp Marsh as part of the San Francisco Bay Marsh Sediment Experiments. Several instruments were deployed in tidal creek, marsh, mudflat, and Bay locations, gathering data on water depth, velocity, salinity/temperature, and turbidity. Deployment data are grouped by region (Bay channel (main Bay), Bay ... |
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Water pressure/depth, velocity, and turbidity time-series data from SPB14 Bay shallows stations in San Pablo Bay and China Camp Marsh, California
Files contain hydrodynamic and sediment transport data for the location and deployment indicated. Time-series data of water depth, velocity, turbidity, and temperature were collected in San Pablo Bay and China Camp Marsh as part of the San Francisco Bay Marsh Sediment Experiments. Several instruments were deployed in tidal creek, marsh, mudflat, and Bay locations, gathering data on water depth, velocity, salinity/temperature, and turbidity. Deployment data are grouped by region (Bay channel (main Bay), Bay ... |
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Water pressure/depth, velocity, and turbidity time-series data from SPC14 Bay shallows stations in San Pablo Bay and China Camp Marsh, California
Files contain hydrodynamic and sediment transport data for the location and deployment indicated. Time-series data of water depth, velocity, turbidity, and temperature were collected in San Pablo Bay and China Camp Marsh as part of the San Francisco Bay Marsh Sediment Experiments. Several instruments were deployed in tidal creek, marsh, mudflat, and Bay locations, gathering data on water depth, velocity, salinity/temperature, and turbidity. Deployment data are grouped by region (Bay channel (main Bay), Bay ... |
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Water pressure/depth, velocity, and turbidity time-series data from SPD15 Bay shallows stations in San Pablo Bay and China Camp Marsh, California
Files contain hydrodynamic and sediment transport data for the location and deployment indicated. Time-series data of water depth, velocity, turbidity, and temperature were collected in San Pablo Bay and China Camp Marsh as part of the San Francisco Bay Marsh Sediment Experiments. Several instruments were deployed in tidal creek, marsh, mudflat, and Bay locations, gathering data on water depth, velocity, salinity/temperature, and turbidity. Deployment data are grouped by region (Bay channel (main Bay), Bay ... |
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Water quality in the Elwha River estuary, Washington, from 2006 to 2014.
This portion of the data release presents water column dissolved nutrient concentration data and water quality parameters from samples collected in the Elwha River estuary, Washington, in 2006, 2007, 2013, and 2014 (USGS Field Activities L-15-13-PS, L-24-13-PS, T-R5-13-PS, T-R6-13-PS, T-RA-14-PS, 2014-614-FA, 2014-628-FA, 2014-633-FA, 2014-666-FA). Water column samples were collected by hand in acid-washed opaque bottles from multiple locations. Water quality was measured using a handheld Hydolab Data Sonde ... |
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West Maui, Hawaiian Islands, wave and water level data, 2017
Time series data of wave height and water surface elevation were acquired at ten locations for 75 days south of Lahaina, off of the west coast of the island of Maui, Hawaii, in support of a study on the coastal circulation patterns and the transformation of surface waves over the coral reefs. The relative placement of sensors on the reefs were as follows: MAU17TP1 and MAU17LA1 – middle fore reef MAU17TP2 and MAU17LA2 – upper fore reef MAU17TP3 and MAU17LA3 – outer reef flat ... |
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