Coastal and Marine Hazards and Resources
Data System
Coastal and Marine Geosciences Data System
All originators, arranged alphabetically
Ackerman, Kate V.
(40 items)
Ackerman, Seth D.
(494 items)
Adamczyk, Katlin B.
(3 items)
Adams, C. Scott
(18 items)
Addison, Jason A.
(8 items)
Alexander, P. Soupy
(1 items)
Alfredo Aretxabaleta
(1 items)
Alizad, Karim
(2 items)
Alkins, Kristen C.
(12 items)
Allen, Rachel M.
(38 items)
Allison, Mead A.
(25 items)
Allison, Steven D.
(1 items)
Allwardt, Alan O.
(2 items)
Alongi, Travis V.
(11 items)
Alteljevich, Eli
(1 items)
Alvira, Zulimar
(1 items)
Anderson, Chauncey W.
(1 items)
Anderson, Krystle
(11 items)
Anderson, Steven P.
(1 items)
Anderson, Tiffany R.
(44 items)
Andersson, Andreas J.
(1 items)
Andrew Ashton
(1 items)
Andrew N. Cohen
(1 items)
Andrews, Allen H.
(1 items)
Andrews, Brian D.
(270 items)
Andring, M. A.
(7 items)
Anson H. Hines
(1 items)
Antolínez, Jose A. A.
(3 items)
Anton E. Oelinik
(1 items)
Aquino, Kimberly C.
(6 items)
Archer, Michael
(10 items)
Arcos, Maria E. M.
(5 items)
Aretxabaleta, Alfredo L.
(4 items)
Armstrong, Andrew
(6 items)
Armstrong, Brandy N. G.
(1 items)
Aronson, Richard B.
(2 items)
Arsenault, Matthew A.
(14 items)
Arsenault, Stephanie R.
(31 items)
Ashe, Erica
(2 items)
Atchia, Isabelle D.
(8 items)
Ateljevich, Eli
(6 items)
Atkinson, Andrea
(1 items)
Atwater, Brian F.
(3 items)
Au, Manda V.
(8 items)
Auster, Peter J.
(3 items)
Ayesha Sarfraz
(5 items)
Babb, Ivar G.
(3 items)
Baker, Jessica L.
(3 items)
Baker, Miranda C.
(7 items)
Baldwin, Sandra M.
(1 items)
Baldwin, Wayne E.
(376 items)
Bales, Robert D.
(9 items)
Balogh, Stephen
(1 items)
Balster-Gee, Alicia F.
(80 items)
Bamminger, Chrisopher
(1 items)
Banks, Kenneth
(1 items)
Barbee, Matthew M.
(44 items)
Barnard, Patrick
(342 items)
Barnes, Brian B.
(1 items)
Barnhardt, Walter A.
(145 items)
Barnosky, Anthony D.
(6 items)
Barnum, S. R.
(18 items)
Barras, John A.
(3 items)
Barrera, Kira E.
(16 items)
Barreto-Orta, Maritza
(3 items)
Barrie, James V.
(2 items)
Barrie, J. Vaughn
(1 items)
Bartels, Erich
(1 items)
Barth, Ginger
(37 items)
Bartlett, Lucy A.
(6 items)
Bartlett, Marie K.
(79 items)
Baskin, Robert L.
(8 items)
Beardsley, Robert C.
(1 items)
Beaulieu, E.
(1 items)
Beaver, A. L.
(18 items)
Beck, Michael W.
(10 items)
Beeson, Jeffrey W.
(32 items)
Befus, Kevin M.
(35 items)
Beirne, Matthew M.
(7 items)
Belew, Stephen D.
(37 items)
Belknap, D. F.
(42 items)
Bellanova, Piero
(5 items)
Bemis, Brynn
(2 items)
Ben A. Galbraith
(1 items)
Bender, Adrian M.
(2 items)
Bendik, Kirsten J.
(27 items)
Benites, Mariana
(1 items)
Bennett, Scott E.
(3 items)
Benzel, William M.
(6 items)
Bergeron, Emile M.
(91 items)
Bernier, Julie C.
(93 items)
Berube, Patrick J.
(6 items)
Bierne, Matthew M.
(12 items)
Bilskie, Matthew V.
(46 items)
Birchler, Justin J.
(220 items)
Bishop, James M.
(8 items)
Blackwood, Dann S.
(237 items)
Blankenship, M. A.
(16 items)
Blanton, Brian O.
(2 items)
Blum, Mike D.
(1 items)
Bochicchio, Christopher
(44 items)
Boeri, Robert L.
(10 items)
Boggess, Allyson A.
(18 items)
Bond, Rosealea
(5 items)
Borden, Jonathan
(70 items)
Bosse, Stephen T.
(27 items)
Bostwick, Candice M.
(3 items)
Bothner, Michael H.
(1 items)
Bott, Jacqueline
(1 items)
Bountry, Jennifer A.
(8 items)
Boyle, Mike
(1 items)
Boze, Lee-Gray
(3 items)
Bracero-Marrero, Loderay
(3 items)
Braithwaite, Edward F. III
(4 items)
Brand, S. G.
(2 items)
Brankovits, David
(8 items)
Branoff, Benjamin
(1 items)
Bratton, John F.
(214 items)
Breithaupt, Joshua L.
(1 items)
Brennand, Patrick
(1 items)
Brennan, R. T.
(18 items)
Brenner, Owen T.
(102 items)
Brett Thornton
(1 items)
Bretz, Carrie K.
(37 items)
Brewer, Gina M.
(3 items)
Bridgham, Scott D.
(1 items)
Briere, Peter R.
(1 items)
Britsch, Louis D.
(2 items)
Brochard, Michael
(14 items)
Brodie, Katherine L.
(4 items)
Brooks, Gregg R.
(2 items)
Brooks, Robert W.
(1 items)
Brooks, T. Wallace
(13 items)
Brosnahan, Sandra M.
(79 items)
Brothers, Daniel S.
(106 items)
Brothers, Laura L.
(72 items)
Brown, Eric K.
(1 items)
Browning, Trevor
(13 items)
Brown, Jenna A.
(119 items)
Brown, Michael
(1 items)
Bruns, Terry R.
(9 items)
Buckley, Mark L.
(16 items)
Buczkowski, Brian J.
(46 items)
Burton, Andrew
(1 items)
Buscombe, Daniel D.
(162 items)
Buster, Noreen A.
(58 items)
Butman, Bradford
(175 items)
Byerly, Mike
(5 items)
Byrne, Robert H.
(13 items)
Cagigal, Laura
(1 items)
Calantoni, Joseph
(6 items)
Calder, Brian R.
(2 items)
Calderon, Karynna
(22 items)
Callaghan, Todd P.
(10 items)
Campbell, Pamela L.
(7 items)
Camus, Paula
(1 items)
Canals, Miguel
(3 items)
Cao, Shuang C.
(4 items)
Capar, Paulina
(1 items)
Capone, Mark K.
(1 items)
Carbo, Chelsea L.
(6 items)
Carbó-Gorosabel, Andrés
(2 items)
Caress, David W.
(6 items)
Carey, Joanna C.
(2 items)
Carlson, Cody S.
(3 items)
Carlson, Emily M.
(22 items)
Carr, Joel A.
(1 items)
Casso, Michael A.
(9 items)
Castillo, Christopher M.
(4 items)
Catherine N. Janda
(2 items)
Chague, Catherine
(5 items)
Chapman, William A. L.
(1 items)
Chapron, Leila
(1 items)
Charles Kerans
(1 items)
Charlotte A. Brunner
(1 items)
Chase, Jonathan B.
(1 items)
Chase, Thomas E.
(1 items)
Chauveau, B. E.
(1 items)
Chavez, Pat S., Jr.
(38 items)
Chaytor, Jason D.
(62 items)
Cheng, Hai
(2 items)
Chen, Yi-Leng
(1 items)
Cheriton, Olivia M.
(24 items)
Childs, Jonathan R.
(4 items)
Chin, John L.
(19 items)
Chollett, Iliana
(1 items)
Chow, Kaitlyn
(5 items)
Christman, E. B.
(9 items)
Christopher C. Fuller
(1 items)
Chu, S. N.
(1 items)
Ciarletta, Daniel J.
(4 items)
Ciembronowicz, Kate T.
(23 items)
Clahan, Kevin B.
(9 items)
Claudia Flores
(1 items)
Clemens, Steven C.
(1 items)
Clos, A. R.
(13 items)
Cochrane, Guy R.
(189 items)
Cochran, Susan A.
(64 items)
Cohen, Anne
(2 items)
Cohn, Nicholas
(6 items)
Cole, Aaron D.
(26 items)
Colella, Michael A.
(2 items)
Coleman, Daniel J.
(1 items)
Collett, Timothy S.
(7 items)
Collins, Brian D.
(9 items)
Collins, Scott L.
(1 items)
Colman, John A.
(33 items)
Colman, Steven M.
(14 items)
Conaway, Christopher H.
(4 items)
Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection
(1 items)
Conrad, James E.
(93 items)
Conroy, Christian W.
(3 items)
Conway, KiW.
(1 items)
Cooper, Alan K.
(3 items)
Coppersmith, Ryan
(43 items)
Couch, S.
(5 items)
Courtney, Travis A
(1 items)
Courtois, Andrew
(1 items)
Cramer, Jennifer M.
(20 items)
Crocker, J. M.
(48 items)
Crosby, Sean C.
(13 items)
Cross, Scott
(1 items)
Cross, VeeAnn A.
(510 items)
Crowther, Thomas W.
(1 items)
Crusius, John
(140 items)
Cumming, Kristen A.
(6 items)
Curran, Christopher A.
(10 items)
Curran, Janet H.
(2 items)
Currie, Jackson E.
(21 items)
Curtis, Jennifer A.
(1 items)
Cynthia A. Wright
(1 items)
Dadisman, Shawn V.
(96 items)
Dailey, Evan T.
(28 items)
Dai, Sheng
(3 items)
Dal Ferro, Peter
(34 items)
Dalyander, P. Soupy
(102 items)
Daly, Kendra L.
(31 items)
Danforth, William W.
(515 items)
Daniel C, Powers
(1 items)
Daniel C. Powers
(17 items)
Danielson, Jeffrey J.
(33 items)
Dan Penttila
(1 items)
D'Antonio, Nicole L.
(2 items)
Dartnell, Peter
(290 items)
da Silva, Renan F.
(1 items)
Davenport, Clifton W.
(31 items)
Dave Twichell
(1 items)
Davis, Catherine V.
(1 items)
Davis, Jeffrey B.
(6 items)
Dawn M. Kotowicz
(3 items)
Deakos, Mark
(2 items)
Deck, Anna
(1 items)
de Dato, Giovanbattista
(1 items)
Deeter, Gary B.
(97 items)
Defne, Zafer
(93 items)
Degnan, Carolyn H.
(142 items)
Dellapenna, Timoty M.
(1 items)
DeLong, Kristine L.
(1 items)
De Meo, Olivia A.
(12 items)
Deniz Velioglu Sogut
(1 items)
Denny, Jane F.
(188 items)
DePaolis, Jessica
(2 items)
Derby, R. Kyle
(1 items)
Dethier, Megan N.
(5 items)
DeWitt, Nancy T.
(141 items)
Dickhudt, Patrick J.
(4 items)
Dieter, Bryan E.
(38 items)
DiGiacomo-Cohen, Mary L.
(26 items)
Dillon, William P.
(2 items)
Dominguez, Noemi Ortega
(1 items)
Donald N. Lindsay
(5 items)
Donya P. Frank-Gilchrist
(2 items)
Doran, E. F.
(104 items)
Doran, Kara S.
(170 items)
Doris Sloan
(1 items)
Douglas, Steven H.
(11 items)
Dow, Helen W.
(6 items)
Draut, Amy E.
(6 items)
Dreher, Chandra A.
(2 items)
Drexler, Judith Z.
(6 items)
Driscoll, Neal W.
(24 items)
Duda, Jeffrey J.
(13 items)
Dugan, Brandon
(4 items)
Dukes, Jeffrey S.
(1 items)
Dunand, Erin
(1 items)
Dunaway, Mary Elaine
(2 items)
Dura, Tina
(2 items)
Dyer, Matthew
(44 items)
Eagle, Meagan J.
(15 items)
East, Amy E.
(55 items)
East Carolina University
(1 items)
Ebuna, Daniel R.
(3 items)
Eddy, William C.
(1 items)
Edmiston, H. Lee
(26 items)
Edmunds, Peter J.
(1 items)
Edwards, Brian D.
(7 items)
Edwards, Joel H.
(5 items)
Edwards, R. Lawrence
(2 items)
Eittreim, Stephen E.
(3 items)
Elahi, Robin
(1 items)
Elias, Edwin P.L.
(8 items)
Eli S. Whitehead-Zimmers
(3 items)
Ellis, Alisha M.
(48 items)
E.L. Mecray
(1 items)
Elora M. Oades
(3 items)
Emmet, Bridget
(1 items)
Endris, Charles. A.
(52 items)
Engelhart, Simon E.
(1 items)
Engelstad, Anita C.
(48 items)
Enkin, Randolph J.
(1 items)
Enochs, Ian C.
(1 items)
Enquist, Brian J.
(1 items)
Enwright, Nicholas M.
(1 items)
Erban, Laura
(1 items)
Erdey-Heydorn, Mercedes D.
(1 items)
Erdey, Mercedes D.
(65 items)
Erdinc Sogut
(1 items)
Erikson, Li H.
(334 items)
Estiarte, Marc
(1 items)
Estrada, Pilar Llanes
(2 items)
Evans, Alexandra D.
(8 items)
Evans, Colin
(3 items)
Evans, James S.
(4 items)
Everhart, Cheyenne S.
(23 items)
Evert, Steve
(8 items)
Ewen, Kristen A.
(1 items)
Falinski, Kim
(2 items)
Fangman, Sarah
(10 items)
Farmer, Andrew S.
(34 items)
Farris, Amy S.
(177 items)
Favela, Jaycee
(4 items)
Federal Emergency Management Administration
(3 items)
Feeley, Michael W.
(1 items)
Fehrenbacher, Jennifer S.
(2 items)
Fehr, Zachery W.
(17 items)
Ferina, Nicholas F.
(6 items)
Ferner, Matthew
(1 items)
Ferreira, Joanne C. T.
(70 items)
Fiedorowicz, Brooke
(1 items)
Field, Michael E.
(5 items)
Fietzke, Jan
(1 items)
Finlayson, David P.
(62 items)
Finnegan, Noah J.
(1 items)
Fisher, Shawn C.
(6 items)
Fitzgerald, D. M.
(42 items)
Fitzhugh, Gary
(1 items)
Fitzpatrick, Sharon N.
(1 items)
Flanary, Chris
(4 items)
Flannery, Jennifer A.
(6 items)
Fletcher, Charles H.
(114 items)
Flint, Madison K.
(2 items)
Flocks, James G.
(210 items)
Florida Geological Survey
(4 items)
Focazio, Michael J.
(2 items)
Foley, Melissa M.
(20 items)
Fong, Grace
(1 items)
Forde, Arnell S.
(110 items)
Forfinski, N. A.
(20 items)
Forrest, M. R.
(22 items)
Fortin, W. F.
(4 items)
Fosness, Ryan
(1 items)
Foster, Ann M.
(1 items)
Foster, David S.
(550 items)
Foster-Martinez, Madeline R.
(18 items)
Foxen, Forrest M.
(3 items)
Foxgrover, Amy C.
(330 items)
Francis L. Lightsom
(1 items)
Frank, Donya P.
(4 items)
Fredericks, Alexandra M.
(7 items)
Fredericks, Jake J.
(61 items)
Freeman, Aaron T.
(5 items)
Fregoso, Theresa A.
(66 items)
Frey, Serita
(1 items)
Fuller, Sarah J.
(5 items)
Gabel, Greg S.
(5 items)
Gaido Lasserre, Camila
(18 items)
Galbraith, Benjamin A.
(2 items)
Gallagher, Christopher
(3 items)
Gallea, Leslie B.
(7 items)
Gallery, Dominique N.
(1 items)
Ganguli, P. M.
(1 items)
Ganju, Neil K.
(115 items)
Gardner, James V.
(6 items)
Gardner, U. L.
(4 items)
Gartman, Amy
(17 items)
Gates, Ruth D.
(1 items)
Gayes, Paul T.
(24 items)
Geist, Eric L.
(9 items)
Gelfenbaum, Guy R.
(109 items)
Genz, Ayesha S.
(44 items)
Georgiou, Ioannis Y.
(1 items)
Gerald A, Hatcher
(1 items)
Gesch, Dean B.
(3 items)
Gibbs, Ann E.
(189 items)
Gibson, James N.
(2 items)
Gibson, Simone A.
(1 items)
Gilbane, Lisa
(15 items)
Gladkikh, Tatiana
(1 items)
Gledhill, Christopher T.
(1 items)
Glomb, K. A.
(85 items)
Golden, Nadine E.
(382 items)
Goldfinger, Chris
(10 items)
Goldsmith, Dawn B.
(5 items)
Goldstein, Evan
(1 items)
Goldstein, Nathan
(2 items)
Gonneea, Meagan Eagle
(5 items)
Gonzalez, Victor M.
(28 items)
Goodwin, William B.
(1 items)
Gordon, Stephanie
(1 items)
Gove, Matthew D.
(5 items)
Graehl, Nick
(1 items)
Granja Bruña, José-Luis
(2 items)
Graves, Sarah H.
(2 items)
Green, Adrian
(34 items)
Greene, H. Gary
(85 items)
Greenwood, Jason W.
(1 items)
Gregg, Kurtis
(1 items)
Griffin, Dale W.
(8 items)
Grim, Muriel S.
(6 items)
Griswold, Frances R.
(5 items)
Gross, Kevin
(1 items)
Grossman, Eric E.
(137 items)
Grottoli, Andrea G.
(1 items)
Guberski, M. R.
(26 items)
Guest, James R.
(1 items)
Gulick, Sean S.
(37 items)
Guntenspergen, Glenn R.
(2 items)
Gutierrez, Benjamin T.
(218 items)
Gutierrez, Carlos I.
(5 items)
Gutmacher, Christina E.
(289 items)
Guy, Kristy K.
(1 items)
Gwiazda, Roberto
(14 items)
Hadly, Elizabeth A.
(6 items)
Haeussler, Peter J.
(29 items)
Hagen, Scott C.
(48 items)
Hallahan, Sean
(5 items)
Hallas, Leticia P.
(1 items)
Haller, Christian
(4 items)
Hallett, Ben W.
(3 items)
Halley, Robert B.
(22 items)
Hall, John K.
(4 items)
Hamilton, Anna I.
(2 items)
Hamilton, Tark S.
(1 items)
Hammar-Klose, Erika S.
(139 items)
Handley, Thomas
(6 items)
Hanes, Daniel
(1 items)
Hansen, Amalia S.
(2 items)
Hansen, Jeff E.
(2 items)
Hansen, Mark E.
(36 items)
Hanson, Alana
(1 items)
Hapke, Cheryl J.
(125 items)
Hardy, Matthew W.
(97 items)
Harris, M. Scott
(1 items)
Harrison, Arnell S.
(19 items)
Harrison, Lee R.
(5 items)
Harrison, Shawn R.
(19 items)
Harte, John
(1 items)
Hart, Patrick E.
(80 items)
Hartwell, Stephen R.
(119 items)
Hass, Kevin A.
(1 items)
Hastings, Mary E.
(49 items)
Hatcher, Gerald A.
(223 items)
Hathaway, J. C.
(1 items)
Haupt, T. A.
(21 items)
Hayden, Maya K.
(14 items)
Hayes, Laura
(3 items)
Hegermiller, Christie A.
(2 items)
Hehre, Rachel E.
(12 items)
Hein, Christopher J.
(17 items)
Hein, James R.
(3 items)
Helen Dow
(3 items)
Heller, Samuel J.
(2 items)
Hemery, Lenaig G.
(7 items)
Henderson, Amanda
(1 items)
Henderson, Rachel E.
(175 items)
Henry, Kevin D.
(6 items)
Herdman, Liv M.
(118 items)
Herman, Bruce M.
(1 items)
Hernández-Montcourt, Nias
(3 items)
Heskel, Mary
(1 items)
Heslin, Julia L.
(18 items)
Hickey, T. D.
(6 items)
Hilldale, Robert C.
(8 items)
Hill, Gary W.
(1 items)
Hillis-Starr, Zandy
(1 items)
Hill, Jenna C.
(49 items)
Himmelstoss, Emily A.
(515 items)
Hine, Al C.
(23 items)
Hines, Megan K.
(3 items)
Hodges, Amy
(2 items)
Hodson, Timothy O.
(6 items)
Hoffman, Charles W.
(1 items)
Holloway, Nathaniel Hanna
(1 items)
Hoover, Daniel J.
(67 items)
Horner, Liam
(5 items)
Horning, Tom
(3 items)
Horton, Benjamin P.
(1 items)
Horton, R. M.
(3 items)
Hostettler, Frances D.
(1 items)
How, Amelia R.
(1 items)
Hoy, Shannon K.
(10 items)
Hudson, J. Harold
(2 items)
Huerta, Evelyn
(1 items)
Hughes Clark, John E.
(52 items)
Hulslander, Bill
(1 items)
Hulver, Ann M.
(1 items)
Huntley, Emily C.
(37 items)
Hutchinson, Deborah R.
(45 items)
Ian Conery
(2 items)
Irwin, Barry J.
(155 items)
Isbrecht, JoAnn
(38 items)
Itzkin, Michael C.
(26 items)
Iwanowicz, Luke R.
(6 items)
Jacobs, Jessica A.
(2 items)
Jaffe, Bruce E.
(57 items)
Jaimeime Kostelnik
(1 items)
Jaime Kostelnik
(5 items)
James Hein
(1 items)
James T. Carlton
(1 items)
Jang, Junbong
(12 items)
Jarrett, Bret D.
(23 items)
Jason W. Kean
(5 items)
Jenkins, Chris J.
(25 items)
Jenkins, Robert L., III
(71 items)
Jiang, Lifen
(1 items)
Johnson, Bart R.
(1 items)
Johnson, Cordell D.
(21 items)
Johnson, Emily L.
(12 items)
Johnson, Samuel Y.
(187 items)
Johnson, Selena A.
(28 items)
Jokiel, Paul L.
(1 items)
Jones, Benjamin M.
(18 items)
Jones, Daniel K.
(7 items)
Jose A.A. Antolinez
(1 items)
Julie Bernier
(1 items)
Jung, Jongwon
(4 items)
Kalra, Tarandeep S.
(2 items)
Kaminsky, George M.
(20 items)
Kane, Haunani H.
(7 items)
Kane, Renato R.
(4 items)
Karl, Herman A.
(4 items)
Karwandyar, Sharifa
(7 items)
Katlin Bowman Adamczyk
(1 items)
Kaufhold, Erika E.
(6 items)
Keene, J.A.
(4 items)
Keister, Elise F.
(1 items)
Kelley, John T.
(42 items)
Kellogg, Christina A.
(13 items)
Kelsey, Sarah A.
(1 items)
Kelso, Kyle W.
(114 items)
Kemp, Andrew C.
(1 items)
Kemp, Dustin W.
(1 items)
Kennedy, Daniel J.
(19 items)
Kent, Graham M.
(1 items)
Khan, Nicole S.
(10 items)
Khider, Deborah
(1 items)
Kimbrow, Dustin R.
(4 items)
Kindinger, Jack L.
(52 items)
Kirwan, Matthew L.
(1 items)
Klipp, Emily S.
(4 items)
Kluesner, Jared W.
(71 items)
Knebel, Harley
(1 items)
Kneeshaw, Tara A.
(6 items)
Knorr, Paul O.
(43 items)
Koenig, Christopher C.
(1 items)
Koldziej, Graham
(1 items)
Koopmans, Dirk
(32 items)
Kramer, Lindsey K.
(5 items)
Kranenburg, Christine J.
(102 items)
Kratzmann, Meredith G.
(182 items)
Kreulen, B.
(1 items)
Krigsman, Lisa M.
(31 items)
Kristy Guy
(1 items)
Kroeger, Kevin D.
(132 items)
Krohn, M. Dennis
(7 items)
Krystallia Valdes-Calderon
(3 items)
Kuffner, Ilsa B.
(25 items)
Kuhl, Sophie E.
(1 items)
Kuhnz, Linda A.
(10 items)
Kull, Kristine J.
(3 items)
Kulp, Mark A.
(13 items)
Kumar, Pushpendra
(7 items)
Kurtz, A. C.
(1 items)
Kvenvolden, Keith A.
(2 items)
Kvitek, Rikk G.
(159 items)
Lachenbruch, Arthur H.
(5 items)
Lacy, Jessica R.
(81 items)
Lapham, Laura L.
(4 items)
Larsen, Klaus S.
(1 items)
Larsen, Peter F.
(42 items)
La Selle, SeanPaul M.
(38 items)
Lauer, Rachel M.
(1 items)
Lawler, Stephanie N.
(2 items)
Law, Michael D.
(1 items)
Lea, Chris
(1 items)
Lee, Homa J.
(1 items)
Lee, Joo Yong
(3 items)
Lee, Kathryn G.
(4 items)
Lee, Kristen M.
(8 items)
Lee, Wilson C.
(1 items)
Leifer, Ira
(1 items)
Leijnse, Tim W. B.
(26 items)
Lemon, Mitchell K.
(9 items)
Lentz, Erika E.
(17 items)
Lenz, Elizabeth A.
(2 items)
Levinson, Sabrina C.
(1 items)
Lewelling, Bill R.
(1 items)
Lewit, P. G.
(35 items)
Liberty, Lee
(5 items)
Lidz, Barbara
(2 items)
Lightsom, Frances L.
(4 items)
Limber, Patrick W.
(261 items)
Lim, S. Chyn
(44 items)
Lisle, John T.
(9 items)
List, Jeffrey H.
(156 items)
Liu, Xuewu
(12 items)
Lobecker, Elizabeth A.
(2 items)
Locke, Hannah A.
(6 items)
Locker, Stanley D.
(56 items)
Loffredo, Joseph
(1 items)
Loftin, Keith A.
(6 items)
Logan, Joshua B.
(141 items)
Long, Joseph W.
(219 items)
Lorenson, Thomas D.
(33 items)
Lotto, Linda L.
(25 items)
Lovering, Jessica
(9 items)
Lowe, Erik N.
(15 items)
Lowe, Ryan J.
(1 items)
Low, Stephen
(1 items)
Luk, Sheron Y.
(1 items)
Lundsten, Eve M.
(20 items)
Lunghino, Brent D.
(7 items)
Luo, Yiqi
(1 items)
Lynch, Benjamin T.
(1 items)
Lynett, Patrick J.
(6 items)
Lyons, Erin O.
(5 items)
Machmuller, Megan
(1 items)
MacMahon, Jamie
(6 items)
MacVean, Lissa J.
(1 items)
Madison, Carol
(1 items)
Magirl, Christopher S.
(8 items)
Maier, Katherine L.
(31 items)
Mairi M. R. Best
(1 items)
Maldonado-González, Rubén
(3 items)
Mallinson, D. M.
(114 items)
Manheim, Frank T.
(4 items)
Mann, Adrian G.
(19 items)
Manson, Michael W.
(44 items)
Manzello, Derek P.
(1 items)
Marcuson, Rachel K.
(16 items)
Marhan, Sven
(1 items)
Marlow, Michael S.
(4 items)
Marot, Marci E.
(44 items)
Marrack, Lisa
(9 items)
Marshall, B. Vaughn
(1 items)
Marsjanik, Eric D.
(33 items)
Martí, Laura
(1 items)
Martini, Marinna A.
(38 items)
Martin, Rose M.
(2 items)
Mary Burkitt-Gray
(1 items)
Mary Sue Brancato
(1 items)
Massey, Chris
(26 items)
Mastin, Mark C.
(2 items)
Maverick, Avery F. G.
(10 items)
Mayer, Larry
(6 items)
McBride, Elsie C.
(3 items)
McBride, W. Scott
(2 items)
McCall, Robert T.
(32 items)
McCloskey, Terrance A.
(16 items)
McCobb, Timothy D.
(33 items)
McCrea, Merit
(1 items)
McGann, Mary L.
(40 items)
McGill, Samantha C.
(27 items)
McHendrie, A. Graig
(1 items)
McIlwain, Julius
(1 items)
McKee, Jennifer A.
(14 items)
McMillan, James M.
(2 items)
McMullen, Katherine Y.
(290 items)
McNinch, Jesse E.
(118 items)
Mecray, Ellen L.
(4 items)
Medeiros, Kelly
(1 items)
Medeiros, Stephen C.
(2 items)
Medri, Elisa
(10 items)
Melanie Moreno
(1 items)
Melillo, Jerry
(1 items)
Mendez, Fernando J.
(1 items)
Mette, Madelyn J.
(1 items)
Metzger, Dan R.
(44 items)
Metz, Patricia A.
(1 items)
Meunier, Jeff K.
(32 items)
Michael, Holly A.
(35 items)
Michalak, Melanie J.
(3 items)
Mickey, Rangley C.
(163 items)
Middleton, Tammie J.
(31 items)
Mienis, Furu
(1 items)
Miller, Ian M.
(70 items)
Miller, Jeff
(1 items)
Miller, Jennifer K.
(2 items)
Miller, Kenneth M.
(1 items)
Miller, Nathaniel C.
(13 items)
Miner, Michael D.
(1 items)
Miner, Simon
(15 items)
Mira M. Anderberg
(8 items)
Miranda Baker
(1 items)
Miselis, Jennifer L.
(148 items)
Mitarai, Satoshi
(1 items)
Mizell, Kira L.
(12 items)
Modys, Alexander B.
(4 items)
Moegling, Crescent H.
(3 items)
Mohan, Jacqueline E.
(1 items)
Molino, Grace D.
(1 items)
Montgomery, Ellyn T.
(61 items)
Moore, Barbara
(6 items)
Moore, Christopher S.
(13 items)
Moore, Eric M.
(74 items)
Morgan, Karen L. M.
(96 items)
Moritz, Hans R.
(8 items)
Morkeski, K.
(1 items)
Morris, James T.
(2 items)
Morrison, Jennifer M.
(8 items)
Mortlock, Richard A.
(3 items)
Morton, Robert A.
(26 items)
Moseman-Valtierra, Serena
(2 items)
Moser, M. S.
(59 items)
Most, Rebecca
(5 items)
Moyer, Ryan P.
(1 items)
Mújica, Paco López
(3 items)
Mulvey, Brian M.
(3 items)
Mumby, Peter J.
(1 items)
Muni-Morgan, Amanda L.
(3 items)
Murphy, Kelly A.
(12 items)
Mustain, Neomi
(1 items)
Myers, Emma K.
(7 items)
Naar, Dave F.
(22 items)
Nadal-Caraballo, Norberto C.
(26 items)
Nadeau, M. A.
(25 items)
Nagle, David B.
(7 items)
Nardi, M. J.
(7 items)
Nasby, Nicole M.
(8 items)
Nasr, Brandon M.
(17 items)
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
(162 items)
Nealon, Jeffrey
(1 items)
Nealon, Jeffrey W.
(2 items)
Nederhoff, Kees M.
(52 items)
Neelands, Peter J.
(1 items)
Neil Kamal Ganju
(4 items)
Nelson, Alan R.
(8 items)
Nelson, Hannah R.
(1 items)
Nelson, J. I.
(1 items)
Nelson, Paul R.
(7 items)
Nelson, Timothy R.
(30 items)
Nichols, Alexander R.
(69 items)
Nichols, David R.
(2 items)
Nickel, Barry A.
(6 items)
Nick, Sydney K.
(9 items)
Nicol, Colin
(5 items)
Nieckoski, Natasha J.
(1 items)
Nieminski, Nora M.
(12 items)
Nishenko, Stu
(10 items)
Noble, Marlene
(1 items)
Nolan, Matt
(10 items)
Normark, William R.
(3 items)
Norris, Benjamin K.
(2 items)
North Carolina Geological Survey
(3 items)
Nowacki, Daniel J.
(31 items)
Obelcz, Jeffrey
(11 items)
Oberle, Ferdinand K. J.
(8 items)
O'Brien, Thomas F.
(32 items)
OczKowski, Autumn J.
(1 items)
Ohenhen, Leonard O.
(26 items)
Ohman, Karin A.
(55 items)
Okano, Shinobu
(1 items)
O'Keefe Suttles, Jennifer A.
(5 items)
Oleinik, Anton E.
(2 items)
Oliva, Luis
(1 items)
Olson, Alex J.
(9 items)
O'Malley, John J.
(288 items)
Onac, Bogdan
(1 items)
O'Neill, Andrea C.
(304 items)
Orzech, Kevin
(1 items)
O'Shea, Daniel
(3 items)
Ostapenko, A. J.
(24 items)
Osterman, Lisa E.
(23 items)
Overbeck, Jacquelyn R.
(7 items)
Over, Jin-Si R.
(113 items)
Padgett, Jason S.
(12 items)
Palmsten, Margaret L.
(28 items)
Panetta, Anne Marie
(1 items)
Papesh, Antoinette G.
(18 items)
Paradis, Rebecca
(19 items)
Pardun, Joshua M.
(26 items)
Parker, Britt A.
(1 items)
Parker, Castle Eugene
(54 items)
Parker, Kai A.
(41 items)
Parolski, Kenneth F.
(12 items)
Parsons, Thomas E.
(2 items)
Partin, Judson W.
(1 items)
Paskevich, Valerie F.
(446 items)
Passeri, Davina L.
(133 items)
Paula J. Quinterno
(1 items)
Paull, Charles K.
(28 items)
Payan, Denise M.
(11 items)
Pearson, Stuart G.
(5 items)
Peery, Gina M.
(2 items)
Pendleton, Elizabeth A.
(228 items)
Penko, Allison M.
(13 items)
Penland, Shea
(8 items)
Peñuelas, Josep
(1 items)
Peter L. Pearsall
(1 items)
Peters, Kenneth E.
(1 items)
Peterson, Brennon K.
(1 items)
Peterson, Curt
(2 items)
Peterson, Russell L.
(2 items)
Peters, Robert
(2 items)
Pfeifer-Meister, Laurel
(1 items)
Pfeiffer, William R.
(48 items)
Phelps, Daniel C.
(4 items)
Phillips, Eleyne L.
(91 items)
Phillips, R. Lawrence
(6 items)
Piazza, Sarai C.
(3 items)
Pitchford, Jonathan L.
(19 items)
Plant, Nathaniel G.
(75 items)
Pohlman, John W.
(13 items)
Pointer, Brayton
(1 items)
Poisson, Autumn C.
(1 items)
Poll, Christian
(1 items)
Pollock, Clayton G.
(1 items)
Polloni, Christopher F.
(23 items)
Pomeroy, Andrew W. M.
(5 items)
Poore, Richard Z.
(11 items)
Poppe, Lawrence J.
(445 items)
Powell, Charles L. II
(1 items)
Powers, Daniel C.
(2 items)
Pratte, Zoe A.
(1 items)
Pratt, Sara E.
(1 items)
Precht, William F.
(2 items)
Priscila Vargas-Babilonia
(3 items)
Prouty, Nancy G.
(24 items)
Pszczola, Kevin
(5 items)
Pusuluri, Prasad
(4 items)
Putnam, Hollie M.
(1 items)
Quataert, Ellen
(2 items)
Quinn, Terrence M.
(2 items)
Raineault, Nicole A
(4 items)
Randall, Noa R.
(9 items)
Randle, Timothy J.
(8 items)
Rastetter, Edward B.
(1 items)
Read, Jordan S.
(3 items)
Reece, Robert S.
(37 items)
Reguero, Borja G.
(34 items)
Reich, Christopher D.
(5 items)
Reich, Peter B.
(1 items)
Reid, David
(40 items)
Reid, Jamey M.
(23 items)
Reid, Jane A.
(46 items)
Reidy, Liam M.
(6 items)
Reilly, Timothy J.
(6 items)
Reinmann, Andy
(1 items)
Reiss, Thomas E.
(12 items)
Remsen, David P.
(7 items)
Rendigs, Richard R.
(1 items)
Rendy Keaten
(1 items)
Reniers, Adm. J. H. M.
(8 items)
Rey, Annouk E.
(1 items)
Reynolds, Billy J.
(96 items)
Reynolds, Caitlin E.
(6 items)
Reynolds, Lorien L.
(1 items)
Reynolds, Maxwell O.
(1 items)
Reyns, Johan
(2 items)
Richey, Julie N.
(14 items)
Richmond, Bruce M.
(182 items)
Richwine, Kathryn A.
(10 items)
Riegl, Bernhard M.
(2 items)
Riordan, Jean A.
(97 items)
Ritchie, Andrew C.
(297 items)
Roark, E. Brendan
(2 items)
Robbart, Martha L.
(1 items)
Robbins, Lisa L.
(46 items)
Roberto J. Anima
(1 items)
Roberto J. Llanso
(1 items)
Roberts, Daniel M.
(2 items)
Roberts, Kelsey E.
(1 items)
Roca-Lezra, Alia
(4 items)
Rodgers, Ku'ulei S.
(1 items)
Rodriguez, Rafael W.
(14 items)
Roel de Goede
(1 items)
Roelvink, Floortje E.
(2 items)
Roger Lewis
(1 items)
Rogers, Caroline S.
(1 items)
Rogers, Justin S.
(1 items)
Roland, Emily C.
(11 items)
Romain, Bradley M.
(44 items)
Rona, Peter A.
(8 items)
Rosenbauer, Robert J.
(1 items)
Rosenberger, Kurt J.
(28 items)
Rosenheim, Brad E.
(1 items)
Ross, Stephanie L.
(27 items)
Rozycki, Jill E.
(8 items)
Rubin, David M.
(4 items)
Rubin, Stephen P.
(2 items)
Rudebusch, Jane A.
(1 items)
Rueda, Ana
(1 items)
Ruggiero, Peter
(30 items)
Ruppel, Carolyn D.
(20 items)
Ruth A. Martin
(1 items)
Ruzicka, Robert R.
(2 items)
Ryan, Holly F.
(12 items)
Ryan P. Mulligan
(3 items)
Sallenger, Asbury H.
(3 items)
Sampson, Daniel W.
(18 items)
Samuel Randall
(1 items)
Sanders-DeMott, Rebecca
(6 items)
Sandra Weakland
(1 items)
Sanford, Jordan M.
(4 items)
Sanks, Kelly M.
(2 items)
Sarah Youngs
(1 items)
Scanlon, Kathryn M.
(18 items)
Scarlette Hsia
(1 items)
Schaer, J. D.
(83 items)
Schattgen, P. T.
(22 items)
Schiff, John
(1 items)
Schill, William B.
(2 items)
Schmidt, Inger K.
(1 items)
Schmuck, Eric
(1 items)
Schneeberger, Courtney L.
(3 items)
Schreppel, Heather A.
(64 items)
Schroeder, Donna
(1 items)
Schwab, William C.
(205 items)
Schweitzer, Peter N.
(2 items)
Scott, Fred
(1 items)
Scotti, Alberto
(1 items)
Scully, Lian A.
(4 items)
Seekins, Barbara A.
(1 items)
Seitz, Gordon G.
(5 items)
Seymour, Alexander C.
(59 items)
Shaer, J. D.
(7 items)
Shafroth, Patrick B.
(19 items)
Shah, Sunita
(2 items)
Sharon Batiste
(2 items)
Sharon N. Fitzpatrick
(1 items)
Sharp, Koty H.
(1 items)
Shaver, Gaius R.
(1 items)
Shaw, Jaimie E.
(6 items)
Shawnee Traylor
(1 items)
Shedler, Sarah M.
(1 items)
Sherrier, Meghan
(12 items)
Sherrod, Brian
(21 items)
Sherwood, Christopher R.
(229 items)
Shinn, Eugene A.
(4 items)
Shirzaei, Manoocher
(26 items)
Shope, James B.
(9 items)
Signell, Richard P.
(80 items)
Silva, Leticia
(1 items)
Simms, Alex
(10 items)
Singleton, Drake M.
(19 items)
Sliter, Ray W.
(90 items)
Smiley, Nathan A.
(38 items)
Smith, Christopher G.
(126 items)
Smith, David L.
(3 items)
Smith, Douglas P.
(5 items)
Smith, Kathryn E. L.
(79 items)
Smith, Schuyler A.
(3 items)
Smith, S. M.
(18 items)
Smith, Theresa L.
(99 items)
Smith, Thomas J. III
(1 items)
Smith, Timothy P.
(2 items)
Smoak, Joseph M.
(1 items)
Snader, Sara E.
(1 items)
Snell, Richard J.
(1 items)
Snyder, Alexander G.
(51 items)
Snyder, George R.
(21 items)
Soderberg, Nancy K.
(21 items)
Soenen, Karen
(2 items)
Song, S.
(1 items)
Sopkin, Kristin L.
(6 items)
Spero, Howard J.
(2 items)
Spivak, Amanda C.
(3 items)
Splinter, Kristen D.
(2 items)
Spore, Nicholas J.
(4 items)
Stalk, Chelsea A.
(77 items)
Starratt, Scott W.
(6 items)
Stathakopoulos, Anastasios
(13 items)
Steele, William Clinton
(97 items)
Stegner, M. Allison
(6 items)
Stepka, Thomas
(3 items)
Sterne, Travis K.
(10 items)
Stern, Laura A.
(7 items)
Stevens, Andrew W.
(204 items)
Stevenson, Andrew J.
(288 items)
Stevenson, William R.
(26 items)
Stewart, H. F.
(34 items)
Steyer, Gregory D.
(3 items)
Stippa, S. R.
(3 items)
Stockdon, Hilary F.
(119 items)
Storlazzi, Curt D.
(119 items)
Strahle, William S.
(1 items)
Streubert, Matthew I.
(1 items)
Strong, Aaron L.
(1 items)
Strum, Mark
(1 items)
Sturdivant, Emily J.
(263 items)
Subino, Janice A.
(7 items)
Sullivan, Charlene M.
(1 items)
Suseela, Vidya
(1 items)
Suttles, Jennifer A. O'Keefe
(17 items)
Suttles, Steven E.
(32 items)
Su, Xin
(26 items)
Swancar, Amy
(1 items)
Swanson, Eric R.
(22 items)
Swarzenski, Pamela Campbell
(1 items)
Swarzenski, Peter W.
(3 items)
Sweeney, Edward M.
(19 items)
Swidesrski, Danielle C.
(1 items)
Swift, B. Ann
(28 items)
Szymczycha, Beata
(2 items)
Takesue, Renee K.
(20 items)
Tamborski, Joseph
(1 items)
Tan, Angela C.
(29 items)
Tang, Jianwu
(4 items)
Tang, Jim
(3 items)
Taylor, Carl A.
(16 items)
Tedesco, Mark
(2 items)
Tehranirad, Babak
(11 items)
Templer, Pamela H.
(1 items)
ten Brink, Marilyn Buchholtz
(5 items)
ten Brink, Uri S.
(59 items)
Terrano, Joseph F.
(66 items)
Thieler, E. Robert
(443 items)
Thirumalai, Kaustubh
(4 items)
Thomas, Ellen
(1 items)
Thomas, Jennifer A.
(37 items)
Thompson, David M.
(237 items)
Thompson, Phillip R.
(5 items)
Thornton, Lance E.
(1 items)
Tierney, Jessica E.
(1 items)
Tietema, Albert
(1 items)
Tihansky, Ann B.
(3 items)
Tiling-Range, Giner
(33 items)
Tipple, Brett J.
(1 items)
Tissier, Marion F. S.
(1 items)
Torresan, Michael E.
(2 items)
Torres-Garcia, Legna M.
(9 items)
Torres, Miguel Loubriel
(49 items)
Toth, Lauren T.
(21 items)
Traykovski, Peter A.
(74 items)
Triezenberg, Peter J.
(148 items)
Tunstead, Rob
(2 items)
Turecek, Aaron M.
(39 items)
Tuten, Thomas M.
(18 items)
Twichell, David C.
(281 items)
Twomey, Erin R.
(10 items)
Uchupi, Elazar O.
(25 items)
Unger, Tanya S.
(3 items)
University of Colorado
(10 items)
University of Hawaii Coastal Geology Group
(44 items)
Uozumi, Toshi
(6 items)
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
(30 items)
U.S. Geological Survey
(2322 items)
USGS Coastal and Marine Geology Program
(195 items)
USGS Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center
(21 items)
Valentine, Page C.
(178 items)
Valerie Macdonald
(1 items)
VanArendonk, Nathan R.
(36 items)
van den Ameele, E. J.
(3 items)
van de Steeg, Shailesh
(1 items)
van Dongeren, Ap R.
(6 items)
Van Hoy, M. W.
(10 items)
van Ormondt, Maarten
(27 items)
Varekamp, Johan C.
(1 items)
Vargas-Babilonia, Priscilla
(2 items)
Vargas, Joseph M.
(15 items)
Velasco, Miguel G.
(38 items)
Venturato, Angie J.
(9 items)
Vieman, T. Shay
(8 items)
Vitousek, Sean F.
(332 items)
Voelschow, Julie J.
(8 items)
Vos, Kilian D.
(25 items)
Voulgaris, George
(2 items)
Waite, William F.
(13 items)
Walker, Brian
(1 items)
Walker, Joran I.
(3 items)
Waltenberger, Ben
(8 items)
Walters, David C.
(1 items)
Walton, Maureen A. L.
(38 items)
Walton, Olivia L.
(3 items)
Wang, Faming
(6 items)
Wang, Rueen-Fang
(7 items)
Wang, Xin
(1 items)
Wang, Zhaohui A.
(2 items)
Ward, Larry G.
(42 items)
Warner, John C.
(4 items)
Warrick, Jonathan A.
(341 items)
Watson, Elizabeth B.
(1 items)
Watt, Janet T.
(93 items)
Weber, Kathryn M.
(336 items)
Wegmann, Karl W.
(2 items)
Wei, Emily A.
(34 items)
Weiner, Heather M.
(90 items)
Weinzierl, Michael S.
(1 items)
Weise, Dana S.
(2 items)
Welcker, Chris
(1 items)
Welk, Robert J.
(22 items)
Weppler, Peter N.
(1 items)
Wernette, Phillipe A.
(22 items)
Westphal, Karen A.
(6 items)
Whealdon-Haught, Daniel R.
(1 items)
Wheaton, Cathryn J.
(32 items)
Wherry, Susan A.
(1 items)
Whisman, Samantha P.
(1 items)
Whitcher, Elizabeth M.
(2 items)
White, Darla
(2 items)
Wiese, Dana S.
(96 items)
Wigand, Cathleen
(1 items)
Wilcox, Hunter S.
(5 items)
Williams, Breanna N.
(4 items)
Williams, Brianna M.
(1 items)
Williams, Chris
(2 items)
Williams, Glynn
(10 items)
Williams, O. L.
(1 items)
Williamson, Jessica L.
(5 items)
Williams, S. Jeffress
(132 items)
Wilson, Kathleen E.
(26 items)
Wingfield, Dana K.
(2 items)
Winklerprins, Lukas T.
(19 items)
Winner, W. G.
(9 items)
Winslow, Luke A.
(3 items)
Winter, Gundula
(1 items)
Winters, W. J.
(38 items)
Witter, Robert C.
(14 items)
Wong, Florence L.
(359 items)
Wood, D. A.
(51 items)
Wood, Jeffrey M.
(8 items)
Woodrow, Donald L.
(2 items)
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
(1 items)
Wood, Tamara M.
(1 items)
Work, Paul A.
(1 items)
Worley, Charles R.
(241 items)
Wright, Alexis L.
(3 items)
Wright, C. Wayne
(4 items)
Wright, D. B.
(21 items)
Wright, Scott A.
(1 items)
Wyland, Robert M.
(6 items)
Wynn, Jonathan
(12 items)
Yates, Kimberly K.
(112 items)
Yawn, Madison C.
(26 items)
Yobbi, Dann K.
(1 items)
Yoklavich, Mary M.
(12 items)
Yoneda, Jun
(3 items)
York, Joanna K.
(1 items)
Zajac, Roman N.
(12 items)
Zaremba, Nicholas J.
(11 items)
Zawada, David G.
(78 items)
Zeigler, Sara L.
(220 items)
Zimmermann, Mark
(7 items)
Zinecker, Elizabeth K.
(2 items)
Alphabetical Index of Authors