Exposure potential of marsh units to environmental health stressors in north shore Long Island salt marsh complex, New York
This data release contains coastal wetland synthesis products for the geographic region of north shore Long Island, New York. Metrics for resiliency, including unvegetated to vegetated ratio (UVVR), marsh elevation, and mean tidal range, are calculated for smaller units delineated from a Digital Elevation Model, providing the spatial variability of physical factors that influence wetland health. Through scientific efforts initiated with the Hurricane Sandy Science Plan, the U.S. Geological Survey has been ... |
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Exposure potential of marsh units to environmental health stressors in eastern Long Island salt marsh complex, New York (ver. 2.0, March 2024)
This data release contains coastal wetland synthesis products for the geographic region of eastern Long Island, New York, including the north and south forks, Gardiners Island, and Fishers Island. Metrics for resiliency, including unvegetated to vegetated ratio (UVVR), marsh elevation, and mean tidal range, are calculated for smaller units delineated from a Digital Elevation Model, providing the spatial variability of physical factors that influence wetland health. Through scientific efforts initiated with ... |
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Exposure potential of marsh units to environmental health stressors in Hudson Valley and New York City salt marsh complex, New York
This data release contains coastal wetland synthesis products for the geographic region of Hudson Valley and New York City, New York. Metrics for resiliency, including unvegetated to vegetated ratio (UVVR), marsh elevation, and mean tidal range, are calculated for smaller units delineated from a Digital Elevation Model, providing the spatial variability of physical factors that influence wetland health. Through scientific efforts initiated with the Hurricane Sandy Science Plan, the U.S. Geological Survey ... |
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Census counts of benthic foraminifera, environmental parameters (temperature, salinity, and oxygen concentration), and radiocarbon measurements from cores obtained under and near a whale-fall off western Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada
This data release provides census counts of benthic foraminifera (in percent for the total fauna and as raw counts for just the living specimens) as well as environmental parameters (temperature, salinity, and oxygen concentration) at the sampling sites, and radiocarbon measurements from selected push core samples obtained under and near a whale-fall off western Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. |
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Sedimentary Environment Map of Long Island Sound
Long Island Sound is one of the largest estuaries along the Atlantic coast of the United States. It is a glacially produced, semi-enclosed, northeast-southwest-trending embayment, which is 150 km long and 30 km across at its widest point. Its mean water depth is approximately 24 m. The eastern end of the Sound opens to the Atlantic Ocean through several large passages between islands, whereas the western end is connected to New York Harbor through a narrow tidal strait. Long Island Sound abuts the New York ... |
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Static chamber fluxes of carbon dioxide and methane from coastal wetlands on Upper Cape Cod, Massachusetts and supporting environmental data, 2021
Saline tidal wetlands are important sites of carbon sequestration and produce negligible methane (CH4) emissions due to regular inundation with sulfate-rich seawater. Yet, widespread management of coastal hydrology has restricted vast areas of coastal wetlands to tidal exchange. These ecosystems often undergo impoundment and freshening, which in turn cause vegetation shifts like invasion by Phragmites, that affect ecosystem carbon balance. Understanding controls of carbon exchange in these understudied ... |
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Exposure potential of marsh units to environmental health stressors in Connecticut salt marshes
This data release contains coastal wetland synthesis products for the state of Connecticut. Metrics for resiliency, including the unvegetated to vegetated ratio (UVVR), marsh elevation, tidal range, wave power, and exposure potential to environmental health stressors are calculated for smaller units delineated from a digital elevation model, providing the spatial variability of physical factors that influence wetland health. The U.S. Geological Survey has been expanding national assessment of coastal change ... |
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Water-column environmental variables and accompanying discrete CTD measurements collected off California and Oregon during NOAA Ship Lasker R-19-05 (USGS field activity 2019-672-FA) from October to November 2019 (ver. 2.0, July 2022)
Various water column variables, including salinity, dissolved inorganic nutrients, pH, total alkalinity, dissolved inorganic carbon, radio-carbon isotopes were measured in samples collected using a Niskin-bottle rosette at selected depths from sites offshore of California and Oregon from October to November 2019 during NOAA Ship Lasker R-19-05 (USGS field activity 2019-672-FA). CTD (Conductivity Temperature Depth) data were also collected at each depth that a Niskin-bottle sample was collected and are ... |
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Presence of Microbes and the Distribution of Climatic, Environmental, and Geochemical Variables Web Mapping Application
This web application dataset includes data collected by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) as well as environmental climatic, geochemical, and mineralogical variables from various sources. NOTE: This web application is no longer being supported, and has been removed from ArcGIS Online as of September 30, 2023. Please see the Process Steps of this metadata record for more information. Layers include: U.S. Boundary Layers (States, Counties, Watersheds, and EPA Regions), Bacillus anthracis PCR results (rpoB, ... |
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Microbial and environmental dataset from Crocker Reef, Florida Keys, 2014-2015
Crocker Reef was the site of an integrated reefscape characterization effort focused on calcification and related biogeochemical processes as part of the USGS Coral Reef Ecosystem Study (CREST) project. This effort included two intensive seasonal sampling trips to capture summer (July 8 to 17, 2014) and winter (January 29 to February 5, 2015) conditions. This data release represents water column microbial and environmental data collected for use as metadata in future publications examining reef metabolic ... |
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Water-column environmental variables and accompanying discrete CTD measurements collected offshore the U.S. Mid- and South Atlantic (ver. 2.0, July 2022)
Various water column variables, including salinity, dissolved inorganic nutrients, dissolved inorganic carbon, and radio-carbon isotopes were measured in samples collected using a Niskin-bottle rosette at selected depths from deepwater sites offshore the US Mid- and South Atlantic from September 2017 to April 2019. CTD (Conductivity Temperature Depth) data were also collected at each depth that a Niskin-bottle sample was collected and are presented along with the water sample data during the following five ... |
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Water-column environmental variables and accompanying discrete CTD measurements collected off California and Oregon during NOAA cruise SH-18-12 (USGS field activity 2018-663-FA) from October to November 2018 (ver. 3.0, July 2022)
Various water column variables, including salinity, dissolved inorganic nutrients, pH, total alkalinity, dissolved inorganic carbon, radio-carbon isotopes were measured in samples collected using a Niskin-bottle rosette at selected depths from sites offshore of California and Oregon from October to November 2018 during NOAA cruise SH-18-12 on the R/V Bell M. Shimada (USGS field activity 2018-663-FA). CTD (Conductivity Temperature Depth) data were also collected at each depth that a Niskin-bottle sample was ... |
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Grain-Size and Site Data From Sediment Samples Collected at Seven Mile Island, New Jersey and Rockaway Peninsula, New York, Between May 2021 and June 2021
Sediment grab samples were collected from one onshore location and 32 undisturbed locations along the seafloor around Seven Mile Island, New Jersey (NJ) and Rockaway Peninsula, New York (NY). The sediment grab samples were collected in May and June of 2021 at locations within the area where multibeam bathymetry surveys were also conducted during the same trip. All sediment samples were analyzed using a laser diffraction Coulter LS13 320 particle-size analyzer to measure the grain size distribution of the ... |
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2003 NOAA Oahu Lidar-Derived Dune Crest, Toe and Shoreline
The Storm-Induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Lidar-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high water shoreline derived from the 2003 NOAA Oahu lidar ... |
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Metal and other element partitioning in southwest Puerto Rico ultramafic soil, Rio Loco sediment, and Guanica Bay sediment
Five-stage sequential extractions were performed on ultramafic soil from Bosque Susua and Guanica Dry Forest, stream sediment from Rios Loco and Yauco, and nearshore sediment from Guanica Bay in southwest Puerto Rico. Sequential extractions showed partitioning of geologically enriched metals and other elements among five phases: 1) adsorbed and calcium-bound, 2) iron-, manganese-oxyhydroxide-bound, 3) crystalline iron-oxide-bound, 4) sulfide-bound, and 5) residual. Total element contents are also reported. ... |
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2004 Pre-Hurricane Ivan Eastern Gulf Coast United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Lidar-Derived Dune Crest, Toe and Shoreline
The Storm-Induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Lidar-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high water shoreline derived from the 2004 Pre-Ivan Eastern ... |
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2004 USACE Post-Ivan Florida Lidar-Derived Dune Crest, Toe and Shoreline
The Storm-Induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Lidar-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high water shoreline derived from the 2004 U.S. Army Corps of ... |
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2004 Maine NOAA Lidar-Derived Dune Crest, Toe and Shoreline
The Storm-Induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Lidar-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high water shoreline derived from the 2004 NOAA Maine lidar ... |
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2004 Post-Hurricane Frances USGS EAARL Lidar-Derived Dune Crest, Toe and Shoreline
The Storm-Induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Lidar-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high water shoreline derived from the 2004 Post-Hurricane ... |
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2004 Post-Hurricane Jeanne USGS EAARL Lidar-Derived Dune Crest, Toe and Shoreline
The Storm-Induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Lidar-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high water shoreline derived from the 2004 Post-Hurricane ... |
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2005-2006 Atlantic Coast USACE Lidar-Derived Dune Crest, Toe and Shoreline
The Storm-Induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Lidar-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high water shoreline derived from the 2005-2006 Atlantic Coast ... |
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2005 EAARL Fire Island Lidar-Derived Dune Crest, Toe and Shoreline
The Storm-Induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Lidar-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high water shoreline derived from the 2005 Fire Island USGS ... |
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2005 Padre Island USGS EAARL Lidar-derived dune crest, toe and shoreline
The Storm-Induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Lidar-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high water shoreline derived from the 2005 Experimental ... |
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2006 FEMA Oahu Lidar-Derived Dune Crest, Toe and Shoreline
The Storm-Induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Lidar-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high water shoreline derived from the 2006 Federal Emergency ... |
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2007 Northeast Barrier Islands USGS EAARL Lidar-Derived Dune Crest, Toe and Shoreline
The Storm-Induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Lidar-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high water shoreline derived from the 2007 Northeast Barrier ... |
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2007 South Florida FDEM Lidar-Derived Dune Crest, Toe and Shoreline
The Storm-Induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Lidar-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high water shoreline derived from the 2007 Florida Division of ... |
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2007 USACE Oahu Lidar-Derived Dune Crest, Toe and Shoreline
The Storm-Induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Lidar-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high water shoreline derived from the 2007 U.S. Army Corps of ... |
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September 2007 Northern Gulf of Mexico USGS EAARL Lidar-Derived Dune Crest, Toe and Shoreline
The Storm-Induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Lidar-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high water shoreline derived from the 2007 Northern Gulf of ... |
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National Assessment of Hurricane-Induced Coastal Erosion Hazards: Puerto Rico
This dataset contains information on the probabilities of hurricane-induced erosion (collision, inundation and overwash) for each 100-meter (m) section of the Puerto Rico coast for category 1-5 hurricanes. The analysis is based on a storm-impact scaling model that uses observations of beach morphology combined with sophisticated hydrodynamic models to predict how the coast will respond to the direct landfall of category 1-5 hurricanes. Hurricane-induced water levels, due to both surge and waves, are ... |
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2008 USGS Post-Hurricane Ike Texas Lidar-Derived Dune Crest, Toe and Shoreline
The Storm-Induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Lidar-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high water shoreline derived from the 2008 USGS Post-Hurricane ... |
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2008 North Carolina and Virginia NOAA/NGS Lidar-Derived Dune Crest, Toe and Shoreline
The Storm-Induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Lidar-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high water shoreline derived from the 2008 Atlantic Coast ... |
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2008 Assateague Island USGS EAARL Lidar-Derived Dune Crest, Toe and Shoreline
The Storm-Induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Lidar-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high water shoreline derived from the 2008 Assateague Island ... |
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2009 Cape Canaveral USGS EAARL Lidar-Derived Dune Crest, Toe and Shoreline
The Storm-Induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Lidar-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high water shoreline derived from the 2009 Cape Canaveral ... |
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Continuous Water Level, Salinity, and Temperature Data from Creeks and Monitoring Wells in Natural and Restored Wetlands on Cape Cod, Massachusetts, 2019
Environmental parameters affecting plant productivity and microbial respiration, such as water level, salinity, and groundwater temperature included in these datasets, are key components of wetland carbon cycling, carbon storage, and capacity to maintain elevation. Data were collected to (1) provide background data to evaluate potential differences in water level and carbon flux between wetland sites with differing elevation and tidal inundation and (2) facilitate applications of Blue Carbon projects in ... |
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Coral cores collected in Dry Tortugas National Park, Florida, U.S.A.: Photographs and X-rays
Cores from living coral colonies were collected from Dry Tortugas National Park, Florida, to obtain skeletal records of past coral growth and allow geochemical reconstruction of environmental variables during the corals’ centuries-long lifespans. The samples were collected as part of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Coral Reef Ecosystems Studies project (http://coastal.er.usgs.gov/crest/) that provides science to assist resource managers tasked with the stewardship of coral reef resources. Three colonies ... |
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Data for evaluating the Sr/Ca temperature proxy with in-situ temperature in the western Atlantic coral Siderastrea siderea
Massive corals are used as environmental recorders throughout the tropics and subtropics to study environmental variability during time periods preceding ocean-observing instrumentation. However, careful testing of paleoproxies is necessary to validate the environmental-proxy record throughout a range of conditions experienced by the recording organisms. As part of the USGS Coral Reef Ecosystems Studies project (http://coastal.er.usgs.gov/crest/), we tested the hypothesis that the coral Siderastrea siderea ... |
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St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center's Geologic Core and Sample Database Metadata
This database contains a comprehensive inventory of geologic (coral, coral reef, limestone, and sediment) cores and samples collected, analyzed, published, and/or archived by, or in collaboration with, the U.S. Geological Survey St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (USGS SPCMSC). The SPCMSC Geologic Core and Sample Database includes geologic cores and samples collected beginning in the 1970s to present day, from study sites across the world. This database captures metadata about samples ... |
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2009 North Carolina USACE Lidar-Derived Dune Crest, Toe and Shoreline
The Storm-Induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Lidar-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high water shoreline derived from the 2009 U.S. Army Corps of ... |
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2009 Florida USACE Lidar-Derived Dune Crest, Toe and Shoreline
The Storm-Induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Lidar-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high water shoreline derived from the 2009 Florida U.S. Army ... |
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2009 Post-NorIda USGS EAARL Lidar-Derived Dune Crest, Toe and Shoreline
The Storm-Induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Lidar-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high water shoreline derived from the 2009 Post-NorIda USGS ... |
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2010 Northeast Atlantic USACE Lidar-Derived Dune Crest, Toe and Shoreline
The Storm-Induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Lidar-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high water shoreline derived from the 2010 Northeast Atlantic ... |
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Multibeam bathymetry and acoustic backscatter data from the Alaskan region, Extended Continental Shelf Project, 2011 field season: Gulf of Alaska and Bering Sea
This publication releases swath bathymetry and backscatter datasets derived from multibeam bathymetric data acquired by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) on the R/V Marcus G. Langseth legs MGL1108 (transit) and MGL1109 in the Gulf of Alaska, and MGL1111 in the Bering Sea. These data were acquired with a Kongsberg Simrad EM-122 multibeam echosounder and Seafloor Information System (SIS) acquisition software. The MGL1108 data were combined with the MGL1109 data during processing and are presented as MGL1109 ... |
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MGL1109backsgeo.asc: Multibeam backscatter data collected by the U.S. Geological Survey in the Gulf of Alaska in 2011 during cruise MGL1109, 100-meter gridded data in Esri gridascii format, geographic coordinate system
This raster dataset represents approximately 69,060 square kilometers of Simrad EM122 multibeam-backscatter data collected in the Gulf of Alaska during U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) cruise MGL1109 aboard the R/V Marcus G. Langseth. The data have been reduced for position, elevation, orientation, water-column sound-speed, and refraction effects. |
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MGL1109backsgeo.sd: Multibeam backscatter data collected by the U.S. Geological Survey in the Gulf of Alaska in 2011 during cruise MGL1109, 100-meter gridded data in Fledermaus digital terrain format, geographic coordinate system
This raster dataset represents approximately 69,060 square kilometers of Simrad EM122 multibeam-backscatter data collected in the Gulf of Alaska during U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) cruise MGL1109 aboard the R/V Marcus G. Langseth. The data have been reduced for position, elevation, orientation, water-column sound-speed, and refraction effects. |
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MGL1109backsgeo.xyb: Multibeam backscatter data collected by the U.S. Geological Survey in the Gulf of Alaska in 2011 during cruise MGL1109, 100-meter gridded data in XYB (longitude, latitude, backscatter) format, geographic coordinate system
This raster dataset represents approximately 69,060 square kilometers of Simrad EM122 multibeam-backscatter data collected in the Gulf of Alaska during U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) cruise MGL1109 aboard the R/V Marcus G. Langseth. The data have been reduced for position, elevation, orientation, water-column sound-speed, and refraction effects. |
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MGL1109backsutm.asc: Multibeam backscatter data collected by the U.S. Geological Survey in the Gulf of Alaska in 2011 during cruise MGL1109, 100-meter gridded data in Esri gridascii format, UTM 6 coordinates
This raster dataset represents approximately 69,060 square kilometers of Simrad EM122 multibeam-backscatter data collected in the Gulf of Alaska during U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) cruise MGL1109 aboard the R/V Marcus G. Langseth. The data have been reduced for position, elevation, orientation, water-column sound-speed, and refraction effects. |
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MGL1109backsutm.sd: Multibeam backscatter data collected by the U.S. Geological Survey in the Gulf of Alaska in 2011 during cruise MGL1109, 100-meter gridded data in Fledermaus digital terrain format, UTM 6 coordinates
This raster dataset represents approximately 69,060 square kilometers of Simrad EM122 multibeam-backscatter data collected in the Gulf of Alaska during U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) cruise MGL1109 aboard the R/V Marcus G. Langseth. The data have been reduced for position, elevation, orientation, water-column sound-speed, and refraction effects. |
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MGL1109backutm.tif: Multibeam backscatter data collected by the U.S. Geological Survey in the Gulf of Alaska in 2011 during cruise MGL1109, 100-meter gridded data in GeoTIFF format, UTM 6 coordinates
This raster dataset represents approximately 69,060 square kilometers of Simrad EM122 multibeam-backscatter data collected in the Gulf of Alaska during U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) cruise MGL1109 aboard the R/V Marcus G. Langseth. The data have been reduced for position, elevation, orientation, water-column sound-speed, and refraction effects. |
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MGL1109backutm.xyb: Multibeam backscatter data collected by the U.S. Geological Survey in the Gulf of Alaska in 2011 during cruise MGL1109, 100-meter gridded data in x_utm, y_utm, and backscatter (decibel) format, UTM 6 coordinates
This raster dataset represents approximately 69,060 square kilometers of Simrad EM122 multibeam-backscatter data collected in the Gulf of Alaska during U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) cruise MGL1109 aboard the R/V Marcus G. Langseth. The data have been reduced for position, elevation, orientation, water-column sound-speed, and refraction effects. |
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MGL1109bathygeo.asc: Multibeam bathymetry data collected by the U.S. Geological Survey in the Gulf of Alaska in 2011 during cruise MGL1109, 100-meter gridded data in Esri gridascii format, geographic coordinates.
This raster dataset represents approximately 69,060 square kilometers of Simrad EM122 multibeam-bathymetry data collected in the Gulf of Alaska during U.S. Geological Survey - Coastal and Marine Geology Program cruise MGL1109 aboard the R/V Marcus G. Langseth. The data have been reduced for position, elevation, orientation, water-column sound-speed, and refraction effects. |
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MGL1109bathygeo.sd: Multibeam bathymetry data collected by the U.S. Geological Survey in the Gulf of Alaska in 2011 during cruise MGL1109, 100-meter gridded data in Fledermaus digital terrain format, geographic coordinates
This raster dataset represents approximately 69,060 square kilometers of Simrad EM122 multibeam-bathymetry data collected in the Gulf of Alaska during U.S. Geological Survey - Coastal and Marine Geology Program cruise MGL1109 aboard the R/V Marcus G. Langseth. The data have been reduced for position, elevation, orientation, water-column sound-speed, and refraction effects. |
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MGL1109bathygeo.tif: Multibeam bathymetry data collected by the U.S. Geological Survey in the Gulf of Alaska in 2011 during cruise MGL1109, 100-meter gridded data in GeoTIFF format, geographic coordinates
This raster dataset represents approximately 69,060 square kilometers of Simrad EM122 multibeam-bathymetry data collected in the Gulf of Alaska during U.S. Geological Survey - Coastal and Marine Geology Program cruise MGL1109 aboard the R/V Marcus G. Langseth. The data have been reduced for position, elevation, orientation, water-column sound-speed, and refraction effects. |
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MGL1109bathygeo.xyz: Multibeam bathymetry data collected by the U.S. Geological Survey in the Gulf of Alaska in 2011 during cruise MGL1109, 100-meter gridded data in longitude, latitude, depth format, geographic coordinates
This raster dataset represents approximately 69,060 square kilometers of Simrad EM122 multibeam-bathymetry data collected in the Gulf of Alaska during U.S. Geological Survey - Coastal and Marine Geology Program cruise MGL1109 aboard the R/V Marcus G. Langseth. The data have been reduced for position, elevation, orientation, water-column sound-speed, and refraction effects. |
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MGL1109bathyutm.asc: Multibeam bathymetry data collected by the U.S. Geological Survey in the Gulf of Alaska in 2011 during cruise MGL1109, 100-meter gridded data in Esri gridascii, UTM 6 coordinates
This raster dataset represents approximately 69,060 square kilometers of Simrad EM122 multibeam-bathymetry data collected in the Gulf of Alaska during U.S. Geological Survey - Coastal and Marine Geology Program cruise MGL1109 aboard the R/V Marcus G. Langseth. The data have been reduced for position, elevation, orientation, water-column sound-speed, and refraction effects. |
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MGL1109bathyutm.bag: Multibeam bathymetry data collected by the U.S. Geological Survey in the Gulf of Alaska in 2011 during cruise MGL1109, 100-meter gridded data in Esri bathymetric attributed grid, UTM 6 coordinates
This raster dataset represents approximately 69,060 square kilometers of Simrad EM122 multibeam-bathymetry data collected in the Gulf of Alaska during U.S. Geological Survey - Coastal and Marine Geology Program cruise MGL1109 aboard the R/V Marcus G. Langseth. The data have been reduced for position, elevation, orientation, water-column sound-speed, and refraction effects. |
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MGL1109bathyutm.sd: Multibeam bathymetry data collected by the U.S. Geological Survey in the Gulf of Alaska in 2011 during cruise MGL1109, 100-meter gridded data in Fledermaus digital terrain format, UTM 6 coordinates
This raster dataset represents approximately 69,060 square kilometers of Simrad EM122 multibeam-bathymetry data collected in the Gulf of Alaska during U.S. Geological Survey - Coastal and Marine Geology Program cruise MGL1109 aboard the R/V Marcus G. Langseth. The data have been reduced for position, elevation, orientation, water-column sound-speed, and refraction effects. |
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MGL1109bathyutm.tif: Multibeam bathymetry data collected by the U.S. Geological Survey in the Gulf of Alaska in 2011 during cruise MGL1109, 100-meter gridded data in GeoTIFF format, UTM 6 coordinates
This raster dataset represents approximately 69,060 square kilometers of Simrad EM122 multibeam-bathymetry data collected in the Gulf of Alaska during U.S. Geological Survey - Coastal and Marine Geology Program cruise MGL1109 aboard the R/V Marcus G. Langseth. The data have been reduced for position, elevation, orientation, water-column sound-speed, and refraction effects. |
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MGL1109centerdepth.shp: Multibeam bathymetry data collected by the U.S. Geological Survey in the Gulf of Alaska in 2011 during cruise MGL1109, along-track center-beam depths extracted from 100-meter gridded data in shapefile format, geographic coordinates
This shapefile contains center-beam depths for approximately 5804 trackline kilometers of Simrad EM122 multibeam-bathymetry data collected in the Gulf of Alaska during U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) cruise MGL1109 aboard the R/V Marcus G. Langseth. The depth values were extracted from gridded data which were reduced for position, elevation, orientation, water-column sound-speed, and refraction effects. |
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MGL1109centerdepth.txt: Multibeam bathymetry data collected by the U.S. Geological Survey in the Gulf of Alaska in 2011 during cruise MGL1109, along-track center-beam depths extracted from 100-meter gridded data in plain text format, geographic coordinates
This text file contains center-beam depths for approximately 5804 trackline kilometers of Simrad EM122 multibeam-bathymetry data collected in the Gulf of Alaska during U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) cruise MGL1109 aboard the R/V Marcus G. Langseth. The depth values were extracted from gridded data which were reduced for position, elevation, orientation, water-column sound-speed, and refraction effects. |
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Seafloor character from air-photo data-Santa Barbara Channel
Seafloor character was derived from interpretations of aerial photograph-derived kelp-distribution data available for Santa Cruz Island in the Santa Barbara Channel, California (Kushner and others 2013). The number of substrate classes was reduced because rugosity could not be derived for all areas. |
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Seafloor character from lidar data-Santa Barbara Channel
Seafloor character was derived from interpretations of lidar data available for the mainland coast within the study area from the California State Waters Mapping Program (Johnson and others, 2012; Johnson and others, 2013a; Johnson and others, 2013b; Johnson and others, 2013c). The number of substrate classes was reduced because rugosity could not be derived for all areas. References Cited: Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Cochrane, G.R., Golden, N.E., Phillips, E.L., Ritchie, A.C., Greene, H.G., Krigsman, L ... |
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Seafloor character from multibeam echo sounder data-Santa Barbara Channel
Substrate was classified using the method of (Cochrane 2008) for this study multibeam sonar. Sea floor character derived from multibeam sonar data is available for the mainland coast within the study area from the California State Waters Mapping Program (Johnson and others, 2012; Johnson and others, 2013a; Johnson and others, 2013b; Johnson and others, 2013c). The number of substrate classes was reduced because rugosity could not be derived for all areas due to the lack of bathymetry data for other data ... |
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Seafloor character from sidescan sonar data-Santa Barbara Channel
Substrate was classified using the method of (Cochrane and Lafferty, 2002) for this study. Sea floor character derived from towed sidescan sonar data is available for the mainland coast within the study area from USGS online publications (Cochrane and others, 2003; Cochrane and others, 2005). The number of substrate classes was reduced because rugosity could not be derived for all areas due to the lack of bathymetry data for other data sets used in the study. References Cited: Cochrane, G.R., Nasby, N.M., ... |
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2010 Southeast Atlantic USACE Lidar-Derived Dune Crest, Toe and Shoreline
The Storm-Induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Lidar-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high water shoreline derived from the 2010 Southeast Atlantic ... |
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2010 Virginia USACE Lidar-Derived Dune Crest, Toe and Shoreline
The Storm-Induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Lidar-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high water shoreline derived from the 2010 Virginia U.S. Army ... |
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2010 New York USACE Lidar-Derived Dune Crest, Toe and Shoreline
The Storm-Induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Lidar-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high water shoreline derived from the 2010 New York U.S. Army ... |
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2010 New Jersey USACE Lidar-Derived Dune Crest, Toe and Shoreline
The Storm-Induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Lidar-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high water shoreline derived from the 2010 New Jersey U.S. ... |
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2010 Delaware USACE Lidar-Derived Dune Crest, Toe and Shoreline
The Storm-Induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Lidar-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high water shoreline derived from the 2010 Delaware U.S. Army ... |
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2010 Maryland USACE Lidar-Derived Dune Crest, Toe and Shoreline
The Storm-Induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Lidar-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high water shoreline derived from the 2010 Maryland U.S. Army ... |
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MGL1109shadeutm.tif: Multibeam bathymetry data collected by the U.S. Geological Survey in the Gulf of Alaska in 2011 during cruise MGL1109, 100-meter gray-shaded relief
This raster dataset represents approximately 69,060 square kilometers of Simrad EM122 multibeam-bathymetry data collected in the Gulf of Alaska during U.S. Geological Survey - Coastal and Marine Geology Program cruise MGL1109 aboard the R/V Marcus G. Langseth. The data have been reduced for position, elevation, orientation, water-column sound-speed, and refraction effects. |
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MGL1111backsgeo.asc: Multibeam backscatter data collected by the U.S. Geological Survey in the Bering Sea in 2011 during cruise MGL1111, 100-meter gridded data in Esri gridascii format, geographic coordinate system
This raster dataset represents approximately 49,581 square kilometers of Simrad EM122 multibeam backscatter-intensity data collected in the Bering Sea during U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) cruise MGL1111 aboard the R/V Marcus G. Langseth. Calibrated backscatter-intensity time-series data were adjusted for range-angle, beam pattern, and power-gain distortions. |
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MGL1111backsgeo.sd: Multibeam backscatter data collected by the U.S. Geological Survey in the Bering Sea in 2011 during cruise MGL1111, 100-meter gridded data in Fledermaus digital terrain format, geographic coordinate system
This raster dataset represents approximately 49,581 square kilometers of Simrad EM122 multibeam backscatter-intensity data collected in the Bering Sea during U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) cruise MGL1111 aboard the R/V Marcus G. Langseth. Calibrated backscatter-intensity time-series data were adjusted for range-angle, beam pattern, and power-gain distortions. |
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MGL1111backsgeo.xyb: Multibeam backscatter data collected by the U.S. Geological Survey in the Bering Sea in 2011 during cruise MGL1111, 100-meter gridded data in longitude, latitude, backscatter (decibel) format, geographic coordinate system
This raster dataset represents approximately 49,581 square kilometers of Simrad EM122 multibeam backscatter-intensity data collected in the Bering Sea during U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) cruise MGL1111 aboard the R/V Marcus G. Langseth. Calibrated backscatter-intensity time-series data were adjusted for range-angle, beam pattern, and power-gain distortions. |
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MGL1111backsutm.asc: Multibeam backscatter data collected by the U.S. Geological Survey in the Bering Sea in 2011 during cruise MGL1111, 100-meter gridded data in Esri gridascii export format, UTM zone 60 coordinates
This raster dataset represents approximately 49,581 square kilometers of Simrad EM122 multibeam backscatter-intensity data collected in the Bering Sea during U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) cruise MGL1111 aboard the R/V Marcus G. Langseth. Calibrated backscatter-intensity time-series data were adjusted for range-angle, beam pattern, and power-gain distortions. |
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MGL1111backsutm.sd: Multibeam backscatter data collected by the U.S. Geological Survey in the Bering Sea in 2011 during cruise MGL1111, 100-meter gridded data in Fledermaus digital terrain format, UTM zone 60 coordinates
This raster dataset represents approximately 49,581 square kilometers of Simrad EM122 multibeam backscatter-intensity data collected in the Bering Sea during U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) cruise MGL1111 aboard the R/V Marcus G. Langseth. Calibrated backscatter-intensity time-series data were adjusted for range-angle, beam pattern, and power-gain distortions. |
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MGL1111backsutm.tif: Multibeam backscatter data collected by the U.S. Geological Survey in the Bering Sea in 2011 during cruise MGL1111, 100-meter gridded data in GeoTIFF format, UTM zone 60 coordinates
This raster dataset represents approximately 49,581 square kilometers of Simrad EM122 multibeam backscatter-intensity data collected in the Bering Sea during U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) cruise MGL1111 aboard the R/V Marcus G. Langseth. Calibrated backscatter-intensity time-series data were adjusted for range-angle, beam pattern, and power-gain distortions. |
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MGL1111backsutm.xyb: Multibeam backscatter data collected by the U.S. Geological Survey in the Bering Sea in 2011 during cruise MGL1111, 100-meter gridded data in x, y, and backscatter (decibel) format, UTM zone 60 coordinates
This raster dataset represents approximately 49,581 square kilometers of Simrad EM122 multibeam backscatter-intensity data collected in the Bering Sea during U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) cruise MGL1111 aboard the R/V Marcus G. Langseth. Calibrated backscatter-intensity time-series data were adjusted for range-angle, beam pattern, and power-gain distortions. |
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MGL1111bathygeo.asc: Multibeam bathymetry data collected by the U.S. Geological Survey in the Bering Sea in 2011 during cruise MGL1111, 100-meter gridded data in Esri gridascii format, geographic (latitude, longitude) coordinates
This raster dataset represents approximately 49,581 square kilometers of Simrad EM122 multibeam backscatter-intensity data collected in the Bering Sea during U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) cruise MGL1111 aboard the R/V Marcus G. Langseth. Calibrated backscatter-intensity time-series data were adjusted for range-angle, beam pattern, and power-gain distortions. |
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MGL1111bathygeo.sd: Multibeam bathymetry data collected by the U.S. Geological Survey in the Bering Sea in 2011 during cruise MGL1111, 100-meter gridded data in Fledermaus digital terrain format, geographic (latitude, longitude) coordinates
This raster dataset represents approximately 49,581 square kilometers of Simrad EM122 multibeam backscatter-intensity data collected in the Bering Sea during U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) cruise MGL1111 aboard the R/V Marcus G. Langseth. Calibrated backscatter-intensity time-series data were adjusted for range-angle, beam pattern, and power-gain distortions. |
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MGL1111bathygeo.tif: Multibeam bathymetry data collected by the U.S. Geological Survey in the Bering Sea in 2011 during cruise MGL1111, 100-meter gridded data in GeoTIFF format, geographic (latitude, longitude) coordinates
This raster dataset represents approximately 49,581 square kilometers of Simrad EM122 multibeam backscatter-intensity data collected in the Bering Sea during U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) cruise MGL1111 aboard the R/V Marcus G. Langseth. Calibrated backscatter-intensity time-series data were adjusted for range-angle, beam pattern, and power-gain distortions. |
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MGL1111bathygeo.xyz: Multibeam bathymetry data collected by the U.S. Geological Survey in the Bering Sea in 2011 during cruise MGL1111, 100-meter gridded data in longitude, latitude, depth (meters) format, geographic (latitude, longitude) coordinates
This raster dataset represents approximately 49,581 square kilometers of Simrad EM122 multibeam backscatter-intensity data collected in the Bering Sea during U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) cruise MGL1111 aboard the R/V Marcus G. Langseth. Calibrated backscatter-intensity time-series data were adjusted for range-angle, beam pattern, and power-gain distortions. |
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MGL1111bathyutm.asc: Multibeam bathymetry data collected by the U.S. Geological Survey in the Bering Sea in 2011 during cruise MGL1111, 100-meter gridded data in Esri gridascii export format, UTM coordinate system
This raster dataset represents approximately 49,581 square kilometers of Simrad EM122 multibeam backscatter-intensity data collected in the Bering Sea during U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) cruise MGL1111 aboard the R/V Marcus G. Langseth. Calibrated backscatter-intensity time-series data were adjusted for range-angle, beam pattern, and power-gain distortions. |
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MGL1111bathyutm.bag: Multibeam bathymetry data collected by the U.S. Geological Survey in the Bering Sea in 2011 during cruise MGL1111, 100-meter gridded data in bathymetric attributed grid format, UTM coordinate system
This raster dataset represents approximately 49,581 square kilometers of Simrad EM122 multibeam backscatter-intensity data collected in the Bering Sea during U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) cruise MGL1111 aboard the R/V Marcus G. Langseth. Calibrated backscatter-intensity time-series data were adjusted for range-angle, beam pattern, and power-gain distortions. |
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MGL1111bathyutm.sd: Multibeam bathymetry data collected by the U.S. Geological Survey in the Bering Sea in 2011 during cruise MGL1111, 100-meter gridded data in Fledermaus digital terrain format, UTM coordinate system
This raster dataset represents approximately 49,581 square kilometers of Simrad EM122 multibeam backscatter-intensity data collected in the Bering Sea during U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) cruise MGL1111 aboard the R/V Marcus G. Langseth. Calibrated backscatter-intensity time-series data were adjusted for range-angle, beam pattern, and power-gain distortions. |
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MGL1111bathyutm.tif: Multibeam bathymetry data collected by the U.S. Geological Survey in the Bering Sea in 2011 during cruise MGL1111, 100-meter gridded data in GeoTIFF format, UTM coordinate system
This raster dataset represents approximately 49,581 square kilometers of Simrad EM122 multibeam backscatter-intensity data collected in the Bering Sea during U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) cruise MGL1111 aboard the R/V Marcus G. Langseth. Calibrated backscatter-intensity time-series data were adjusted for range-angle, beam pattern, and power-gain distortions. |
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MGL1111centerdepth.shp: Multibeam bathymetry data collected by the U.S. Geological Survey in the Bering Sea in 2011 during cruise MGL1111, along-track center-beam depths extracted from 100-meter gridded data in shapefile format, geographic coordinates
This shapefile contains center-beam depths for approximately 5727 trackline kilometers of Simrad EM122 multibeam-bathymetry data collected in the Bering Sea during U.S. Geological Survey - Coastal and Marine Geology Program cruise MGL1111 aboard the R/V Marcus G. Langseth. The depth values were extracted from gridded data which were reduced for position, elevation, orientation, water-column sound-speed, and refraction effects. |
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MGL1111shadeutm.tif: Multibeam bathymetry data collected by the U.S. Geological Survey in the Bering Sea in 2011 during cruise MGL1111, 100-meter gridded shaded bathymetric relief in GeoTIFF format
This raster dataset represents approximately 49,581 square kilometers of Simrad EM122 multibeam backscatter-intensity data collected in the Bering Sea during U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) cruise MGL1111 aboard the R/V Marcus G. Langseth. Calibrated backscatter-intensity time-series data were adjusted for range-angle, beam pattern, and power-gain distortions. |
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Results from isotope analysis of authigenic carbonates collected offshore the U.S. Mid- and South Atlantic
Geochemical analysis of carbonate rock samples collected from seep fields on the RB1903 and AT41 research expeditions in the U.S. Mid- and South Atlantic. Samples were collected as a fingerprint to past hydrocarbon seep activity, fluid source, and depositional environment. |
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Geochemical and mineralogic analysis of authigenic carbonates collected offshore the U.S. Mid- and South Atlantic
Geochemical and mineralogic analysis of selected carbonate rock samples collected from seep fields on the RB1903 and AT41 research expeditions in the U.S. Mid- and South Atlantic.Samples were collected as a fingerprint to past hydrocarbon seep activity, fluid source, and depositional environment. Analyses include: Wavelength-dispersive X-ray Fluorescence (WDXRF) major element, Inductively Coupled Optical Emission Spectroscopy/Mass Spectroscopy (ICPOES-MS) major and minor element, and x-ray diffractrometry ... |
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Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (AMS) 14C radiocarbon analysis of authigenic carbonates collected offshore the U.S. Mid- and South Atlantic
Results are presented from Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (AMS) carbon-14 radiocarbon dating of carbonate rock samples collected from seep fields offshore the U.S. Mid- and South Atlantic in 2018 and 2019. Samples were collected as a fingerprint to past hydrocarbon seep activity, fluid source, and depositional environment. |
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Backscatter A [8101]--Offshore of Bodega Head, California
This part of DS 781 presents data for the acoustic-backscatter map of the Offshore of Bodega Head map area, California. Backscatter data are provided as separate grids depending on mapping system or processing method. The raster data file is included in "BackscatterA_8101_OffshoreBodegaHead.zip", which is accessible from https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/OffshoreBodegaHead/data_catalog_OffshoreBodegaHead.html. These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Golden, N.E., Hartwell ... |
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Backscatter B [7125]--Offshore of Bodega Head, California
This part of DS 781 presents data for the acoustic-backscatter map of the Offshore of Bodega Head map area, California. Backscatter data are provided as separate grids depending on mapping system or processing method. The raster data file is included in "BackscatterB_7125_OffshoreBodegaHead.zip", which is accessible from https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/OffshoreBodegaHead/data_catalog_OffshoreBodegaHead.html. These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Golden, N.E., Hartwell ... |
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Backscatter C [Swath]--Offshore of Bodega Head, California
This part of DS 781 presents data for the acoustic-backscatter map of the Offshore of Bodega Head map area, California. Backscatter data are provided as separate grids depending on mapping system or processing method. The raster data file is included in "BackscatterC_Swath_OffshoreBodegaHead.zip", which is accessible from https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/OffshoreBodegaHead/data_catalog_OffshoreBodegaHead.html. These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Golden, N.E., ... |
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Bathymetry Hillshade--Offshore of Bodega Head, California
This part of DS 781 presents data for the bathymetry and shaded-relief maps of the Offshore of Bodega Head map area, California. Raster data file is included in "BathymetryHS_OffshoreBodegaHead.zip," which is accessible from http://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/OffshoreBodegaHead/data_catalog_OffshoreBodegaHead.html. The bathymetry and shaded-relief maps of the Offshore of Bodega Head map area, California, were generated from bathymetry data collected by California State University, Monterey Bay (CSUMB), and by ... |
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Bathymetry--Offshore of Bodega Head, California
This part of DS 781 presents data for the bathymetry and shaded-relief maps of the Offshore of Bodega Head map area, California. Raster data file is included in "Bathymetry_OffshoreBodegaHead.zip," which is accessible from https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/OffshoreBodegaHead/data_catalog_OffshoreBodegaHead.html. These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Golden, N.E., Hartwell, S.R., Erdey, M.D., Greene, H.G., Cochrane, G.R., Kvitek, R.G., Manson, M.W., Endris, C.A., Dieter, ... |
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Contours-Offshore of Bodega Head, California
This part of DS 781 presents data for the bathymetric contours for several seafloor maps of the Offshore of Bodega Head map area, California. The vector data file is included in "Contours_OffshoreBodegaHead.zip," which is accessible https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/OffshoreBodegaHead/data_catalog_OffshoreBodegaHead.html. These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Golden, N.E., Hartwell, S.R., Erdey, M.D., Greene, H.G., Cochrane, G.R., Kvitek, R.G., Manson, M.W., Endris, C.A ... |
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Faults--Offshore of Bodega Head Map Area, California
This part of DS 781 presents data for faults for the geologic and geomorphic map of the Offshore of Bodega Head map area, California. The vector data file is included in "Faults_OffshoreBodegaHead.zip," which is accessible from https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/OffshoreBodegaHead/data_catalog_OffshoreBodegaHead.html. These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Golden, N.E., Hartwell, S.R., Erdey, M.D., Greene, H.G., Cochrane, G.R., Kvitek, R.G., Manson, M.W., Endris, C.A., ... |
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Folds--Offshore of Bodega Head Map Area, California
This part of DS 781 presents data for folds for the geologic and geomorphic map of the Offshore of Bodega Head map area, California. The vector data file is included in "Folds_OffshoreBodegaHead.zip," which is accessible from https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/OffshoreBodegaHead/data_catalog_OffshoreBodegaHead.html. These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Golden, N.E., Hartwell, S.R., Erdey, M.D., Greene, H.G., Cochrane, G.R., Kvitek, R.G., Manson, M.W., Endris, C.A., ... |
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Geology and geomorphology--Offshore of Bodega Head Map Area, California
This part of DS 781 presents data for the geologic and geomorphic map of the Offshore of Bodega Head map area, California. The vector data file is included in "Geology_OffshoreBodegaHead.zip," which is accessible from https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/OffshoreBodegaHead/data_catalog_OffshoreBodegaHead.html. These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Golden, N.E., Hartwell, S.R., Erdey, M.D., Greene, H.G., Cochrane, G.R., Kvitek, R.G., Manson, M.W., Endris, C.A., Dieter, B.E. ... |
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Habitat--Offshore of Bodega Head, California
This part of DS 781 presents data for the habitat map of the seafloor of the Offshore of Bodega Head map area, California. The vector data file is included in "Habitat_OffshoreBodegaHead.zip," which is accessible from https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/OffshoreBodegaHead/data_catalog_OffshoreBodegaHead.html. These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Golden, N.E., Hartwell, S.R., Erdey, M.D., Greene, H.G., Cochrane, G.R., Kvitek, R.G., Manson, M.W., Endris, C.A., Dieter, B.E. ... |
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Seafloor character--Offshore of Bodega Head, California
This part of DS 781 presents the seafloor-character map Offshore of Bodega Head, California (raster data file is included in "SeafloorCharacter_BodegaHead.zip," which is accessible from https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/OffshoreBodegaHead/data_catalog_OffshoreBodegaHead.html. These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Golden, N.E., Hartwell, S.R., Erdey, M.D., Greene, H.G., Cochrane, G.R., Kvitek, R.G., Manson, M.W., Endris, C.A., Dieter, B.E., Watt, J.T., Krigsman, L.M., ... |
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2010 Assateague Island National Seashore USGS EAARL Lidar-Derived Dune Crest, Toe and Shoreline
The Storm-Induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Lidar-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high water shoreline derived from the 2010 Assateague Island ... |
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July 2010 Dauphin Island USGS EAARL Lidar-Derived Dune Crest, Toe and Shoreline
The Storm-Induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Lidar-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high water shoreline derived from the 2010 Dauphin Island U.S. ... |
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2011 USGS New York Lidar-Derived Dune Crest, Toe and Shoreline
The Storm-Induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Lidar-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high water shoreline derived from the 2011 Atlantic Coast ... |
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2011 East Coast New York/New Jersey NOAA/NGS Lidar-Derived Dune Crest, Toe and Shoreline
The Storm-Induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Lidar-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high water shoreline derived from the 2011 East Coast New York ... |
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2012 Post-Hurricane Sandy Fire Island, New York Lidar-Derived Dune Crest, Toe and Shoreline
The Storm-Induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Lidar-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high water shoreline derived from the 2012 Post-Hurricane ... |
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2012 Post-Hurricane Sandy Northeast Atlantic Coast USGS Lidar-Derived Dune Crest, Toe and Shoreline
The Storm-Induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Lidar-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high water shoreline derived from the 2012 Post ... |
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2012 Post-Sandy New York and New Jersey USACE NCMP Lidar-Derived Dune Crest, Toe and Shoreline
The Storm-Induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Lidar-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high water shoreline derived from the 2012 Post-Sandy New York ... |
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2012 Pre-Hurricane Sandy Fire Island National Seashore, USGS Lidar-Derived Dune Crest, Toe and Shoreline
The Storm-Induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Lidar-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high water shoreline derived from the 2012 Post-Hurricane ... |
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2012 Pre-Sandy New York and New Jersey USGS Lidar-Derived Dune Crest, Toe and Shoreline
The Storm-Induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Lidar-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high water shoreline derived from the 2012 Pre Hurricane Sandy ... |
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2012 Post-Hurricane Sandy New Jersey USGS EAARL-B Lidar-Derived Dune Crest, Toe and Shoreline
The Storm-Induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Lidar-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high water shoreline derived from the 2012 Post-Hurricane ... |
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2013-2014 Northeast USGS Lidar-Derived Dune Crest, Toe and Shoreline
The Storm-Induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Lidar-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high water shoreline derived from the 2013-2014 Post� ... |
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2013 NOAA Oahu Lidar-Derived Dune Crest, Toe and Shoreline
The Storm-Induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Lidar-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high water shoreline derived from the 2013 National Oceanic ... |
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2013 USACE Oahu Lidar-Derived Dune Crest, Toe and Shoreline
The Storm-Induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Lidar-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high water shoreline derived from the 2013 U.S. Army Corps of ... |
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2013 USACE NAE Topobathy Lidar: Maine Point Cloud files with Orthometric Vertical Datum North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD88) using GEOID12B
The Storm-Induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Lidar-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high water shoreline derived from the 2001 Gulf Coast USGS ... |
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2013 Maine USACE/NAE Lidar-Derived Dune Crest, Toe and Shoreline
The Storm-Induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Lidar-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high water shoreline derived from the 2013 Maine United States ... |
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2014 East Coast Rhode Island NOAA/NGS ATM Lidar-Derived Dune Crest, Toe and Shoreline, post-Hurricane Sandy
The Storm-Induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Lidar-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high water shoreline derived from the 2014 East Coast Rhode ... |
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2014 East Coast New Hampshire USACE/NAE ATM Lidar-Derived Dune Crest, Toe and Shoreline, post-Hurricane Sandy
The Storm-Induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Lidar-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high water shoreline derived from the 2014 East Coast New ... |
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2014 East Coast Maine USACE/NAE ATM Lidar-Derived Dune Crest, Toe and Shoreline, post-Hurricane Sandy
The Storm-Induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Lidar-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high water shoreline derived from the 2014 East Coast Maine ... |
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Pharmaceuticals and personal care products measured in passive samplers at seven coastal sites off West Maui during February and March 2017
Passive membrane samplers—semipermeable membrane devices and polar organic chemical integrative samplers—were deployed for 22 continuous days at 7 sites along the West Maui, Hawai'i, coastline in February and March 2017 to assess organic contaminants at shallow coral reef ecosystems from diverse upstream inputs. |
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2015 USACE Florida Gulf Coast Lidar-Derived Dune Crest, Toe and Shoreline
The Storm-Induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Lidar-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high water shoreline derived from the 2015 U.S. Army Corps of ... |
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2017 USGS Lidar: Chenier Plain, LA Point Cloud files with Orthometric Vertical Datum North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD88) using GEOID12B
The Storm-Induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Lidar-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high water shoreline derived from the 2001 Gulf Coast USGS ... |
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2016 Florida East Coast USACE Lidar-Derived Dune Crest, Toe and Shoreline
The Storm-Induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Lidar-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high water shoreline derived from the 2016 U.S. Army Corps of ... |
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2016 USACE Gulf Coast Lidar-Derived Dune Crest, Toe and Shoreline
The Storm-Induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Lidar-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high water shoreline derived from the 2016 U.S. Army Corps of ... |
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2017 East Coast USACE/FEMA ATM Lidar-Derived Dune Crest, Toe and Shoreline, post-Hurricane Irma
The Storm-Induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Lidar-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high water shoreline derived from the 2017 Atlantic Coast ... |
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2018 USGS Florida Panhandle Post-Michael Lidar-derived Dune Crest, Toe, and Shoreline
The Storm-Induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Lidar-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high water shoreline derived from the 2018 United States Army ... |
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Rain measurements in and near the CZU Lightning Complex Fire area, Santa Cruz Mountains, California, 2021 to 2022
Rainfall measurements were collected in and near the CZU Lightning Complex Fire (hereafter, "CZU Fire") burn area, Santa Cruz Mountains, California. The CZU Fire ignited in the Santa Cruz Mountains, California, on August 16, 2020. By the time of full containment on September 22, 2020, the fire had burned 350 km2 (86,510 acres) in Santa Cruz and San Mateo Counties. The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) installed four rain gages in and near the CZU Fire burn area to measure rainfall during two post-fire wet ... |
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1998 East Coast NASA/NOAA/USGS Winter ATM Lidar-Derived Dune Crest, Toe and Shoreline
The Storm-Induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Lidar-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high water shoreline derived from the 1998 Atlantic Coast ... |
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1998 Atlantic coast NASA/NOAA/USGS Spring ATM Lidar-Derived Dune Crest, Toe and Shoreline
The Storm-Induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Lidar-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high water shoreline derived from the 1998 Atlantic Coast ... |
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1998 Southeast ATM Lidar-derived dune crest, toe and shoreline
The Storm-Induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Lidar-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high water shoreline derived from the 1998 Southeast USGS/NASA ... |
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1999 Atlantic Coast NASA/NOAA/USGS ATM Lidar-Derived Dune Crest, Toe and Shoreline, post-Hurricane Floyd
The Storm-Induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Lidar-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high water shoreline derived from the 1999 Atlantic Coast ... |
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CMECS geoform, substrate, and biotopes offshore of Burien, Washington
This part of USGS Data Series 935 (Cochrane, 2014) presents substrate, geomorphic, and biotope data in the Offshore of Burien, Washington, map area, a part of the Southern Salish Sea Habitat Map Series. Given the variable bathymetric resolution, the complex geologic history of the region, and the lack of acoustic backscatter data, automated and semi-automated classification schemes of classifying seafloor substrate and geoform were deemed to have very low accuracy. Instead, classification of these ... |
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2018 South Texas USGS Lidar-Derived Dune Crest, Toe and Shoreline
The Storm-Induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Lidar-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe, and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high-water shoreline derived from the 2018 United States ... |
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2018 Puerto Rico USACE Lidar-Derived Dune Crest, Toe and Shoreline
The storm-induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards (NACCH) project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Light detection and ranging (lidar)-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe, and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high-water shoreline ... |
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Lifespan of marsh units in New York salt marshes
Lifespan of salt marshes in New York are calculated using conceptual marsh units defined by Defne and Ganju (2018) and Welk and others (2019, 2020a, 2020b, 2020c). The lifespan calculation is based on estimated sediment supply and sea-level rise (SLR) predictions after Ganju and others (2020). Sea level predictions are local estimates which correspond to the 0.3, 0.5, and 1.0 meter increase in Global Mean Sea Level (GMSL) scenarios by 2100 from Sweet and others (2022). The U.S. Geological Survey has been ... |
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CMECS geoform, substrate, and biotopes offshore of Seattle, Washington
This part of USGS Data Series 935 (Cochrane, 2014) presents substrate, geomorphic, and biotope data in the Offshore of Seattle, California, map area, a part of the Southern Salish Sea Habitat Map Series. Given the variable bathymetric resolution, the complex geologic history of the region, and the lack of acoustic backscatter data, automated and semi-automated classification schemes of classifying seafloor substrate and geoform were deemed to have very low accuracy. Instead, classification of these ... |
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Location and radiochemical data from sediment cores collected on Deer Island, Mississippi
In December 2021, four sediment push cores (core names appended with 'M' for marsh push core) and peat augers (core names appended with 'R' for Russian peat auger) were collected from the marshes of Deer Island, Mississippi during U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) field activity number (FAN) 2021-351-FA. Select intervals from the manual push cores were analyzed for determination of lead-210 activities via alpha spectroscopy for development of accumulation rates using standard model methods. Twenty percent of ... |
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Elemental chemistry, radionuclides, and charcoal in watershed soil and reef sediment at Olowalu, Maui, 2022
Fine-sediment elemental chemistry, short-lived cosmogenic radionuclides (Beryllium-7, Cesium-137, and Lead-210), charcoal counts, and total organic carbon contents were quantified to describe urban and wildfire effects and land-based sediment sources and runoff to Olowalu Reef in February 2022. |
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Parent and alkylated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in watershed soil and reef sediment at Olowalu, Maui, 2022
Seventy six parent and alkylated polycyclic aromatic compounds, including polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), were quantified in watershed and reef sediment from Olowalu, Maui, in February 2022 to explore urban and wildfire effects. Sample locations and total organic carbon contents (OC) are available in the accompanying file OlowaluWatershedReef2022_compositions.csv. |
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Radium and Radon Radioisotope Activity Data from Samples Collected Between May 2019 and September 2020 Along the West Florida Shelf (Amberjack and Green Banana Blue Holes)
Relict karstic features or sinkholes, often referred to as blue holes, are common features along continental shelves that are underlain by carbonate rich sediments and/or rocks. Several of these features occur along the west-Florida shelf within the Gulf of Mexico, including the two mentioned in Vargas and others (2022): Amberjack Hole and Green Banana Sink (hereafter referred to as Green Banana). Scientists from the U.S. Geological Survey, St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (USGS-SPCMSC) ... |
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Rain measurements in the Dolan Fire Area, Los Padres National Forest, California, 2021 to 2022
Rainfall measurements were collected in and near the Dolan Fire burn area, Los Padres National Forest, California. The Dolan Fire ignited on August 18, 2020. By the time of full containment on December 31, 2020, the fire had burned 518 km2 (128,050 acres) in Monterey County. Post-fire debris flows occurred in many watersheds burned by the Dolan Fire during the first post-fire wet season, in winter 2021. The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) installed seven rain gages within the Dolan Fire burn area in October ... |
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Reference baselines used to extract shorelines for the West Coast of the United States
This data release contains reference baselines for primarily open-ocean sandy beaches along the west coast of the United States (California, Oregon and Washington). The slopes were calculated while extracting shoreline position from lidar point cloud data collected between 2002 and 2011. The shoreline positions have been previously published, but the slopes have not. A reference baseline was defined and then evenly-spaced cross-shore beach transects were created. Then all data points within 1 meter of each ... |
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Beach foreshore slope for the West Coast of the United States
This data release contains foreshore slopes for primarily open-ocean sandy beaches along the west coast of the United States (California, Oregon and Washington). The slopes were calculated while extracting shoreline position from lidar point cloud data collected between 2002 and 2011. The shoreline positions have been previously published, but the slopes have not. A reference baseline was defined and then evenly-spaced cross-shore beach transects were created. Then all data points within 1 meter of each ... |
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Radiocarbon age dating of biological material from cores collected off British Columbia, Canada and southeastern Alaska, U.S. along the Queen Charlotte-Fairweather fault zone
Results of radiocarbon age dating of planktic foraminifera, benthic foraminifera, and pelecypod shell fragments collected from piston cores, trigger weight cores, and IKU grab samples obtained in 2015 and 2017 offshore British Columbia, Canada and southeastern Alaska, U.S. along the Queen Charlotte-Fairweather fault zone. |
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Rain measurements in Santa Cruz County, California, January 2023
Rain gages were deployed temporarily at four sites in Santa Cruz County, California, during a series of atmospheric-river storms that delivered unusually large amounts of rain in January 2023. Data collection focused on the San Lorenzo River, and include three locations in the San Lorenzo Valley (in Boulder Creek along Hilton Drive, in Felton near Glengarry Road, and in Scotts Valley along Green Valley Road), as well as one site within the city of Santa Cruz, on Darwin Street. These data are provided to ... |
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Underwater temperature on off-shore coral reefs of the Florida Keys, U.S.A. (Version 8)
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Coral Reef Ecosystems Studies (CREST) project (https://coastal.er.usgs.gov/crest/) provides science that helps resource managers tasked with the stewardship of coral reef resources. Coral reef organisms are very sensitive to high and low water-temperature extremes. It is critical to precisely know water temperatures experienced by corals and associated plants and animals that live in the dynamic nearshore environment to document thresholds in temperature tolerance. This ... |
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Global compilation of published gas hydrate-related bottom simulating reflections
Bottom simulating reflections (BSRs) are seismic features that are imaged in marine sediments using high-energy, impulsive seismic sources such as air guns or generator-injector guns. BSRs often cut across sediment stratigraphy and are interpreted as marking the deepest depth at which gas hydrate can exist. Gas hydrate is a naturally occurring and widely distributed frozen form of water and gas (usually methane) stable at low temperatures (up to about 25 degrees Celsius [°C]) and intermediate pressures ... |
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Lifespan of Chesapeake Bay salt marsh units
Lifespan distribution in the Chesapeake Bay (CB) salt marsh complex is presented in terms of lifespan of conceptual marsh units defined by Ackerman and others (2022). The lifespan calculation is based on estimated sediment supply and sea-level rise (SLR) predictions after Ganju and others (2020). Sea level predictions are present day estimates at the prescribed rate of SLR, which correspond to the 0.3, 0.5, and 1.0 meter increase in Global Mean Sea Level (GMSL) scenarios by 2100 from Sweet and others (2022) ... |
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Backscatter A [8101]--Offshore Bolinas, California
This part of DS 781 presents data for the acoustic-backscatter map of the Offshore of Bolinas map area, California. Backscatter data are provided as separate grids depending on mapping system or processing method. The raster data file is included in "BackscatterA_8101_2004_OffshoreBolinas.zip", which is accessible from https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/OffshoreBolinas/data_catalog_OffshoreBolinas.html. These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Cochrane, G.R., Dartnell, P., Johnson, S.Y., Greene, H.G., ... |
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Backscatter B [8101]--Offshore Bolinas, California
This part of DS 781 presents data for the acoustic-backscatter map of the Offshore of Bolinas map area, California. Backscatter data are provided as separate grids depending on mapping system or processing method. The raster data file is included in "BackscatterB_8101_2007_OffshoreBolinas.zip", which are accessible from https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/OffshoreBolinas/data_catalog_OffshoreBolinas.html. These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Cochrane, G.R., Dartnell, P., Johnson, S.Y., Greene, H.G., ... |
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Backscatter C [7125]--Offshore Bolinas, California
This part of DS 781 presents data for the acoustic-backscatter map of the Offshore of Bolinas map area, California. Backscatter data are provided as separate grids depending on mapping system or processing method. The raster data files is included in "BackscatterC_7125_OffshoreBolinas.zip", which are accessible from https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/OffshoreBolinas/data_catalog_OffshoreBolinas.html. These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Cochrane, G.R., Dartnell, P., Johnson, S.Y., Greene, H.G., ... |
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Backscatter D [Snippets]--Offshore Bolinas, California
This part of DS 781 presents data for the acoustic-backscatter map of the Offshore of Bolinas map area, California. Backscatter data are provided as separate grids depending on mapping system or processing method. The raster data files is included in "BackscatterD_Snippets_OffshoreBolinas.zip", which are accessible from https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/OffshoreBolinas/data_catalog_OffshoreBolinas.html. These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Cochrane, G.R., Dartnell, P., Johnson, S.Y., Greene, H.G., ... |
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Backscatter E [Swath]--Offshore Bolinas, California
This part of DS 781 presents data for the acoustic-backscatter map of the Offshore of Bolinas map area, California. Backscatter data are provided as separate grids depending on mapping system or processing method. The raster data files is included in "BackscatterE_Swath_OffshoreBolinas.zip", which are accessible from https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/OffshoreBolinas/data_catalog_OffshoreBolinas.html. These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Cochrane, G.R., Dartnell, P., Johnson, S.Y., Greene, H.G., ... |
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Contours--Offshore of Bolinas, California
This part of DS 781 presents data for the bathymetric contours for several seafloor maps of the Offshore of Bolinas map area, California. The vector data file is included in "Contours_OffshoreBolinas.zip," which is accessible from https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/OffshoreBolinas/data_catalog_OffshoreBolinas.html. These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Cochrane, G.R., Dartnell, P., Johnson, S.Y., Greene, H.G., Erdey, M.D., Golden, N.E., Hartwell, S.R., Manson, M.W., Sliter, R.W., Endris, C.A., Watt, ... |
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Remote Sensing Coastal Change Simple Data Distribution Service
The Remote Sensing Coastal Change Simple Data Service provides timely and long-term access to emergency, provisional, and approved photogrammetric imagery, derivatives, and ancillary data through a web service via HyperText Transfer Protocol to a folder/file structure organized by data collection platform and survey (collection effort) with metadata sufficient to facilitate both human and machine access. Data are acquired, processed, and published using standardized workflows. Each data type added to the ... |
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Faults--Offshore of Bolinas Map Area, California
This part of DS 781 presents data for faults for the geologic and geomorphic map of the Offshore of Bolinas map area, California. The vector data file is included in "Faults_OffshoreBolinas.zip," which is accessible from https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/OffshoreBolinas/data_catalog_OffshoreBolinas.html. These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Cochrane, G.R., Dartnell, P., Johnson, S.Y., Greene, H.G., Erdey, M.D., Golden, N.E., Hartwell, S.R., Manson, M.W., Sliter, R.W., Endris, C.A., Watt, J.T., ... |
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Bathymetry Hillshade--Offshore of San Francisco, California
This part of DS 781 presents data for the shaded-relief bathymetry map of the Offshore of San Francisco, California, map area. The raster data file is included in "BathymetryHS_OffshoreSanFrancisco.zip," which is accessible from https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/OffshoreSanFrancisco/data_catalog_OffshoreSanFrancisco.html. These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Cochrane, G.R., Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Greene, H.G., Erdey, M.D., Golden, N.E., Hartwell, S.R., Endris, C.A., Manson, M.W., Sliter, R.W ... |
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Contours--Offshore of San Francisco, California
This part of DS 781 presents data for the bathymetric contours for several seafloor maps of the Offshore of San Francisco map area, California. The vector data file is included in "Contours_OffshoreSanFrancisco.zip," which is accessible from https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/OffshoreSanFrancisco/data_catalog_OffshoreSanFrancisco.html. These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Cochrane, G.R., Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Greene, H.G., Erdey, M.D., Golden, N.E., Hartwell, S.R., Endris, C.A., Manson, M.W. ... |
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Geology and geomorphology--Offshore of Bolinas Map Area, California
This part of DS 781 presents data for the geologic and geomorphic map of the Offshore of Bolinas map area, California. The vector data file is included in "Geology_OffshoreBolinas.zip," which is accessible from https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/OffshoreBolinas/data_catalog_OffshoreBolinas.html. These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Cochrane, G.R., Dartnell, P., Johnson, S.Y., Greene, H.G., Erdey, M.D., Golden, N.E., Hartwell, S.R., Manson, M.W., Sliter, R.W., Endris, C.A., Watt, J.T., Ross, S.L., ... |
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Bathymetry Hillshade--Offshore Pacifica, California
This part of DS 781 presents data for the hillshaded bathymetry map of Offshore Pacifica, California. The raster data file is included in "BathymetryHS_OffshorePacifica.zip," which is accessible from https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/OffshorePacifica/data_catalog_OffshorePacifica.html. These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Edwards, B.D., Phillips, E.L., Dartnell, P., Greene, H.G., Bretz, C.K., Kvitek, R.G., Hartwell, S.R., Johnson, S.Y., Cochrane, G.R., Dieter, B.E., Sliter, R.W., Ross, S.L., ... |
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Bathymetry--Offshore Pacifica, California
This part of DS 781 presents data for the bathymetry map of Offshore Pacifica, California. The raster data file is included in "Bathymetry_OffshorePacifica.zip," which is accessible from https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/OffshorePacifica/data_catalog_OffshorePacifica.html. These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Edwards, B.D., Phillips, E.L., Dartnell, P., Greene, H.G., Bretz, C.K., Kvitek, R.G., Hartwell, S.R., Johnson, S.Y., Cochrane, G.R., Dieter, B.E., Sliter, R.W., Ross, S.L., Golden, N.E., Watt ... |
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Habitat--Offshore of Pacifica, California
This part of DS 781 presents data for the habitat map of the seafloor of the Offshore of Pacifica map area, California. The vector data file is included in "Habitat_OffshorePacifica.zip," which is accessible from https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/OffshorePacifica/data_catalog_OffshorePacifica.html. These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Edwards, B.D., Phillips, E.L., Dartnell, P., Greene, H.G., Bretz, C.K., Kvitek, R.G., Hartwell, S.R., Johnson, S.Y., Cochrane, G.R., Dieter, B.E., Sliter, R.W., Ross ... |
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Seafloor character--Offshore of Pacifica, California
This part of DS 781 presents the seafloor-character map Offshore of Pacifica, California. The raster data file is included in "SFC_OffshorePacifica.zip," which is accessible from https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/OffshorePacifica/data_catalog_OffshorePacifica.html. These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Edwards, B.D., Phillips, E.L., Dartnell, P., Greene, H.G., Bretz, C.K., Kvitek, R.G., Hartwell, S.R., Johnson, S.Y., Cochrane, G.R., Dieter, B.E., Sliter, R.W., Ross, S.L., Golden, N.E., Watt, J.T., ... |
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Bathymetry Hillshade--Offshore Bolinas, California
This part of DS 781 presents data for the shaded-relief bathymetry map of the Offshore of Bolinas, California. The raster data file is included in "BathymetryHS_OffshoreBolinas.zip," which is accessible from https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/OffshoreBolinas/data_catalog_OffshoreBolinas.html. These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Cochrane, G.R., Dartnell, P., Johnson, S.Y., Greene, H.G., Erdey, M.D., Golden, N.E., Hartwell, S.R., Manson, M.W., Sliter, R.W., Endris, C.A., Watt, J.T., Ross, S.L., ... |
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Bathymetry--Offshore Bolinas, California
This part of DS 781 presents data for the bathymetry map of the Offshore of Bolinas, California. The raster data file is included in "Bathymetry_OffshoreBolinas.zip," which is accessible from https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/OffshoreBolinas/data_catalog_OffshoreBolinas.html. These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Cochrane, G.R., Dartnell, P., Johnson, S.Y., Greene, H.G., Erdey, M.D., Golden, N.E., Hartwell, S.R., Manson, M.W., Sliter, R.W., Endris, C.A., Watt, J.T., Ross, S.L., Kvitek, R.G., ... |
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Folds--Offshore of Bolinas Map Area, California
This part of DS 781 presents data for folds for the geologic and geomorphic map of the Offshore of Bolinas map area, California. The vector data file is included in "Folds_OffshoreBolinas.zip," which is accessible from https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/OffshoreBolinas/data_catalog_OffshoreBolinas.html. These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Cochrane, G.R., Dartnell, P., Johnson, S.Y., Greene, H.G., Erdey, M.D., Golden, N.E., Hartwell, S.R., Manson, M.W., Sliter, R.W., Endris, C.A., Watt, J.T., Ross, ... |
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Habitat--Offshore of Bolinas, California
This part of DS 781 presents data for the habitat map of the seafloor of the Offshore of Bolinas map area, California. The vector data file is included in "Habitat_OffshoreBolinas.zip," which is accessible from https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/OffshoreBolinas/data_catalog_OffshoreBolinas.html. These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Cochrane, G.R., Dartnell, P., Johnson, S.Y., Greene, H.G., Erdey, M.D., Golden, N.E., Hartwell, S.R., Manson, M.W., Sliter, R.W., Endris, C.A., Watt, J.T., Ross, S.L., ... |
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Seafloor character--Offshore of Bolinas, California
This part of DS 781 presents the seafloor-character map Offshore of Bolinas, California (raster data file is included in "SeafloorCharacter_OffshoreBolinas.zip," which is accessible from https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/OffshoreBolinas/data_catalog_OffshoreBolinas.html). These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Cochrane, G.R., Dartnell, P., Johnson, S.Y., Greene, H.G., Erdey, M.D., Golden, N.E., Hartwell, S.R., Manson, M.W., Sliter, R.W., Endris, C.A., Watt, J.T., Ross, S.L., Kvitek, R.G., Phillips, ... |
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Backscatter B [7125]--Offshore of Fort Ross, California
This part of DS 781 presents data for the acoustic-backscatter map of the Offshore of Fort Ross map area, California. Backscatter data are provided as separate grids depending on mapping system or processing method. The raster data file is included in "BackscatterB_7125_OffshoreFortRoss.zip", which is accessible from https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/OffshoreFortRoss/data_catalog_OffshoreFortRoss.html. These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Golden, N.E., Hartwell, S.R., ... |
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Backscatter C [Swath]--Offshore of Fort Ross, California
This part of DS 781 presents data for the acoustic-backscatter map of the Offshore of Fort Ross map area, California. Backscatter data are provided as separate grids depending on mapping system or processing method. The raster data file is included in "BackscatterC_Swath_OffshoreFortRoss.zip", which is accessible from https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/OffshoreFortRoss/data_catalog_OffshoreFortRoss.html. These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Golden, N.E., Hartwell, S.R., ... |
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Bathymetry Hillshade--Offshore of Fort Ross, California
This part of DS 781 presents data for the shaded-relief bathymetry map of the Offshore of Fort Ross map area, California. Raster data file is included in "Bathymetry_OffshoreFortRoss.zip," which is accessible from https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/OffshoreFortRoss/data_catalog_OffshoreFortRoss.html. These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Golden, N.E., Hartwell, S.R., Erdey, M.D., Greene, H.G., Cochrane, G.R., Kvitek, R.G., Manson, M.W., Endris, C.A., Dieter, B.E., Watt, ... |
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Bathymetry--Offshore of Fort Ross, California
This part of DS 781 presents data for the bathymetry map of the Offshore of Fort Ross map area, California. Raster data file is included in "Bathymetry_OffshoreFortRoss.zip," which is accessible from https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/OffshoreFortRoss/data_catalog_OffshoreFortRoss.html. These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Golden, N.E., Hartwell, S.R., Erdey, M.D., Greene, H.G., Cochrane, G.R., Kvitek, R.G., Manson, M.W., Endris, C.A., Dieter, B.E., Watt, J.T., Krigsman ... |
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Contours--Offshore of Fort Ross, California
This part of DS 781 presents data for the bathymetric contours for several seafloor maps of the Offshore of Fort Ross map area, California. The vector data file is included in "Contours_OffshoreFortRoss.zip," which is accessible from https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/OffshoreFortRoss/data_catalog_OffshoreFortRoss.html. These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Golden, N.E., Hartwell, S.R., Erdey, M.D., Greene, H.G., Cochrane, G.R., Kvitek, R.G., Manson, M.W., Endris, C.A., ... |
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Folds--Offshore of Fort Ross Map Area, California
This part of DS 781 presents data for folds for the geologic and geomorphic map of the Offshore of Fort Ross map area, California. The vector data file is included in "Folds_OffshoreFortRoss.zip," which is accessible from https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/OffshoreFortRoss/data_catalog_OffshoreFortRoss.html. These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Golden, N.E., Hartwell, S.R., Erdey, M.D., Greene, H.G., Cochrane, G.R., Kvitek, R.G., Manson, M.W., Endris, C.A., Dieter, B.E ... |
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Bathymetry Hillshade--Offshore Half Moon Bay, California
This part of DS 781 presents data for the hillshaded bathymetry map of the Offshore Half Moon Bay map area, California. The raster data file is included in "BathymetryHS_OffshoreHalfMoonBay.zip," which is accessible from https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/OffshoreHalfMoonBay/data_catalog_OffshoreHalfMoonBay.html. These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Cochrane, G.R., Dartnell, P., Greene, H.G., Johnson, S.Y., Golden, N.E., Hartwell, S.R., Dieter, B.E., Manson, M.W., Sliter, R.W., Ross, S.L., Watt, J ... |
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Bathymetry--Offshore Half Moon Bay, California
This part of DS 781 presents data for the bathymetry map of the Offshore Half Moon Bay, California. The raster data file is included in "Bathymetry_OffshoreHalfMoonBay.zip," which is accessible from https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/OffshoreHalfMoonBay/data_catalog_OffshoreHalfMoonBay.html. These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Cochrane, G.R., Dartnell, P., Greene, H.G., Johnson, S.Y., Golden, N.E., Hartwell, S.R., Dieter, B.E., Manson, M.W., Sliter, R.W., Ross, S.L., Watt, J.T., Endris, C.A., ... |
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Contours--Offshore of Half Moon Bay, California
This part of DS 781 presents data for the bathymetric contours for several seafloor maps of the Offshore of Half Moon map area, California. The vector data file is included in "Contours_OffshoreHalfMoonBay.zip," which is accessible from https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/OffshoreHalfMoonBay/data_catalog_OffshoreHalfMoonBay.html. These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Cochrane, G.R., Dartnell, P., Greene, H.G., Johnson, S.Y., Golden, N.E., Hartwell, S.R., Dieter, B.E., Manson, M.W., Sliter, R.W., Ross ... |
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Faults--Offshore of Half Moon Bay Map Area, California
This part of DS 781 presents data for faults for the geologic and geomorphic map of the Offshore of Half Moon Bay map area, California. The vector data file is included in "Faults_OffshoreHalfMoonBay.zip," which is accessible from https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/OffshoreHalfMoonBay/data_catalog_OffshoreHalfMoonBay.html. These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Cochrane, G.R., Dartnell, P., Greene, H.G., Johnson, S.Y., Golden, N.E., Hartwell, S.R., Dieter, B.E., Manson, M.W., Sliter, R.W., Ross, S.L. ... |
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Folds--Offshore of Half Moon Bay Map Area, California
This part of DS 781 presents data for folds for the geologic and geomorphic map of the Offshore of Half Moon Bay map area, California. The vector data file is included in "Folds_OffshoreHalfMoonBay.zip," which is accessible from https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/OffshoreHalfMoonBay/data_catalog_OffshoreHalfMoonBay.html. These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Cochrane, G.R., Dartnell, P., Greene, H.G., Johnson, S.Y., Golden, N.E., Hartwell, S.R., Dieter, B.E., Manson, M.W., Sliter, R.W., Ross, S.L., ... |
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Geology and geomorphology--Offshore of Half Moon Bay map area, California
This part of DS 781 presents data for the geologic and geomorphic map of the Offshore of Half Moon Bay map area, California. The vector data file is included in "Geology_OffshoreHalfMoonBay.zip," which is accessible from https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/OffshoreHalfMoonBay/data_catalog_OffshoreHalfMoonBay.html. These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Cochrane, G.R., Dartnell, P., Greene, H.G., Johnson, S.Y., Golden, N.E., Hartwell, S.R., Dieter, B.E., Manson, M.W., Sliter, R.W., Ross, S.L., Watt, J ... |
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Habitat--Offshore of Half Moon Bay, California
This part of DS 781 presents data for the habitat map of the seafloor of the Offshore of Half Moon Bay map area, California. The polygon shapefile is included in "Habitat_OffshoreHalfMoonBay.zip," which is accessible from https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/OffshoreHalfMoonBay/data_catalog_OffshoreHalfMoonBay.html. These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Cochrane, G.R., Dartnell, P., Greene, H.G., Johnson, S.Y., Golden, N.E., Hartwell, S.R., Dieter, B.E., Manson, M.W., Sliter, R.W., Ross, S.L., Watt, J ... |
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Seafloor character--Offshore of Half Moon Bay, California
This part of DS 781 presents the seafloor-character map of the Offshore of Half Moon Bay map area, California. The raster data file is included in "SeafloorCharacter_OffshoreHalfMoonBay.zip", which is accessible from https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/OffshoreHalfMoonBay/data_catalog_OffshoreHalfMoonBay.html. This raster-format seafloor-character map shows four substrate classes of Offshore of Half Moon Bay, California. These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Cochrane, G.R., Dartnell, P., Greene, H.G. ... |
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Contours--Offshore of Pacifica, California
This part of DS 781 presents data for the bathymetric contours for several seafloor maps of the Offshore of Pacifica map area, California. The vector data file is included in "Contours_OffshorePacifica.zip," which is accessible from https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/OffshorePacifica/data_catalog_OffshorePacifica.html. These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Edwards, B.D., Phillips, E.L., Dartnell, P., Greene, H.G., Bretz, C.K., Kvitek, R.G., Hartwell, S.R., Johnson, S.Y., Cochrane, G.R., Dieter, B.E. ... |
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Faults--Offshore of Pacifica map area, California
This part of DS 781 presents data for faults for the geologic and geomorphic map of the Offshore of Pacifica map area, California. The vector data file is included in "Faults_OffshorePacifica.zip," which is accessible from https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/OffshorePacifica/data_catalog_OffshorePacifica.html. These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Edwards, B.D., Phillips, E.L., Dartnell, P., Greene, H.G., Bretz, C.K., Kvitek, R.G., Hartwell, S.R., Johnson, S.Y., Cochrane, G.R., Dieter, B.E., Sliter, ... |
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Folds--Offshore of Pacifica map area, California
This part of DS 781 presents data for folds for the geologic and geomorphic map of the Offshore of Pacifica map area, California. The vector data file is included in "Folds_OffshorePacifica.zip," which is accessible from https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/OffshorePacifica/data_catalog_OffshorePacifica.html. These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Edwards, B.D., Phillips, E.L., Dartnell, P., Greene, H.G., Bretz, C.K., Kvitek, R.G., Hartwell, S.R., Johnson, S.Y., Cochrane, G.R., Dieter, B.E., Sliter, R ... |
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BackscatterA [8210]--Offshore of Salt Point map area, California
This part of DS 781 presents data for the acoustic-backscatter map of the Offshore of Salt Point map area, California. Backscatter data are provided as separate grids depending on mapping system or processing method. The raster data file is included in "Backscatter8101_SaltPoint.zip", which are accessible from https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/OffshoreSaltPoint/data_catalog_OffshoreSaltPoint.html. These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Golden, N.E., Hartwell, S.R., ... |
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BackscatterB [Swath]--Offshore of Salt Point map area, California
This part of DS 781 presents data for the acoustic-backscatter map of the Offshore of Salt Point map area, California. Backscatter data are provided as separate grids depending on mapping system or processing method. The raster data files are included in "BackscatterSwath_SaltPoint.zip", which are accessible from https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/OffshoreSaltPoint/data_catalog_OffshoreSaltPoint.html. These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Golden, N.E., Hartwell, S.R., ... |
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BackscatterC [7125]--Offshore of Salt Point Map Area, California
This part of DS 781 presents data for the acoustic-backscatter map of the Offshore of Salt Point map area, California. Backscatter data are provided as separate grids depending on mapping system or processing method. The raster data files are included in "Backscatter7125_SaltPoint.zip", which are accessible from https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/OffshoreSaltPoint/data_catalog_OffshoreSaltPoint.html. These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Golden, N.E., Hartwell, S.R., ... |
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Bathymetry Hillshade--Offshore of Salt Point Map Area, California
This part of DS 781 presents data for the shaded-relief bathymetry map of the Offshore of Salt Point map area, California. The raster data file is included in "BathymetryHS_OffshoreSaltPoint.zip", which is accessible from https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/OffshoreSaltPoint/data_catalog_OffshoreSaltPoint.html. These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Golden, N.E., Hartwell, S.R., Erdey, M.D., Greene, H.G., Cochrane, G.R., Kvitek, R.G., Manson, M.W., Endris, C.A., Dieter, B ... |
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Bathymetry--Offshore of Salt Point Map Area, California
This part of DS 781 presents data for the bathymetry map of the Offshore of Salt Point map area, California. The raster data file is included in "Bathymetry_OffshoreSaltPoint.zip", which is accessible from https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/OffshoreSaltPoint/data_catalog_OffshoreSaltPoint.html. These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Golden, N.E., Hartwell, S.R., Erdey, M.D., Greene, H.G., Cochrane, G.R., Kvitek, R.G., Manson, M.W., Endris, C.A., Dieter, B.E., Watt, J.T., ... |
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Contours--Offshore of Salt Point Map Area, California
This part of DS 781 presents data for the bathymetric contours for several seafloor maps of the Offshore of Salt Point map area, California. The vector data file is included in "Contours_OffshoreSaltPoint.zip," which is accessible from https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/OffshoreSaltPoint/data_catalog_OffshoreSaltPoint.html. These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Golden, N.E., Hartwell, S.R., Erdey, M.D., Greene, H.G., Cochrane, G.R., Kvitek, R.G., Manson, M.W., Endris, C ... |
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Faults--Offshore of Salt Point Map Area, California
This part of DS 781 presents data for faults for the geologic and geomorphic map of the Offshore of Salt Point map area, California. The vector data file is included in "Faults_OffshoreSaltPoint.zip," which is accessible from https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/OffshoreSaltPoint/data_catalog_OffshoreSaltPoint.html. These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Golden, N.E., Hartwell, S.R., Erdey, M.D., Greene, H.G., Cochrane, G.R., Kvitek, R.G., Manson, M.W., Endris, C.A., Dieter ... |
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Folds--Offshore of Salt Point Map Area, California
This part of DS 781 presents data for folds for the geologic and geomorphic map of the Offshore of Salt Point map area, California. The vector data file is included in "Folds_OffshoreSaltPoint.zip," which is accessible from https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/OffshoreSaltPoint/data_catalog_OffshoreSaltPoint.html. These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Golden, N.E., Hartwell, S.R., Erdey, M.D., Greene, H.G., Cochrane, G.R., Kvitek, R.G., Manson, M.W., Endris, C.A., Dieter, ... |
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Habitat--Offshore of Salt Point, California
This part of DS 781 presents data for the habitat map of the seafloor of the Offshore of Salt Point map area, California. The vector data file is included in "Habitat_OffshoreSaltPoint.zip," which is accessible from https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/OffshoreSaltPoint/data_catalog_OffshoreSaltPoint.html. These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Golden, N.E., Hartwell, S.R., Erdey, M.D., Greene, H.G., Cochrane, G.R., Kvitek, R.G., Manson, M.W., Endris, C.A., Dieter, B.E., ... |
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Seafloor character--Offshore of Salt Point, California
This part of DS 781 presents the seafloor-character map Offshore of Salt Point, California (raster data file is included in "SeafloorCharacter_SaltPoint.zip," which is accessible from https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/OffshoreSaltPoint/data_catalog_OffshoreSaltPoint.html). These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Golden, N.E., Hartwell, S.R., Erdey, M.D., Greene, H.G., Cochrane, G.R., Kvitek, R.G., Manson, M.W., Endris, C.A., Dieter, B.E., Watt, J.T., Krigsman, L.M., ... |
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Bathymetry--Offshore of San Francisco, California
This part of DS 781 presents data for the bathymetry map of the Offshore of San Francisco, California, map area. The raster data file is included in "Bathymetry_OffshoreSanFrancisco.zip," which is accessible from https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/OffshoreSanFrancisco/data_catalog_OffshoreSanFrancisco.html. These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Cochrane, G.R., Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Greene, H.G., Erdey, M.D., Golden, N.E., Hartwell, S.R., Endris, C.A., Manson, M.W., Sliter, R.W., Kvitek, R.G., ... |
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Faults--Offshore of San Francisco Map Area, California
This part of DS 781 presents data for faults for the geologic and geomorphic map of the Offshore San Francisco map area, California. The vector data file is included in "Faults_OffshoreSanFrancisco.zip," which is accessible from https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/OffshoreSanFrancisco/data_catalog_OffshoreSanFrancisco.html. These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Cochrane, G.R., Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Greene, H.G., Erdey, M.D., Golden, N.E., Hartwell, S.R., Endris, C.A., Manson, M.W., Sliter, R.W ... |
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Geology and geomorphology--Offshore of San Francisco Map Area, California
This part of DS 781 presents data for the geologic and geomorphic map of the Offshore of San Francisco map area, California. The polygon shapefile is included in "Geology_OffshoreSanFrancisco.zip," which is accessible from https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/OffshoreSanFrancisco/data_catalog_OffshoreSanFrancisco.html. These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Cochrane, G.R., Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Greene, H.G., Erdey, M.D., Golden, N.E., Hartwell, S.R., Endris, C.A., Manson, M.W., Sliter, R.W., ... |
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Habitat--Offshore of San Francisco, California
This part of DS 781 presents data for the habitat map of the seafloor of the Offshore of San Francisco map area, California. The vector data file is included in "Habitat_SanFrancisco.zip," which is accessible from https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/OffshoreSanFrancisco/data_catalog_OffshoreSanFrancisco.html. These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Cochrane, G.R., Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Greene, H.G., Erdey, M.D., Golden, N.E., Hartwell, S.R., Endris, C.A., Manson, M.W., Sliter, R.W., Kvitek, R.G. ... |
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Seafloor character--Offshore of San Francisco, California
This part of DS 781 presents the seafloor-character map (see sheet 5) Offshore of San Francisco, California (raster data file is included in "SFC_OffshoreSanFrancisco.zip," which is accessible from https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/OffshoreSanFrancisco/data_catalog_OffshoreSanFrancisco.html). These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Cochrane, G.R., Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Greene, H.G., Erdey, M.D., Golden, N.E., Hartwell, S.R., Endris, C.A., Manson, M.W., Sliter, R.W., Kvitek, R.G., Watt, J.T., ... |
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Bathymetry Hillshade--Offshore San Gregorio, California
This part of SIM 3306 presents data for the shaded-relief bathymetry map of the Offshore of San Gregorio map area, California. The raster data file is included in "Bathymetry_OffshoreSanGregorio.zip," which is accessible from https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/OffshoreSanGregorio/data_catalog_OffshoreSanGregorio.html. These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Cochrane, G.R., Dartnell, P., Greene, H.G., Watt, J.T., Golden, N.E., Endris, C.A., Phillips, E.L., Hartwell, S.R., Johnson, S.Y., Kvitek, R.G., ... |
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Bathymetry--Offshore San Gregorio, California
This part of SIM 3306 presents data for the bathymetry map of the Offshore of San Gregorio map area, California. The raster data file is included in "Bathymetry_OffshoreSanGregorio.zip," which is accessible from https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/OffshoreSanGregorio/data_catalog_OffshoreSanGregorio.html. These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Cochrane, G.R., Dartnell, P., Greene, H.G., Watt, J.T., Golden, N.E., Endris, C.A., Phillips, E.L., Hartwell, S.R., Johnson, S.Y., Kvitek, R.G., Erdey, M.D., ... |
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Contours--Offshore of San Gregorio, California
This part of SIM 3306 presents data for the bathymetric contours for several seafloor maps of the Offshore of San Gregorio map area, California. The vector data file is included in "Contours_OffshoreSanGregorio.zip," which is accessible from https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/OffshoreSanGregorio/data_catalog_OffshoreSanGregorio.html. These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Cochrane, G.R., Dartnell, P., Greene, H.G., Watt, J.T., Golden, N.E., Endris, C.A., Phillips, E.L., Hartwell, S.R., Johnson, S.Y., ... |
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Faults--Offshore of San Gregorio Map Area, California
This part of SIM 3306 presents data for the faults for the geologic and geomorphic map of the Offshore of San Gregorio map area, California. The vector data file is included in "Faults_OffshoreSanGregorio.zip," which is accessible from https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/OffshoreSanGregorio/data_catalog_OffshoreSanGregorio.html. These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Cochrane, G.R., Dartnell, P., Greene, H.G., Watt, J.T., Golden, N.E., Endris, C.A., Phillips, E.L., Hartwell, S.R., Johnson, S.Y., ... |
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Folds--Offshore of San Gregorio Map Area, California
This part of SIM 3306 presents data for the folds for the geologic and geomorphic map of the Offshore of San Gregorio map area, California. The vector data file is included in "Folds_OffshoreSanGregorio.zip," which is accessible from https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/OffshoreSanGregorio/data_catalog_OffshoreSanGregorio.html. These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Cochrane, G.R., Dartnell, P., Greene, H.G., Watt, J.T., Golden, N.E., Endris, C.A., Phillips, E.L., Hartwell, S.R., Johnson, S.Y., Kvitek, ... |
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Geology and geomorphology--Offshore of San Gregorio Map Area, California
This part of SIM 3306 presents data for the geologic and geomorphic map of the Offshore of San Gregorio map area, California. The vector data file is included in "Geology_OffshoreSanGregorio.zip," which is accessible from https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/OffshoreSanGregorio/data_catalog_OffshoreSanGregorio.html. These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Cochrane, G.R., Dartnell, P., Greene, H.G., Watt, J.T., Golden, N.E., Endris, C.A., Phillips, E.L., Hartwell, S.R., Johnson, S.Y., Kvitek, R.G., Erdey ... |
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Habitat--Offshore of San Gregorio, California
This part of SIM 3306 presents data for the habitat map of the Offshore of San Gregorio map area, California. The vector data file is included in "Habitat_OffshoreSanGregorio.zip," which is accessible from https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/OffshoreSanGregorio/data_catalog_OffshoreSanGregorio.html. These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Cochrane, G.R., Dartnell, P., Greene, H.G., Watt, J.T., Golden, N.E., Endris, C.A., Phillips, E.L., Hartwell, S.R., Johnson, S.Y., Kvitek, R.G., Erdey, M.D., Bretz, C ... |
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Seafloor character--Offshore of San Gregorio, California
This part of SIM 3306 presents data for the seafloor-character map of the Offshore of San Gregorio map area, California. The raster data file is included in "SeafloorCharacter_OffshoreSanGregorio.zip," which is accessible from https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/OffshoreSanGregorio/data_catalog_OffshoreSanGregorio.html. These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Cochrane, G.R., Dartnell, P., Greene, H.G., Watt, J.T., Golden, N.E., Endris, C.A., Phillips, E.L., Hartwell, S.R., Johnson, S.Y., Kvitek, R.G., ... |
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Habitat--Offshore of Aptos, California
This part of DS 781 presents data for the habitat map of the seafloor of the Offshore of Aptos map area, California. The vector data file is included in "Habitat_OffshoreAptos.zip," which is accessible from https://doi.org/10.5066/F7K35RQB. These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Cochrane, G.R., Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Greene, H.G., Erdey, M.D, Dieter, B.E., Golden, N.E., Hartwell, S.R., Ritchie, A.C., Kvitek, r.G., Maier, K.L., Endris, C.A., Davenport, C.W., Watt, J.T., Sliter, R.W., ... |
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Habitat--Offshore Santa Cruz, California
This part of DS 781 presents data for the habitat map of the seafloor of the Offshore of Santa Cruz map area, California. The vector data file is included in "Habitat_OffshoreSantaCruz.zip," which is accessible from https://doi.org/10.5066/F7TM785G. These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Cochrane, G.R., Dartnell, P., Johnson, S.Y., Erdey, M.D., Golden, N.E., Greene, H.G., Dieter, B.E., Hartwell, S.R., Ritchie, A.C., Finlayson, D.P., Endris, C.A., Watt, J.T., Davenport, C.W., Sliter, R.W., Maier ... |
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CMECS geoform, substrate, and biotopes offshore of Tacoma, Washington
This part of USGS Data Series 935 (Cochrane, 2014) presents substrate, geomorphic, and biotope data in the Offshore of Tacoma, Washington, map area, a part of the Southern Salish Sea Habitat Map Series. Given the variable bathymetric resolution, the complex geologic history of the region, and the lack of acoustic backscatter data, automated and semi-automated classification schemes of classifying seafloor substrate and geoform were deemed to have very low accuracy. Instead, classification of these ... |
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Faults--Offshore of Fort Ross Map Area, California
This part of DS 781 presents fault data for the geologic and geomorphic map of the Offshore of Fort Ross map area, California. The vector data file is included in "Faults_OffshoreFortRoss.zip," which is accessible from https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/OffshoreFortRoss/data_catalog_OffshoreFortRoss.html. These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Golden, N.E., Hartwell, S.R., Erdey, M.D., Greene, H.G., Cochrane, G.R., Kvitek, R.G., Manson, M.W., Endris, C.A., Dieter, B.E., ... |
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Geology and geomorphology--Offshore of Fort Ross Map Area, California
This part of DS 781 presents data for the geologic and geomorphic map of the Offshore of Fort Ross map area, California. The vector data file is included in "Geology_OffshoreFortRoss.zip," which is accessible from https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/OffshoreFortRoss/data_catalog_OffshoreFortRoss.html. These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Golden, N.E., Hartwell, S.R., Erdey, M.D., Greene, H.G., Cochrane, G.R., Kvitek, R.G., Manson, M.W., Endris, C.A., Dieter, B.E., Watt, ... |
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Seafloor character--Offshore of Fort Ross, California
This part of DS 781 presents the seafloor-character map Offshore of Fort Ross, California (raster data file is included in "SeafloorCharacter_OffshoreFortRoss.zip," which is accessible from https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/OffshoreFortRoss/data_catalog_OffshoreFortRoss.html). These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Golden, N.E., Hartwell, S.R., Erdey, M.D., Greene, H.G., Cochrane, G.R., Kvitek, R.G., Manson, M.W., Endris, C.A., Dieter, B.E., Watt, J.T., Krigsman, L.M., ... |
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BackscatterA [8101]--Offshore of Point Reyes Map Map Area, California
This part of DS 781 presents data for the acoustic-backscatter map of the Offshore of Point Reyes map area, California. Backscatter data are provided as separate grids depending on mapping system or processing method. The raster data files are included in "BackscatterA_8101_PtReyes.zip", which are accessible from https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/OffshorePointReyes/data_catalog_PointReyes.html. These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Watt, J.T., Dartnell, P., Golden, N.E., Greene, H.G., Erdey, M.D., ... |
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BackscatterB [Swath]--Offshore of Point Reyes Map Map Area, California
This part of DS 781 presents data for the acoustic-backscatter map of the Offshore of Point Reyes map area, California. Backscatter data are provided as separate grids depending on mapping system or processing method. The raster data files are included in "BackscatterB_Swath_PtReyes.zip", which are accessible from https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/OffshorePointReyes/data_catalog_PointReyes.html. These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Watt, J.T., Dartnell, P., Golden, N.E., Greene, H.G., Erdey, M.D., ... |
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BackscatterC [7125]--Offshore of Point Reyes Map Map Area, California
This part of DS 781 presents data for the acoustic-backscatter map of the Offshore of Point Reyes map area, California. Backscatter data are provided as separate grids depending on mapping system or processing method. The raster data files are included in "BackscatterB_Swath_PtReyes.zip", which are accessible from https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/OffshorePointReyes/data_catalog_PointReyes.html. These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Watt, J.T., Dartnell, P., Golden, N.E., Greene, H.G., Erdey, M.D., ... |
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Bathymetry Hillshade Offshore of Point Reyes Map Map Area, California
This part of DS 781 presents data for the shaded-relief bathymetry map of the Offshore of Point Reyes map area, California. Raster data file is included in "BathymetryHS_PointReyes.zip," which is accessible from https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/PointReyes/data_catalog_PointReyes.html. These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Watt, J.T., Dartnell, P., Golden, N.E., Greene, H.G., Erdey, M.D., Cochrane, G.R., Johnson, S.Y., Hartwell, S.R., Kvitek, R.G., Manson, M.W., Endris, C.A., Dieter, B.E., Sliter, ... |
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Bathymetry Offshore of Point Reyes Map Map Area, California
This part of DS 781 presents data for the bathymetry and shaded-relief maps of the Offshore of Point Reyes map area, California. Raster data file is included in "Bathymetry_PointReyes.zip," which is accessible from https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/PointReyes/data_catalog_PointReyes.html. These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Watt, J.T., Dartnell, P., Golden, N.E., Greene, H.G., Erdey, M.D., Cochrane, G.R., Johnson, S.Y., Hartwell, S.R., Kvitek, R.G., Manson, M.W., Endris, C.A., Dieter, B.E., ... |
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Contours Offshore of Point Reyes Map Map Area, California
This part of DS 781 presents data for the bathymetric contours for several seafloor maps of the Offshore of Point Reyes map area, California. The vector data file is included in "Contours_PointReyes.zip," which is accessible from https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/OffshorePointReyes/data_catalog_PointReyes.html. These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Watt, J.T., Dartnell, P., Golden, N.E., Greene, H.G., Erdey, M.D., Cochrane, G.R., Johnson, S.Y., Hartwell, S.R., Kvitek, R.G., Manson, M.W., Endris, C ... |
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Faults--Offshore of Point Reyes Map Area, California
This part of DS 781 presents fault data for the geologic and geomorphic map of the Offshore of Point Reyes map area, California. The vector data file is included in "Faults_OffshorePointReyes.zip," which is accessible from https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/OffshorePointReyes/data_catalog_OffshorePointReyes.html. These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Watt, J.T., Dartnell, P., Golden, N.E., Greene, H.G., Erdey, M.D., Cochrane, G.R., Johnson, S.Y., Hartwell, S.R., Kvitek, R.G., Manson, M.W., Endris, C ... |
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Folds--Offshore of Point Reyes Map Area, California
This part of DS 781 presents fold data for the geologic and geomorphic map of the Offshore of Point Reyes map area, California. The vector data file is included in "Folds_OffshorePointReyes.zip," which is accessible from https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/OffshorePointReyes/data_catalog_OffshorePointReyes.html. These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Watt, J.T., Dartnell, P., Golden, N.E., Greene, H.G., Erdey, M.D., Cochrane, G.R., Johnson, S.Y., Hartwell, S.R., Kvitek, R.G., Manson, M.W., Endris, C.A ... |
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Geology and geomorphology--Offshore of Point Reyes Map Area, California
This part of DS 781 presents data for the geologic and geomorphic map of the Offshore of Point Reyes map area, California. The vector data file is included in "Geology_OffshorePointReyes.zip," which is accessible from https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/OffshorePointReyes/data_catalog_OffshorePointReyes.html. These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Watt, J.T., Dartnell, P., Golden, N.E., Greene, H.G., Erdey, M.D., Cochrane, G.R., Johnson, S.Y., Hartwell, S.R., Kvitek, R.G., Manson, M.W., Endris, C.A., ... |
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Habitat--Offshore of Point Reyes Map Map Area, California
This part of DS 781 presents data for the habitat map of the seafloor of the Offshore of Point Reyes map area, California. The vector data file is included in "Habitat_PointReyes.zip," which is accessible from https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/OffshorePointReyes/data_catalog_OffshorePointReyes.html. These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Watt, J.T., Dartnell, P., Golden, N.E., Greene, H.G., Erdey, M.D., Cochrane, G.R., Johnson, S.Y., Hartwell, S.R., Kvitek, R.G., Manson, M.W., Endris, C.A., Dieter, ... |
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Seafloor character--Offshore of Point Reyes Map Area, California
This part of DS 781 presents the seafloor-character map Offshore of Point Reyes, California (raster data file is included in "SFC_PointReyes.zip," which is accessible from https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/OffshorePointReyes/data_catalog_PointReyes.html). These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Watt, J.T., Dartnell, P., Golden, N.E., Greene, H.G., Erdey, M.D., Cochrane, G.R., Johnson, S.Y., Hartwell, S.R., Kvitek, R.G., Manson, M.W., Endris, C.A., Dieter, B.E., Sliter, R.W., Krigsman, L.M., Lowe, E.N ... |
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Backscatter--Offshore of Refugio Beach Area, California
This part of DS 781 presents data for the acoustic-backscatter map of the Offshore of Refugio Beach map area, California. The raster data file is included in "Backscatter_OffshoreRefugioBeach.zip," which is accessible from https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/OffshoreRefugioBeach/data_catalog_OffshoreRefugioBeach.html. These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Cochrane, G.R., Golden, N.E., Phillips, E.L., Ritchie, A.C., Krigsman, L.M., Dieter, B.E., Conrad, J.E., Greene, H.G., ... |
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Bathymetry Hillshade--Offshore of Refugio Beach Area, California
This part of DS 781 presents data for the shaded-relief bathymetry map of the Offshore of Refugio Beach map area, California. The raster data file for the shaded-relief map is included in "BathymetryHS_OffshoreRefugioBeach.zip," which is accessible from https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/OffshoreRefugioBeach/data_catalog_OffshoreRefugioBeach.html. These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Cochrane, G.R., Golden, N.E., Phillips, E.L., Ritchie, A.C., Krigsman, L.M., Dieter, B ... |
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Bathymetry--Offshore of Refugio Beach Area, California
This part of DS 781 presents data for the bathymetry map of the Offshore of Refugio Beach map area, California. The raster data file for the bathymetry map is included in "Bathymetry_OffshoreRefugioBeach.zip," which is accessible from https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/OffshoreRefugioBeach/data_catalog_OffshoreRefugioBeach.html. These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Cochrane, G.R., Golden, N.E., Phillips, E.L., Ritchie, A.C., Krigsman, L.M., Dieter, B.E., Conrad, J.E., ... |
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Folds--Offshore Refugio Beach, California
This part of DS 781 presents fold data for the geologic and geomorphic map of the Offshore of Refugio Beach map area, California. The vector data file is included in "Folds_OffshoreRefugioBeach.zip," which is accessible from https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/OffshoreRefugioBeach/data_catalog_OffshoreRefugioBeach.html. These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Cochrane, G.R., Golden, N.E., Phillips, E.L., Ritchie, A.C., Krigsman, L.M., Dieter, B.E., Conrad, J.E., Greene, H.G ... |
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Folds--Offshore of San Francisco Map Area, California
This part of DS 781 presents data for folds for the geologic and geomorphic map of the Offshore of San Francisco map area, California. The vector data file is included in "Folds_OffshoreSanFrancisco.zip," which is accessible from https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/OffshoreSanFrancisco/data_catalog_OffshoreSanFrancisco.html. These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Cochrane, G.R., Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Greene, H.G., Erdey, M.D., Golden, N.E., Hartwell, S.R., Endris, C.A., Manson, M.W., Sliter, R ... |
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Backscatter A [8101]--Offshore of Tomales Point, California
This part of DS 781 presents data for the acoustic-backscatter map of the Offshore of Tomales Point map area, California. Backscatter data are provided as separate grids depending on mapping system or processing method. The raster data file is included in "BackscatterA_8101_ OffshoreTomalesPoint.zip", which is accessible from https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/OffshoreTomalesPoint/data_catalog_OffshoreTomalesPoint.html. These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Golden, N.E., ... |
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Backscatter B [7125]--Offshore of Tomales Point, California
This part of DS 781 presents data for the acoustic-backscatter map of the Offshore of Tomales Point map area, California. Backscatter data are provided as separate grids depending on mapping system or processing method. The raster data file is included in "BackscatterB_7125_OffshoreTomalesPoint.zip", which is accessible from https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/OffshoreTomalesPoint/data_catalog_OffshoreTomalesPoint.html. These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Golden, N.E., ... |
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Backscatter C [Swath]--Offshore of Tomales Point, California
This part of DS 781 presents data for the acoustic-backscatter map of the Offshore of Tomales Point map area, California. Backscatter data are provided as separate grids depending on mapping system or processing method. The raster data file is included in "BackscatterC_Swath_OffshoreTomalesPoint.zip", which is accessible from https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/OffshoreTomalesPoint/data_catalog_OffshoreTomalesPoint.html. These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Golden, N.E., ... |
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Bathymetry Hillsahde--Offshore of Tomales Point, California
This part of DS 781 presents data for the shaded-relief bathymetry map of the Offshore of Tomales Point map area, California. Raster data file is included in "BathymetryHS_OffshoreTomalesPoint.zip," which is accessible from https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/OffshoreTomalesPoint/data_catalog_OffshoreTomalesPoint.html. These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Golden, N.E., Hartwell, S.R., Greene, H.G., Erdey, M.D., Cochrane, G.R., Watt, J.T., Kvitek, R.G., Manson, M.W., ... |
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Contours Offshore of Tomales Point, California
This part of DS 781 presents data for the bathymetric contours for several seafloor maps of the Offshore of Tomales Point map area, California. The vector data file is included in "Contours_OffshoreTomalesPoint.zip," which is accessible from https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/OffshoreTomalesPoint/data_catalog_OffshoreTomalesPoint.html. These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Golden, N.E., Hartwell, S.R., Greene, H.G., Erdey, M.D., Cochrane, G.R., Watt, J.T., Kvitek, R.G., ... |
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Folds--Offshore of Tomales Point Map Area, California
This part of DS 781 presents data for folds for the geologic and geomorphic map of the Offshore of Tomales Point map area, California. The vector data file is included in "Folds_OffshoreTomalesPoint.zip," which is accessible from https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/OffshoreTomalesPoint/data_catalog_OffshoreTomalesPoint.html. These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Golden, N.E., Hartwell, S.R., Greene, H.G., Erdey, M.D., Cochrane, G.R., Watt, J.T., Kvitek, R.G., Manson, M.W. ... |
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Geology and geomorphology--Offshore of Tomales Point Map Area, California
This part of DS 781 presents data for the geologic and geomorphic map of the Offshore of Tomales Point map area, California. The vector data file is included in "Geology_OffshoreTomalesPoint.zip," which is accessible from https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/OffshoreTomalesPoint/data_catalog_OffshoreTomalesPoint.html. These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Golden, N.E., Hartwell, S.R., Greene, H.G., Erdey, M.D., Cochrane, G.R., Watt, J.T., Kvitek, R.G., Manson, M.W., Endris ... |
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Habitat--Offshore of Tomales Point, California
This part of DS 781 presents data for the habitat map of the seafloor of the Offshore of Tomales Point map area, California. The polygon shapefile is included in "Habitat_OffshoreTomalesPoint.zip," which is accessible from https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/OffshoreTomalesPoint/data_catalog_OffshoreTomalesPoint.html. These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Golden, N.E., Hartwell, S.R., Greene, H.G., Erdey, M.D., Cochrane, G.R., Watt, J.T., Kvitek, R.G., Manson, M.W., ... |
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Seafloor character--Offshore of Tomales Point, California
This part of DS 781 presents the seafloor-character map of the Offshore of Tomales Point map area, California. The raster data file is included in "SeafloorCharacter_OffshoreTomalesPoint.zip," which is accessible from https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/OffshoreTomalesPoint/data_catalog_OffshoreTomalesPoint.html). These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Golden, N.E., Hartwell, S.R., Greene, H.G., Erdey, M.D., Cochrane, G.R., Watt, J.T., Kvitek, R.G., Manson, M.W., Endris, C ... |
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Location of bottom photographs along with images collected by the U.S. Geological Survey in 2014 along the Delmarva Peninsula, MD and VA (JPEG images and Esri point shapefile, Geographic, WGS 84)
The Delmarva Peninsula is a 220-kilometer-long headland, spit, and barrier island complex that was significantly affected by Hurricane Sandy. A U.S. Geological Survey cruise was conducted in the summer of 2014 to map the inner continental shelf of the Delmarva Peninsula using geophysical and sampling techniques to define the geologic framework that governs coastal system evolution at storm-event and longer timescales. Data collected during the 2014 cruise include swath bathymetry, sidescan sonar, chirp and ... |
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Backscatter A [CSUMB]--Offshore of Carpinteria, California
This part of DS 781 presents data for part of the acoustic-backscatter map of the Offshore of Carpinteria map area, California. The raster data file is included in "BackscatterA_CSUMB_OffshoreCarpinteria.zip," which is accessible from https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/OffshoreCarpinteria/data_catalog_OffshoreCarpinteria.html. These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Cochrane, G.R., Golden, N.E., Phillips, E.L., Ritchie, A.C., Kvitek, R.G., Greene, H.G., Endris, C.A., Seitz ... |
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Backscatter B [USGS]--Offshore of Carpinteria, California
This part of DS 781 presents data for part of the acoustic-backscatter map of the Offshore of Carpinteria map area, California. The raster data file is included in "BackscatterB_USGS_OffshoreCarpinteria.zip," which is accessible from https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/OffshoreCarpinteria/data_catalog_OffshoreCarpinteria.html. These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Cochrane, G.R., Golden, N.E., Phillips, E.L., Ritchie, A.C., Kvitek, R.G., Greene, H.G., Endris, C.A., Seitz, ... |
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Bathymetry Hillshade--Offshore of Carpinteria, California
This part of DS 781 presents data for the shaded-relief bathymetry map of the Offshore of Carpinteria map area, California. The raster data file for the shaded-relief map is included in "BathymetryHS_OffshoreCarpinteria.zip." Both are accessible from https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/OffshoreCarpinteria/data_catalog_OffshoreCarpinteria.html. These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Cochrane, G.R., Golden, N.E., Phillips, E.L., Ritchie, A.C., Kvitek, R.G., Greene, H.G., ... |
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Bathymetry--Offshore of Carpinteria, California
This part of DS 781 presents data for the bathymetry map of the Offshore of Carpinteria map area, California. The raster data file for the bathymetry map is included in "Bathymetry_OffshoreCarpinteria.zip," which is accessible from http://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/OffshoreCarpinteria/data_catalog_OffshoreCarpinteria.html. These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Cochrane, G.R., Golden, N.E., Phillips, E.L., Ritchie, A.C., Kvitek, R.G., Greene, H.G., Endris, C.A., Seitz, G ... |
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Contours--Offshore of Carpinteria, California
This part of DS 781 presents data for the bathymetric contours for several seafloor maps of the Offshore of Carpinteria map area, California. The vector data file is included in "Contours_OffshoreCarpinteria.zip," which is accessible from https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/OffshoreCarpinteria/data_catalog_OffshoreCarpinteria.html. These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Cochrane, G.R., Golden, N.E., Phillips, E.L., Ritchie, A.C., Kvitek, R.G., Greene, H.G., Endris, C.A., ... |
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Faults--Offshore of Carpinteria, California
This part of DS 781 presents data for fault data for the Offshore of Carpinteria map area, California. The vector data file is included in "Faults_OffshoreCarpinteria.zip," which is accessible from https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/OffshoreCarpinteria/data_catalog_OffshoreCarpinteria.html. These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Cochrane, G.R., Golden, N.E., Phillips, E.L., Ritchie, A.C., Kvitek, R.G., Greene, H.G., Endris, C.A., Seitz, G.G., Sliter, R.W., Erdey, M.D., ... |
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Folds--Offshore of Carpinteria, California
This part of DS 781 presents fold data for the Offshore of Carpinteria map area, California. The vector data file is included in "Folds_OffshoreCarpinteria.zip," which is accessible from https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/OffshoreCarpinteria/data_catalog_OffshoreCarpinteria.html. These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Cochrane, G.R., Golden, N.E., Phillips, E.L., Ritchie, A.C., Kvitek, R.G., Greene, H.G., Endris, C.A., Seitz, G.G., Sliter, R.W., Erdey, M.D., Wong, F.L., ... |
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Geology and geomorphology--Offshore of Carpinteria, California
This part of DS 781 presents data for the geologic and geomorphic map of the Offshore of Carpinteria map area, California. The vector data file is included in "Geology_OffshoreCarpinteria.zip," which is accessible from https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/OffshoreCarpinteria/data_catalog_OffshoreCarpinteria.html. These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Cochrane, G.R., Golden, N.E., Phillips, E.L., Ritchie, A.C., Kvitek, R.G., Greene, H.G., Endris, C.A., Seitz, G.G., Sliter, ... |
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Habitat--Offshore of Carpinteria, California
This part of DS 781 presents habitat data in the Offshore of Carpinteria map area, California. The vector data file is included in "Habitat_OffshoreCarpinteria.zip," which is accessible from https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/OffshoreCarpinteria/data_catalog_OffshoreCarpinteria.html. These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Cochrane, G.R., Golden, N.E., Phillips, E.L., Ritchie, A.C., Kvitek, R.G., Greene, H.G., Endris, C.A., Seitz, G.G., Sliter, R.W., Erdey, M.D., Wong, F.L ... |
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Seafloor character--Offshore of Carpinteria, California
This part of DS 781 presents data for the seafloor-character map of the Offshore of Carpinteria map area, California. The raster data file is included in "SeafloorCharacter_OffshoreCarpinteria.zip," which is accessible from https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/OffshoreCarpinteria/data_catalog_OffshoreCarpinteria.html. These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Cochrane, G.R., Golden, N.E., Phillips, E.L., Ritchie, A.C., Kvitek, R.G., Greene, H.G., Endris, C.A., Seitz, G.G., ... |
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Backscatter A [CSUMB]--Offshore Coal Oil Point, California
This part of DS 781 presents data for part of the acoustic-backscatter map of the Offshore of Coal Oil Point map area, California. The raster data file is included in "BackscatterA_CSUMB_OffshoreCoalOilPoint.zip," which is accessible from https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/OffshoreCoalOilPoint/data_catalog_OffshoreCoalOilPoint.html. These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Cochrane, G.R., Golden, N.E., Phillips, E.L., Ritchie, A.C., Kvitek, R.G., Dieter, B.E., Conrad, J.E., ... |
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Backscatter B [USGS]--Offshore of Coal Oil Point, California
This part of DS 781 presents data for part of the acoustic-backscatter map of the Offshore of Coal Oil Point map area, California. The raster data file is included in "BackscatterB_USGS_OffshoreCoalOilPoint.zip," which is accessible from https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/OffshoreCoalOilPoint/data_catalog_OffshoreCoalOilPoint.html. These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Cochrane, G.R., Golden, N.E., Phillips, E.L., Ritchie, A.C., Kvitek, R.G., Dieter, B.E., Conrad, J.E., ... |
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Backscatter C [Fugro]--Offshore of Coal Oil Point, California
This part of DS 781 presents data for the acoustic-backscatter map of the Offshore of Coal Oil Point map area, California. The raster data file is included in "BackscatterC_Fugro_OffshoreCoalOilPoint.zip," which is accessible from https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/OffshoreCoalOilPoint/data_catalog_OffshoreCoalOilPoint.html. These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Cochrane, G.R., Golden, N.E., Phillips, E.L., Ritchie, A.C., Kvitek, R.G., Dieter, B.E., Conrad, J.E., ... |
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Bathymetry Hillshade--Offshore of Coal Oil Point, California
This part of DS 781 presents data for the shaded-relief bathymetry map of the Offshore of Coal Oil Point map area, California. The raster data file is included in "Bathymetry_OffshoreCoalOilPoint.zip." The raster data file for the shaded-relief map is included in "BathymetryHS_OffshoreCoalOilPoint.zip," which is accessible from https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/OffshoreCoalOilPoint/data_catalog_OffshoreCoalOilPoint.html. These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Cochrane, G ... |
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Bathymetry--Offshore of Coal Oil Point, California
This part of DS 781 presents data for the bathymetry map of the Offshore of Coal Oil Point map area, California. The raster data file is included in "Bathymetry_OffshoreCoalOilPoint.zip," which is accessible from https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/OffshoreCoalOilPoint/data_catalog_OffshoreCoalOilPoint.html. These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Cochrane, G.R., Golden, N.E., Phillips, E.L., Ritchie, A.C., Kvitek, R.G., Dieter, B.E., Conrad, J.E., Lorenson, T.D., Krigsman, ... |
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Contours--Offshore Coal Oil Point, California
This part of DS 781 presents bathymetric contours for several seafloor maps of Offshore Coal Oil Point, California. The vector data file is included in "Contours_OffshoreCoalOilPoint.zip," which is accessible from https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/OffshoreCoalOilPoint/data_catalog_OffshoreCoalOilPoint.html. These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Cochrane, G.R., Golden, N.E., Phillips, E.L., Ritchie, A.C., Kvitek, R.G., Dieter, B.E., Conrad, J.E., Lorenson, T.D., Krigsman ... |
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Faults--Offshore of Coal Oil Point, California
This part of DS 781 presents fault data for the Offshore of Coal Oil Point map area, California. The vector data file is included in "Faults_OffshoreCoalOilPoint.zip," which is accessible from https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/OffshoreCoalOilPoint/data_catalog_OffshoreCoalOilPoint.html. These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Cochrane, G.R., Golden, N.E., Phillips, E.L., Ritchie, A.C., Kvitek, R.G., Dieter, B.E., Conrad, J.E., Lorenson, T.D., Krigsman, L.M., Greene, H.G., ... |
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Folds--Offshore of Coal Oil Point, California
This part of DS 781 presents fold data for the Offshore of Coal Oil Point map area, California. The vector data file is included in "Folds_OffshoreCoalOilPoint.zip," which is accessible from https ://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/OffshoreCoalOilPoint/data_catalog_OffshoreCoalOilPoint.html. These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Cochrane, G.R., Golden, N.E., Phillips, E.L., Ritchie, A.C., Kvitek, R.G., Dieter, B.E., Conrad, J.E., Lorenson, T.D., Krigsman, L.M., Greene, H.G., ... |
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Geology--Offshore of Coal Oil Point, California
This part of DS 781 presents data for the geologic and geomorphic map of the Offshore of Coal Oil Point map area, California. The vector data file is included in "Geology_OffshoreCoalOilPoint.zip," which is accessible from https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/OffshoreCoalOilPoint/data_catalog_OffshoreCoalOilPoint.html. These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Cochrane, G.R., Golden, N.E., Phillips, E.L., Ritchie, A.C., Kvitek, R.G., Dieter, B.E., Conrad, J.E., Lorenson, T.D., ... |
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Habitat--Offshore of Coal Oil Point, California
This part of DS 781 presents the habitat map of the Offshore of Coal Oil Point map area, California. The vector data file is included in "Habitat_OffshoreCoalOilPoint.zip," which is accessible from https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/OffshoreCoalOilPoint/data_catalog_OffshoreCoalOilPoint.html. These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Cochrane, G.R., Golden, N.E., Phillips, E.L., Ritchie, A.C., Kvitek, R.G., Dieter, B.E., Conrad, J.E., Lorenson, T.D., Krigsman, L.M., Greene, ... |
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Seafloor character, 2-m grid--Offshore of Coal Oil Point, California
This part of DS 781 presents 2-m resolution data for the seafloor-character map of the Offshore of Coal Oil Point map area, California. The raster data file is included in "SeafloorCharacter_OffshoreCoalOilPoint_2m.zip," which is accessible from https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/OffshoreCoalOilPoint/data_catalog_OffshoreCoalOilPoint.html. These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Cochrane, G.R., Golden, N.E., Phillips, E.L., Ritchie, A.C., Kvitek, R.G., Dieter, B.E., Conrad ... |
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Seafloor character, 5-m grid--Offshore of Coal Oil Point, California
This part of DS 781 presents 5-m resolution data for the seafloor-character map of the Offshore of Coal Oil Point map area, California. The raster data file is included in "SeafloorCharacter_OffshoreCoalOilPoint_5m.zip," which is accessible from https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/OffshoreCoalOilPoint/data_catalog_OffshoreCoalOilPoint.html. These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Cochrane, G.R., Golden, N.E., Phillips, E.L., Ritchie, A.C., Kvitek, R.G., Dieter, B.E., Conrad ... |
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Seafloor character--Drakes Bay and Vicinity, California
This part of DS 781 presents the seafloor-character map of the Drakes Bay and Vicinity map area, California (raster data file is included in "SeafloorCharacter_DrakesBay.zip," which is accessible from https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/DrakesBay/data_catalog_DrakesBay.html). These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Watt, J.T., Dartnell, P., Golden, N.E., Greene, H.G., Erdey, M.D., Cochrane, G.R., Johnson, S.Y., Hartwell, S.R., Kvitek, R.G., Manson, M.W., Endris, C.A., Dieter, B.E., Sliter, R.W., ... |
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Habitat--Offshore of Fort Ross, California
This part of DS 781 presents data for the habitat map of the seafloor of the Offshore of Fort Ross map area, California. The polygon shapefile is included in "Habitat_OffshoreFortRoss.zip," which is accessible from https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/OffshoreFortRoss/data_catalog_OffshoreFortRoss.html. These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Golden, N.E., Hartwell, S.R., Erdey, M.D., Greene, H.G., Cochrane, G.R., Kvitek, R.G., Manson, M.W., Endris, C.A., Dieter, B.E., Watt, ... |
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Geology and geomorphology--Offshore of Pacifica map area, California
This part of DS 781 presents data for the geologic and geomorphic map of the Offshore of Pacifica map area, California. The vector data file is included in "Geology_OffshorePacifica.zip," which is accessible from https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/OffshorePacifica/data_catalog_OffshorePacifica.html. These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Edwards, B.D., Phillips, E.L., Dartnell, P., Greene, H.G., Bretz, C.K., Kvitek, R.G., Hartwell, S.R., Johnson, S.Y., Cochrane, G.R., Dieter, B.E., Sliter, R.W., Ross ... |
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Contours--Offshore Refugio Beach, California
This part of DS 781 presents bathymetric contours for several seafloor maps of the Offshore of Refugio Beach, California, map area. The vector data file is included in "Contours_OffshoreRefugioBeach.zip," which is accessible from https://pubs.usgs.ov/ds/781/OffshoreRefugioBeach/data_catalog_OffshoreRefugioBeach.html. These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Cochrane, G.R., Golden, N.E., Phillips, E.L., Ritchie, A.C., Krigsman, L.M., Dieter, B.E., Conrad, J.E., Greene, ... |
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Faults--Offshore Refugio Beach, California
This part of DS 781 presents fault data for the geologic and geomorphic map of the Offshore of Refugio Beach map area, California. The vector data file is included in "Faults_OffshoreRefugioBeach.zip," which is accessible from https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/OffshoreRefugioBeach/data_catalog_OffshoreRefugioBeach.html. These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Cochrane, G.R., Golden, N.E., Phillips, E.L., Ritchie, A.C., Krigsman, L.M., Dieter, B.E., Conrad, J.E., Greene, H ... |
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Geology and geomorphology--Offshore Refugio Beach, California
This part of DS 781 presents the geologic and geomorphic map of the Offshore of Refugio Beach map area, California. The vector data file is included in "Geology_OffshoreRefugioBeach.zip," which is accessible from https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/OffshoreRefugioBeach/data_catalog_OffshoreRefugioBeach.html. These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Cochrane, G.R., Golden, N.E., Phillips, E.L., Ritchie, A.C., Krigsman, L.M., Dieter, B.E., Conrad, J.E., Greene, H.G., Seitz, G ... |
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Habitat--Offshore of Refugio Beach, California
This part of DS 781 presents the habitat map of the Offshore of Refugio Beach map area, California. The vector data file is included in "Habitat_RefugioBeach.zip," which is accessible from https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/OffshoreRefugioBeach/data_catalog_OffshoreRefugioBeach.html. These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Cochrane, G.R., Golden, N.E., Phillips, E.L., Ritchie, A.C., Krigsman, L.M., Dieter, B.E., Conrad, J.E., Greene, H.G., Seitz, G.G., Endris, C.A., Sliter ... |
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Seafloor character--Offshore of Refugio Beach, California
This part of DS 781 presents the seafloor-character map of the Offshore of Refugio Beach map area, California. The raster data file is included in "SeafloorCharacter_OffshoreRefugioBeach.zip," which is accessible from https ://pubs.usgs.ov/ds/781/OffshoreRefugioBeach/data_catalog_OffshoreRefugioBeach.html). These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Cochrane, G.R., Golden, N.E., Phillips, E.L., Ritchie, A.C., Krigsman, L.M., Dieter, B.E., Conrad, J.E., Greene, H.G., ... |
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Geology and geomorphology--Offshore of Salt Point Map Area, California
This part of DS 781 presents data for the geologic and geomorphic map of the Offshore of Salt Point map area, California. The vector data file is included in "Geology_OffshoreSaltPoint.zip," which is accessible from https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/OffshoreSaltPoint/data_catalog_OffshoreSaltPoint.html. These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Golden, N.E., Hartwell, S.R., Erdey, M.D., Greene, H.G., Cochrane, G.R., Kvitek, R.G., Manson, M.W., Endris, C.A., Dieter, B.E., ... |
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Backscatter A [CSUMB]--Offshore of Santa Barbara, California
This part of DS 781 presents data for part of the acoustic-backscatter map of the Offshore of Santa Barbara map area, California. The raster data file is included in "BackscatterA_CSUMB_OffshoreSantaBarbara.zip," which is accessible from https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/OffshoreSantaBarbara/data_catalog_OffshoreSantaBarbara.html. These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Cochrane, G.R., Golden, N.E., Phillips, E.L., Ritchie, A.C., Greene, H.G., Krigsman, L.M., Kvitek, R.G. ... |
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Backscatter B [USGS]--Offshore of Santa Barbara, California
This part of DS 781 presents data for part of the acoustic-backscatter map of the Offshore of Santa Barbara map area, California. The raster data file is included in "BackscatterB_USGS_OffshoreSantaBarbara.zip," which is accessible from https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/OffshoreSantaBarbara/data_catalog_OffshoreSantaBarbara.html. These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Cochrane, G.R., Golden, N.E., Phillips, E.L., Ritchie, A.C., Greene, H.G., Krigsman, L.M., Kvitek, R.G., ... |
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Bathymetry Hillshade--Offshore of Santa Barbara, California
This part of DS 781 presents data for the shaded-relief bathymetry map of the Offshore of Santa Barbara map area, California. The raster data file for the hillshaded bathymetry map is included in "BathymetryHS_OffshoreSantaBarbara.zip," which is accessible from https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/OffshoreSantaBarbara/data_catalog_OffshoreSantaBarbara.html. These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Cochrane, G.R., Golden, N.E., Phillips, E.L., Ritchie, A.C., Greene, H.G., ... |
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Bathymetry--Offshore of Santa Barbara, California
This part of DS 781 presents data for the bathymetry map of the Offshore of Santa Barbara map area, California. The raster data file is included in "Bathymetry_OffshoreSantaBarbara.zip," which is accessible from https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/OffshoreSantaBarbara/data_catalog_OffshoreSantaBarbara.html. These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Cochrane, G.R., Golden, N.E., Phillips, E.L., Ritchie, A.C., Greene, H.G., Krigsman, L.M., Kvitek, R.G., Dieter, B.E., Endris, C ... |
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Contours--Offshore of Santa Barbara, California
This part of DS 781 presents data for the bathymetric contours for several seafloor maps of the Offshore of Santa Barbara map area, California. The vector data file is included in "Contours_OffshoreSantaBarbara.zip," which is accessible from https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/OffshoreSantaBarbara/data_catalog_OffshoreSantaBarbara.html. These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Cochrane, G.R., Golden, N.E., Phillips, E.L., Ritchie, A.C., Greene, H.G., Krigsman, L.M., Kvitek, ... |
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Faults--Offshore of Santa Barbara, California
This part of DS 781 presents fault data for the Offshore of Santa Barbara map area, California. The vector data file is included in "Faults_OffshoreSantaBarbara.zip," which is accessible from https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/OffshoreSantaBarbara/data_catalog_OffshoreSantaBarbara.html. These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Cochrane, G.R., Golden, N.E., Phillips, E.L., Ritchie, A.C., Greene, H.G., Krigsman, L.M., Kvitek, R.G., Dieter, B.E., Endris, C.A., Seitz, G.G., ... |
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Folds--Offshore of Santa Barbara, California
This part of DS 781 presents fold data for the Offshore of Santa Barbara map area, California. The vector data file is included in "Folds_OffshoreSantaBarbara.zip," which is accessible from https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/OffshoreSantaBarbara/data_catalog_OffshoreSantaBarbara.html. These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Cochrane, G.R., Golden, N.E., Phillips, E.L., Ritchie, A.C., Greene, H.G., Krigsman, L.M., Kvitek, R.G., Dieter, B.E., Endris, C.A., Seitz, G.G., ... |
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Geology and geomorphology--Offshore of Santa Barbara, California
This part of DS 781 presents data for the geologic and geomorphic map of the Offshore of Santa Barbara map area, California. The vector data file is included in "Geology_OffshoreSantaBarbara.zip," which is accessible from https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/OffshoreSantaBarbara/data_catalog_OffshoreSantaBarbara.html. These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Cochrane, G.R., Golden, N.E., Phillips, E.L., Ritchie, A.C., Greene, H.G., Krigsman, L.M., Kvitek, R.G., Dieter, B.E., ... |
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Habitat--Offshore of Santa Barbara, California
This part of DS 781 presents data for the habitat map of the Offshore of Santa Barbara map area, California. The vector data file is included in "Habitat_OffshoreSantaBarbara.zip," which is accessible from https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/OffshoreSantaBarbara/data_catalog_OffshoreSantaBarbara.html. These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Cochrane, G.R., Golden, N.E., Phillips, E.L., Ritchie, A.C., Greene, H.G., Krigsman, L.M., Kvitek, R.G., Dieter, B.E., Endris, C.A., ... |
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Seafloor character--Offshore of Santa Barbara, California
This part of DS 781 presents data for the seafloor-character map of the Offshore of Santa Barbara map area, California. The raster data file is included in "SeafloorCharacter_OffshoreSantaBarbara.zip," which is accessible from https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/OffshoreSantaBarbara/data_catalog_OffshoreSantaBarbara.html. These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Cochrane, G.R., Golden, N.E., Phillips, E.L., Ritchie, A.C., Greene, H.G., Krigsman, L.M., Kvitek, R.G., Dieter, B ... |
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Backscatter D [USGS]--Offshore of Tomales Point, California
This part of DS 781 presents data for the acoustic-backscatter map of the Offshore of Tomales Point map area, California. Backscatter data are provided as separate grids depending on mapping system or processing method. The raster data file is included in "BackscatterD_USGS_OffshoreTomalesPoint.zip", which is accessible from https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/OffshoreTomalesPoint/data_catalog_OffshoreTomalesPoint.html. These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Golden, N.E., ... |
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Bathymetry--Offshore of Tomales Point, California
This part of DS 781 presents data for the bathymetry map of the Offshore of Tomales Point map area, California. Raster data file is included in "Bathymetry_OffshoreTomalesPoint.zip," which is accessible from https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/OffshoreTomalesPoint/data_catalog_OffshoreTomalesPoint.html. These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Golden, N.E., Hartwell, S.R., Greene, H.G., Erdey, M.D., Cochrane, G.R., Watt, J.T., Kvitek, R.G., Manson, M.W., Endris, C.A., Dieter ... |
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Faults--Offshore of Tomales Point Map Area, California
This part of DS 781 presents data for faults for the geologic and geomorphic map of the Offshore of Tomales Point map area, California. The vector data file is included in "Faults_OffshoreTomalesPoint.zip," which is accessible from https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/OffshoreTomalesPoint/data_catalog_OffshoreTomalesPoint.html. These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Golden, N.E., Hartwell, S.R., Greene, H.G., Erdey, M.D., Cochrane, G.R., Watt, J.T., Kvitek, R.G., Manson, M ... |
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Backscatter A [CSUMB]--Offshore of Ventura, California
This part of DS 781 presents acoustic-backscatter data for the Offshore of Ventura map area, California. The raster data file is included in "BackscatterA_CSUMB_OffshoreVentura.zip," which is accessible from https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/OffshoreVentura/data_catalog_OffshoreVentura.html. These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Cochrane, G.R., Golden, N.E., Phillips, E.L., Ritchie, A.C., Kvitek, R.G., Greene, H.G., Krigsman, L.M., Endris, C.A., Seitz, G.G., Gutierrez, ... |
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Backscatter B [USGS]--Offshore of Ventura, California
This part of DS 781 presents acoustic-backscatter data for the Offshore of Ventura map area, California. The raster data file is included in "BackscatterB_USGS_OffshoreVentura.zip," which is accessible from https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/OffshoreVentura/data_catalog_OffshoreVentura.html. These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Cochrane, G.R., Golden, N.E., Phillips, E.L., Ritchie, A.C., Kvitek, R.G., Greene, H.G., Krigsman, L.M., Endris, C.A., Seitz, G.G., Gutierrez, C ... |
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Bathymetry Hillshade--Offshore of Ventura, California
This part of DS 781 presents data for the shaded-relief bathymetry map of the Offshore of Ventura map area, California. The raster data file for the shaded-relief map is included in "BathymetryHS_OffshoreVentura.zip," which is accessible from https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/OffshoreVentura/data_catalog_OffshoreVentura.html. These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Cochrane, G.R., Golden, N.E., Phillips, E.L., Ritchie, A.C., Kvitek, R.G., Greene, H.G., Krigsman, L.M., ... |
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Bathymetry--Offshore of Ventura, California
This part of DS 781 presents data for the bathymetry map of the Offshore of Ventura map area, California. The raster data file is included in "Bathymetry_OffshoreVentura.zip, which is accessible from https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/OffshoreVentura/data_catalog_OffshoreVentura.html. These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Cochrane, G.R., Golden, N.E., Phillips, E.L., Ritchie, A.C., Kvitek, R.G., Greene, H.G., Krigsman, L.M., Endris, C.A., Seitz, G.G., Gutierrez, C.I., ... |
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Contours--Offshore of Ventura, California
This part of DS 781 presents data for the bathymetric contours of the Offshore of Ventura map area, California. The vector data file is included in "Contours_OffshoreVentura.zip," which is accessible from https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/OffshoreVentura/data_catalog_OffshoreVentura.html. These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Cochrane, G.R., Golden, N.E., Phillips, E.L., Ritchie, A.C., Kvitek, R.G., Greene, H.G., Krigsman, L.M., Endris, C.A., Seitz, G.G., Gutierrez, C.I ... |
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Faults--Offshore of Ventura, California
This part of SA 781 presents fault data for the Offshore of Ventura map area, California. The vector data file is included in "Faults_OffshoreVentura.zip," which is accessible from http://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/OffshoreVentura/data_catalog_OffshoreVentura.html. These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Cochrane, G.R., Golden, N.E., Phillips, E.L., Ritchie, A.C., Kvitek, R.G., Greene, H.G., Krigsman, L.M., Endris, C.A., Seitz, G.G., Gutierrez, C.I., Sliter, R.W., Erdey, M ... |
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Folds--Offshore of Ventura, California
This part of DS 781 presents fold data for the Offshore of Ventura map area, California. The vector data file is included in "Folds_OffshoreVentura.zip," which is accessible from http://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/OffshoreVentura/data_catalog_OffshoreVentura.html. These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Cochrane, G.R., Golden, N.E., Phillips, E.L., Ritchie, A.C., Kvitek, R.G., Greene, H.G., Krigsman, L.M., Endris, C.A., Seitz, G.G., Gutierrez, C.I., Sliter, R.W., Erdey, M.D ... |
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Geology and geomorphology--Offshore of Ventura, California
This part of DS 781 presents geologic data of the Offshore of Ventura map area, California. The vector data file is included in "Geology_OffshoreVentura.zip," which is accessible from https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/OffshoreVentura/data_catalog_OffshoreVentura.html. These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Cochrane, G.R., Golden, N.E., Phillips, E.L., Ritchie, A.C., Kvitek, R.G., Greene, H.G., Krigsman, L.M., Endris, C.A., Seitz, G.G., Gutierrez, C.I., Sliter, R.W., ... |
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Habitat--Offshore of Ventura, California
This part of DS 781 presents habitat data in the Offshore of Ventura map area, California. The vector data file is included in "Habitat_OffshoreVentura.zip," which is accessible from https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/OffshoreVentura/data_catalog_OffshoreVentura.html. These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Cochrane, G.R., Golden, N.E., Phillips, E.L., Ritchie, A.C., Kvitek, R.G., Greene, H.G., Krigsman, L.M., Endris, C.A., Seitz, G.G., Gutierrez, C.I., Sliter, R.W., Erdey ... |
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Seafloor character--Offshore of Ventura, California
This part of DS 781 presents data for the seafloor-character map of the Offshore of Ventura map area, California. The raster data file is included in "SeafloorCharacter_OffshoreVentura.zip," which is accessible from https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/OffshoreVentura/data_catalog_OffshoreVentura.html. These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Cochrane, G.R., Golden, N.E., Phillips, E.L., Ritchie, A.C., Kvitek, R.G., Greene, H.G., Krigsman, L.M., Endris, C.A., Seitz, G.G., ... |
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Location and analysis of sediment samples collected by the U.S. Geological Survey in 2014 along the Delmarva Peninsula, MD and VA (Esri point shapefile and CSV file, Geographic, WGS 84)
The Delmarva Peninsula is a 220-kilometer-long headland, spit, and barrier island complex that was significantly affected by Hurricane Sandy. A U.S. Geological Survey cruise was conducted in the summer of 2014 to map the inner continental shelf of the Delmarva Peninsula using geophysical and sampling techniques to define the geologic framework that governs coastal system evolution at storm-event and longer timescales. Data collected during the 2014 cruise include swath bathymetry, sidescan sonar, chirp and ... |
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Backscatter A [8101]--Offshore of Fort Ross, California
This part of DS 781 presents data for the acoustic-backscatter map of the Offshore of Fort Ross map area, California. Backscatter data are provided as separate grids depending on mapping system or processing method. The raster data file is included in "BackscatterA_8101_OffshoreFortRoss.zip", which is accessible from https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/OffshoreFortRoss/data_catalog_OffshoreFortRoss.html. These data accompany the pamphlet and map sheets of Johnson, S.Y., Dartnell, P., Golden, N.E., Hartwell, S.R., ... |
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Static chamber gas fluxes and carbon and nitrogen isotope content of age-dated sediment cores from a Phragmites wetland in Sage Lot Pond, Massachusetts, 2013-2015
Coastal wetlands are major global carbon sinks; however, quantification of carbon flux can be difficult in these heterogeneous and dynamic ecosystems. To characterize spatial and temporal variability in a New England salt marsh, static chamber measurements of greenhouse gas (GHG) fluxes were compared among major plant-defined zones (high marsh dominated by Distichlis spicata and a zone of invasive Phragmites australis) during 2013 and 2014 growing seasons. Two sediment cores were collected in 2015 from the ... |
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Conceptual marsh units of salt marshes on the Eastern Shore of Virginia
This data release contains coastal wetland synthesis products for the Atlantic-facing Eastern Shore of Virginia (the data release for the Chesapeake Bay-facing portion of the Eastern Shore of Virginia is found here: https://doi.org/10.5066/P997EJYB). Metrics for resiliency, including unvegetated to vegetated ratio (UVVR), marsh elevation, and tidal range are calculated for smaller units delineated from a digital elevation model, providing the spatial variability of physical factors that influence wetland ... |
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Mean tidal range of marsh units in Eastern Shore of Virginia salt marshes
This data release contains coastal wetland synthesis products for the Atlantic-facing Eastern Shore of Virginia (the data release for the Chesapeake Bay-facing portion of the Eastern Shore of Virginia is found here: https://doi.org/10.5066/P997EJYB). Metrics for resiliency, including unvegetated to vegetated ratio (UVVR), marsh elevation, and tidal range are calculated for smaller units delineated from a digital elevation model, providing the spatial variability of physical factors that influence wetland ... |
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Unvegetated to vegetated ratio of marsh units in Eastern Shore of Virginia salt marshes
This data release contains coastal wetland synthesis products for the Atlantic-facing Eastern Shore of Virginia (the data release for the Chesapeake Bay-facing portion of the Eastern Shore of Virginia is found here: https://doi.org/10.5066/P997EJYB). Metrics for resiliency, including unvegetated to vegetated ratio (UVVR), marsh elevation, and tidal range are calculated for smaller units delineated from a digital elevation model, providing the spatial variability of physical factors that influence wetland ... |
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Elevation of marsh units in Eastern Shore of Virginia salt marshes
This data release contains coastal wetland synthesis products for the Atlantic-facing Eastern Shore of Virginia (the data release for the Chesapeake Bay-facing portion of the Eastern Shore of Virginia is found here: https://doi.org/10.5066/P997EJYB). Metrics for resiliency, including unvegetated to vegetated ratio (UVVR), marsh elevation, and tidal range are calculated for smaller units delineated from a digital elevation model, providing the spatial variability of physical factors that influence wetland ... |
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Depth to Transition--Salt Point to Drakes Bay, California
This part of DS 781 presents data for the depth-to-transition map of the Salt Point to Drakes Bay, California, region. The raster data file is included in "DepthToTransition_SaltPointToDrakesBay.zip," which is accessible from https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/SaltPointToDrakesBay/data_catalog_SaltPointToDrakesBay.html. As part of the USGS's California State Waters Mapping Project, a 20-m grid of depth to the transgressive surface of the last glacial maximum was generated for the areas within the 3-nautical mile ... |
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Isopachs--Salt Point to Drakes Bay, California
This part of DS 781 presents data for the isopachs for the Salt Point to Drakes Bay, California, region. The vector data file is included in "Isopachs_SaltPointToDrakesBay.zip," which is accessible from https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/SaltPointToDrakesBay/data_catalog_SaltPointToDrakesBay.html. As part of the USGS's California Seafloor Mapping Program, a 20-m grid of sediment thickness for the seafloor within the 3-nautical-mile limit of California's State Waters between Salt Point and Drakes Bay was ... |
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Sediment Thickness--Salt Point to Drakes Bay, California
This part of DS 781 presents data for the sediment-thickness map of the Salt Point to Drakes Bay, California, region. The raster data file is included in "SedimentThickness_SaltPointToDrakesBay.zip," which is accessible from https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/SaltPointToDrakesBay/data_catalog_SaltPointToDrakesBay.html. As part of the USGS's California State Waters Mapping Project, a 20-m grid of sediment thickness for the seafloor within the 3-nautical mile limit between Salt Point and Drakes Bay was generated ... |
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Transgressive Contours--Salt Point to Drakes Bay, California
This part of DS 781 presents data for the transgressive contours for the Salt Point to Drakes Bay, California, region. The vector file is included in "TransgressiveContours_SaltPointToDrakesBay.zip," which is accessible from https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/SaltPointToDrakesBay/data_catalog_SaltPointToDrakesBay.html. As part of the USGS's California State Waters Mapping Project, a 20-m grid of depth to the transgressive surface of the last glacial maximum was generated for the areas within the 3-nautical mile ... |
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Depth to transition--Santa Barbara Channel, California
This part of DS 781 presents data for the depth-to-transition (the depth to the bedrock at the Last Glacial Maximum) map of the Santa Barbara Channel, California, region. The raster data file is included in "DepthToTransition_SantaBarbaraChannel.zip," which is accessible from https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/SantaBarbaraChannel/data_catalog_SantaBarbaraChannel.html. As part of the USGS's California Seafloor Mapping Project, a 50-m-resolution grid of depth to the transgressive surface of the Last Glacial ... |
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Isopachs--Santa Barbara Channel, California
This part of DS 781 presents data for the isopachs for the Santa Barbara Channel, California, region. The vector data file is included in "Isopachs_SantaBarbaraChannel.zip," which is accessible from https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/SantaBarbaraChannel/data_catalog_SantaBarbaraChannel.html. As part of the USGS's California Seafloor Mapping Program, a 50-m grid of sediment thickness for the seafloor within the 3-nautical-mile limit of California's State Waters from the Offshore of Refugio Beach map area to the ... |
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Sediment thickness--Santa Barbara Channel, California
This part of DS 781 presents data for the sediment-thickness map of the Santa Barbara Channel, California, region. The raster data file is included in "SedimentThickness_SantaBarbaraChannel.zip," which is accessible from https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/SantaBarbaraChannel/data_catalog_SantaBarbaraChannel.html. As part of the USGS's California Seafloor Mapping Program, a 50-m grid of sediment thickness atop the bedrock at the Last Glacial Maximum horizon for the seafloor within the 3-nautical-mile limit of ... |
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Transgressive contours--Santa Barbara Channel, California
This part of DS 781 presents data for the transgressive contours for the Santa Barbara Channel, California, region. The vector file is included in "TransgressiveContours_SantaBarbaraChannel.zip," which is accessible from https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/781/SantaBarbaraChannel/data_catalog_SantaBarbaraChannel.html. As part of the USGS's California Seafloor Mapping Project, a 50-m-resolution grid of depth to the transgressive surface of the Last Glacial Maximum within California State Waters between Refugio Beach ... |
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California State Waters Map Series--Offshore of Monterey Web Services
In 2007, the California Ocean Protection Council initiated the California Seafloor Mapping Program (CSMP), designed to create a comprehensive seafloor map of high-resolution bathymetry, marine benthic habitats, and geology within California’s State Waters. The program supports a large number of coastal-zone- and ocean-management issues, including the California Marine Life Protection Act (MLPA) (California Department of Fish and Wildlife, 2008), which requires information about the distribution of ... |
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California State Waters Map Series--Offshore of Monterey Web Services
In 2007, the California Ocean Protection Council initiated the California Seafloor Mapping Program (CSMP), designed to create a comprehensive seafloor map of high-resolution bathymetry, marine benthic habitats, and geology within California’s State Waters. The program supports a large number of coastal-zone- and ocean-management issues, including the California Marine Life Protection Act (MLPA) (California Department of Fish and Wildlife, 2008), which requires information about the distribution of ... |
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Offshore Pigeon Point_Web Services
In 2007, the California Ocean Protection Council initiated the California Seafloor Mapping Program (CSMP), designed to create a comprehensive seafloor map of high-resolution bathymetry, marine benthic habitats, and geology within California’s State Waters. The program supports a large number of coastal-zone- and ocean-management issues, including the California Marine Life Protection Act (MLPA) (California Department of Fish and Wildlife, 2008), which requires information about the distribution of ... |
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Offshore Pigeon Point_Web Services
In 2007, the California Ocean Protection Council initiated the California Seafloor Mapping Program (CSMP), designed to create a comprehensive seafloor map of high-resolution bathymetry, marine benthic habitats, and geology within California’s State Waters. The program supports a large number of coastal-zone- and ocean-management issues, including the California Marine Life Protection Act (MLPA) (California Department of Fish and Wildlife, 2008), which requires information about the distribution of ... |
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California State Waters Map Series--Point Conception to Hueneme Canyon Web Services
In 2007, the California Ocean Protection Council initiated the California Seafloor Mapping Program (CSMP), designed to create a comprehensive seafloor map of high-resolution bathymetry, marine benthic habitats, and geology within California’s State Waters. The program supports a large number of coastal-zone- and ocean-management issues, including the California Marine Life Protection Act (MLPA) (California Department of Fish and Wildlife, 2008), which requires information about the distribution of ... |
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California State Waters Map Series--Point Conception to Hueneme Canyon Web Services
In 2007, the California Ocean Protection Council initiated the California Seafloor Mapping Program (CSMP), designed to create a comprehensive seafloor map of high-resolution bathymetry, marine benthic habitats, and geology within California’s State Waters. The program supports a large number of coastal-zone- and ocean-management issues, including the California Marine Life Protection Act (MLPA) (California Department of Fish and Wildlife, 2008), which requires information about the distribution of ... |
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Offshore Scott Creek Web Services
In 2007, the California Ocean Protection Council initiated the California Seafloor Mapping Program (CSMP), designed to create a comprehensive seafloor map of high-resolution bathymetry, marine benthic habitats, and geology within California’s State Waters. The program supports a large number of coastal-zone- and ocean-management issues, including the California Marine Life Protection Act (MLPA) (California Department of Fish and Wildlife, 2008), which requires information about the distribution of ... |
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Offshore Scott Creek Web Services
In 2007, the California Ocean Protection Council initiated the California Seafloor Mapping Program (CSMP), designed to create a comprehensive seafloor map of high-resolution bathymetry, marine benthic habitats, and geology within California’s State Waters. The program supports a large number of coastal-zone- and ocean-management issues, including the California Marine Life Protection Act (MLPA) (California Department of Fish and Wildlife, 2008), which requires information about the distribution of ... |
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Offshore Aptos Web Services
In 2007, the California Ocean Protection Council initiated the California Seafloor Mapping Program (CSMP), designed to create a comprehensive seafloor map of high-resolution bathymetry, marine benthic habitats, and geology within California’s State Waters. The program supports a large number of coastal-zone- and ocean-management issues, including the California Marine Life Protection Act (MLPA) (California Department of Fish and Wildlife, 2008), which requires information about the distribution of ... |
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Offshore Aptos Web Services
In 2007, the California Ocean Protection Council initiated the California Seafloor Mapping Program (CSMP), designed to create a comprehensive seafloor map of high-resolution bathymetry, marine benthic habitats, and geology within California’s State Waters. The program supports a large number of coastal-zone- and ocean-management issues, including the California Marine Life Protection Act (MLPA) (California Department of Fish and Wildlife, 2008), which requires information about the distribution of ... |
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California State Waters Map Series--Pigeon Point to Monterey Web Services
In 2007, the California Ocean Protection Council initiated the California Seafloor Mapping Program (CSMP), designed to create a comprehensive seafloor map of high-resolution bathymetry, marine benthic habitats, and geology within California’s State Waters. The program supports a large number of coastal-zone- and ocean-management issues, including the California Marine Life Protection Act (MLPA) (California Department of Fish and Wildlife, 2008), which requires information about the distribution of ... |
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California State Waters Map Series--Pigeon Point to Monterey Web Services
In 2007, the California Ocean Protection Council initiated the California Seafloor Mapping Program (CSMP), designed to create a comprehensive seafloor map of high-resolution bathymetry, marine benthic habitats, and geology within California’s State Waters. The program supports a large number of coastal-zone- and ocean-management issues, including the California Marine Life Protection Act (MLPA) (California Department of Fish and Wildlife, 2008), which requires information about the distribution of ... |
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California State Waters Map Series--Offshore of Point Conception Web Services
In 2007, the California Ocean Protection Council initiated the California Seafloor Mapping Program (CSMP), designed to create a comprehensive seafloor map of high-resolution bathymetry, marine benthic habitats, and geology within California’s State Waters. The program supports a large number of coastal-zone- and ocean-management issues, including the California Marine Life Protection Act (MLPA) (California Department of Fish and Wildlife, 2008), which requires information about the distribution of ... |
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California State Waters Map Series--Offshore of Point Conception Web Services
In 2007, the California Ocean Protection Council initiated the California Seafloor Mapping Program (CSMP), designed to create a comprehensive seafloor map of high-resolution bathymetry, marine benthic habitats, and geology within California’s State Waters. The program supports a large number of coastal-zone- and ocean-management issues, including the California Marine Life Protection Act (MLPA) (California Department of Fish and Wildlife, 2008), which requires information about the distribution of ... |
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California State Waters Map Series--Offshore of Gaviota Web Services
In 2007, the California Ocean Protection Council initiated the California Seafloor Mapping Program (CSMP), designed to create a comprehensive seafloor map of high-resolution bathymetry, marine benthic habitats, and geology within California’s State Waters. The program supports a large number of coastal-zone- and ocean-management issues, including the California Marine Life Protection Act (MLPA) (California Department of Fish and Wildlife, 2008), which requires information about the distribution of ... |
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California State Waters Map Series--Offshore of Gaviota Web Services
In 2007, the California Ocean Protection Council initiated the California Seafloor Mapping Program (CSMP), designed to create a comprehensive seafloor map of high-resolution bathymetry, marine benthic habitats, and geology within California’s State Waters. The program supports a large number of coastal-zone- and ocean-management issues, including the California Marine Life Protection Act (MLPA) (California Department of Fish and Wildlife, 2008), which requires information about the distribution of ... |
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California State Waters Map Series--Monterey Canyon and Vicinity Web Services
In 2007, the California Ocean Protection Council initiated the California Seafloor Mapping Program (CSMP), designed to create a comprehensive seafloor map of high-resolution bathymetry, marine benthic habitats, and geology within California’s State Waters. The program supports a large number of coastal-zone- and ocean-management issues, including the California Marine Life Protection Act (MLPA) (California Department of Fish and Wildlife, 2008), which requires information about the distribution of ... |
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California State Waters Map Series--Monterey Canyon and Vicinity Web Services
In 2007, the California Ocean Protection Council initiated the California Seafloor Mapping Program (CSMP), designed to create a comprehensive seafloor map of high-resolution bathymetry, marine benthic habitats, and geology within California’s State Waters. The program supports a large number of coastal-zone- and ocean-management issues, including the California Marine Life Protection Act (MLPA) (California Department of Fish and Wildlife, 2008), which requires information about the distribution of ... |
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California State Waters Map Series--Point Sur to Point Arguello Web Services
In 2007, the California Ocean Protection Council initiated the California Seafloor Mapping Program (CSMP), designed to create a comprehensive seafloor map of high-resolution bathymetry, marine benthic habitats, and geology within California’s State Waters. The program supports a large number of coastal-zone- and ocean-management issues, including the California Marine Life Protection Act (MLPA) (California Department of Fish and Wildlife, 2008), which requires information about the distribution of ... |
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California State Waters Map Series--Point Sur to Point Arguello Web Services
In 2007, the California Ocean Protection Council initiated the California Seafloor Mapping Program (CSMP), designed to create a comprehensive seafloor map of high-resolution bathymetry, marine benthic habitats, and geology within California’s State Waters. The program supports a large number of coastal-zone- and ocean-management issues, including the California Marine Life Protection Act (MLPA) (California Department of Fish and Wildlife, 2008), which requires information about the distribution of ... |
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Depth to Transition--Punta Gorda to Point Arena, California
This part of DS 781 presents data for the depth-to-transition map of the Punta Gorda to Point Arena, California, region. The raster data file is included in the "DepthToTransition_PuntaGordaToPointArena.zip," which is accessible from https://doi.org/10.5066/P9PNNI9H. As part of the USGS's California State Waters Mapping Project, a 50-m grid of sediment thickness for the seafloor within the 3-nautical mile limit between Punta Gorda and Point Arena was generated from seismic-reflection data collected between ... |
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Faults--Punta Gorda to Point Arena, California
This part of DS 781 presents data for the faults of the Punta Gorda to Point Arena, California, region. The vector data file is included in the "Faults_PuntaGordaToPointArena.zip," which is accessible from https://doi.org/10.5066/P9PNNI9H. Faults in the Punta Gorda and Point Arena region are identified on seismic-reflection data based on abrupt truncation or warping of reflections and (or) juxtaposition of reflection panels with different seismic parameters such as reflection presence, amplitude, frequency, ... |
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Isopachs--Punta Gorda to Point Arena, California
This part of DS 781 presents data for the isopachs of the Punta Gorda to Point Arena, California, region. The vector data file is included in the "Isopachs_PuntaGordaToPointArena.zip," which is accessible from https://doi.org/10.5066/P9PNNI9H. As part of the USGS's California State Waters Mapping Project, a 50-m grid of sediment thickness for the seafloor within the 3-nautical mile limit between Punta Gorda and Point Arena was generated from seismic-reflection data collected between 2010 and 2012, and ... |
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California State Waters Map Series--Punta Gorda to Point Arena Web Services
In 2007, the California Ocean Protection Council initiated the California Seafloor Mapping Program (CSMP), designed to create a comprehensive seafloor map of high-resolution bathymetry, marine benthic habitats, and geology within California’s State Waters. The program supports a large number of coastal-zone- and ocean-management issues, including the California Marine Life Protection Act (MLPA) (California Department of Fish and Wildlife, 2008), which requires information about the distribution of ... |
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California State Waters Map Series--Punta Gorda to Point Arena Web Services
In 2007, the California Ocean Protection Council initiated the California Seafloor Mapping Program (CSMP), designed to create a comprehensive seafloor map of high-resolution bathymetry, marine benthic habitats, and geology within California’s State Waters. The program supports a large number of coastal-zone- and ocean-management issues, including the California Marine Life Protection Act (MLPA) (California Department of Fish and Wildlife, 2008), which requires information about the distribution of ... |
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Sediment Thickness--Punta Gorda to Point Arena, California
This part of DS 781 presents data for the sediment-thickness map of the Punta Gorda to Point Arena, California, region. The raster data file is included in the "SedimentThickness_PuntaGordaToPointArena.zip," which is accessible from https://doi.org/10.5066/P9PNNI9H. As part of the USGS's California State Waters Mapping Project, a 50-m grid of sediment thickness for the seafloor within the 3-nautical mile limit between Point Sur and Point Arguello was generated from seismic-reflection data collected between ... |
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Transgressive Contours--Punta Gorda to Point Arena, California
This part of DS 781 presents data for the transgressive contours of the Punta Gorda to Point Arena, California, region. The vector data file is included in the "TransgressiveContours_PuntaGordaToPointArena.zip," which is accessible from https://doi.org/10.5066/P9PNNI9H. As part of the USGS's California State Waters Mapping Project, a 50-m grid of sediment thickness for the seafloor within the 3-nautical mile limit between Punta Gorda and Point Arena was generated from seismic-reflection data collected ... |
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California State Waters Map Series--Offshore of Bodega Head Web Services
In 2007, the California Ocean Protection Council initiated the California Seafloor Mapping Program (CSMP), designed to create a comprehensive seafloor map of high-resolution bathymetry, marine benthic habitats, and geology within California’s State Waters. The program supports a large number of coastal-zone- and ocean-management issues, including the California Marine Life Protection Act (MLPA) (California Department of Fish and Wildlife, 2008), which requires information about the distribution of ... |
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California State Waters Map Series--Offshore of Bodega Head Web Services
In 2007, the California Ocean Protection Council initiated the California Seafloor Mapping Program (CSMP), designed to create a comprehensive seafloor map of high-resolution bathymetry, marine benthic habitats, and geology within California’s State Waters. The program supports a large number of coastal-zone- and ocean-management issues, including the California Marine Life Protection Act (MLPA) (California Department of Fish and Wildlife, 2008), which requires information about the distribution of ... |
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California State Waters Map Series--Bolinas to Pescadero Web Services
In 2007, the California Ocean Protection Council initiated the California Seafloor Mapping Program (CSMP), designed to create a comprehensive seafloor map of high-resolution bathymetry, marine benthic habitats, and geology within California’s State Waters. The program supports a large number of coastal-zone- and ocean-management issues, including the California Marine Life Protection Act (MLPA) (California Department of Fish and Wildlife, 2008), which requires information about the distribution of ... |
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California State Waters Map Series--Offshore of Bolinas Web Services
In 2007, the California Ocean Protection Council initiated the California Seafloor Mapping Program (CSMP), designed to create a comprehensive seafloor map of high-resolution bathymetry, marine benthic habitats, and geology within California’s State Waters. The program supports a large number of coastal-zone- and ocean-management issues, including the California Marine Life Protection Act (MLPA) (California Department of Fish and Wildlife, 2008), which requires information about the distribution of ... |
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California State Waters Map Series--Offshore of Bolinas Web Services
In 2007, the California Ocean Protection Council initiated the California Seafloor Mapping Program (CSMP), designed to create a comprehensive seafloor map of high-resolution bathymetry, marine benthic habitats, and geology within California’s State Waters. The program supports a large number of coastal-zone- and ocean-management issues, including the California Marine Life Protection Act (MLPA) (California Department of Fish and Wildlife, 2008), which requires information about the distribution of ... |
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California State Waters Map Series--Offshore of Carpinteria Web Services
In 2007, the California Ocean Protection Council initiated the California Seafloor Mapping Program (CSMP), designed to create a comprehensive seafloor map of high-resolution bathymetry, marine benthic habitats, and geology within California’s State Waters. The program supports a large number of coastal-zone- and ocean-management issues, including the California Marine Life Protection Act (MLPA) (California Department of Fish and Wildlife, 2008), which requires information about the distribution of ... |
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California State Waters Map Series--Offshore of Carpinteria Web Services
In 2007, the California Ocean Protection Council initiated the California Seafloor Mapping Program (CSMP), designed to create a comprehensive seafloor map of high-resolution bathymetry, marine benthic habitats, and geology within California’s State Waters. The program supports a large number of coastal-zone- and ocean-management issues, including the California Marine Life Protection Act (MLPA) (California Department of Fish and Wildlife, 2008), which requires information about the distribution of ... |
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California State Waters Map Series--Offshore of Coal Oil Point Web Services
In 2007, the California Ocean Protection Council initiated the California Seafloor Mapping Program (CSMP), designed to create a comprehensive seafloor map of high-resolution bathymetry, marine benthic habitats, and geology within California’s State Waters. The program supports a large number of coastal-zone- and ocean-management issues, including the California Marine Life Protection Act (MLPA) (California Department of Fish and Wildlife, 2008), which requires information about the distribution of ... |
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California State Waters Map Series--Offshore of Coal Oil Point Web Services
In 2007, the California Ocean Protection Council initiated the California Seafloor Mapping Program (CSMP), designed to create a comprehensive seafloor map of high-resolution bathymetry, marine benthic habitats, and geology within California’s State Waters. The program supports a large number of coastal-zone- and ocean-management issues, including the California Marine Life Protection Act (MLPA) (California Department of Fish and Wildlife, 2008), which requires information about the distribution of ... |
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California State Waters Map Series--Drakes Bay Web Services
In 2007, the California Ocean Protection Council initiated the California Seafloor Mapping Program (CSMP), designed to create a comprehensive seafloor map of high-resolution bathymetry, marine benthic habitats, and geology within California’s State Waters. The program supports a large number of coastal-zone- and ocean-management issues, including the California Marine Life Protection Act (MLPA) (California Department of Fish and Wildlife, 2008), which requires information about the distribution of ... |
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California State Waters Map Series--Drakes Bay Web Services
In 2007, the California Ocean Protection Council initiated the California Seafloor Mapping Program (CSMP), designed to create a comprehensive seafloor map of high-resolution bathymetry, marine benthic habitats, and geology within California’s State Waters. The program supports a large number of coastal-zone- and ocean-management issues, including the California Marine Life Protection Act (MLPA) (California Department of Fish and Wildlife, 2008), which requires information about the distribution of ... |
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California State Waters Map Series--Offshore of Fort Ross Web Services
In 2007, the California Ocean Protection Council initiated the California Seafloor Mapping Program (CSMP), designed to create a comprehensive seafloor map of high-resolution bathymetry, marine benthic habitats, and geology within California’s State Waters. The program supports a large number of coastal-zone- and ocean-management issues, including the California Marine Life Protection Act (MLPA) (California Department of Fish and Wildlife, 2008), which requires information about the distribution of ... |
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California State Waters Map Series--Offshore of Fort Ross Web Services
In 2007, the California Ocean Protection Council initiated the California Seafloor Mapping Program (CSMP), designed to create a comprehensive seafloor map of high-resolution bathymetry, marine benthic habitats, and geology within California’s State Waters. The program supports a large number of coastal-zone- and ocean-management issues, including the California Marine Life Protection Act (MLPA) (California Department of Fish and Wildlife, 2008), which requires information about the distribution of ... |
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California State Waters Map Series--Offshore of Half Moon Bay Web Services
In 2007, the California Ocean Protection Council initiated the California Seafloor Mapping Program (CSMP), designed to create a comprehensive seafloor map of high-resolution bathymetry, marine benthic habitats, and geology within California’s State Waters. The program supports a large number of coastal-zone- and ocean-management issues, including the California Marine Life Protection Act (MLPA) (California Department of Fish and Wildlife, 2008), which requires information about the distribution of ... |
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California State Waters Map Series--Offshore of Half Moon Bay Web Services
In 2007, the California Ocean Protection Council initiated the California Seafloor Mapping Program (CSMP), designed to create a comprehensive seafloor map of high-resolution bathymetry, marine benthic habitats, and geology within California’s State Waters. The program supports a large number of coastal-zone- and ocean-management issues, including the California Marine Life Protection Act (MLPA) (California Department of Fish and Wildlife, 2008), which requires information about the distribution of ... |
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California State Waters Map Series--Hueneme Canyon Web Services
In 2007, the California Ocean Protection Council initiated the California Seafloor Mapping Program (CSMP), designed to create a comprehensive seafloor map of high-resolution bathymetry, marine benthic habitats, and geology within California’s State Waters. The program supports a large number of coastal-zone- and ocean-management issues, including the California Marine Life Protection Act (MLPA) (California Department of Fish and Wildlife, 2008), which requires information about the distribution of ... |
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California State Waters Map Series--Hueneme Canyon Web Services
In 2007, the California Ocean Protection Council initiated the California Seafloor Mapping Program (CSMP), designed to create a comprehensive seafloor map of high-resolution bathymetry, marine benthic habitats, and geology within California’s State Waters. The program supports a large number of coastal-zone- and ocean-management issues, including the California Marine Life Protection Act (MLPA) (California Department of Fish and Wildlife, 2008), which requires information about the distribution of ... |
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California State Waters Map Series--Offshore of Pacifica Web Services
In 2007, the California Ocean Protection Council initiated the California Seafloor Mapping Program (CSMP), designed to create a comprehensive seafloor map of high-resolution bathymetry, marine benthic habitats, and geology within California’s State Waters. The program supports a large number of coastal-zone- and ocean-management issues, including the California Marine Life Protection Act (MLPA) (California Department of Fish and Wildlife, 2008), which requires information about the distribution of ... |
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California State Waters Map Series--Offshore of Pacifica Web Services
In 2007, the California Ocean Protection Council initiated the California Seafloor Mapping Program (CSMP), designed to create a comprehensive seafloor map of high-resolution bathymetry, marine benthic habitats, and geology within California’s State Waters. The program supports a large number of coastal-zone- and ocean-management issues, including the California Marine Life Protection Act (MLPA) (California Department of Fish and Wildlife, 2008), which requires information about the distribution of ... |
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California State Waters Map Series--Offshore of Point Reyes Web Services
In 2007, the California Ocean Protection Council initiated the California Seafloor Mapping Program (CSMP), designed to create a comprehensive seafloor map of high-resolution bathymetry, marine benthic habitats, and geology within California’s State Waters. The program supports a large number of coastal-zone- and ocean-management issues, including the California Marine Life Protection Act (MLPA) (California Department of Fish and Wildlife, 2008), which requires information about the distribution of ... |
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California State Waters Map Series--Offshore of Point Reyes Web Services
In 2007, the California Ocean Protection Council initiated the California Seafloor Mapping Program (CSMP), designed to create a comprehensive seafloor map of high-resolution bathymetry, marine benthic habitats, and geology within California’s State Waters. The program supports a large number of coastal-zone- and ocean-management issues, including the California Marine Life Protection Act (MLPA) (California Department of Fish and Wildlife, 2008), which requires information about the distribution of ... |
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California State Waters Map Series--Offshore of Refugio Beach Web Services
In 2007, the California Ocean Protection Council initiated the California Seafloor Mapping Program (CSMP), designed to create a comprehensive seafloor map of high-resolution bathymetry, marine benthic habitats, and geology within California’s State Waters. The program supports a large number of coastal-zone- and ocean-management issues, including the California Marine Life Protection Act (MLPA) (California Department of Fish and Wildlife, 2008), which requires information about the distribution of ... |
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California State Waters Map Series--Offshore of Refugio Beach Web Services
In 2007, the California Ocean Protection Council initiated the California Seafloor Mapping Program (CSMP), designed to create a comprehensive seafloor map of high-resolution bathymetry, marine benthic habitats, and geology within California’s State Waters. The program supports a large number of coastal-zone- and ocean-management issues, including the California Marine Life Protection Act (MLPA) (California Department of Fish and Wildlife, 2008), which requires information about the distribution of ... |
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California State Waters Map Series--Salt Point to Drakes Bay Web Services
In 2007, the California Ocean Protection Council initiated the California Seafloor Mapping Program (CSMP), designed to create a comprehensive seafloor map of high-resolution bathymetry, marine benthic habitats, and geology within California’s State Waters. The program supports a large number of coastal-zone- and ocean-management issues, including the California Marine Life Protection Act (MLPA) (California Department of Fish and Wildlife, 2008), which requires information about the distribution of ... |
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California State Waters Map Series--Salt Point to Drakes Bay Web Services
In 2007, the California Ocean Protection Council initiated the California Seafloor Mapping Program (CSMP), designed to create a comprehensive seafloor map of high-resolution bathymetry, marine benthic habitats, and geology within California’s State Waters. The program supports a large number of coastal-zone- and ocean-management issues, including the California Marine Life Protection Act (MLPA) (California Department of Fish and Wildlife, 2008), which requires information about the distribution of ... |
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California State Waters Map Series--Offshore of Salt Point Web Services
In 2007, the California Ocean Protection Council initiated the California Seafloor Mapping Program (CSMP), designed to create a comprehensive seafloor map of high-resolution bathymetry, marine benthic habitats, and geology within California’s State Waters. The program supports a large number of coastal-zone- and ocean-management issues, including the California Marine Life Protection Act (MLPA) (California Department of Fish and Wildlife, 2008), which requires information about the distribution of ... |
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California State Waters Map Series--Offshore of Salt Point Web Services
In 2007, the California Ocean Protection Council initiated the California Seafloor Mapping Program (CSMP), designed to create a comprehensive seafloor map of high-resolution bathymetry, marine benthic habitats, and geology within California’s State Waters. The program supports a large number of coastal-zone- and ocean-management issues, including the California Marine Life Protection Act (MLPA) (California Department of Fish and Wildlife, 2008), which requires information about the distribution of ... |
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California State Waters Map Series--Offshore of San Francisco Web Services
In 2007, the California Ocean Protection Council initiated the California Seafloor Mapping Program (CSMP), designed to create a comprehensive seafloor map of high-resolution bathymetry, marine benthic habitats, and geology within California’s State Waters. The program supports a large number of coastal-zone- and ocean-management issues, including the California Marine Life Protection Act (MLPA) (California Department of Fish and Wildlife, 2008), which requires information about the distribution of ... |
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California State Waters Map Series--Offshore of San Francisco Web Services
In 2007, the California Ocean Protection Council initiated the California Seafloor Mapping Program (CSMP), designed to create a comprehensive seafloor map of high-resolution bathymetry, marine benthic habitats, and geology within California’s State Waters. The program supports a large number of coastal-zone- and ocean-management issues, including the California Marine Life Protection Act (MLPA) (California Department of Fish and Wildlife, 2008), which requires information about the distribution of ... |
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California State Waters Map Series--Santa Barbara Channel Web Services
In 2007, the California Ocean Protection Council initiated the California Seafloor Mapping Program (CSMP), designed to create a comprehensive seafloor map of high-resolution bathymetry, marine benthic habitats, and geology within California’s State Waters. The program supports a large number of coastal-zone- and ocean-management issues, including the California Marine Life Protection Act (MLPA) (California Department of Fish and Wildlife, 2008), which requires information about the distribution of ... |
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California State Waters Map Series--Santa Barbara Channel Web Services
In 2007, the California Ocean Protection Council initiated the California Seafloor Mapping Program (CSMP), designed to create a comprehensive seafloor map of high-resolution bathymetry, marine benthic habitats, and geology within California’s State Waters. The program supports a large number of coastal-zone- and ocean-management issues, including the California Marine Life Protection Act (MLPA) (California Department of Fish and Wildlife, 2008), which requires information about the distribution of ... |
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California State Waters Map Series--Offshore of Santa Barbara Web Services
In 2007, the California Ocean Protection Council initiated the California Seafloor Mapping Program (CSMP), designed to create a comprehensive seafloor map of high-resolution bathymetry, marine benthic habitats, and geology within California’s State Waters. The program supports a large number of coastal-zone- and ocean-management issues, including the California Marine Life Protection Act (MLPA) (California Department of Fish and Wildlife, 2008), which requires information about the distribution of ... |
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California State Waters Map Series--Offshore of Santa Barbara Web Services
In 2007, the California Ocean Protection Council initiated the California Seafloor Mapping Program (CSMP), designed to create a comprehensive seafloor map of high-resolution bathymetry, marine benthic habitats, and geology within California’s State Waters. The program supports a large number of coastal-zone- and ocean-management issues, including the California Marine Life Protection Act (MLPA) (California Department of Fish and Wildlife, 2008), which requires information about the distribution of ... |
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California State Waters Map Series--Offshore of Tomales Point Web Services
In 2007, the California Ocean Protection Council initiated the California Seafloor Mapping Program (CSMP), designed to create a comprehensive seafloor map of high-resolution bathymetry, marine benthic habitats, and geology within California’s State Waters. The program supports a large number of coastal-zone- and ocean-management issues, including the California Marine Life Protection Act (MLPA) (California Department of Fish and Wildlife, 2008), which requires information about the distribution of ... |
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California State Waters Map Series--Offshore of Tomales Point Web Services
In 2007, the California Ocean Protection Council initiated the California Seafloor Mapping Program (CSMP), designed to create a comprehensive seafloor map of high-resolution bathymetry, marine benthic habitats, and geology within California’s State Waters. The program supports a large number of coastal-zone- and ocean-management issues, including the California Marine Life Protection Act (MLPA) (California Department of Fish and Wildlife, 2008), which requires information about the distribution of ... |
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California State Waters Map Series--Offshore of Ventura Web Services
In 2007, the California Ocean Protection Council initiated the California Seafloor Mapping Program (CSMP), designed to create a comprehensive seafloor map of high-resolution bathymetry, marine benthic habitats, and geology within California’s State Waters. The program supports a large number of coastal-zone- and ocean-management issues, including the California Marine Life Protection Act (MLPA) (California Department of Fish and Wildlife, 2008), which requires information about the distribution of ... |
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California State Waters Map Series--Offshore of Ventura Web Services
In 2007, the California Ocean Protection Council initiated the California Seafloor Mapping Program (CSMP), designed to create a comprehensive seafloor map of high-resolution bathymetry, marine benthic habitats, and geology within California’s State Waters. The program supports a large number of coastal-zone- and ocean-management issues, including the California Marine Life Protection Act (MLPA) (California Department of Fish and Wildlife, 2008), which requires information about the distribution of ... |
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Lifespan of Massachusetts salt marsh units
Lifespan of salt marshes in Massachusetts (MA) are calculated using conceptual marsh units defined by Ackerman and others (2022). The lifespan calculation is based on estimated sediment supply and sea-level rise (SLR) predictions after Ganju and others (2020). Sea level predictions are local estimates which correspond to the 0.3, 0.5, and 1.0 meter increase in Global Mean Sea Level (GMSL) scenarios by 2100 from Sweet and others (2022). The U.S. Geological Survey has been expanding national assessment of ... |
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Seabeach Amaranth Presence-Absence Data, Assateague Island National Seashore, 2008
Seabeach amaranth (Amaranthus pumilus) is a federally threatened plant species that was once prevalent on beaches of the U.S. mid-Atlantic coast. To re-establish a population at Assateague Island National Seashore (ASIS), seabeach amaranth cultivars were planted by ASIS natural resources staff for three growing seasons from 1999 to 2001 and have been monitored since 2001. Characteristics of favorable seabeach amaranth locations were assessed by sampling barrier island and habitat characteristics at sites ... |
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Seabeach Amaranth Presence-Absence Data, Assateague Island National Seashore, 2010
Seabeach amaranth (Amaranthus pumilus) is a federally threatened plant species that was once prevalent on beaches of the U.S. mid-Atlantic coast. To re-establish a population at Assateague Island National Seashore (ASIS), seabeach amaranth cultivars were planted by ASIS natural resources staff for three growing seasons from 1999 to 2001 and have been monitored since 2001. Characteristics of favorable seabeach amaranth locations were assessed by sampling barrier island and habitat characteristics at sites ... |
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Seabeach Amaranth Presence-Absence Data, Assateague Island National Seashore, 2014
Seabeach amaranth (Amaranthus pumilus) is a federally threatened plant species that was once prevalent on beaches of the U.S. mid-Atlantic coast. To re-establish a population at Assateague Island National Seashore (ASIS), seabeach amaranth cultivars were planted by ASIS natural resources staff for three growing seasons from 1999 to 2001 and have been monitored since 2001. Characteristics of favorable seabeach amaranth locations were assessed by sampling barrier island and habitat characteristics at sites ... |
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Suspended-sediment concentration (SSC) and loss-on-ignition (LOI) data from water samples collected in 2014-15 by the U.S. Geological Survey in Chincoteague Bay, Maryland and Virginia
U.S. Geological Survey scientists and technical support staff measured oceanographic, water quality, seabed elevation change, and meteorological parameters in Chincoteague Bay, Maryland and Virginia, during the period of August 13, 2014 to July 14, 2015 as part of the Estuarine Physical Response (EPR) to Storms project (GS2-2D) supported by the Department of the Interior Hurricane Sandy Recovery program. These measurements provide time series and supplemental data to quantify the response and understand the ... |
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Coast Train--Labeled imagery for training and evaluation of data-driven models for image segmentation
Coast Train is a library of images of coastal environments, annotations, and corresponding thematic label masks (or ‘label images’) collated for the purposes of training and evaluating machine learning (ML), deep learning, and other models for image segmentation. It includes image sets from both geospatial satellite, aerial, and UAV imagery and orthomosaics, as well as non-geospatial oblique and nadir imagery. Images include a diverse range of coastal environments from the U.S. Pacific, Gulf of Mexico, ... |
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Barrier island geomorphology and seabeach amaranth metrics at 50-m alongshore transects, and 5-m cross-shore points for 2008 — Assateague Island, MD and VA.
Understanding how sea-level rise will affect coastal landforms and the species and habitats they support is critical for developing approaches that balance the needs of humans and native species. Given this increasing need to forecast sea-level rise effects on barrier islands in the near and long terms, we are developing Bayesian networks to evaluate and to forecast the effects of sea-level rise on shoreline change, barrier island geomorphology, and habitat availability for species such as piping plover ... |
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Assateague Island Seabeach Amaranth Survey Data — 2001 to 2018
Seabeach amaranth (Amaranthus pumilus) is a federally threatened plant species that was once prevalent on beaches of the U.S. mid-Atlantic coast. For much of the 20th century, seabeach amaranth was absent and thought to be extinct along this coast presumably due to development and recreational pressure. Few plants were observed over much of the 20th century and the species was federally listed as endangered in 1993. To re-establish a population, the Natural Resources staff at Assateague Island National ... |
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California State Waters Map Series--Offshore of Santa Cruz Web Services
In 2007, the California Ocean Protection Council initiated the California Seafloor Mapping Program (CSMP), designed to create a comprehensive seafloor map of high-resolution bathymetry, marine benthic habitats, and geology within California’s State Waters. The program supports a large number of coastal-zone- and ocean-management issues, including the California Marine Life Protection Act (MLPA) (California Department of Fish and Wildlife, 2008), which requires information about the distribution of ... |
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California State Waters Map Series--Offshore of Santa Cruz Web Services
In 2007, the California Ocean Protection Council initiated the California Seafloor Mapping Program (CSMP), designed to create a comprehensive seafloor map of high-resolution bathymetry, marine benthic habitats, and geology within California’s State Waters. The program supports a large number of coastal-zone- and ocean-management issues, including the California Marine Life Protection Act (MLPA) (California Department of Fish and Wildlife, 2008), which requires information about the distribution of ... |
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California State Waters Map Series--Offshore of San Gregorio Web Services
In 2007, the California Ocean Protection Council initiated the California Seafloor Mapping Program (CSMP), designed to create a comprehensive seafloor map of high-resolution bathymetry, marine benthic habitats, and geology within California’s State Waters. The program supports a large number of coastal-zone- and ocean-management issues, including the California Marine Life Protection Act (MLPA) (California Department of Fish and Wildlife, 2008), which requires information about the distribution of ... |
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California State Waters Map Series--Offshore of San Gregorio Web Services
In 2007, the California Ocean Protection Council initiated the California Seafloor Mapping Program (CSMP), designed to create a comprehensive seafloor map of high-resolution bathymetry, marine benthic habitats, and geology within California’s State Waters. The program supports a large number of coastal-zone- and ocean-management issues, including the California Marine Life Protection Act (MLPA) (California Department of Fish and Wildlife, 2008), which requires information about the distribution of ... |
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Baseline for the Virginia coastal region, generated to calculate shoreline change rates using the Digital Shoreline Analysis System version 5.1
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) has compiled national shoreline data for more than 20 years to document coastal change and serve the needs of research, management, and the public. Maintaining a record of historical shoreline positions is an effective method to monitor national shoreline evolution over time, enabling scientists to identify areas most susceptible to erosion or accretion. These data can help coastal managers and planners understand which areas of the coast are vulnerable to change. This ... |
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Experimental coral-growth data and time-series imagery for Acropora palmata and Pseudodiploria strigosa in St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Coral Reef Ecosystems Studies (CREST) project (https://coastal.er.usgs.gov/crest/) provides science that helps Department of Interior and other resource managers tasked with the stewardship of coral reef resources. This data release contains data on coral-growth rates and time-series photographs taken of colonies of the elkhorn coral, Acropora palmata, and the symmetrical brain coral, Pseudodiploria strigosa, grown at three sites at Buck Island Reef National Monument in St. ... |
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Shore Proximal Marsh Sediment Deposition and Ancillary Data From Grand Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve, Mississippi: grain size analysis
To better understand sediment deposition in marsh environments, scientists from the U.S. Geological Survey, St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (USGS-SPCMSC) selected four study sites (Sites 5, 6, 7, and 8) along the Point Aux Chenes Bay shoreline of the Grand Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve (GNDNERR), Mississippi. These datasets were collected to serve as baseline data prior to the installation of a living shoreline (a subtidal sill). Each site consisted of five plots located along a ... |
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RBR sensor pressure and tidal data for two sites in the coastal marsh at Grand Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve, Mississippi, from April 2019 through January 2020
To better understand sediment deposition in marsh environments, scientists from the U.S. Geological Survey, St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (USGS-SPCMSC) selected four study sites (Sites 5, 6, 7, and 8) along the Point Aux Chenes Bay shoreline of the Grand Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve (GNDNERR), Mississippi. These datasets were collected to serve as baseline data prior to the installation of a living shoreline (a subtidal sill). Each site consisted of five plots located along a ... |
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RBR sensor wave data for two sites in the coastal marsh at Grand Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve, Mississippi, from April 2019 through January 2020
To better understand sediment deposition in marsh environments, scientists from the U.S. Geological Survey, St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (USGS-SPCMSC) selected four study sites (Sites 5, 6, 7, and 8) along the Point Aux Chenes Bay shoreline of the Grand Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve (GNDNERR), Mississippi. These datasets were collected to serve as baseline data prior to the installation of a living shoreline (a subtidal sill). Each site consisted of five plots located along a ... |
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Vegetation survey in a coastal marsh at the Grand Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve, Mississippi
To better understand sediment deposition in marsh environments, scientists from the U.S. Geological Survey, St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (USGS-SPCMSC) selected four study sites (Sites 5, 6, 7, and 8) along the Point Aux Chenes Bay shoreline of the Grand Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve, Mississippi (GNDNERR). These datasets were collected to serve as baseline data prior to the installation of a living shoreline (a subtidal sill). Each site consisted of five plots located along a ... |
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Grain size and charcoal abundance in sediment samples from Los Padres reservoir, Carmel River watershed, California
Sediment samples were collected from Los Padres reservoir in the Carmel River watershed, central California coast, between July 11 and 17, 2017, using a CME-45 barge-mounted drill rig, to characterize sedimentary properties in the reservoir deposits following the Soberanes Fire of 2016 and high river flows in winter 2017. Borehole samples were recovered using direct push coring with an Osterberg piston sampler operated by Taber Drilling Company of Sacramento, California, and overseen by AECOM, Inc. Sediment ... |
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Inventory of Managed Coastal Wetlands in Delaware Bay and Delaware's Inland Bays
This data release contains areas within Delaware Bay and Delaware Inland Bays that are within tidal elevations, as determined by the Highest Astronomical Tide (HAT), but that are classified as non-tidal or managed wetlands by the National Wetlands Inventory (NWI) or as non-estuarine by the 2016 Coastal Change Analysis Program (C-CAP) land cover dataset. These areas have been assigned the classification codes of NWI, where available, and C-CAP. These data are based on a 5m resolution elevation raster from ... |
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Experimental coral-physiology data for Acropora palmata in Florida, U.S.A.
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Coral Reef Ecosystems Studies (CREST) project (https://coastal.er.usgs.gov/crest/) provides science that helps Department of Interior and other resource managers tasked with the stewardship of coral reef resources. This data release contains data on coral physiology of the elkhorn coral, Acropora palmata, grown at five sites along the Florida outer reef tract including in Biscayne National Park, the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary, and Dry Tortugas National Park, ... |
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Geochemistry of fine sediment from San Francisco Bay shoals (2012) and tributaries (2010, 2012, 2013)
Elemental chemistry and weight percent of the less than 0.063 mm fine sediment fraction are reported for surface sediments from shoals, the ebb tide delta, local tributaries, and inland rivers that carry sediment to San Francisco Bay, California. |
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Grain-size data from core S3-15G, Monterey Fan, Central California
This data release presents sediment grain-size data from samples collected from core S3-15G, a 4.72-m long gravity core collected at a depth of 3,491 meters on the western levy of the Monterey Fan on May 31, 1978 (USGS Field Activity S-3-78-SC). |
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Geochemistry of authigenic carbonates from Cascadia Margin
Geochemical analysis of authigenic carbonates from the Cascadia Subduction Zone. Powdered carbonate samples for stable carbon (delta-C-13) and oxygen (delta-O-18) isotopes and carbonate phase were analyzed as a proxy for potential fluid sources, and to better understand how process, such as mixing, and oxidation, can alter the initial fluid isotopic composition and the archived fluid-source signature in the authigenic carbonates. |
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AllScenarios_Bin1thru18_SSC: Modeling the Effects of Interior Headland Restoration on Estuarine Sediment Transport Processes in a Marine-Dominant Estuary: Delft3D Model Output
The effects of interior headland restoration on estuarine sediment transport processes are assessed through process-based numerical modeling. Three proposed interior headland restoration scenarios in the Grand Bay estuary (Mississippi/Alabama) are modeled using Delft3D (developed by Deltares) to understand impacts on suspended sediment concentrations, bed level morphology and sediment fluxes under present-day conditions and a sea level rise of 0.5 meters (m). Delft3D model output of suspended sediment ... |
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AllScenarios_Initial_and_Final_Bed_Elevations: Modeling the Effects of Interior Headland Restoration on Estuarine Sediment Transport Processes in a Marine-Dominant Estuary: Delft3D Model Output
The effects of interior headland restoration on estuarine sediment transport processes are assessed through process-based numerical modeling. Three proposed interior headland restoration scenarios in the Grand Bay estuary (Mississippi/Alabama) are modeled using Delft3D (developed by Deltares) to understand impacts on suspended sediment concentrations, bed level morphology and sediment fluxes under present-day conditions and a sea level rise of 0.5 meters (m). Delft3D model output of suspended sediment ... |
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AllScenarios_Sediment_Fluxes: Modeling the Effects of Interior Headland Restoration on Estuarine Sediment Transport Processes in a Marine-Dominant Estuary: Delft3D Model Output
The effects of interior headland restoration on estuarine sediment transport processes are assessed through process-based numerical modeling. Three proposed interior headland restoration scenarios in the Grand Bay estuary (Mississippi/Alabama) are modeled using Delft3D (developed by Deltares) to understand impacts on suspended sediment concentrations, bed level morphology and sediment fluxes under present-day conditions and a sea level rise of 0.5 meters (m). Delft3D model output of suspended sediment ... |
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AllScenarios_Spatial_Flow: Modeling the Effects of Interior Headland Restoration on Estuarine Sediment Transport Processes in a Marine-Dominant Estuary: Delft3D Model Output
The effects of interior headland restoration on estuarine sediment transport processes are assessed through process-based numerical modeling. Three proposed interior headland restoration scenarios in the Grand Bay estuary (Mississippi/Alabama) are modeled using Delft3D (developed by Deltares) to understand impacts on suspended sediment concentrations, bed level morphology and sediment fluxes under present-day conditions and a sea level rise of 0.5 meters (m). Delft3D model output of suspended sediment ... |
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AllScenarios_Spatial_Waves: Modeling the Effects of Interior Headland Restoration on Estuarine Sediment Transport Processes in a Marine-Dominant Estuary: Delft3D Model Output
The effects of interior headland restoration on estuarine sediment transport processes are assessed through process-based numerical modeling. Three proposed interior headland restoration scenarios in the Grand Bay estuary (Mississippi/Alabama) are modeled using Delft3D (developed by Deltares to understand impacts on suspended sediment concentrations, bed level morphology and sediment fluxes under present-day conditions and a sea level rise of 0.5 meters (m). Delft3D model output of suspended sediment ... |
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GrandBayModel_InputBathymetry: Modeling the Effects of Interior Headland Restoration on Estuarine Sediment Transport Processes in a Marine-Dominant Estuary: Delft3D Model Output
The effects of interior headland restoration on estuarine sediment transport processes are assessed through process-based numerical modeling. Three proposed interior headland restoration scenarios in the Grand Bay estuary (Mississippi/Alabama) are modeled using Delft3D (developed by Deltares) to understand impacts on suspended sediment concentrations, bed level morphology and sediment fluxes under present-day conditions and a sea level rise of 0.5 meters (m). Delft3D model output of suspended sediment ... |
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GrandBay_ValidationPeriod_Wave_WaterLevel: Modeling the Effects of Interior Headland Restoration on Estuarine Sediment Transport Processes in a Marine-Dominant Estuary: Delft3D Model Output
The effects of interior headland restoration on estuarine sediment transport processes are assessed through process-based numerical modeling. Three proposed interior headland restoration scenarios in the Grand Bay estuary (Mississippi/Alabama) are modeled using Delft3D (developed by Deltares) to understand impacts on suspended sediment concentrations, bed level morphology and sediment fluxes under present-day conditions and a sea level rise of 0.5 meters (m). Delft3D model output of suspended sediment ... |
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Baseline for the South Carolina coastal region, generated to calculate shoreline change rates using the Digital Shoreline Analysis System version 5.1
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) has compiled national shoreline data for more than 20 years to document coastal change and serve the needs of research, management, and the public. Maintaining a record of historical shoreline positions is an effective method to monitor national shoreline evolution over time, enabling scientists to identify areas most susceptible to erosion or accretion. These data can help coastal managers and planners understand which areas of the coast are vulnerable to change. This ... |
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SC Bias Feature – Feature class containing South Carolina proxy-datum bias information to be used in the Digital Shoreline Analysis System
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) has compiled national shoreline data for more than 20 years to document coastal change and serve the needs of research, management, and the public. Maintaining a record of historical shoreline positions is an effective method to monitor national shoreline evolution over time, enabling scientists to identify areas most susceptible to erosion or accretion. These data can help coastal managers and planners understand which areas of the coast are vulnerable to change. This ... |
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Intersects for the coastal region of South Carolina generated to calculate long-term shoreline change rates using the Digital Shoreline Analysis System version 5.1
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) has compiled national shoreline data for more than 20 years to document coastal change and serve the needs of research, management, and the public. Maintaining a record of historical shoreline positions is an effective method to monitor national shoreline evolution over time, enabling scientists to identify areas most susceptible to erosion or accretion. These data can help coastal managers and planners understand which areas of the coast are vulnerable to change. This ... |
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Intersects for coastal region of South Carolina generated to calculate short-term shoreline change rates using the Digital Shoreline Analysis System version 5.1
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) has compiled national shoreline data for more than 20 years to document coastal change and serve the needs of research, management, and the public. Maintaining a record of historical shoreline positions is an effective method to monitor national shoreline evolution over time, enabling scientists to identify areas most susceptible to erosion or accretion. These data can help coastal managers and planners understand which areas of the coast are vulnerable to change. This ... |
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Long-term shoreline change rate transects for the South Carolina coastal region, calculated with and without the proxy-datum bias using the Digital Shoreline Analysis System version 5.1
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) has compiled national shoreline data for more than 20 years to document coastal change and serve the needs of research, management, and the public. Maintaining a record of historical shoreline positions is an effective method to monitor national shoreline evolution over time, enabling scientists to identify areas most susceptible to erosion or accretion. These data can help coastal managers and planners understand which areas of the coast are vulnerable to change. This ... |
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Short-term shoreline change rate transects for the South Carolina coastal region using the Digital Shoreline Analysis System version 5.1
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) has compiled national shoreline data for more than 20 years to document coastal change and serve the needs of research, management, and the public. Maintaining a record of historical shoreline positions is an effective method to monitor national shoreline evolution over time, enabling scientists to identify areas most susceptible to erosion or accretion. These data can help coastal managers and planners understand which areas of the coast are vulnerable to change. This ... |
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2010 lidar-derived mean high water shoreline for the coast of South Carolina
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) has compiled national shoreline data for more than 20 years to document coastal change and serve the needs of research, management, and the public. Maintaining a record of historical shoreline positions is an effective method to monitor national shoreline evolution over time, enabling scientists to identify areas most susceptible to erosion or accretion. These data can help coastal managers and planners understand which areas of the coast are vulnerable to change. This ... |
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2017-2018 lidar-derived mean high water shoreline for the coast of South Carolina
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) has compiled national shoreline data for more than 20 years to document coastal change and serve the needs of research, management, and the public. Maintaining a record of historical shoreline positions is an effective method to monitor national shoreline evolution over time, enabling scientists to identify areas most susceptible to erosion or accretion. These data can help coastal managers and planners understand which areas of the coast are vulnerable to change. This ... |
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Sedimentologic Data from Point aux Chenes Marsh and Estuary, Mississippi (18CCT09)
Sediment samples, including marsh and estuarine surface samples and marsh push and peat-auger cores, were collected from Point aux Chenes, Mississippi from October 23-26, 2018, and August 4, 2021. Marsh surface samples (top 1 centimeter (cm) of sediment; sample names appended with S), marsh push cores (core names appended with M) and peat-auger cores (core names appended with R) were collected along 50-meter (m), shore perpendicular, transects identified as sites 5, 6, 7, and 9. All samples in the dataset ... |
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Sedimentologic Data from Point aux Chenes Marsh and Estuary, Mississippi (21CCT02)
Sediment samples, including marsh and estuarine surface samples and marsh push and peat-auger cores, were collected from Point aux Chenes, Mississippi from October 23-26, 2018, and August 4, 2021. Marsh surface samples (top 1 centimeter (cm) of sediment; sample names appended with S), marsh push cores (core names appended with M) and peat-auger cores (core names appended with R) were collected along 50-meter (m), shore perpendicular, transects identified as sites 5, 6, 7, and 9. All samples in the dataset ... |
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Eelgrass and substrate characteristics in Bellingham Bay, Washington, July 2019
Eelgrass (Zostera marina) characteristics, sediment grain size distributions, sediment total organic carbon contents (TOC), carbon isotope ratios of sediment organic matter, and total carbon to total nitrogen ratios were measured at four lower intertidal sites in Bellingham Bay, Washington, July 2-5, 2019. |
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Substrate properties for invertebrate comparisons in Bellingham Bay, Washington, July 2019 and July-August 2020
Sediment grain-size distributions and total organic carbon contents were measured at four intertidal sites and three subtidal sites along the urban waterfront (east shore) of Bellingham Bay, Washington, July 3-11, 2019 and June 6-August 31, 2020. Intertidal substrate was sampled in eelgrass beds, and subtidal substrate was sampled inside and outside of the deep edge of eelgrass beds. |
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Geochemistry of surface sediment and sediment cores in Bellingham Bay, Whatcom County, Washington, in February 2020
Geochemical data are reported for surface sediments and long sediment cores from Bellingham Bay, Whatcom County, Washington, collected in early February 2020 after flood conditions on the Nooksack River. Data include total organic carbon content (TOC), carbonate content (CaCO3), ratios of stable carbon 13/12 isotopes (d13C), ratios of total carbon to total nitrogen (C:N), short-lived cosmogenic radionuclide activities (Beryllium-7, Cesium-137, and excess Lead-210), and elemental chemistry. |
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Intrinsic and Extrinsic Calibration Data From USGS CoastCam deployed at Madeira Beach, Florida
A digital video camera was installed at Madeira Beach, Florida (FL) and faced west along the beach. Every hour during daylight hours, daily from 2017 to 2022, the camera collected raw video and produced snapshots and time-averaged image products. This data release includes the necessary intrinsic orientation (IO) and extrinsic orientation (EO) calibration data to utilize imagery to make quantitative measurements. The camera is part of a U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) research project to study the beach and ... |
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Imagery from USGS CoastCam deployed at Madeira Beach, Florida
A digital video camera was installed at Madeira Beach, Florida (FL) and faced west along the beach. Every hour during daylight hours, daily from 2017 to 2022, the camera collected raw video and produced snapshots and time-averaged image products. The images included in this data release were collected from January 21, 2017, to December 31, 2017. The camera is part of a U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) research project to study the beach and nearshore environment. USGS researchers analyzed the imagery collected ... |
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Rain measurements in and near the Dolan Fire Area, Los Padres National Forest, California, 2022 to 2023
Rainfall measurements were collected in and near the Dolan Fire burn area, Los Padres National Forest, California. The CZU Fire ignited in Los Padres National Forest, California, on August 18, 2020. By the time of full containment on December 31, 2020, the fire had burned 518 km2 (128,050 acres) in Monterey County. The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) installed seven rain gages in and near the Dolan Fire burn area in October 2021 to measure rainfall during two post-fire wet seasons. This data release contains ... |
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Sediment grain-size data from the Klamath estuary, California
This data release includes grain-size measurements of sediment samples collected from the substrate surface and uppermost 10 cm of sediment deposits in the Klamath estuary, northern California. Samples were collected using a BMH-60 bed-material sampler deployed from a boat, or by hand trowel from subaerial or shallow-water (less than 0.5 m water depth) regions along the estuary margins and side channels. Sediment grain size was analyzed at the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) laboratory in Santa Cruz, Calif. ... |
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210Pb and 137Cs measurements from core 721-1 obtained in 2002 off San Francisquito Creek in South San Francisco Bay
This data release provides 210Pb and 137Cs measurements in sediments of a core obtained off San Francisquito Creek in South San Francisco Bay. |
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Census counts of diatoms from core 721-1 obtained in 2002 off San Francisquito Creek in South San Francisco Bay
This data release provides census counts of diatoms in sediments of a core obtained off San Francisquito Creek in South San Francisco Bay. |
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Census counts of benthic foraminifera from core 721-1 obtained in 2002 off San Francisquito Creek in South San Francisco Bay
This data release provides census counts of benthic foraminifera in sediments of a core obtained off San Francisquito Creek in South San Francisco Bay. |
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Anthropogenic metals and other elements from core 721-1 obtained in 2002 off San Francisquito Creek in South San Francisco Bay
This data release provides the measurement of anthropogenic metals and other elements in sediments of a core obtained off San Francisquito Creek in South San Francisco Bay. |
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Census counts of palynomorphs from core 721-1 obtained in 2002 off San Francisquito Creek in South San Francisco Bay
This data release provides census counts of palynomorphs in sediments of a core obtained off San Francisquito Creek in South San Francisco Bay. |
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Radiocarbon measurements from core 721-1 obtained in 2002 off San Francisquito Creek in South San Francisco Bay
This data release provides radiocarbon measurements from a core obtained off San Francisquito Creek in South San Francisco Bay. |
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Gulf of Mexico Sediment Trap Foraminifera Data
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) deployed a sediment trap (McLane PARFLUX 78H) mooring in the northern Gulf of Mexico (27.5 °N and 90.3°W, water depth 1150 meters [m]) in January 2008 to collect seasonal time-series data on the flux and assemblage composition of planktic foraminifers. The trap was positioned in the water column at a depth of 700 m on the mooring cable to enable the collection of deeper dwelling species of planktic foraminifera. The trap contains 21 collection cups that were programmed to ... |
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2008-2017 Globigerinoides ruber Sediment Trap Data Collected from the Gulf of Mexico
This data release includes results of a high-resolution (1–2 weeks) and long-term sediment trap time series collected from the northern Gulf of Mexico. This dataset allows for a detailed assessment of the seasonal distribution, size, morphological variability and geochemistry of co-occurring pink and white chromotypes of the shallow-water foraminifera, Globigerinoides ruber. The flux of both chromotypes is highly correlated, and both represent mean annual conditions in the marine surface mixed layer. ... |
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Globorotalia truncatulinoides Sediment Trap Data in the Gulf of Mexico
Modern observations of planktic foraminifera from sediment trap studies help to constrain the regional ecology of paleoceanographically valuable species. Results from a weekly-resolved sediment trap time series (2008–2014) in the northern Gulf of Mexico demonstrate that 92% of Globorotalia truncatulinoides flux occurs in winter (January, February, and March), and that encrusted and non-encrusted individuals represent calcification in distinct depth habitats. Individual foraminiferal analysis (IFA) of G. ... |
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Radiocarbon age dating of biological material from cores collected off central California in 1999, 2006, and 2019
Results of radiocarbon age dating of planktic and benthic foraminifera collected from cores obtained in 1999, 2006, and 2019 offshore central California in the vicinity of Morro Bay. |
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CMECS geoform, CMECS substrate, and surficial geology offshore of the Eel River
This part of USGS Data Series 781 presents substrate, geomorphic, and geologic attributed polygons in the Offshore of the Eel River, California, map area, one of 83 map areas of the California State Waters Map Series. The polygons are derived from multibeam echosounder (MBES) data and derivatives of that data using video-supervised and unsupervised classification. Attributes and attribute values are named following the Coastal and Marine Ecological Classification Standard (CMECS; Federal Geographic Data ... |
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Conceptual marsh units of Connecticut salt marshes
This data release contains coastal wetland synthesis products for the state of Connecticut. Metrics for resiliency, including the unvegetated to vegetated ratio (UVVR), marsh elevation, tidal range, wave power, and exposure potential to environmental health stressors are calculated for smaller units delineated from a digital elevation model, providing the spatial variability of physical factors that influence wetland health. The U.S. Geological Survey has been expanding national assessment of coastal change ... |
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Elevation of marsh units in Connecticut salt marshes
This data release contains coastal wetland synthesis products for the state of Connecticut. Metrics for resiliency, including the unvegetated to vegetated ratio (UVVR), marsh elevation, tidal range, wave power, and exposure potential to environmental health stressors are calculated for smaller units delineated from a digital elevation model, providing the spatial variability of physical factors that influence wetland health. The U.S. Geological Survey has been expanding national assessment of coastal change ... |
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Mean tidal range of marsh units in Connecticut salt marshes
This data release contains coastal wetland synthesis products for the state of Connecticut. Metrics for resiliency, including the unvegetated to vegetated ratio (UVVR), marsh elevation, tidal range, wave power, and exposure potential to environmental health stressors are calculated for smaller units delineated from a digital elevation model, providing the spatial variability of physical factors that influence wetland health. The U.S. Geological Survey has been expanding national assessment of coastal change ... |
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Unvegetated to vegetated ratio of marsh units in Connecticut salt marshes
This data release contains coastal wetland synthesis products for the state of Connecticut. Metrics for resiliency, including the unvegetated to vegetated ratio (UVVR), marsh elevation, tidal range, wave power, and exposure potential to environmental health stressors are calculated for smaller units delineated from a digital elevation model, providing the spatial variability of physical factors that influence wetland health. The U.S. Geological Survey has been expanding national assessment of coastal change ... |
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Wave power on marsh units in Connecticut salt marshes
This data release contains coastal wetland synthesis products for the state of Connecticut. Metrics for resiliency, including the unvegetated to vegetated ratio (UVVR), marsh elevation, tidal range, wave power, and exposure potential to environmental health stressors are calculated for smaller units delineated from a digital elevation model, providing the spatial variability of physical factors that influence wetland health. The U.S. Geological Survey has been expanding national assessment of coastal change ... |
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Baseline for the North Carolina coastal region from Cape Hatteras to Cape Lookout (NCcentral)
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) has compiled national shoreline data for more than 20 years to document coastal change and serve the needs of research, management, and the public. Maintaining a record of historical shoreline positions is an effective method to monitor national shoreline evolution over time, enabling scientists to identify areas most susceptible to erosion or accretion. These data can help coastal managers and planners understand which areas of the coast are vulnerable to change. This ... |
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Bias feature containing proxy-datum bias information to be used in the Digital Shoreline Analysis System for the central coast of North Carolina from Cape Hatteras to Cape Lookout (NCcentral)
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) has compiled national shoreline data for more than 20 years to document coastal change and serve the needs of research, management, and the public. Maintaining a record of historical shoreline positions is an effective method to monitor national shoreline evolution over time, enabling scientists to identify areas most susceptible to erosion or accretion. These data can help coastal managers and planners understand which areas of the coast are vulnerable to change. This ... |
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Long and short-term shoreline intersect points for the central coast of North Carolina (NCcentral), calculated using the Digital Shoreline Analysis System version 5.1
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) has compiled national shoreline data for more than 20 years to document coastal change and serve the needs of research, management, and the public. Maintaining a record of historical shoreline positions is an effective method to monitor national shoreline evolution over time, enabling scientists to identify areas most susceptible to erosion or accretion. These data can help coastal managers and planners understand which areas of the coast are vulnerable to change. This ... |
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Long and short-term shoreline change rate transects for the central North Carolina coastal region (NCcentral), calculated with and without the proxy-datum bias using the Digital Shoreline Analysis System version 5.1
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) has compiled national shoreline data for more than 20 years to document coastal change and serve the needs of research, management, and the public. Maintaining a record of historical shoreline positions is an effective method to monitor national shoreline evolution over time, enabling scientists to identify areas most susceptible to erosion or accretion. These data can help coastal managers and planners understand which areas of the coast are vulnerable to change. This ... |
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2017 lidar-derived mean high water shoreline for the coast of North Carolina from Cape Hatteras to Cape Lookout (NCcentral)
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) has compiled national shoreline data for more than 20 years to document coastal change and serve the needs of research, management, and the public. Maintaining a record of historical shoreline positions is an effective method to monitor national shoreline evolution over time, enabling scientists to identify areas most susceptible to erosion or accretion. These data can help coastal managers and planners understand which areas of the coast are vulnerable to change. This ... |
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Baseline for the North Carolina coastal region from the Virginia border to Cape Hatteras (NCnorth)
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) has compiled national shoreline data for more than 20 years to document coastal change and serve the needs of research, management, and the public. Maintaining a record of historical shoreline positions is an effective method to monitor national shoreline evolution over time, enabling scientists to identify areas most susceptible to erosion or accretion. These data can help coastal managers and planners understand which areas of the coast are vulnerable to change. This ... |
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Bias feature containing proxy-datum bias information to be used in the Digital Shoreline Analysis System for the northern coast of North Carolina from the Virginia border to Cape Hatteras (NCnorth)
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) has compiled national shoreline data for more than 20 years to document coastal change and serve the needs of research, management, and the public. Maintaining a record of historical shoreline positions is an effective method to monitor national shoreline evolution over time, enabling scientists to identify areas most susceptible to erosion or accretion. These data can help coastal managers and planners understand which areas of the coast are vulnerable to change. This ... |
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Long and short-term shoreline intersect points for the northern coast of North Carolina (NCnorth), calculated using the Digital Shoreline Analysis System version 5.1
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) has compiled national shoreline data for more than 20 years to document coastal change and serve the needs of research, management, and the public. Maintaining a record of historical shoreline positions is an effective method to monitor national shoreline evolution over time, enabling scientists to identify areas most susceptible to erosion or accretion. These data can help coastal managers and planners understand which areas of the coast are vulnerable to change. This ... |
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Long and short-term shoreline change rate transects for the northern North Carolina coastal region (NCnorth), calculated with and without the proxy-datum bias using the Digital Shoreline Analysis System version 5.1
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) has compiled national shoreline data for more than 20 years to document coastal change and serve the needs of research, management, and the public. Maintaining a record of historical shoreline positions is an effective method to monitor national shoreline evolution over time, enabling scientists to identify areas most susceptible to erosion or accretion. These data can help coastal managers and planners understand which areas of the coast are vulnerable to change. This ... |
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2017 lidar-derived mean high water shoreline for the coast of North Carolina from the Virginia border to Cape Hatteras (NCnorth)
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) has compiled national shoreline data for more than 20 years to document coastal change and serve the needs of research, management, and the public. Maintaining a record of historical shoreline positions is an effective method to monitor national shoreline evolution over time, enabling scientists to identify areas most susceptible to erosion or accretion. These data can help coastal managers and planners understand which areas of the coast are vulnerable to change. This ... |
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Baseline for the North Carolina coastal region from Cape Lookout to Cape Fear (NCsouth)
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) has compiled national shoreline data for more than 20 years to document coastal change and serve the needs of research, management, and the public. Maintaining a record of historical shoreline positions is an effective method to monitor national shoreline evolution over time, enabling scientists to identify areas most susceptible to erosion or accretion. These data can help coastal managers and planners understand which areas of the coast are vulnerable to change. This ... |
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Bias feature containing proxy-datum bias information to be used in the Digital Shoreline Analysis System for the southern coast of North Carolina from Cape Lookout to Cape Fear (NCsouth)
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) has compiled national shoreline data for more than 20 years to document coastal change and serve the needs of research, management, and the public. Maintaining a record of historical shoreline positions is an effective method to monitor national shoreline evolution over time, enabling scientists to identify areas most susceptible to erosion or accretion. These data can help coastal managers and planners understand which areas of the coast are vulnerable to change. This ... |
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Long and short-term shoreline intersect points for the southern coast of North Carolina (NCsouth), calculated using the Digital Shoreline Analysis System version 5.1
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) has compiled national shoreline data for more than 20 years to document coastal change and serve the needs of research, management, and the public. Maintaining a record of historical shoreline positions is an effective method to monitor national shoreline evolution over time, enabling scientists to identify areas most susceptible to erosion or accretion. These data can help coastal managers and planners understand which areas of the coast are vulnerable to change. This ... |
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Long and short-term shoreline change rate transects for the southern North Carolina coastal region (NCsouth), calculated with and without the proxy-datum bias using the Digital Shoreline Analysis System version 5.1
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) has compiled national shoreline data for more than 20 years to document coastal change and serve the needs of research, management, and the public. Maintaining a record of historical shoreline positions is an effective method to monitor national shoreline evolution over time, enabling scientists to identify areas most susceptible to erosion or accretion. These data can help coastal managers and planners understand which areas of the coast are vulnerable to change. This ... |
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2017 lidar-derived mean high water shoreline for the southern coast of North Carolina from Cape Lookout to Cape Fear (NCsouth)
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) has compiled national shoreline data for more than 20 years to document coastal change and serve the needs of research, management, and the public. Maintaining a record of historical shoreline positions is an effective method to monitor national shoreline evolution over time, enabling scientists to identify areas most susceptible to erosion or accretion. These data can help coastal managers and planners understand which areas of the coast are vulnerable to change. This ... |
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Baseline for the North Carolina coastal region from Cape Fear to the South Carolina border (NCwest)
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) has compiled national shoreline data for more than 20 years to document coastal change and serve the needs of research, management, and the public. Maintaining a record of historical shoreline positions is an effective method to monitor national shoreline evolution over time, enabling scientists to identify areas most susceptible to erosion or accretion. These data can help coastal managers and planners understand which areas of the coast are vulnerable to change. This ... |
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Bias feature containing proxy-datum bias information to be used in the Digital Shoreline Analysis System for the western coast of North Carolina from Cape Fear to the South Carolina border (NCwest)
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) has compiled national shoreline data for more than 20 years to document coastal change and serve the needs of research, management, and the public. Maintaining a record of historical shoreline positions is an effective method to monitor national shoreline evolution over time, enabling scientists to identify areas most susceptible to erosion or accretion. These data can help coastal managers and planners understand which areas of the coast are vulnerable to change. This ... |
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Long and short-term shoreline intersect points for the western coast of North Carolina (NCwest), calculated using the Digital Shoreline Analysis System version 5.1
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) has compiled national shoreline data for more than 20 years to document coastal change and serve the needs of research, management, and the public. Maintaining a record of historical shoreline positions is an effective method to monitor national shoreline evolution over time, enabling scientists to identify areas most susceptible to erosion or accretion. These data can help coastal managers and planners understand which areas of the coast are vulnerable to change. This ... |
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Long and short-term shoreline change rate transects for the western North Carolina coastal region (NCwest), calculated with and without the proxy-datum bias using the Digital Shoreline Analysis System version 5.1
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) has compiled national shoreline data for more than 20 years to document coastal change and serve the needs of research, management, and the public. Maintaining a record of historical shoreline positions is an effective method to monitor national shoreline evolution over time, enabling scientists to identify areas most susceptible to erosion or accretion. These data can help coastal managers and planners understand which areas of the coast are vulnerable to change. This ... |
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2017 lidar-derived mean high water shoreline for the coast of North Carolina from Cape Fear to the South Carolina border (NCwest)
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) has compiled national shoreline data for more than 20 years to document coastal change and serve the needs of research, management, and the public. Maintaining a record of historical shoreline positions is an effective method to monitor national shoreline evolution over time, enabling scientists to identify areas most susceptible to erosion or accretion. These data can help coastal managers and planners understand which areas of the coast are vulnerable to change. This ... |
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CMECS geoform, CMECS substrate, and surficial geology offshore of Cape Mendocino
This shapefile has substrate, geomorphic, and geologic attributed polygons in the Offshore of Cape Mendocino, California, map area, one of 83 map areas of the California State Waters Map Series, USGS Data Series 781 (Golden, 2019). The polygons are derived from multibeam echosounder (MBES) data and derivatives of that data using video-supervised and unsupervised classification. Attributes and attribute values are named following the Coastal and Marine Ecological Classification Standard (CMECS; Federal ... |
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CMECS geoform, CMECS substrate, and surficial geology offshore of Point Estero (ver. 1.1, November 2023)
This substrate, geomorphic, and geologic attributed polygon shapefile in the Offshore of Eureka, California, map area is part of USGS Data Series 781 (Golden and Cochrane, 2019). The map area is one of 83 map areas of the California State Waters Map Series. The polygons are derived from multibeam echosounder (MBES) data and derivatives of that data using video-supervised and unsupervised classification. Attributes and attribute values are named following the Coastal and Marine Ecological Classification ... |
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Lead, Radium, Cesium, and Thorium isotope activity in sediment samples from Los Padres reservoir, Carmel River watershed, California
Sediment samples were collected from Los Padres reservoir in the Carmel River watershed, central California coast, between July 11 and 17, 2017, using a CME-45 barge-mounted drill rig, to characterize sedimentary properties in the reservoir deposits following the Soberanes Fire of 2016 and high river flows in winter 2017. Borehole samples were recovered using direct push coring with an Osterberg piston sampler operated by Taber Drilling Company of Sacramento, California, and overseen by AECOM, Inc. Sediment ... |
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Sediment grain size at river outlets along the California coast
Fluvial sediment samples were collected from the lowermost reaches of 21 coastal watersheds in California, in order to characterize surficial grain size of river sediment from deposits that appeared to be recent based on field context. Samples were collected using a trowel to sample the uppermost 10 cm of sediment. Sampled locations included river-deposited sediment, upstream of tidal influence. Samples excluded coarse gravel and cobble grain sizes, if present. The watersheds selected for sampling have ... |
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CMECS geoform, CMECS substrate, and surficial geology offshore of Morro Bay (ver. 1.1, January 2024)
This part of USGS Data Series 781 presents substrate, geomorphic, and geologic attributed polygons in the Offshore of Morro Bay, California, map area, one of 83 map areas of the California State Waters Map Series. The polygons are derived from multibeam echosounder (MBES) data and derivatives of that data using video-supervised and unsupervised classification. Attributes and attribute values are named following the Coastal and Marine Ecological Classification Standard (CMECS; Federal Geographic Data ... |
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CMECS geoform, CMECS substrate, and surficial geology offshore of Point Buchon (ver. 1.1, January 2024)
This shapefile has substrate, geomorphic, and geologic attributed polygons in the Offshore of Point Buchon, California, map area, one of 83 map areas of the California State Waters Map Series, USGS Data Series 781 (Golden and Cochrane, 2019). The polygons are derived from multibeam echosounder (MBES) data and derivatives of that data using video-supervised and unsupervised classification. Attributes and attribute values are named following the Coastal and Marine Ecological Classification Standard (CMECS; ... |
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Conceptual marsh units of Maine salt marshes
This data release contains coastal wetland synthesis products for the state of Maine. Metrics for resiliency, including the unvegetated to vegetated ratio (UVVR), marsh elevation, tidal range, and lifespan, are calculated for smaller units delineated from a digital elevation model, providing the spatial variability of physical factors that influence wetland health. The U.S. Geological Survey has been expanding national assessment of coastal change hazards and forecast products to coastal wetlands with the ... |
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Elevation of marsh units in Maine salt marshes
This data release contains coastal wetland synthesis products for the state of Maine. Metrics for resiliency, including the unvegetated to vegetated ratio (UVVR), marsh elevation, tidal range, and lifespan, are calculated for smaller units delineated from a digital elevation model, providing the spatial variability of physical factors that influence wetland health. The U.S. Geological Survey has been expanding national assessment of coastal change hazards and forecast products to coastal wetlands with the ... |
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Lifespan of marsh units in Maine salt marshes
This data release contains coastal wetland synthesis products for the state of Maine. Metrics for resiliency, including the unvegetated to vegetated ratio (UVVR), marsh elevation, tidal range, and lifespan, are calculated for smaller units delineated from a digital elevation model, providing the spatial variability of physical factors that influence wetland health. The U.S. Geological Survey has been expanding national assessment of coastal change hazards and forecast products to coastal wetlands with the ... |
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Mean tidal range of marsh units in Maine salt marshes
This data release contains coastal wetland synthesis products for the state of Maine. Metrics for resiliency, including the unvegetated to vegetated ratio (UVVR), marsh elevation, tidal range, and lifespan, are calculated for smaller units delineated from a digital elevation model, providing the spatial variability of physical factors that influence wetland health. The U.S. Geological Survey has been expanding national assessment of coastal change hazards and forecast products to coastal wetlands with the ... |
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Unvegetated to vegetated ratio of marsh units in Maine salt marshes
This data release contains coastal wetland synthesis products for the state of Maine. Metrics for resiliency, including the unvegetated to vegetated ratio (UVVR), marsh elevation, tidal range, and lifespan, are calculated for smaller units delineated from a digital elevation model, providing the spatial variability of physical factors that influence wetland health. The U.S. Geological Survey has been expanding national assessment of coastal change hazards and forecast products to coastal wetlands with the ... |
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Projected coastal flooding depths for 1-, 20-, and 100-year return interval storms and 0.00, +0.25, +0.50, +1.00, +1.50, +2.00, and +3.00 meter sea-level rise scenarios in American Samoa
This data release provides flood depth GeoTIFFs based on sea-level rise and wave-driven total water levels for the coast of the American Samoa’s most populated islands of Tutuila, Ofu-Olosega, and Tau. Oceanographic, coastal engineering, ecologic, and geospatial data and tools were combined to evaluate the increased risks of storm-induced coastal flooding in the populated American Samoan Islands due to climate change and sea-level rise. We followed risk-based valuation approaches to map flooding due to ... |
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Projected coastal flooding depths for 1-, 20-, and 100-year return interval storms and 0.00, +0.25, +0.50, +1.00, +1.50, +2.00, and +3.00 meter sea-level rise scenarios in the Mariana Islands
This data release provides flood depth GeoTIFFs based on sea-level rise and wave-driven total water levels for the coast of the most populated Mariana Islands of Guam and Saipan. Oceanographic, coastal engineering, ecologic, and geospatial data and tools were combined to evaluate the increased risks of storm-induced coastal flooding in the populated Mariana Islands due to climate change and sea-level rise. We followed risk-based valuation approaches to map flooding due to waves and storm surge at 10-m2 ... |
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Projected coastal flooding depths for 1-, 20-, and 100-year return interval storms and 0.00, +0.25, +0.50, +1.00, +1.50, +2.00, and +3.00 meter sea-level rise scenarios in the Hawaiian Islands
This data release provides flood depth GeoTIFFs based on sea-level rise and wave-driven total water levels for the coast of the most populated Hawaiian Islands of Oahu, Molokai, Kauai, Maui, and Big Island. Oceanographic, coastal engineering, ecologic, and geospatial data and tools were combined to evaluate the increased risks of storm-induced coastal flooding in the populated Hawaiian Islands due to climate change and sea-level rise. We followed risk-based valuation approaches to map flooding due to waves ... |
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Projected coastal flooding extents for 1-, 20-, and 100-year return interval storms and 0.00, +0.25, +0.50, +1.00, +1.50, +2.00, and +3.00 meter sea-level rise scenarios in American Samoa
This data release provides flooding extent polygons based on sea-level rise and wave-driven total water levels for the coast of American Samoa's most populated islands of Tutuila, Ofu-Olosega, and Tau. Oceanographic, coastal engineering, ecologic, and geospatial data and tools were combined to evaluate the increased risks of storm-induced coastal flooding due to climate change and sea-level rise. We followed risk-based valuation approaches to map flooding due to waves and storm surge at 10-m2 resolution ... |
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Projected coastal flooding extents for 1-, 20-, and 100-year return interval storms and 0.00, +0.25, +0.50, +1.00, +1.50, +2.00, and +3.00 meter sea-level rise scenarios in the Mariana Islands
This data release provides flooding extent polygons based on sea-level rise and wave-driven total water levels for the coast of the most populated Mariana Islands of Guam and Saipan. Oceanographic, coastal engineering, ecologic, and geospatial data and tools were combined to evaluate the increased risks of storm-induced coastal flooding due to climate change and sea-level rise. We followed risk-based valuation approaches to map flooding due to waves and storm surge at 10-m2 resolution along these islands' ... |
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Projected coastal flooding extents for 1-, 20-, and 100-year return interval storms and 0.00, +0.25, +0.50, +1.00, +1.50, +2.00, and +3.00 meter sea-level rise scenarios in the Hawaiian Islands
This data release provides flooding extent polygons based on sea-level rise and wave-driven total water levels for the coast of the most populated Hawaiian Islands of Oahu, Molokai, Kauai, Maui, and Big Island. Oceanographic, coastal engineering, ecologic, and geospatial data and tools were combined to evaluate the increased risks of storm-induced coastal flooding due to climate change and sea-level rise. We followed risk-based valuation approaches to map flooding due to waves and storm surge at 10-m2 ... |
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USGS CoastCam at Tres Palmas, Rincón, Puerto Rico: Timestack Imagery and Coordinate Data
A digital video camera was installed at Tres Palmas, Rincón, Puerto Rico (PR) and faced west along the beach. Every hour during daylight hours, daily from August 27, 2019, to March 10, 2020, the camera collected raw video and produced snapshots and time-averaged image products. One such product is a "runup timestack". Runup timestacks are images created by sampling a cross-shore array of pixels from an image through time as waves propagate towards and run up a beach. Runup timestacks store the red, green, ... |
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USGS CoastCam at Isla Verde, Puerto Rico: 2018-2019 Timestack Imagery and Coordinate Data
A digital video camera was installed at Isla Verde Beach in San Juan, Puerto Rico (PR) and faced northeast along the beach. Every hour during daylight hours, daily from February 1, 2019, to July 15, 2019, the camera collected raw video and produced snapshots and time-averaged image products. One such product is a "runup timestack". Runup timestacks are images created by sampling a cross-shore array of pixels from an image through time as waves propagate towards and run up a beach. Runup timestacks store the ... |
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USGS CoastCam at Waiakāne, Moloka'i, Hawai'i: 2018 Timestack Imagery and Coordinate Data
A digital video camera was installed at Waiakāne, Moloka'i, Hawai'i (HI) and faced west along the beach. Every hour during daylight hours, daily from June 26, 2018, to September 20, 2018, the camera collected raw video and produced snapshots and time-averaged image products. One such product is a "runup timestack". Runup timestacks are images created by sampling a cross-shore array of pixels from an image through time as waves propagate towards and run up a beach. Runup timestacks store the red, green, and ... |
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USGS CoastCam at Isla Verde, Puerto Rico: 2018-2019 Intrinsic and Extrinsic Calibration Data
A digital video camera was installed at Isla Verde, Puerto Rico (PR) and faced northeast along the beach. Every hour during daylight hours, daily from February 1, 2019, to July 15, 2019, the camera collected raw video and produced snapshots and time-averaged image products. This data release includes the necessary intrinsic orientation (IO) and extrinsic orientation (EO) calibration data to utilize imagery to make quantitative measurements. The camera is part of a U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) research ... |
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2001 Gulf Coast USGS/NASA ATM Lidar-Derived Dune Crest, Toe and Shoreline
The storm-induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards (NACCH) project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Light detection and ranging (lidar)-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high-water shoreline ... |
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2005 East Coast (DE, MD, NJ, NY, NC, and VA) USACE NCMP Topobathy Lidar-Derived Dune Crest, Toe and Shoreline
The storm-induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards (NACCH) project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Light detection and ranging (lidar)-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe, and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high-water shoreline ... |
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2012 Post-Hurricane Sandy Long Island, New York USACE Lidar-Derived Dune Crest, Toe and Shoreline
The storm-induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards (NACCH) project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Light detection and ranging (lidar)-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high-water shoreline ... |
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2016 USACE Post-Hurricane Matthew Lidar-Derived Dune Crest, Toe and Shoreline
The storm-induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards (NACCH) project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Light detection and ranging (lidar)-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high-water shoreline ... |
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2016 Massachusetts NOAA Lidar-Derived Dune Crest, Toe and Shoreline
The storm-induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards (NACCH) project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Light detection and ranging (lidar)-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe, and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high-water shoreline ... |
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2017 Georgia through New York USACE NCMP Lidar-Derived Dune Crest, Toe and Shoreline
The storm-induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards (NACCH) project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Light detection and ranging (lidar)-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high water shoreline ... |
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2017 Florida West Coast NOAA Lidar-Derived Dune Crest, Toe and Shoreline
The storm-induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards (NACCH) project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches.Light detection and ranging (lidar)-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe, and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high-water shoreline ... |
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2018 Alabama and Florida USGS Lidar-Derived Dune Crest, Toe and Shoreline
The storm-induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards (NACCH) project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Light detection and ranging (lidar)-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe, and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high-water shoreline ... |
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2018 Florida USGS Lidar-Derived Dune Crest, Toe and Shoreline
The storm-induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards (NACCH) project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Light detection and ranging (lidar)-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe, and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high-water shoreline ... |
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2018 East Coast (VA, NC, SC) USACE NCMP Post-Florence Topobathy Lidar-Derived Dune Crest, Toe, and Shoreline
The storm-induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards (NACCH) project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Light detection and ranging (lidar)-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe, and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high-water shoreline ... |
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2018 East Coast (NC) USACE NCMP Topobathy Lidar Derived Dune Crest, Toe and Shoreline
The storm-induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards (NACCH) project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Light detection and ranging (lidar)-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe, and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high-water shoreline ... |
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2018 Mississippi and Alabama USACE Lidar-Derived Dune Crest, Toe and Shoreline
The storm-induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards (NACCH) project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Light detection and ranging (lidar)-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe, and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high-water shoreline ... |
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2019 North Carolina and Virginia USACE Lidar-Derived Dune Crest, Toe and Shoreline
The storm-induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards (NACCH) project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Light detection and ranging (L=lidar)-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe, and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high-water shoreline ... |
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2019 North Carolina and Virginia Post-Dorian USACE Lidar-Derived Dune Crest, Toe and Shoreline
The storm-induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards (NACCH) project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Light detection and ranging (lidar)-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe, and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high-water shoreline ... |
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2020 New Jersey and New York USACE Lidar-Derived Dune Crest, Toe and Shoreline
The storm-induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards (NACCH) project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Light detection and ranging (lidar)-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe, and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high-water shoreline ... |
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2021 New York State Lidar-Derived Dune Crest, Toe and Shoreline
The storm-induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards (NACCH) project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Light detection and ranging (lidar)-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high water shoreline ... |
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2022 New Jersey and New York USACE USGS Lidar-Derived Dune Crest, Toe and Shoreline
The storm-induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards (NACCH) project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Light detection and ranging (lidar)-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high water shoreline ... |
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2020 New Jersey USACE USGS Lidar-Derived Dune Crest, Toe and Shoreline
The storm-induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards (NACCH) project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Light detection and ranging (lidar)-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe, and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high-water shoreline ... |
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1998 MA, NY, MD, and VA USGS/NASA ATM2 Lidar-derived dune crest, toe and shoreline
The storm-induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards (NACCH) project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Light detection and ranging (lidar)-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high-water shoreline ... |
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USGS CoastCam at Tres Palmas, Rincón, Puerto Rico: Intrinsic and Extrinsic Calibration Data
A digital video camera was installed at Tres Palmas, Rincón, Puerto Rico (PR) and faced west to view the beach and water offshore. Every hour during daylight hours, daily from August 27, 2019 to March 10, 2020, the camera collected raw video and produced snapshots and time-averaged image products. This data release includes the necessary intrinsic orientation (IO) and extrinsic orientation (EO) calibration data to utilize imagery to make quantitative measurements. The camera is part of a U.S. Geological ... |
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Conceptual marsh units of eastern Long Island salt marsh complex, New York (ver. 2.0, March 2024)
This data release contains coastal wetland synthesis products for the geographic region of eastern Long Island, New York, including the north and south forks, Gardiners Island, and Fishers Island. Metrics for resiliency, including unvegetated to vegetated ratio (UVVR), marsh elevation, and mean tidal range, are calculated for smaller units delineated from a Digital Elevation Model, providing the spatial variability of physical factors that influence wetland health. Through scientific efforts initiated with ... |
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Elevation of marsh units in eastern Long Island salt marsh complex, New York (ver. 2.0, March 2024)
This data release contains coastal wetland synthesis products for the geographic region of eastern Long Island, New York, including the north and south forks, Gardiners Island, and Fishers Island. Metrics for resiliency, including unvegetated to vegetated ratio (UVVR), marsh elevation, and mean tidal range, are calculated for smaller units delineated from a Digital Elevation Model, providing the spatial variability of physical factors that influence wetland health. Through scientific efforts initiated with ... |
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Mean tidal range of marsh units in eastern Long Island salt marsh complex, New York (ver. 2.0, March 2024)
This data release contains coastal wetland synthesis products for the geographic region of eastern Long Island, New York, including the north and south forks, Gardiners Island, and Fishers Island. Metrics for resiliency, including unvegetated to vegetated ratio (UVVR), marsh elevation, and mean tidal range, are calculated for smaller units delineated from a Digital Elevation Model, providing the spatial variability of physical factors that influence wetland health. Through scientific efforts initiated with ... |
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Rate of shoreline change of marsh units in eastern Long Island salt marsh complex, New York (ver. 2.0, March 2024)
This data release contains coastal wetland synthesis products for the geographic region of eastern Long Island, New York, including the north and south forks, Gardiners Island, and Fishers Island. Metrics for resiliency, including unvegetated to vegetated ratio (UVVR), marsh elevation, mean tidal range, and shoreline change rate are calculated for smaller units delineated from a Digital Elevation Model, providing the spatial variability of physical factors that influence wetland health. Through scientific ... |
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Unvegetated to vegetated ratio of marsh units in eastern Long Island salt marsh complex, New York (ver. 2.0, March 2024)
This data release contains coastal wetland synthesis products for the geographic region of eastern Long Island, New York, including the north and south forks, Gardiners Island, and Fishers Island. Metrics for resiliency, including unvegetated to vegetated ratio (UVVR), marsh elevation, and mean tidal range, are calculated for smaller units delineated from a Digital Elevation Model, providing the spatial variability of physical factors that influence wetland health. Through scientific efforts initiated with ... |
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USGS CoastCam at Waiakāne, Moloka'i, Hawai'i: 2018 Intrinsic and Extrinsic Calibration Data
A digital video camera was installed at Waiakāne, Moloka'i, Hawai'i (HI) and faced west along the beach. Every hour during daylight hours, daily from June 26, 2018, to September 20, 2018, the camera collected raw video and produced snapshots and time-averaged image products. This data release includes the necessary intrinsic orientation (IO) and extrinsic orientation (EO) calibration data to utilize imagery to make quantitative measurements. The camera is part of a U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) research ... |
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USGS CoastCam at Sand Key, Florida: Intrinsic and Extrinsic Calibration Data (Camera 1)
Two digital video cameras were installed at Sand Key, Florida (FL), facing south (camera 1) and north (camera 2) along the beach. Every hour during daylight hours, the cameras collected raw video and produced snapshots and time-averaged image products. This data release includes the necessary intrinsic orientation (IO) and extrinsic orientation (EO) calibration data to utilize imagery to make quantitative measurements.. The cameras are part of a U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) research project to study the ... |
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2014 Post-Hurricane Sandy SC to NY NOAA NGS Lidar-Derived Dune Crest, Toe and Shoreline
The storm-induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards (NACCH) project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Light detection and ranging (lidar)-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high-water shoreline ... |
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Wave model input files
Provided here are the required input files to run a standalone wave model (Simulating Waves WAves Nearshore [SWAN]; Booij and others, 1999) on eleven model domains from the Canada-U.S. border to Norton Sound, Alaska to create a downscaled wave database (DWDB). The DWDB, in turn, can be used to reconstruct hindcast (1979-2019) and projected (2020-2050) time series at each point in the model domains see Engelstad and others, 2023 for further information on reconstruction of time-series. The model forcing ... |
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USGS CoastCam at Sand Key, Florida: Intrinsic and Extrinsic Calibration Data (Camera 2)
Two digital video cameras were installed at Sand Key, Florida (FL), facing south (camera 1) and north (camera 2) along the beach. Every hour during daylight hours, the cameras collected raw video and produced snapshots and time-averaged image products. This data release includes the necessary intrinsic orientation (IO) and extrinsic orientation (EO) calibration data to utilize imagery to make quantitative measurements. The images included in this data release were collected by camera 2 (c2) from May 29, ... |
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ATLANTIC - Coastal Vulnerability to Sea-Level Rise: A Preliminary Database for the U.S. Atlantic Coast
The goal of this project is to provide a preliminary overview, at a National scale, the relative susceptibility of the Nation's coast to sea-level rise through the use of a coastal vulnerability index (CVI). This initial classification is based upon the variables geomorphology, regional coastal slope, tide range, wave height, relative sea-level rise and shoreline erosion and accretion rates. The combination of these variables and the association of these variables to each other furnish a broad overview of ... |
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GULF - Coastal Vulnerability to Sea-Level Rise: U.S. Gulf Coast
The goal of this project is to quantify, at the National scale, the relative susceptibility of the Nation's coast to sea-level rise through the use of a coastal vulnerability index (CVI). This initial classification is based upon the variables geomorphology, regional coastal slope, tide range, wave height, relative sea-level rise and shoreline erosion and accretion rates. The combination of these variables and the association of these variables to each other furnish a broad overview of regions where ... |
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PACIFIC - Coastal Vulnerability to Sea-Level Rise: U.S. Pacific Coast
The goal of this project is to quantify, at the National scale, the relative susceptibility of the Nation's coast to sea-level rise through the use of a coastal vulnerability index (CVI). This initial classification is based upon the variables geomorphology, regional coastal slope, tide range, wave height, relative sea-level rise and shoreline erosion and accretion rates. The combination of these variables and the association of these variables to each other furnish a broad overview of regions where ... |
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Point shapefile of probability of shoreline change along the U.S. Atlantic Coast (ProbSLC_AtlanticData.shp)
During the 21st century, sea-level rise will have a wide range of effects on coastal environments, human development and infrastructure in coastal areas. Consequently there is a need to develop modeling or other analytical approaches that can be used to evaluate potential impacts to inform coastal management. This shapefile provides the data that were used to develop and evaluate the performance of a Bayesian network (BN) that was developed to predict long-term shoreline change associated with sea-level ... |
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Locations of photographs acquired using a SEABed Observation and Sampling System (SEABOSS) within Barnegat Bay New Jersey by the U.S. Geological Survey in 2012, and 2013 (Esri point shapefile, Geographic, WGS 84)
Water quality in the Barnegat Bay-Little Egg Harbor estuary along the New Jersey coast is the focus of a multidisciplinary research project begun in 2011 by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)in partnership with the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection. This narrow estuary is the drainage for the Barnegat Watershed and flushed by just three inlets connecting it to the Atlantic Ocean, is experiencing degraded water quality, algal blooms, loss of seagrass, and increases in oxygen-depletion events, ... |
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Bottom Photographs in JPEG format acquired using a SEABed Observation and Sampling System (SEABOSS) within Barnegat Bay New Jersey by the U.S. Geological Survey in 2012, and 2013
Water quality in the Barnegat Bay-Little Egg Harbor estuary along the New Jersey coast is the focus of a multidisciplinary research project begun in 2011 by the U.S. Geological Survey in partnership with the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection. This narrow estuary is the drainage for the Barnegat Watershed and flushed by just three inlets connecting it to the Atlantic Ocean, is experiencing degraded water quality, algal blooms, loss of seagrass, and increases in oxygen -depletion events, ... |
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Tracklines for bottom video collected using the MINI-SEABOSS sampler in Barnegat Bay, NJ by the U.S. Geological Survey during 3 surveys in 2012 and 2013 (Esri polyline shapefile, Geographic, WGS 84)
Water quality in the Barnegat Bay-Little Egg Harbor estuary along the New Jersey coast is the focus of a multidisciplinary research project begun in 2011 by the U.S. Geological Survey in partnership with the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection. This narrow estuary is the drainage for the Barnegat Watershed and flushed by just three inlets connecting it to the Atlantic Ocean, is experiencing degraded water quality, algal blooms, loss of seagrass, and increases in oxygen -depletion events, ... |
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Sediment sample locations and grain size results from samples collected in Barnegat Bay, NJ by the U.S. Geological Survey during 3 surveys in 2012 and 2013 (Esri point shapefile, Geographic, WGS 84)
Water quality in the Barnegat Bay-Little Egg Harbor estuary along the New Jersey coast is the focus of a multidisciplinary research project begun in 2011 by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) in partnership with the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection. This narrow estuary is the drainage for the Barnegat Watershed and flushed by just three inlets connecting it to the Atlantic Ocean, is experiencing degraded water quality, algal blooms, loss of seagrass, and increases in oxygen -depletion events ... |
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Geophysical Surveys of Bear Lake, Utah-Idaho, September 2002 - Grab Sample Data (GRABS)
Bear Lake is a tectonic lake that has existed for at least several hundred thousand years. The lake basin is a relatively simple half graben, a spoon-shaped depression tilted toward the main fault on the east side of the lake. The U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with researchers from several universities, has been studying the sediments of Bear Lake since 1996. The general purpose of this effort is to reconstruct past limnological conditions and regional climate on a range of timescales, from ... |
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02031 - Geophysical Surveys of Bear Lake, Utah-Idaho, September 2002 - Sound Velocity Profiles (SVP)
Bear Lake is a tectonic lake that has existed for at least several hundred thousand years. The lake basin is a relatively simple half graben, a spoon-shaped depression tilted toward the main fault on the east side of the lake. The U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with researchers from several universities, has been studying the sediments of Bear Lake since 1996. The general purpose of this effort is to reconstruct past limnological conditions and regional climate on a range of timescales, from ... |
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Suggested Polygon of the Coral Essential Fish Habitat Associated with Pulley Ridge
Pulley Ridge is a series of drowned barrier islands that extends almost 200 km in 60-100 m water depths. This drowned ridge is located on the Florida Platform in the southeastern Gulf of Mexico about 250 km west of Cape Sable, Florida. This barrier island chain formed during the initial stage of the Holocene marine transgression. These islands were then submerged and left abandoned near the outer edge of the Florida Platform. The southern portion of Pulley Ridge hosts zooxanthellate scleractinian corals, ... |
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Suggested Polygon of the Habitat Area of Particular Concern Associated with Pulley Ridge
Pulley Ridge is a series of drowned barrier islands that extends almost 200 km in 60-100 m water depths. This drowned ridge is located on the Florida Platform in the southeastern Gulf of Mexico about 250 km west of Cape Sable, Florida. This barrier island chain formed during the initial stage of the Holocene marine transgression. These islands were then submerged and left abandoned near the outer edge of the Florida Platform. The southern portion of Pulley Ridge hosts zooxanthellate scleractinian corals, ... |
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Approximate Bounds of the Zooxanthellate Coral-Rich Area Associated with Pulley Ridge
Pulley Ridge is a series of drowned barrier islands that extends almost 200 km in 60-100 m water depths. This drowned ridge is located on the Florida Platform in the southeastern Gulf of Mexico about 250 km west of Cape Sable, Florida. This barrier island chain formed during the initial stage of the Holocene marine transgression. These islands were then submerged and left abandoned near the outer edge of the Florida Platform. The southern portion of Pulley Ridge hosts zooxanthellate scleractinian corals, ... |
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Location of bottom photographs from the Mini-SeaBOSS sampling system from Boston Harbor and Approaches (USGS Field Activity 04019) (BOTTOMPHOTOS, UTM 19, WGS84)
This data set includes the locations and hotlinks to photographs of the seafloor in Boston Harbor and the harbor approaches, Massachusetts. The photos were taken using the mini-SEABOSS system during USGS survey 04019, conducted September 14-17, 2004. |
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Surficial sediment data from Boston Harbor collected during USGS Field Activity 04019 (SEDGRABS, UTM 19, WGS84)
This data set includes the locations, identifiers, grain-size data and(or) textural descriptions of surficial sediments collected at stations based on topographic and backscatter data of the seafloor in Boston Harbor and the harbor appraoches, Massachusetts. The sediments were collected with a modified Van Veen grab (mini-SEABOSS) during USGS survey 04019, conducted September 14-17, 2004. |
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JPEG Images of Cores Collected in August 2006 in the Nauset Marsh Area of Cape Cod, Massachusetts
In order to test hypotheses about groundwater flow under and into estuaries and the Atlantic Ocean, geophysical surveys, geophysical probing, submarine groundwater sampling, and sediment coring were conducted by U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) scientists at Cape Cod National Seashore (CCNS) from 2004 through 2006. Coastal resource managers at CCNS and elsewhere are concerned about nutrients that are entering coastal waters via submarine groundwater discharge, which are contributing to eutrophication and ... |
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Point Shapefile of Core Locations Collected August, 2006 in the Nauset Marsh Area of Cape Cod, Massachusetts
In order to test hypotheses about groundwater flow under and into estuaries and the Atlantic Ocean, geophysical surveys, geophysical probing, submarine groundwater sampling, and sediment coring were conducted by U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) scientists at Cape Cod National Seashore (CCNS) from 2004 through 2006. Coastal resource managers at CCNS and elsewhere are concerned about nutrients that are entering coastal waters via submarine groundwater discharge, which are contributing to eutrophication and ... |
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Comma-delimited Text File of the Descriptive Logs of Cores Collected August, 2006 in the Nauset Marsh Area of Cape Cod, Massachusetts
In order to test hypotheses about groundwater flow under and into estuaries and the Atlantic Ocean, geophysical surveys, geophysical probing, submarine groundwater sampling, and sediment coring were conducted by U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) scientists at Cape Cod National Seashore (CCNS) from 2004 through 2006. Coastal resource managers at CCNS and elsewhere are concerned about nutrients that are entering coastal waters via submarine groundwater discharge, which are contributing to eutrophication and ... |
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Comma-delimited Text File of the Porewater Salinity Values of Cores Collected August, 2006 in the Nauset Marsh Area of Cape Cod, Massachusetts
In order to test hypotheses about groundwater flow under and into estuaries and the Atlantic Ocean, geophysical surveys, geophysical probing, submarine groundwater sampling, and sediment coring were conducted by U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) scientists at Cape Cod National Seashore (CCNS) from 2004 through 2006. Coastal resource managers at CCNS and elsewhere are concerned about nutrients that are entering coastal waters via submarine groundwater discharge, which are contributing to eutrophication and ... |
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Point Shapefile of Electrical Conductance Geoprobe Locations Collected in August, 2005 in the Nauset Marsh Area of Cape Cod, Massachusetts
In order to test hypotheses about groundwater flow under and into estuaries and the Atlantic Ocean, geophysical surveys, geophysical probing, submarine groundwater sampling, and sediment coring were conducted by U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) scientists at Cape Cod National Seashore (CCNS) from 2004 through 2006. Coastal resource managers at CCNS and elsewhere are concerned about nutrients that are entering coastal waters via submarine groundwater discharge, which are contributing to eutrophication and ... |
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Comma-delimited Text File of the Geoprobe Results Collected August, 2005 from the Nauset Marsh Area of Cape Cod, Massachusetts
In order to test hypotheses about groundwater flow under and into estuaries and the Atlantic Ocean, geophysical surveys, geophysical probing, submarine groundwater sampling, and sediment coring were conducted by U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) scientists at Cape Cod National Seashore (CCNS) from 2004 through 2006. Coastal resource managers at CCNS and elsewhere are concerned about nutrients that are entering coastal waters via submarine groundwater discharge, which are contributing to eutrophication and ... |
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Processed Continuous Resistivity Point Data from Cape Cod National Seashore, May 17-20, 2004
Continuous resistivity profiling (CRP) surveys were conducted at Cape Cod National Seashore in 2004 and 2006 in order to test hypotheses about groundwater flow under and into estuaries and the Atlantic Ocean. Coastal resource managers here and elsewhere are concerned about nutrients that are entering coastal waters via submarine groundwater discharge, which are contributing to eutrophication and harmful algal blooms. CRP is used to measure electrical resistivity of sediments, a property that is sensitive to ... |
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Trimmed Processed Continuous Resistivity Point Data from Cape Cod National Seashore, May 17-20, 2004
Continuous resistivity profiling (CRP) surveys were conducted at Cape Cod National Seashore in 2004 and 2006 in order to test hypotheses about groundwater flow under and into estuaries and the Atlantic Ocean. Coastal resource managers here and elsewhere are concerned about nutrients that are entering coastal waters via submarine groundwater discharge, which are contributing to eutrophication and harmful algal blooms. CRP is used to measure electrical resistivity of sediments, a property that is sensitive to ... |
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Processed Continuous Resistivity Point Data from Cape Cod National Seashore, Feb. 28, 2006
Continuous resistivity profiling (CRP) surveys were conducted at Cape Cod National Seashore in 2004 and 2006 in order to test hypotheses about groundwater flow under and into estuaries and the Atlantic Ocean. Coastal resource managers here and elsewhere are concerned about nutrients that are entering coastal waters via submarine groundwater discharge, which are contributing to eutrophication and harmful algal blooms. CRP is used to measure electrical resistivity of sediments, a property that is sensitive to ... |
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Trimmed Processed Continuous Resistivity Point Data from Cape Cod National Seashore, Feb. 28, 2006
Continuous resistivity profiling (CRP) surveys were conducted at Cape Cod National Seashore in 2004 and 2006 in order to test hypotheses about groundwater flow under and into estuaries and the Atlantic Ocean. Coastal resource managers here and elsewhere are concerned about nutrients that are entering coastal waters via submarine groundwater discharge, which are contributing to eutrophication and harmful algal blooms. CRP is used to measure electrical resistivity of sediments, a property that is sensitive to ... |
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Point Shapefile of Piezometer Locations Collected August, 2005 in the Nauset Marsh Area of Cape Cod, Massachusetts
In order to test hypotheses about groundwater flow under and into estuaries and the Atlantic Ocean, geophysical surveys, geophysical probing, submarine groundwater sampling, and sediment coring were conducted by U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) scientists at Cape Cod National Seashore (CCNS) from 2004 through 2006. Coastal resource managers at CCNS and elsewhere are concerned about nutrients that are entering coastal waters via submarine groundwater discharge, which are contributing to eutrophication and ... |
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Excel Spreadsheet of the Geoprobe Results from the Nauset Marsh Area Collected August, 2005
In order to test hypotheses about groundwater flow under and into estuaries and the Atlantic Ocean, geophysical surveys, geophysical probing, submarine groundwater sampling, and sediment coring were conducted by U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) scientists at Cape Cod National Seashore (CCNS) from 2004 through 2006. Coastal resource managers at CCNS and elsewhere are concerned about nutrients that are entering coastal waters via submarine groundwater discharge, which are contributing to eutrophication and ... |
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Excel Spreadsheet of the Descriptive Logs of Cores Collected in the Nauset Marsh area in August, 2006
In order to test hypotheses about groundwater flow under and into estuaries and the Atlantic Ocean, geophysical surveys, geophysical probing, submarine groundwater sampling, and sediment coring were conducted by U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) scientists at Cape Cod National Seashore (CCNS) from 2004 through 2006. Coastal resource managers at CCNS and elsewhere are concerned about nutrients that are entering coastal waters via submarine groundwater discharge, which are contributing to eutrophication and ... |
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Locations of bottom photographs collected in the Cape Ann - Salisbury Beach Massachusetts Survey Area (BOTTOMPHOTOS shapefile, Geographic, WGS84)
These data were collected under a cooperative agreement with the Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management (CZM) and the U.S. Geological Survey, Coastal and Marine Geology Program, Woods Hole Science Center. Initiated in 2003, the primary objective of this program is to develop regional geologic framework information for the management of coastal and marine resources. Accurate data and maps of sea-floor geology are important first steps toward protecting fish habitat, delineating marine reserves, and ... |
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Bottom photographs collected in the Cape Ann - Salisbury Beach Massachusetts Survey Area (SEABOSS_Photos)
These data were collected under a cooperative agreement with the Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management (CZM) and the U.S. Geological Survey, Coastal and Marine Geology Program, Woods Hole Science Center. Initiated in 2003, the primary objective of this program is to develop regional geologic framework information for the management of coastal and marine resources. Accurate data and maps of sea-floor geology are important first steps toward protecting fish habitat, delineating marine reserves, and ... |
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Locations of sediment samples collected in the Cape Ann - Salisbury Beach Massachusetts survey area (SEDIMENTSAMPLES - Shapefile, Geographic, WGS84)
These data were collected under a cooperative agreement with the Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management (CZM) and the U.S. Geological Survey, Coastal and Marine Geology Program, Woods Hole Science Center. Initiated in 2003, the primary objective of this program is to develop regional geologic framework information for the management of coastal and marine resources. Accurate data and maps of sea-floor geology are important first steps toward protecting fish habitat, delineating marine reserves, and ... |
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Locations of bottom photographs collected by the U.S. Geological Survey offshore of Massachusetts between Duxbury and Hull (DH_BottomPhotos shapefile, Geographic, WGS84)
These data were collected under a cooperative agreement with the Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management (CZM) and the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Coastal and Marine Geology Program, Woods Hole Science Center (WHSC). Initiated in 2003, the primary objective of this program is to develop regional geologic framework information for the management of coastal and marine resources. Accurate data and maps of sea-floor geology are important first steps toward protecting fish habitat, delineating marine ... |
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Text files of the navigation logged with HYPACK Software during surveys 06012 and 07001 conducted by the U.S. Geological Survey offshore of Massachusetts between Duxbury and Hull (DH_HYPACK_NAV)
These data were collected under a cooperative agreement with the Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management (CZM) and the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Coastal and Marine Geology Program, Woods Hole Science Center (WHSC). Initiated in 2003, the primary objective of this program is to develop regional geologic framework information for the management of coastal and marine resources. Accurate data and maps of sea-floor geology are important first steps toward protecting fish habitat, delineating marine ... |
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Bottom photographs (JPEG format) collected by the U.S. Geological Survey offshore of Massachusetts between Duxbury and Hull (DH_SEABOSS_Photos)
These data were collected under a cooperative agreement with the Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management (CZM) and the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Coastal and Marine Geology Program, Woods Hole Science Center (WHSC). Initiated in 2003, the primary objective of this program is to develop regional geologic framework information for the management of coastal and marine resources. Accurate data and maps of sea-floor geology are important first steps toward protecting fish habitat, delineating marine ... |
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Survey lines along which SEABed Observation and Sampling System (SEABOSS) video were collected by the U.S. Geological Survey offshore of Massachusetts between Duxbury and Hull (DH_SeabossTrackline shapefile, Geographic, WGS84)
These data were collected under a cooperative agreement with the Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management (CZM) and the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Coastal and Marine Geology Program, Woods Hole Science Center (WHSC). Initiated in 2003, the primary objective of this program is to develop regional geologic framework information for the management of coastal and marine resources. Accurate data and maps of sea-floor geology are important first steps toward protecting fish habitat, delineating marine ... |
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Locations and analysis of sediment samples collected in the Duxbury to Hull Massachusetts survey area (DH_SedimentSamples shapefile, Geographic, WGS84)
These data were collected under a cooperative agreement with the Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management (CZM) and the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Coastal and Marine Geology Program, Woods Hole Science Center (WHSC). Initiated in 2003, the primary objective of this program is to develop regional geologic framework information for the management of coastal and marine resources. Accurate data and maps of sea-floor geology are important first steps toward protecting fish habitat, delineating marine ... |
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Locations of bottom photographs collected by the U.S. Geological Survey offshore of Massachusetts within northern Cape Cod Bay (CCB_BOTTOMPHOTOS Esri Shapefile, Geographic, WGS84).
These data were collected under a cooperative agreement with the Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management (CZM) and the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Coastal and Marine Geology Program, Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center (WHCMSC). Initiated in 2003, the primary objective of this program is to develop regional geologic framework information for the management of coastal and marine resources. Accurate data and maps of sea-floor geology are important first steps toward protecting fish habitat ... |
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Text files of the navigation logged with HYPACK Software during surveys 07002, and 08002 conducted by the U.S. Geological Survey offshore of Massachusetts within northern Cape Cod Bay (CCB_Hypack_Nav)
These data were collected under a cooperative agreement with the Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management (CZM) and the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Coastal and Marine Geology Program, Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center (WHCMSC). Initiated in 2003, the primary objective of this program is to develop regional geologic framework information for the management of coastal and marine resources. Accurate data and maps of sea-floor geology are important first steps toward protecting fish habitat ... |
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Seafloor photographs (JPEG format) collected by the U.S. Geological Survey offshore of Massachusetts within northern Cape Cod Bay (CCB_SEABOSS_PHOTOS)
These data were collected under a cooperative agreement with the Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management (CZM) and the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Coastal and Marine Geology Program, Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center (WHCMSC). Initiated in 2003, the primary objective of this program is to develop regional geologic framework information for the management of coastal and marine resources. Accurate data and maps of sea-floor geology are important first steps toward protecting fish habitat ... |
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Survey lines along which SEABed Observation and Sampling System (SEABOSS) data were collected by the U.S. Geological Survey within the Northern Cape Cod Bay survey area (CCB_SeabossTrackline Esri shapefile, Geographic, WGS84).
These data were collected under a cooperative agreement with the Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management (CZM) and the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Coastal and Marine Geology Program, Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center (WHCMSC). Initiated in 2003, the primary objective of this program is to develop regional geologic framework information for the management of coastal and marine resources. Accurate data and maps of sea-floor geology are important first steps toward protecting fish habitat ... |
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Locations and analysis of sediment samples collected offshore of Massachusetts within Northern Cape Cod Bay(CCB_SedSamples Esri Shapefile, and ASCII text format, WGS84)
These data were collected under a cooperative agreement with the Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management (CZM) and the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Coastal and Marine Geology Program, Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center (WHCMSC). Initiated in 2003, the primary objective of this program is to develop regional geologic framework information for the management of coastal and marine resources. Accurate data and maps of sea-floor geology are important first steps toward protecting fish habitat ... |
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Offshore baseline for Cape Cod coastal region generated to calculate shoreline change rates from Provincetown to the southern end of Monomoy Island, Massachusetts (CapeCod_baseline.shp)
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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Digital Shoreline Analysis System version 4.1 Transects with Long-Term Rate Calculations for the Cape Cod region from Provincetown to the southern end of Monomoy Island, Massachusetts (CapeCod_LT.shp)
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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Shorelines of the Cape Cod coastal region from Provincetown to the southern end of Monomoy Island, Massachusetts, used in shoreline change analysis (CapeCod_shorelines.shp)
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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Digital Shoreline Analysis System version 4.1 Transects with Short-Term Rate Calculations for the Cape Cod region from Provincetown to the southern end of Monomoy Island, Massachusetts (CapeCod_ST.shp)
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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Offshore baseline for Delmarva North coastal region generated to calculate shoreline change rates from Cape Henlopen, Delaware to the southern end of Assateague Island, Virginia (DelmarvaN_baseline.shp)
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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Digital Shoreline Analysis System version 4.1 Transects with Long-Term Rate Calculations for the Delmarva North region from Cape Henlopen, Delaware to the southern end of Assateague Island, Virginia (DelmarvaN_LT.shp)
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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Shorelines of the Delmarva North coastal region from Cape Henlopen, Delaware to the southern end of Assateague Island, Virginia, used in shoreline change analysis (DelmarvaN_shorelines.shp)
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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Digital Shoreline Analysis System version 4.1 Transects with Short-Term Rate Calculations for the Delmarva North region from Cape Henlopen, Delaware to the southern end of Assateague Island, Virginia (DelmarvaN_ST.shp)
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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Offshore baseline for the Delmarva South/Southern Virginia region generated to calculate shoreline change rates from Wallops Island, Virginia to the Virginia/North Carolina border (DelmarvaS_SVA_baseline.shp)
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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Digital Shoreline Analysis System version 4.1 Transects with Long-Term Rate Calculations for the Delmarva South/Southern Virginia region from Wallops Island, Virginia to the Virginia/North Carolina border (DelmarvaS_SVA_LT.shp)
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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Shorelines of the Delmarva South and Southern Virginia coastal region from Wallops Island, Virginia to the Virginia/North Carolina border, used in shoreline change analysis (DelmarvaS_SVA_shorelines.shp)
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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Digital Shoreline Analysis System version 4.1 Transects with Short-Term Rate Calculations for the Delmarva South/Southern Virginia region from Wallops Island, Virginia to the Virginia/North Carolina border (DelmarvaS_SVA_ST.shp)
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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Offshore baseline for Greater Boston coastal region from the southern side of Cape Ann, Massachusetts to Sandy Neck Beach in Sandwich, Massachusetts, generated to calculate shoreline change rates (GreaterBoston_baseline.shp)
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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Digital Shoreline Analysis System version 4.1 Transects with Long-Term Rate Calculations for the Greater Boston region from the southern side of Cape Ann, Massachusetts to Sandy Neck Beach in Sandwich, Massachusetts (GreaterBoston_LT.shp)
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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Shorelines of the Greater Boston coastal region from the southern side of Cape Ann, Massachusetts to Sandy Neck Beach in Sandwich, Massachusetts, used in shoreline change analysis (GreaterBoston_shorelines.shp)
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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Digital Shoreline Analysis System version 4.1 Transects with Short-Term Rate Calculations for the Greater Boston region from the southern side of Cape Ann, Massachusetts to Sandy Neck Beach in Sandwich, Massachusetts (GreaterBoston_ST.shp)
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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Offshore baseline for Long Island coastal region generated to calculate shoreline change rates for the Long Island region from Montauk Point to the entrance of Raritan Bay, New York (LongIsland_baseline.shp)
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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Digital Shoreline Analysis System version 4.1 Transects with Long-Term Rate Calculations for the Long Island region from Montauk Point to the entrance of Raritan Bay, New York (LongIsland_LT.shp)
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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Shorelines of the Long Island coastal region used in shoreline change analysis for the Long Island region from Montauk Point to the entrance of Raritan Bay, New York (LongIsland_shorelines.shp)
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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Digital Shoreline Analysis System version 4.1 Transects with Rate Calculations for the Long Island region from Montauk Point to the entrance of Raritan Bay, New York (LongIsland_ST.shp)
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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Offshore baseline for Massachusetts Islands coastal region generated to calculate shoreline change rates for Martha's Vineyard and Nantucket (MA_Islands_baseline.shp)
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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Digital Shoreline Analysis System version 4.1 Transects with Long-Term Rate Calculations for the Massachusetts Islands Region including Martha's Vineyard and Nantucket (MA_Islands_LT.shp)
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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Shorelines of the Massachusetts Islands coastal region including Martha's Vineyard and Nantucket, used in shoreline change analysis (MA_Islands_shorelines.shp)
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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Digital Shoreline Analysis System version 4.1 Transects with Short-Term Rate Calculations for the Massachusetts Islands Region including Martha's Vineyard and Nantucket (MA_Islands_ST.shp)
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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Offshore baseline for New England North coastal region from Popham Beach, Maine to the northern side of Cape Ann, Massachusetts, generated to calculate shoreline change rates (NE_North_baseline.shp)
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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Digital Shoreline Analysis System version 4.1 Transects with Long-Term Rate Calculations for the New England North region from Popham Beach, Maine to the northern side of Cape Ann, Massachusetts (NewEnglandN_LT.shp)
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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Shorelines of the New England North coastal region from Popham Beach, Maine to the northern side of Cape Ann, Massachusetts, used in shoreline change analysis (NewEnglandN_shorelines.shp)
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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Digital Shoreline Analysis System version 4.1 Transects with Short-Term Rate Calculations for the New England North region from Popham Beach, Maine to the northern side of Cape Ann, Massachusetts (NewEnglandN_ST.shp)
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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Offshore baseline for New England South coastal region from Dartmouth, Massachusetts to Napatree Point, Rhode Island, generated to calculate shoreline change rates (NE_South_baseline.shp)
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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Digital Shoreline Analysis System version 4.1 Transects with Long-Term Rate Calculations for the New England South region from Dartmouth, Massachusetts to Napatree Point, Rhode Island (NewEnglandS_LT.shp)
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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Shorelines of the New England South coastal region used in shoreline change analysis from Dartmouth, Massachusetts to Napatree Point, Rhode Island (NewEnglandS_shorelines.shp)
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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Digital Shoreline Analysis System version 4.1 Transects with Short-Term Rate Calculations for the New England South region from Dartmouth, Massachusetts to Napatree Point, Rhode Island (NewEnglandS_ST.shp)
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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Offshore baseline for New Jersey North coastal region generated to calculate shoreline change rates from Sandy Hook to Little Egg Inlet, New Jersey (NJN_baseline.shp)
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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Digital Shoreline Analysis System version 4.1 Transects with Long-Term Rate Calculations for the New Jersey North region from Sandy Hook to Little Egg Inlet, New Jersey (NewJerseyN_LT.shp)
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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Shorelines of the New Jersey North coastal region used in shoreline change analysis from Sandy Hook to Little Egg Inlet, New Jersey (NewJerseyN_shorelines.shp)
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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Digital Shoreline Analysis System version 4.1 Transects with Short-Term Rate Calculations for the New Jersey North region from Sandy Hook to Little Egg Inlet, New Jersey (NewJerseyN_ST.shp)
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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Offshore baseline for New Jersey South coastal region generated to calculate shoreline change rates from Little Egg Inlet to Cape May, New Jersey (NJS_baseline.shp)
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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Digital Shoreline Analysis System version 4.1 Transects with Long-Term Rate Calculations for the New Jersey South region from Little Egg Inlet to Cape, May, New Jersey (NewJerseyS_LT.shp)
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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Shorelines of the New Jersey South coastal region used in shoreline change analysis from Little Egg Inlet to Cape May, New Jersey (NewJerseyS_shorelines.shp)
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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Digital Shoreline Analysis System version 4.1 Transects with Short-Term Rate Calculations for the New Jersey South region from Little Egg Inlet to Cape, May, New Jersey (NewJerseyS_ST.shp)
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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KauaiE_baseline - Offshore baseline used to cast shore-perpendicular transects for measurement of historical shoreline positions along East Kauai, Hawaii (Papaa to Nawiliwili)
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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KauaiE_LT - Digital Shoreline Analysis System (DSAS) version 4.2 transects with long-term weighted linear regression rate calculations for the Kauai east region from Papaa to Nawiliwili, Hawaii
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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KauaiE_shorelines - Shorelines of the eastern coastal region of Kauai, Hawaii, from Papaa to Nawiliwili, used in shoreline change analysis.
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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KauaiE_ST- Digital Shoreline Analysis System (DSAS) version 4.2 transects with short-term weighted linear regression rate calculations for the Kauai east region from Papaa to Nawiliwili, Hawaii.
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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KauaiN_baseline - Offshore baseline used to cast shore-perpendicular transects for measurement of historical shoreline positions along North Kauai, Hawaii (Haena to Moloaa)
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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KauaiN_LT - Digital Shoreline Analysis System (DSAS) version 4.2 transects with long-term weighted linear regression rate calculations for the Kauai north region from Haena to Moloaa, Hawaii
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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KauaiN_shorelines - Shorelines of the northern coastal region of Kauai, Hawaii, from Haena to Moloaa, used in shoreline change analysis
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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KauaiN_ST - Digital Shoreline Analysis System (DSAS) version 4.2 transects with weighted linear regression short-term rate calculations for the Kauai north region from Haena to Moloaa, Hawaii.
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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KauaiS_baseline - Offshore baseline used to cast shore-perpendicular transects for measurement of historical shoreline positions along South Kauai, Hawaii (Waimea to Kipu Kai)
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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KauaiS_LT - Digital Shoreline Analysis System (DSAS) version 4.2 transects with long-term weighted linear regression rate calculations for the Kauai south region from Waimea to Kipu Kai, Hawaii
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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KauaiS_shorelines - Shorelines of the southern coastal region of Kauai, Hawaii, from Waimea to Kipu Kai, used in shoreline change analysis.
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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KauaiS_ST- Digital Shoreline Analysis System (DSAS) version 4.2 transects with short-term weighted linear regression rate calculations for the Kauai south region from Waimea to Kipu Kai, Hawaii.
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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KauaiW_baseline - Offshore baseline used to cast shore-perpendicular transects for measurement of historical shoreline positions along West Kauai, Hawaii (Oomano to Polihale)
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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KauaiW_LT - Digital Shoreline Analysis System (DSAS) version 4.2 transects with long-term weighted linear regression rate calculations for the Kauai west region from Oomano to Polihale, Hawaii
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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KauaiW_shorelines - Shorelines of the western coastal region of Kauai, Hawaii, from Oomano to Polihale, used in shoreline change analysis.
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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KauaiW_ST - Digital Shoreline Analysis System (DSAS) version 4.2 transects with short-term weighted linear regression rate calculations for the Kauai west region from Oomano to Polihale, Hawaii.
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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MauiK_baseline - Offshore baseline used to cast shore-perpendicular transects for measurement of historical shoreline positions along the Kihei Coast of Maui, Hawaii (Maalaea to Makena)
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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MauiK_LT - Digital Shoreline Analysis System (DSAS) version 4.2 transects with long-term weighted linear regression rate calculations for the Maui Kihei region from Maalaea to Makena, Hawaii
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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MauiK_shorelines - Shorelines of the Kihei coastal region of Maui, Hawaii, from Maalaea to Makena, used in shoreline change analysis.
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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MauiK_ST - Digital Shoreline Analysis System (DSAS) version 4.2 transects with short-term weighted linear regression rate calculations for the Maui Kihei region from Maalaea to Makena, Hawaii.
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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MauiN_baseline - Offshore baseline used to cast shore-perpendicular transects for measurement of historical shoreline positions along the North Coast of Maui, Hawaii (Waihee to Kuau)
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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MauiN_LT- Digital Shoreline Analysis System (DSAS) version 4.2 transects with long-term weighted linear regression rate calculations for the Maui North region from Waihee to Kuau, Hawaii.
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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MauiN_shorelines - Shorelines of the northern coastal region of Maui, Hawaii, from Waihee to Kuau, used in shoreline change analysis.
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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MauiN_ST - Digital Shoreline Analysis System (DSAS) version 4.2 transects with short-term weighted linear regression rate calculations for the Maui North region from Waihee to Kuau, Hawaii.
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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MauiW_baseline - Offshore baseline used to cast shore-perpendicular transects for measurement of historical shoreline positions along the West Coast of Maui, Hawaii (Ukumehame to Honolua)
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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MauiW_LT- Digital Shoreline Analysis System (DSAS) version 4.2 transects with long-term weighted linear regression rate calculations for the Maui West region from Ukumehame to Honolua, Hawaii.
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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MauiW_shorelines - Shorelines of the western coastal region of Maui, Hawaii, from Ukumehame to Honolua, used in shoreline change analysis.
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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MauiW_ST - Digital Shoreline Analysis System (DSAS) version 4.2 transects with short-term weighted linear regression rate calculations for the Maui West region from Ukumehame to Honolua, Hawaii.
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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OahuE_baseline - Offshore baseline used to cast shore-perpendicular transects for measurement of historical shoreline positions along East Oahu, Hawaii (Kahuku to Makapuu)
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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OahuE_LT - Digital Shoreline Analysis System (DSAS) version 4.2 transects with long-term weighted linear regression rate calculations for the Oahu East region from Kahuku to Makapuu, Hawaii
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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OahuE_shorelines - Shorelines of the eastern coastal region of Oahu, Hawaii, from Kahuku to Makapuu, used in shoreline change analysis.
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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OahuE_ST - Digital Shoreline Analysis System (DSAS) version 4.2 transects with short-term weighted linear regression rate calculations for the Oahu East region from Kahuku to Makapuu, Hawaii.
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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OahuN_baseline - Offshore baseline used to cast shore-perpendicular transects for measurement of historical shoreline positions along North Oahu, Hawaii (Camp Erdman to Kahuku)
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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OahuN_LT - Digital Shoreline Analysis System (DSAS) version 4.2 transects with long-term weighted linear regression rate calculations for the Oahu north region from Camp Erdman to Kahuku, Hawaii.
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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OahuN_shorelines - Shorelines of the northern coastal region of Oahu, Hawaii, from Camp Erdman to Kahuku, used in shoreline change analysis.
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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OahuN_ST - Digital Shoreline Analysis System (DSAS) version 4.2 transects with short-term weighted linear regression rate calculations for the Oahu North region from Camp Erdman to Kahuku, Hawaii.
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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OahuS_baseline - Offshore baseline used to cast shore-perpendicular transects for measurement of historical shoreline positions along South Oahu, Hawaii (Barbers Point to Sandy Beach)
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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OahuS_LT - Digital Shoreline Analysis System (DSAS) version 4.2 transects with long-term weighted linear regression rate calculations for the Oahu south region from Barbers Point to Sandy Beach, Hawaii
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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OahuS_shorelines - Shorelines of the southern coastal region of Oahu, Hawaii, from Barbers Point to Sandy Beach, used in shoreline change analysis.
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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OahuS_ST- Digital Shoreline Analysis System (DSAS) version 4.2 transects with short-term weighted linear regression rate calculations for the Oahu south region from Barbers Point to Sandy Beach, Hawaii.
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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OahuW_baseline - Offshore baseline used to cast shore-perpendicular transects for measurement of historical shoreline positions along West Oahu, Hawaii (Yokohama to Tracks Beach)
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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OahuW_LT- Digital Shoreline Analysis System (DSAS) version 4.2 transects with long-term weighted linear regression rate calculations for the Oahu west region from Yokohama to Tracks Beach, Hawaii
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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OahuW_shorelines - Shorelines of the western coastal region of Oahu, Hawaii, from Yokohama to Tracks Beach, used in shoreline change analysis.
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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OahuW_ST- Digital Shoreline Analysis System (DSAS) version 4.2 transects with short-term weighted linear regression rate calculations for the Oahu west region from Yokohama to Tracks Beach, Hawaii.
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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Sound velocity profiles (SVPs) in CSV format and PNG image format collected by the U.S. Geological Survey in the nearshore surrounding the Elizabeth Islands, MA
These data were collected under a cooperative agreement between the Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management (CZM) and the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Coastal and Marine Geology Program, Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center (WHCMSC). Initiated in 2003, the primary objective of this program is to develop regional geologic framework information for the management of coastal and marine resources. Accurate data and maps of seafloor geology are important first steps toward protecting fish ... |
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Offshore baseline for the Oregon coastal region generated to calculate shoreline change rates (OR_baseline.shp)
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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Uncertainty table for lidar-derived shorelines used when calculating rates in the Digital Shoreline Analysis System software for Oregon (OR_shorelines_uncertainty.dbf)
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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Shorelines of the Oregon coastal region used in shoreline change analysis (OR_shorelines.shp)
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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Digital Shoreline Analysis System version 4.2 Transects with Long-Term Linear Regression Rate Calculations for Oregon (OR_transects_LT.shp)
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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Digital Shoreline Analysis System version 4.2 Transects with Short-Term End Point Rate Calculations for Oregon (OR_transects_ST.shp)
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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Offshore baseline for the Washington coastal region generated to calculate shoreline change rates (WA_baseline.shp)
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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Uncertainty table for lidar-derived shorelines used when calculating rates in the Digital Shoreline Analysis System software for Washington (WA_shorelines_uncertainty.dbf)
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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Shorelines of the Washington coastal region used in shoreline change analysis (WA_shorelines.shp)
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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Digital Shoreline Analysis System version 4.2 Transects with Long-Term Linear Regression Rate Calculations for Washington (WA_transects_LT.shp)
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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Digital Shoreline Analysis System version 4.2 Transects with Short-Term End Point Rate Calculations for Washington (WA_transects_ST.shp)
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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Sound velocity profile locations, images, and processed text collected by the U.S. Geological Survey in the vicinity of Muskeget Channel, MA, 2010 (Geographic, WGS 84, Esri Shapefile, PNG images, and text files)
These data were collected in a collaboration between the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution and the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). The primary objective of this program was to collect baseline bathymetry for Muskeget Channel, Massachusetts, and identify areas of morphologic change within and around the channel. Repeat surveys in select areas were collected one month apart to monitor change. These data were collected to support an assessment of the effect on sediment transport that a tidal instream energy ... |
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Sound velocity profiles (SVPs) in CSV format and PNG image format collected by the U.S. Geological Survey in the nearshore surrounding the Elizabeth Islands and sand shoals of Vineyard Sound, MA, 2007, 2009, and 2011
These data were collected under a cooperative agreement between the Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management (CZM) and the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Coastal and Marine Geology Program, Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center (WHCMSC). Initiated in 2003, the primary objective of this program is to develop regional geologic framework information for the management of coastal and marine resources. Accurate data and maps of seafloor geology are important first steps toward protecting fish ... |
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Shapefile for Coastal Zone Management Program counties of the United States and its territories, 2009 (CZMP_counties_2009.shp)
Shapefile for 492 Coastal Zone Management Program (CZMP) counties and county equivalents, 2009, extracted from the U.S. Census Bureau's MAF/TIGER database of U.S. counties and cross-referenced to a list of CZMP counties published by the NOAA/NOS Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management (OCRM). Data extent to the nearest quarter degree is 141.00 E to 64.50 W longitude and 14.75 S to 71.50 N latitude. TL2009 in this document refers to metadata content inherited from the original U.S. Census Bureau ... |
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Polygons of global undersea features for geographic searches
A shapefile of 311 undersea features from all major oceans and seas has been created as an aid for retrieving georeferenced information resources. Version 1.1 of the data set also includes a linked data representation of 299 of these features and their spatial extents. The geographic extent of the data set is 0 degrees E to 0 degrees W longitude and 75 degrees S to 90 degrees N latitude. Many of the undersea features (UF) in the shapefile were selected from a list assembled by Weatherall and Cramer (2008) ... |
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Polygon shapefile of the interpretation of the seabed geologic substrates in quadrangle 6 of the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary region offshore of Boston, Massachusetts based on data collected by the U.S. Geological Survey from 1993-2004 (Geographic, NAD 83)
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in cooperation with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's National Marine Sanctuary Program, has conducted seabed mapping and related research in the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary region since 1993. The area is approximately 3,700 square kilometers (km2) and is subdivided into 18 quadrangles. Seven maps, at a scale of 1:25,000, of quadrangle 6 (211 km2) depict seabed topography, backscatter, ruggedness, geology, substrate mobility, mud content, ... |
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Point shapefile of quadrangle 6 station locations in Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary offshore of Boston, Massachusetts where video, photographs and sediment samples were collected by the U.S. Geological Survey from 1993-2004 - includes sediment sample analyses and interpreted geologic substrate (Geographic, NAD 83)
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in cooperation with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's National Marine Sanctuary Program, has conducted seabed mapping and related research in the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary region since 1993. The area is approximately 3,700 square kilometers (km2) and is subdivided into 18 quadrangles. Seven maps, at a scale of 1:25,000, of quadrangle 6 (211 km2) depict seabed topography, backscatter, ruggedness, geology, substrate mobility, mud content, ... |
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USGS CoastCam at Madeira Beach, Florida: Timestack Imagery and Coordinate Data
A digital video camera was installed at Madeira Beach, Florida (FL) and faced west along the beach. Every hour during daylight hours, daily from 2017 to 2022, the camera collected raw video and produced snapshots and time-averaged image products. One such product is a "runup timestack". Runup timestacks are images created by sampling a cross-shore array of pixels from an image through time as waves propagate towards and run up a beach. Runup timestacks store the red, green, and blue or monochrome pixel ... |
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USGS CoastCam at Sand Key, Florida: Timestack Imagery and Coordinate Data (Camera 2)
Two digital video cameras were installed at Sand Key, Florida (FL), facing south (camera 1) and north (camera 2) along the beach. Every hour during daylight hours, daily from 2018 to 2022, the cameras collected raw video and produced snapshots and time-averaged image products. For camera 2, one such product that is created is a "runup timestack". Runup timestacks are images created by sampling a cross-shore array of pixels from an image through time as waves propagate towards and run up a beach. Runup ... |
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Baseline for the coast of Puerto Rico's main island generated to calculate shoreline change rates using the Digital Shoreline Analysis System version 5.1 (ver. 2.0, March 2023)
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) maintains shoreline positions for the United States' coasts from both older sources, such as aerial photographs or topographic surveys, and contemporary sources, such as lidar-point clouds and digital elevation models. These shorelines are compiled and analyzed in the USGS Digital Shoreline Analysis System (DSAS), version 5.1 software to calculate rates of change. Keeping a record of historical shoreline positions is an effective method to monitor change over time, enabling ... |
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Shoreline intersects for the coast of Puerto Rico's main island generated by the Digital Shoreline Analysis System version 5.1 (ver. 2.0, March 2023)
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) maintains shoreline positions for the United States coasts from both older sources, such as aerial photographs or topographic surveys, and contemporary sources, such as lidar-point clouds and digital elevation models. These shorelines are compiled and analyzed in the USGS Digital Shoreline Analysis System (DSAS), version 5.1 software to calculate rates of change. Keeping a record of historical shoreline positions is an effective method to monitor change over time, enabling ... |
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Shorelines for Vieques, Culebra, and the main island of Puerto Rico from the 1900s to 2018 (ver. 2.0, March 2023)
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) maintains shoreline positions for the United States coasts from both older sources, such as aerial photographs or topographic surveys, and contemporary sources, such as lidar-point clouds and digital elevation models. These shorelines are compiled and analyzed in the USGS Digital Shoreline Analysis System (DSAS), version 5.1 software to calculate rates of change. Keeping a record of historical shoreline positions is an effective method to monitor change over time, enabling ... |
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Shoreline change rates for the coast of Puerto Rico's main island calculated using the Digital Shoreline Analysis System version 5.1 (ver. 2.0, March 2023)
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) maintains shoreline positions for the United States coasts from both older sources, such as aerial photographs or topographic surveys, and contemporary sources, such as lidar-point clouds and digital elevation models. These shorelines are compiled and analyzed in the USGS Digital Shoreline Analysis System (DSAS), version 5.1 software to calculate rates of change. Keeping a record of historical shoreline positions is an effective method to monitor change over time, enabling ... |
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Baseline for the islands of Vieques and Culebra, Puerto Rico, generated to calculate shoreline change rates using the Digital Shoreline Analysis System version 5.1
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) maintains shoreline positions for the United States coasts from both older sources, such as aerial photographs or topographic surveys, and contemporary sources, such as lidar-point clouds and digital elevation models. These shorelines are compiled and analyzed in the USGS Digital Shoreline Analysis System (DSAS), version 5.1 software to calculate rates of change. Keeping a record of historical shoreline positions is an effective method to monitor change over time, enabling ... |
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Shoreline intersects for the islands of Vieques and Culebra, Puerto Rico, calculated using the Digital Shoreline Analysis System version 5.1
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) maintains shoreline positions for the United States coasts from both older sources, such as aerial photographs or topographic surveys, and contemporary sources, such as lidar-point clouds and digital elevation models. These shorelines are compiled and analyzed in the USGS Digital Shoreline Analysis System (DSAS), version 5.1 software to calculate rates of change. Keeping a record of historical shoreline positions is an effective method to monitor change over time, enabling ... |
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Shoreline change rates for the islands of Vieques and Culebra, Puerto Rico, calculated using the Digital Shoreline Analysis System version 5.1
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) maintains shoreline positions for the United States coasts from both older sources, such as aerial photographs or topographic surveys, and contemporary sources, such as lidar-point clouds and digital elevation models. These shorelines are compiled and analyzed in the USGS Digital Shoreline Analysis System (DSAS), version 5.1 software to calculate rates of change. Keeping a record of historical shoreline positions is an effective method to monitor change over time, enabling ... |
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2005 USGS Post-Hurricane Rita Texas and Louisiana Lidar-Derived Dune Crest, Toe and Shoreline
The Storm-Induced Coastal Change Hazards component of the National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards project focuses on understanding the magnitude and variability of extreme storm impacts on sandy beaches. Lidar-derived beach morphologic features such as dune crest, toe and shoreline help define the vulnerability of the beach to storm impacts. This dataset defines the elevation and position of the seaward-most dune crest and toe and the mean high water shoreline derived from the 2005 USGS Post-Hurricane ... |
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Hurricane Florence Overwash Extents
The National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards project at the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) exists to understand and predict storm impacts to our nation's coastlines. This geospatial dataset defines the alongshore extent of overwash sediments deposited along the southeast coast of the United States from North Carolina to Virginia and attributed to coastal processes during [Atlantic Basin] Hurricane Florence, which made landfall in the U.S. on September 14, 2018. |
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Hurricane Isaias Overwash Extents
The National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards project at the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) exists to understand and predict storm impacts to our nation's coastlines. This geospatial dataset defines the alongshore extent of overwash sediments deposited along the coast of the Carolinas and attributed to coastal processes during [Atlantic Basin] Hurricane Isaias, which made landfall in the U.S. on August 4, 2020. |
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Hurricane Matthew Overwash Extents (version 2.0, 20210916)
The National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards project exists to understand and predict storm impacts to our nation's coastlines. This geospatial dataset defines the alongshore extent of overwash sediments deposited along the Florida, Georgia, North Carolina,and South Carolina coasts and attributed to coastal processes during [Atlantic Basin] Hurricane Matthew, which made landfall in the U.S. on October 8, 2018. |
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Hurricane Sally Overwash Extents
The National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards project at the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) exists to understand and predict storm impacts to our nation's coastlines. This geospatial dataset defines the alongshore extent of overwash sediments deposited along the Florida and Alabama coast and attributed to coastal processes during [Atlantic Basin] Hurricane Sally, which made landfall in the U.S. on September 16, 2020. |
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Marsh Shorelines of the Massachusetts Coast from 2013-14 Topographic Lidar Data
The Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management (CZM) launched the Shoreline Change Project in 1989 to identify erosion-prone areas of the Massachusetts coast. Seventy-six maps were produced in 1997 depicting a statistical analysis of shoreline change on ocean-facing shorelines from the mid-1800s to 1978 using multiple data sources. In 2001, a 1994 shoreline was added. More recently, in cooperation with CZM, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) delineated a new shoreline for Massachusetts using color ... |
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Offshore baseline for the northeastern Florida (FLne) coastal region generated to calculate shoreline change rates
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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Shorelines of the northeastern Florida (FLne) coastal region used in shoreline change analysis
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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Uncertainty table for lidar-derived shorelines used when calculating rates in the Digital Shoreline Analysis System software for northeastern Florida (FLne)
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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Digital Shoreline Analysis System version 4.3 Transects with Long-Term Linear Regression Rate Calculations for northeastern Florida (FLne)
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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Digital Shoreline Analysis System version 4.3 Transects with Short-Term End Point Rate Calculations for northeastern Florida (FLne)
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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Digital Shoreline Analysis System version 4.3 Transects with Short-Term Linear Regression Rate Calculations for northeastern Florida (FLne)
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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Offshore baseline for the southeastern Florida (FLse) coastal region generated to calculate shoreline change rates
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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Shorelines of the southeastern Florida (FLse) coastal region used in shoreline change analysis
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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Uncertainty table for lidar-derived shorelines used when calculating rates in the Digital Shoreline Analysis System software for southeastern Florida (FLse)
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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Digital Shoreline Analysis System version 4.3 Transects with Long-Term Linear Regression Rate Calculations for southeastern Florida (FLse)
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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Digital Shoreline Analysis System version 4.3 Transects with Short-Term End Point Rate Calculations for southeastern Florida (FLse)
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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Digital Shoreline Analysis System version 4.3 Transects with Short-Term Linear Regression Rate Calculations for southeastern Florida (FLse)
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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Offshore baseline for the Georgia (GA) coastal region generated to calculate shoreline change rates
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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Shorelines of the Georgia (GA) coastal region used in shoreline change analysis
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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Uncertainty table for lidar-derived shorelines used when calculating rates in the Digital Shoreline Analysis System software for Georgia (GA)
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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Digital Shoreline Analysis System version 4.3 Transects with Long-Term Linear Regression Rate Calculations for Georgia (GA)
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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Digital Shoreline Analysis System version 4.3 Transects with Short-Term End Point Rate Calculations for Georgia (GA)
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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Digital Shoreline Analysis System version 4.3 Transects with Short-Term Linear Regression Rate Calculations for Georgia (GA)
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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Offshore baseline for the central North Carolina (NCcentral) coastal region generated to calculate shoreline change rates
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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Shorelines of the central North Carolina (NCcentral) coastal region used in shoreline change analysis
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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Uncertainty table for lidar-derived shorelines used when calculating rates in the Digital Shoreline Analysis System software for central North Carolina (NCcentral)
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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Digital Shoreline Analysis System version 4.3 Transects with Long-Term Linear Regression Rate Calculations for central North Carolina (NCcentral)
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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Digital Shoreline Analysis System version 4.3 Transects with Short-Term End Point Rate Calculations for central North Carolina (NCcentral)
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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Digital Shoreline Analysis System version 4.3 Transects with Short-Term Linear Regression Rate Calculations for central North Carolina (NCcentral)
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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Offshore baseline for the northern North Carolina (NCnorth) coastal region generated to calculate shoreline change rates
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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Shorelines of the northern North Carolina (NCnorth) coastal region used in shoreline change analysis
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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Uncertainty table for lidar-derived shorelines used when calculating rates in the Digital Shoreline Analysis System software for northern North Carolina (NCnorth)
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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Digital Shoreline Analysis System version 4.3 Transects with Long-Term Linear Regression Rate Calculations for northern North Carolina (NCnorth)
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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Digital Shoreline Analysis System version 4.3 Transects with Short-Term End Point Rate Calculations for northern North Carolina (NCnorth)
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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Digital Shoreline Analysis System version 4.3 Transects with Short-Term Linear Regression Rate Calculations for northern North Carolina (NCnorth)
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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Offshore baseline for the southern North Carolina (NCsouth) coastal region generated to calculate shoreline change rates
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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Shorelines of the southern North Carolina (NCsouth) coastal region used in shoreline change analysis
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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Uncertainty table for lidar-derived shorelines used when calculating rates in the Digital Shoreline Analysis System software for southern North Carolina (NCsouth)
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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Digital Shoreline Analysis System version 4.3 Transects with Long-Term Linear Regression Rate Calculations for southern North Carolina (NCsouth)
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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Digital Shoreline Analysis System version 4.3 Transects with Short-Term End Point Rate Calculations for southern North Carolina (NCsouth)
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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Digital Shoreline Analysis System version 4.3 Transects with Short-Term Linear Regression Rate Calculations for southern North Carolina (NCsouth)
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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Offshore baseline for the western North Carolina (NCwest) coastal region generated to calculate shoreline change rates
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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Shorelines of the western North Carolina (NCwest) coastal region used in shoreline change analysis
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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Uncertainty table for lidar-derived shorelines used when calculating rates in the Digital Shoreline Analysis System software for western North Carolina (NCwest)
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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Digital Shoreline Analysis System version 4.3 Transects with Long-Term Linear Regression Rate Calculations for western North Carolina (NCwest)
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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Digital Shoreline Analysis System version 4.3 Transects with Short-Term Linear Regression Rate Calculations for western North Carolina (NCwest)
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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Offshore baseline for the South Carolina (SC) coastal region generated to calculate shoreline change rates
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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Shorelines of the South Carolina (SC) coastal region used in shoreline change analysis
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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Uncertainty table for lidar-derived shorelines used when calculating rates in the Digital Shoreline Analysis System software for South Carolina (SC)
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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Digital Shoreline Analysis System version 4.3 Transects with Long-Term Linear Regression Rate Calculations for South Carolina (SC)
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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Digital Shoreline Analysis System version 4.3 Transects with Short-Term End Point Rate Calculations for South Carolina (SC)
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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Digital Shoreline Analysis System version 4.3 Transects with Short-Term Linear Regression Rate Calculations for South Carolina (SC)
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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Offshore baseline for the Alabama coastal region generated to calculate shoreline change rates
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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Digital Shoreline Analysis System version 4.3 Transects with Long-Term Linear Regression Rate Calculations for Alabama
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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Shorelines of the Alabama coastal region used in shoreline change analysis
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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Uncertainty table for lidar-derived shorelines used when calculating rates in the Digital Shoreline Analysis System software for Alabama
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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Digital Shoreline Analysis System version 4.3 Transects with Short-Term End Point Rate Calculations for Alabama
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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Digital Shoreline Analysis System version 4.3 Transects with Short-Term Linear Regression Rate Calculations for Alabama
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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Offshore baseline for the Florida north (FLnorth) coastal region generated to calculate shoreline change rates
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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Digital Shoreline Analysis System version 4.3 Transects with Long-Term Linear Regression Rate Calculations for Florida north (FLnorth)
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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Shorelines of the Florida north (FLnorth) coastal region used in shoreline change analysis
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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Uncertainty table for lidar-derived shorelines used when calculating rates in the Digital Shoreline Analysis System software for Florida north (FLnorth)
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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Digital Shoreline Analysis System version 4.3 Transects with Short-Term End Point Rate Calculations for Florida north (FLnorth)
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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Digital Shoreline Analysis System version 4.3 Transects with Short-Term Linear Regression Rate Calculations for Florida north (FLnorth)
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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Offshore baseline for the Florida west (FLwest) coastal region generated to calculate shoreline change rates
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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Digital Shoreline Analysis System version 4.3 Transects with Long-Term Linear Regression Rate Calculations for Florida west (FLwest)
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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Shorelines of the Florida west (FLwest) coastal region used in shoreline change analysis
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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Uncertainty table for lidar-derived shorelines used when calculating rates in the Digital Shoreline Analysis System software for Florida west (FLwest)
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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Digital Shoreline Analysis System version 4.3 Transects with Short-Term End Point Rate Calculations for Florida west (FLwest)
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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Digital Shoreline Analysis System version 4.3 Transects with Short-Term Linear Regression Rate Calculations for Florida west (FLwest)
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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Offshore baseline for the Louisiana coastal region generated to calculate shoreline change rates
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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Digital Shoreline Analysis System version 4.3 Transects with Long-Term Linear Regression Rate Calculations for Louisiana
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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Shorelines of the Louisiana coastal region used in shoreline change analysis
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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Uncertainty table for lidar-derived shorelines used when calculating rates in the Digital Shoreline Analysis System software for Louisiana
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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Digital Shoreline Analysis System version 4.3 Transects with Short-Term End Point Rate Calculations for Louisiana
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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Digital Shoreline Analysis System version 4.3 Transects with Short-Term Linear Regression Rate Calculations for Louisiana
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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Offshore baseline for the Mississippi coastal region generated to calculate shoreline change rates
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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Digital Shoreline Analysis System version 4.3 Transects with Long-Term Linear Regression Rate Calculations for Mississippi
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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Shorelines of the Mississippi coastal region used in shoreline change analysis
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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Uncertainty table for lidar-derived shorelines used when calculating rates in the Digital Shoreline Analysis System software for Mississippi
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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Digital Shoreline Analysis System version 4.3 Transects with Short-Term End Point Rate Calculations for Mississippi
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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Digital Shoreline Analysis System version 4.3 Transects with Short-Term Linear Regression Rate Calculations for Mississippi
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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Offshore baseline for the Texas east (TXeast) coastal region generated to calculate shoreline change rates
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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Digital Shoreline Analysis System version 4.3 Transects with Long-Term Linear Regression Rate Calculations for Texas east (TXeast)
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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Shorelines of the Texas east (TXeast) coastal region used in shoreline change analysis
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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Uncertainty table for lidar-derived shorelines used when calculating rates in the Digital Shoreline Analysis System software for Texas east (TXeast)
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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Digital Shoreline Analysis System version 4.3 Transects with Short-Term Linear Regression Rate Calculations for Texas east (TXeast)
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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Offshore baseline for the Texas west (TXwest) coastal region generated to calculate shoreline change rates
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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Digital Shoreline Analysis System version 4.3 Transects with Long-Term Linear Regression Rate Calculations for Texas west (TXwest)
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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Shorelines of the Texas west (TXwest) coastal region used in shoreline change analysis
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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Uncertainty table for lidar-derived shorelines used when calculating rates in the Digital Shoreline Analysis System software for Texas west (TXwest)
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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Digital Shoreline Analysis System version 4.3 Transects with Short-Term Linear Regression Rate Calculations for Texas west (TXwest)
Sandy ocean beaches are a popular recreational destination, often surrounded by communities containing valuable real estate. Development is on the rise despite the fact that coastal infrastructure is subjected to flooding and erosion. As a result, there is an increased demand for accurate information regarding past and present shoreline changes. To meet these national needs, the Coastal and Marine Geology Program of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is compiling existing reliable historical shoreline ... |
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Elevation of salt marsh units in Edwin B. Forsythe National Wildlife Refuge, New Jersey
Elevation distribution in the Edwin B. Forsythe National Wildlife Refuge (EBFNWR), which spans over Great Bay, Little Egg Harbor, and Barnegat Bay in New Jersey, USA is given in terms of mean elevation of conceptual marsh units defined by Defne and Ganju (2016). The elevation data is based on the 1-meter resampled 1/9 arc-second resolution USGS National Elevation Data. As part of the Hurricane Sandy Science Plan, the U.S. Geological Survey is expanding National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards and ... |
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Raster image of mean tidal range in the Edwin B. Forsythe National Wildlife Refuge, New Jersey (32-bit GeoTIFF)
Biomass production is positively correlated with mean tidal range in salt marshes along the Atlantic coast of the United States of America. Recent studies support the idea that enhanced stability of the marshes can be attributed to increased vegetative growth due to increased tidal range. This dataset displays the spatial variation mean tidal range (i.e. Mean Range of Tides, MN) in the Edwin B. Forsythe National Wildlife Refuge (EBFNWR), which spans over Great Bay, Little Egg Harbor, and Barnegat Bay in New ... |
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Mean tidal range in salt marsh units of Edwin B. Forsythe National Wildlife Refuge, New Jersey (polygon shapefile)
Biomass production is positively correlated with mean tidal range in salt marshes along the Atlantic coast of the United States of America. Recent studies support the idea that enhanced stability of the marshes can be attributed to increased vegetative growth due to increased tidal range. This dataset displays the spatial variation mean tidal range (i.e. Mean Range of Tides, MN) in the Edwin B. Forsythe National Wildlife Refuge (EBFNWR), which spans over Great Bay, Little Egg Harbor, and Barnegat Bay in New ... |
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Geochemical data to characterize physical and chemical properties of the Cenote Bang, a component of the Ox Bel Ha cave network within the subterranean estuary coastal aquifer of the Yucatan Peninsula, from December 2013 to January 2016
Subterranean estuaries extend inland into density-stratified coastal carbonate aquifers that contain a surprising diversity of endemic animals (mostly crustaceans) within a highly oligotrophic environment. How complex ecosystems thrive in this globally-distributed, cryptic habitat (termed anchialine) is poorly understood. The northeastern margin of the Yucatan Peninsula contains over 250 km of mapped, diver-accessible caves passages where previous studies have suggested chemoautotrophic processes are the ... |
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Sonde data to characterize physical and chemical properties of the Cenote Bang, a component of the Ox Bel Ha cave network within the subterranean estuary coastal aquifer of the Yucatan Peninsula, from December 2013 to January 2016
Subterranean estuaries extend inland into density-stratified coastal carbonate aquifers that contain a surprising diversity of endemic animals (mostly crustaceans) within a highly oligotrophic environment. How complex ecosystems thrive in this globally-distributed, cryptic habitat (termed anchialine) is poorly understood. The northeastern margin of the Yucatan Peninsula contains over 250 km of mapped, diver-accessible caves passages where previous studies have suggested chemoautotrophic processes are the ... |
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Inferred hydrodynamic residence time in salt marsh units in Edwin B. Forsythe National Wildlife Refuge, New Jersey
As part of the Hurricane Sandy Science Plan, the U.S. Geological Survey is expanding National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards and forecast products to coastal wetlands. The intent is to provide federal, state, and local managers with tools to estimate the vulnerability of coastal wetlands to various factors and to evaluate their ecosystem service potential. For this purpose, the response and resilience of coastal wetlands to physical factors need to be assessed in terms of the ensuing change to their ... |
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Change in salinity in salt marsh units in Edwin B. Forsythe National Wildlife Refuge, New Jersey during Hurricane Sandy
As part of the Hurricane Sandy Science Plan, the U.S. Geological Survey is expanding National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards and forecast products to coastal wetlands. The intent is to provide federal, state, and local managers with tools to estimate the vulnerability of coastal wetlands to various factors and to evaluate their ecosystem service potential. For this purpose, the response and resilience of coastal wetlands to physical factors need to be assessed in terms of the ensuing change to their ... |
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Change in salinity exposure of salt marsh units in Edwin B. Forsythe National Wildlife Refuge, New Jersey during Hurricane Sandy
As part of the Hurricane Sandy Science Plan, the U.S. Geological Survey is expanding National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards and forecast products to coastal wetlands. The intent is to provide federal, state, and local managers with tools to estimate the vulnerability of coastal wetlands to various factors and to evaluate their ecosystem service potential. For this purpose, the response and resilience of coastal wetlands to physical factors need to be assessed in terms of the ensuing change to their ... |
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Change in suspended sediment concentration over the salt marsh units in Edwin B. Forsythe National Wildlife Refuge, New Jersey during Hurricane Sandy
As part of the Hurricane Sandy Science Plan, the U.S. Geological Survey is expanding National Assessment of Coastal Change Hazards and forecast products to coastal wetlands. The intent is to provide federal, state, and local managers with tools to estimate the vulnerability of coastal wetlands to various factors and to evaluate their ecosystem service potential. For this purpose, the response and resilience of coastal wetlands to physical factors need to be assessed in terms of the ensuing change to their ... |
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Data and calculations to support the study of the sea-air flux of methane and carbon dioxide on the West Spitsbergen margin in June 2014
A critical question for assessing global greenhouse gas budgets is how much of the methane that escapes from seafloor cold seep sites to the overlying water column eventually crosses the sea-air interface and reaches the atmosphere. The issue is particularly important in Arctic Ocean waters since rapid warming there increases the likelihood that gas hydrate--an ice-like form of methane and water stable at particular pressure and temperature conditions within marine sediments--will break down and release its ... |
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Shoreline change rates in salt marsh units in Edwin B. Forsythe National Wildlife Refuge, New Jersey
Monitoring shoreline change is of interest in many coastal areas because it enables quantification of land loss over time. Evolution of shoreline position is determined by the balance between erosion and accretion along the coast. In the case of salt marshes, erosion along the water boundary causes a loss of ecosystem services, such as habitat provision, carbon storage, and wave attenuation. In terms of vulnerability, higher shoreline erosion rates indicate higher vulnerability. This dataset ... |
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Elevation of marsh units in Cape Cod National Seashore salt marsh complex, Massachusetts
Elevation distribution in the Cape Cod National Seashore (CACO) salt marsh complex and approximal wetlands is given in terms of mean elevation of conceptual marsh units defined by Defne and Ganju (2019). The elevation data is based on the 1-meter resolution Coastal National Elevation Database (CoNED), where data gaps exist. Through scientific efforts initiated with the Hurricane Sandy Science Plan, the U.S. Geological Survey has been expanding national assessment of coastal change hazards and forecast ... |
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Geochemical data to characterize chemical water column properties of flooded caves (Ox Bel Ha and Cenote Crustacea) within the coastal aquifer of the Yucatan Peninsula, Quintana Roo, from December 2013 to January 2015
Natural cave passages penetrating coastal aquifers in the Yucatan Peninsula (Quintana Roo, Mexico) were accessed to investigate how regional meteorology and hydrology control dissolved organic carbon and methane dynamics in karst subterranean estuaries, the region of aquifers where fresh and saline waters mix. Three field trips were carried out in December 2013, August 2014, and January 2015 to obtain 1) physicochemical and 2) geochemical data from the water column and 3) temporal records of water chemistry ... |
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Sonde data to characterize physical and chemical water column properties of flooded caves (Ox Bel Ha and Cenote Crustacea) within the coastal aquifer of the Yucatan Peninsula, Quintana Roo, from December 2013 to January 2015
Natural cave passages penetrating coastal aquifers in the Yucatan Peninsula (Quintana Roo, Mexico) were accessed to investigate how regional meteorology and hydrology control dissolved organic carbon and methane dynamics in karst subterranean estuaries, the region of aquifers where fresh and saline waters mix. Three field trips were carried out in December 2013, August 2014, and January 2015 to obtain 1) physicochemical and 2) geochemical data from the water column and 3) temporal records of water chemistry ... |
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Hydrological and chemical records from the flooded Ox Bel Ha cave system in the Yucatan Peninsula, Quintana Roo, from August 2014 to January 2015
Natural cave passages penetrating coastal aquifers in the Yucatan Peninsula (Quintana Roo, Mexico) were accessed to investigate how regional meteorology and hydrology control dissolved organic carbon and methane dynamics in karst subterranean estuaries, the region of aquifers where fresh and saline waters mix. Three field trips were carried out in December 2013, August 2014, and January 2015 to obtain 1) physicochemical and 2) geochemical data from the water column and 3) temporal records of water chemistry ... |
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Elevation of marsh units in Fire Island National Seashore and central Great South Bay salt marsh complex, New York
Elevation distribution in the Fire Island National Seashore and central Great South Bay salt marsh complex is given in terms of mean elevation of conceptual marsh units defined by Defne and Ganju (2018). The elevation data is based on the 1-meter resolution Coastal National Elevation Database (CoNED). Through scientific efforts initiated with the Hurricane Sandy Science Plan, the U.S. Geological Survey has been expanding national assessment of coastal change hazards and forecast products to coastal wetlands ... |
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Conceptual marsh units for Assateague Island National Seashore and Chincoteague Bay, Maryland and Virginia
The salt marsh complex of Assateague Island National Seashore (ASIS) and Chincoteague Bay was delineated to smaller, conceptual marsh units by geoprocessing of surface elevation data. Flow accumulation based on the relative elevation of each location is used to determine the ridge lines that separate each marsh unit while the surface slope is used to automatically assign each unit a drainage point, where water is expected to drain through. Through scientific efforts initiated with the Hurricane Sandy ... |
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DisMOSH, Cost, MOSHShoreline: Distance to foraging areas for piping plovers (foraging shoreline, cost mask, and least-cost path distance): Cedar Island, VA, 2010–2011
Understanding how sea-level rise will affect coastal landforms and the species and habitats they support is critical for crafting approaches that balance the needs of humans and native species. Given this increasing need to forecast sea-level rise effects on barrier islands in the near and long terms, we are developing Bayesian networks to evaluate and to forecast the cascading effects of sea-level rise on shoreline change, barrier island state, and piping plover habitat availability. We use publicly ... |
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DisOcean: Distance to the ocean: Cedar Island, VA, 2010
Understanding how sea-level rise will affect coastal landforms and the species and habitats they support is critical for crafting approaches that balance the needs of humans and native species. Given this increasing need to forecast sea-level rise effects on barrier islands in the near and long terms, we are developing Bayesian networks to evaluate and to forecast the cascading effects of sea-level rise on shoreline change, barrier island state, and piping plover habitat availability. We use publicly ... |
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SupClas, GeoSet, SubType, VegDen, VegType: Categorical landcover rasters (landcover, geomorphic setting, substrate type, vegetation density, and vegetation type): Cedar Island, VA, 2010–2011
Understanding how sea-level rise will affect coastal landforms and the species and habitats they support is critical for crafting approaches that balance the needs of humans and native species. Given this increasing need to forecast sea-level rise effects on barrier islands in the near and long terms, we are developing Bayesian networks to evaluate and to forecast the cascading effects of sea-level rise on shoreline change, barrier island state, and piping plover habitat availability. We use publicly ... |
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DisMOSH, Cost, MOSHShoreline: Distance to foraging areas for piping plovers (foraging shoreline, cost mask, and least-cost path distance): Cedar Island, VA, 2012–2013
Understanding how sea-level rise will affect coastal landforms and the species and habitats they support is critical for crafting approaches that balance the needs of humans and native species. Given this increasing need to forecast sea-level rise effects on barrier islands in the near and long terms, we are developing Bayesian networks to evaluate and to forecast the cascading effects of sea-level rise on shoreline change, barrier island state, and piping plover habitat availability. We use publicly ... |
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DisOcean: Distance to the ocean: Cedar Island, VA, 2012
Understanding how sea-level rise will affect coastal landforms and the species and habitats they support is critical for crafting approaches that balance the needs of humans and native species. Given this increasing need to forecast sea-level rise effects on barrier islands in the near and long terms, we are developing Bayesian networks to evaluate and to forecast the cascading effects of sea-level rise on shoreline change, barrier island state, and piping plover habitat availability. We use publicly ... |
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SupClas, GeoSet, SubType, VegDen, VegType: Categorical landcover rasters (landcover, geomorphic setting, substrate type, vegetation density, and vegetation type): Cedar Island, VA, 2012–2013
Understanding how sea-level rise will affect coastal landforms and the species and habitats they support is critical for crafting approaches that balance the needs of humans and native species. Given this increasing need to forecast sea-level rise effects on barrier islands in the near and long terms, we are developing Bayesian networks to evaluate and to forecast the cascading effects of sea-level rise on shoreline change, barrier island state, and piping plover habitat availability. We use publicly ... |
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DisMOSH, Cost, MOSHShoreline: Distance to foraging areas for piping plovers (foraging shoreline, cost mask, and least-cost path distance): Cedar Island, VA, 2013–2014
Understanding how sea-level rise will affect coastal landforms and the species and habitats they support is critical for crafting approaches that balance the needs of humans and native species. Given this increasing need to forecast sea-level rise effects on barrier islands in the near and long terms, we are developing Bayesian networks to evaluate and to forecast the cascading effects of sea-level rise on shoreline change, barrier island state, and piping plover habitat availability. We use publicly ... |
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DisOcean: Distance to the ocean: Cedar Island, VA, 2014
Understanding how sea-level rise will affect coastal landforms and the species and habitats they support is critical for crafting approaches that balance the needs of humans and native species. Given this increasing need to forecast sea-level rise effects on barrier islands in the near and long terms, we are developing Bayesian networks to evaluate and to forecast the cascading effects of sea-level rise on shoreline change, barrier island state, and piping plover habitat availability. We use publicly ... |
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SupClas, GeoSet, SubType, VegDen, VegType: Categorical landcover rasters (landcover, geomorphic setting, substrate type, vegetation density, and vegetation type): Cedar Island, VA, 2013–2014
Understanding how sea-level rise will affect coastal landforms and the species and habitats they support is critical for crafting approaches that balance the needs of humans and native species. Given this increasing need to forecast sea-level rise effects on barrier islands in the near and long terms, we are developing Bayesian networks to evaluate and to forecast the cascading effects of sea-level rise on shoreline change, barrier island state, and piping plover habitat availability. We use publicly ... |
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Development: Development delineation: Edwin B. Forsythe NWR, NJ, 2010
Understanding how sea-level rise will affect coastal landforms and the species and habitats they support is critical for crafting approaches that balance the needs of humans and native species. Given this increasing need to forecast sea-level rise effects on barrier islands in the near and long terms, we are developing Bayesian networks to evaluate and to forecast the cascading effects of sea-level rise on shoreline change, barrier island state, and piping plover habitat availability. We use publicly ... |
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DisMOSH, Cost, MOSHShoreline: Distance to foraging areas for piping plovers (foraging shoreline, cost mask, and least-cost path distance): Edwin B. Forsythe NWR, NJ, 2010
Understanding how sea-level rise will affect coastal landforms and the species and habitats they support is critical for crafting approaches that balance the needs of humans and native species. Given this increasing need to forecast sea-level rise effects on barrier islands in the near and long terms, we are developing Bayesian networks to evaluate and to forecast the cascading effects of sea-level rise on shoreline change, barrier island state, and piping plover habitat availability. We use publicly ... |
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DisOcean: Distance to the ocean: Edwin B. Forsythe NWR, NJ, 2010
Understanding how sea-level rise will affect coastal landforms and the species and habitats they support is critical for crafting approaches that balance the needs of humans and native species. Given this increasing need to forecast sea-level rise effects on barrier islands in the near and long terms, we are developing Bayesian networks to evaluate and to forecast the cascading effects of sea-level rise on shoreline change, barrier island state, and piping plover habitat availability. We use publicly ... |
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SupClas, GeoSet, SubType, VegDen, VegType: Categorical landcover rasters (landcover, geomorphic setting, substrate type, vegetation density, and vegetation type): Edwin B. Forsythe NWR, NJ, 2010
Understanding how sea-level rise will affect coastal landforms and the species and habitats they support is critical for crafting approaches that balance the needs of humans and native species. Given this increasing need to forecast sea-level rise effects on barrier islands in the near and long terms, we are developing Bayesian networks to evaluate and to forecast the cascading effects of sea-level rise on shoreline change, barrier island state, and piping plover habitat availability. We use publicly ... |
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Development: Development delineation: Edwin B. Forsythe NWR, NJ, 2012
Understanding how sea-level rise will affect coastal landforms and the species and habitats they support is critical for crafting approaches that balance the needs of humans and native species. Given this increasing need to forecast sea-level rise effects on barrier islands in the near and long terms, we are developing Bayesian networks to evaluate and to forecast the cascading effects of sea-level rise on shoreline change, barrier island state, and piping plover habitat availability. We use publicly ... |
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DisMOSH, Cost, MOSHShoreline: Distance to foraging areas for piping plovers (foraging shoreline, cost mask, and least-cost path distance): Edwin B. Forsythe NWR, NJ, 2012
Understanding how sea-level rise will affect coastal landforms and the species and habitats they support is critical for crafting approaches that balance the needs of humans and native species. Given this increasing need to forecast sea-level rise effects on barrier islands in the near and long terms, we are developing Bayesian networks to evaluate and to forecast the cascading effects of sea-level rise on shoreline change, barrier island state, and piping plover habitat availability. We use publicly ... |
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DisOcean: Distance to the ocean: Edwin B. Forsythe NWR, NJ, 2012
Understanding how sea-level rise will affect coastal landforms and the species and habitats they support is critical for crafting approaches that balance the needs of humans and native species. Given this increasing need to forecast sea-level rise effects on barrier islands in the near and long terms, we are developing Bayesian networks to evaluate and to forecast the cascading effects of sea-level rise on shoreline change, barrier island state, and piping plover habitat availability. We use publicly ... |
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SupClas, GeoSet, SubType, VegDen, VegType: Categorical landcover rasters (landcover, geomorphic setting, substrate type, vegetation density, and vegetation type): Edwin B. Forsythe NWR, NJ, 2012
Understanding how sea-level rise will affect coastal landforms and the species and habitats they support is critical for crafting approaches that balance the needs of humans and native species. Given this increasing need to forecast sea-level rise effects on barrier islands in the near and long terms, we are developing Bayesian networks to evaluate and to forecast the cascading effects of sea-level rise on shoreline change, barrier island state, and piping plover habitat availability. We use publicly ... |
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Development: Development delineation: Edwin B. Forsythe NWR, NJ, 2013–2014
Understanding how sea-level rise will affect coastal landforms and the species and habitats they support is critical for crafting approaches that balance the needs of humans and native species. Given this increasing need to forecast sea-level rise effects on barrier islands in the near and long terms, we are developing Bayesian networks to evaluate and to forecast the cascading effects of sea-level rise on shoreline change, barrier island state, and piping plover habitat availability. We use publicly ... |
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DisMOSH, Cost, MOSHShoreline: Distance to foraging areas for piping plovers (foraging shoreline, cost mask, and least-cost path distance): Edwin B. Forsythe NWR, NJ, 2013–2014
Understanding how sea-level rise will affect coastal landforms and the species and habitats they support is critical for crafting approaches that balance the needs of humans and native species. Given this increasing need to forecast sea-level rise effects on barrier islands in the near and long terms, we are developing Bayesian networks to evaluate and to forecast the cascading effects of sea-level rise on shoreline change, barrier island state, and piping plover habitat availability. We use publicly ... |
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DisOcean: Distance to the ocean: Edwin B. Forsythe NWR, NJ, 2014
Understanding how sea-level rise will affect coastal landforms and the species and habitats they support is critical for crafting approaches that balance the needs of humans and native species. Given this increasing need to forecast sea-level rise effects on barrier islands in the near and long terms, we are developing Bayesian networks to evaluate and to forecast the cascading effects of sea-level rise on shoreline change, barrier island state, and piping plover habitat availability. We use publicly ... |
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SupClas, GeoSet, SubType, VegDen, VegType: Categorical landcover rasters (landcover, geomorphic setting, substrate type, vegetation density, and vegetation type): Edwin B. Forsythe NWR, NJ, 2013–2014
Understanding how sea-level rise will affect coastal landforms and the species and habitats they support is critical for crafting approaches that balance the needs of humans and native species. Given this increasing need to forecast sea-level rise effects on barrier islands in the near and long terms, we are developing Bayesian networks to evaluate and to forecast the cascading effects of sea-level rise on shoreline change, barrier island state, and piping plover habitat availability. We use publicly ... |
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DisMOSH, Cost, MOSHShoreline: Distance to foraging areas for piping plovers (foraging shoreline, cost mask, and least-cost path distance): Fire Island, NY, 2010–2011
Understanding how sea-level rise will affect coastal landforms and the species and habitats they support is critical for crafting approaches that balance the needs of humans and native species. Given this increasing need to forecast sea-level rise effects on barrier islands in the near and long terms, we are developing Bayesian networks to evaluate and to forecast the cascading effects of sea-level rise on shoreline change, barrier island state, and piping plover habitat availability. We use publicly ... |
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DisOcean: Distance to the ocean: Fire Island, NY, 2010
Understanding how sea-level rise will affect coastal landforms and the species and habitats they support is critical for crafting approaches that balance the needs of humans and native species. Given this increasing need to forecast sea-level rise effects on barrier islands in the near and long terms, we are developing Bayesian networks to evaluate and to forecast the cascading effects of sea-level rise on shoreline change, barrier island state, and piping plover habitat availability. We use publicly ... |
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Development: Development delineation: Fire Island, NY, 2010–2011
Understanding how sea-level rise will affect coastal landforms and the species and habitats they support is critical for crafting approaches that balance the needs of humans and native species. Given this increasing need to forecast sea-level rise effects on barrier islands in the near and long terms, we are developing Bayesian networks to evaluate and to forecast the cascading effects of sea-level rise on shoreline change, barrier island state, and piping plover habitat availability. We use publicly ... |
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SupClas, GeoSet, SubType, VegDen, VegType: Categorical landcover rasters (landcover, geomorphic setting, substrate type, vegetation density, and vegetation type): Fire Island, NY, 2010–2011
Understanding how sea-level rise will affect coastal landforms and the species and habitats they support is critical for crafting approaches that balance the needs of humans and native species. Given this increasing need to forecast sea-level rise effects on barrier islands in the near and long terms, we are developing Bayesian networks to evaluate and to forecast the cascading effects of sea-level rise on shoreline change, barrier island state, and piping plover habitat availability. We use publicly ... |
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Development: Development delineation: Fire Island, NY, 2012
Understanding how sea-level rise will affect coastal landforms and the species and habitats they support is critical for crafting approaches that balance the needs of humans and native species. Given this increasing need to forecast sea-level rise effects on barrier islands in the near and long terms, we are developing Bayesian networks to evaluate and to forecast the cascading effects of sea-level rise on shoreline change, barrier island state, and piping plover habitat availability. We use publicly ... |
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DisMOSH, Cost, MOSHShoreline: Distance to foraging areas for piping plovers (foraging shoreline, cost mask, and least-cost path distance): Fire Island, NY, 2012
Understanding how sea-level rise will affect coastal landforms and the species and habitats they support is critical for crafting approaches that balance the needs of humans and native species. Given this increasing need to forecast sea-level rise effects on barrier islands in the near and long terms, we are developing Bayesian networks to evaluate and to forecast the cascading effects of sea-level rise on shoreline change, barrier island state, and piping plover habitat availability. We use publicly ... |
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DisOcean: Distance to the ocean: Fire Island, NY, 2012
Understanding how sea-level rise will affect coastal landforms and the species and habitats they support is critical for crafting approaches that balance the needs of humans and native species. Given this increasing need to forecast sea-level rise effects on barrier islands in the near and long terms, we are developing Bayesian networks to evaluate and to forecast the cascading effects of sea-level rise on shoreline change, barrier island state, and piping plover habitat availability. We use publicly ... |
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SupClas, GeoSet, SubType, VegDen, VegType: Categorical landcover rasters (landcover, geomorphic setting, substrate type, vegetation density, and vegetation type): Fire Island, NY, 2012
Understanding how sea-level rise will affect coastal landforms and the species and habitats they support is critical for crafting approaches that balance the needs of humans and native species. Given this increasing need to forecast sea-level rise effects on barrier islands in the near and long terms, we are developing Bayesian networks to evaluate and to forecast the cascading effects of sea-level rise on shoreline change, barrier island state, and piping plover habitat availability. We use publicly ... |
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DisMOSH, Cost, MOSHShoreline: Distance to foraging areas for piping plovers (foraging shoreline, cost mask, and least-cost path distance): Fire Island, NY, 2014–2015
Understanding how sea-level rise will affect coastal landforms and the species and habitats they support is critical for crafting approaches that balance the needs of humans and native species. Given this increasing need to forecast sea-level rise effects on barrier islands in the near and long terms, we are developing Bayesian networks to evaluate and to forecast the cascading effects of sea-level rise on shoreline change, barrier island state, and piping plover habitat availability. We use publicly ... |
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DisOcean: Distance to the ocean: Fire Island, NY, 2014
Understanding how sea-level rise will affect coastal landforms and the species and habitats they support is critical for crafting approaches that balance the needs of humans and native species. Given this increasing need to forecast sea-level rise effects on barrier islands in the near and long terms, we are developing Bayesian networks to evaluate and to forecast the cascading effects of sea-level rise on shoreline change, barrier island state, and piping plover habitat availability. We use publicly ... |
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Development: Development delineation: Fire Island, NY, 2014–2015
Understanding how sea-level rise will affect coastal landforms and the species and habitats they support is critical for crafting approaches that balance the needs of humans and native species. Given this increasing need to forecast sea-level rise effects on barrier islands in the near and long terms, we are developing Bayesian networks to evaluate and to forecast the cascading effects of sea-level rise on shoreline change, barrier island state, and piping plover habitat availability. We use publicly ... |
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SupClas, GeoSet, SubType, VegDen, VegType: Categorical landcover rasters (landcover, geomorphic setting, substrate type, vegetation density, and vegetation type): Fire Island, NY, 2014–2015
Understanding how sea-level rise will affect coastal landforms and the species and habitats they support is critical for crafting approaches that balance the needs of humans and native species. Given this increasing need to forecast sea-level rise effects on barrier islands in the near and long terms, we are developing Bayesian networks to evaluate and to forecast the cascading effects of sea-level rise on shoreline change, barrier island state, and piping plover habitat availability. We use publicly ... |
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DisMOSH, Cost, MOSHShoreline: Distance to foraging areas for piping plovers (foraging shoreline, cost mask, and least-cost path distance): Rockaway Peninsula, NY, 2010–2011
Understanding how sea-level rise will affect coastal landforms and the species and habitats they support is critical for crafting approaches that balance the needs of humans and native species. Given this increasing need to forecast sea-level rise effects on barrier islands in the near and long terms, we are developing Bayesian networks to evaluate and to forecast the cascading effects of sea-level rise on shoreline change, barrier island state, and piping plover habitat availability. We use publicly ... |
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Development: Development delineation: Rockaway Peninsula, NY, 2010–2011
Understanding how sea-level rise will affect coastal landforms and the species and habitats they support is critical for crafting approaches that balance the needs of humans and native species. Given this increasing need to forecast sea-level rise effects on barrier islands in the near and long terms, we are developing Bayesian networks to evaluate and to forecast the cascading effects of sea-level rise on shoreline change, barrier island state, and piping plover habitat availability. We use publicly ... |
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SupClas, GeoSet, SubType, VegDen, VegType: Categorical landcover rasters (landcover, geomorphic setting, substrate type, vegetation density, and vegetation type): Rockaway Peninsula, NY, 2010–2011
Understanding how sea-level rise will affect coastal landforms and the species and habitats they support is critical for crafting approaches that balance the needs of humans and native species. Given this increasing need to forecast sea-level rise effects on barrier islands in the near and long terms, we are developing Bayesian networks to evaluate and to forecast the cascading effects of sea-level rise on shoreline change, barrier island state, and piping plover habitat availability. We use publicly ... |
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Development: Development delineation: Rockaway Peninsula, NY, 2012
Understanding how sea-level rise will affect coastal landforms and the species and habitats they support is critical for crafting approaches that balance the needs of humans and native species. Given this increasing need to forecast sea-level rise effects on barrier islands in the near and long terms, we are developing Bayesian networks to evaluate and to forecast the cascading effects of sea-level rise on shoreline change, barrier island state, and piping plover habitat availability. We use publicly ... |
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DisMOSH, Cost, MOSHShoreline: Distance to foraging areas for piping plovers (foraging shoreline, cost mask, and least-cost path distance): Rockaway Peninsula, NY, 2012
Understanding how sea-level rise will affect coastal landforms and the species and habitats they support is critical for crafting approaches that balance the needs of humans and native species. Given this increasing need to forecast sea-level rise effects on barrier islands in the near and long terms, we are developing Bayesian networks to evaluate and to forecast the cascading effects of sea-level rise on shoreline change, barrier island state, and piping plover habitat availability. We use publicly ... |
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DisOcean: Distance to the ocean: Rockaway Peninsula, NY, 2012
Understanding how sea-level rise will affect coastal landforms and the species and habitats they support is critical for crafting approaches that balance the needs of humans and native species. Given this increasing need to forecast sea-level rise effects on barrier islands in the near and long terms, we are developing Bayesian networks to evaluate and to forecast the cascading effects of sea-level rise on shoreline change, barrier island state, and piping plover habitat availability. We use publicly ... |
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SupClas, GeoSet, SubType, VegDen, VegType: Categorical landcover rasters (landcover, geomorphic setting, substrate type, vegetation density, and vegetation type): Rockaway Peninsula, NY, 2012
Understanding how sea-level rise will affect coastal landforms and the species and habitats they support is critical for crafting approaches that balance the needs of humans and native species. Given this increasing need to forecast sea-level rise effects on barrier islands in the near and long terms, we are developing Bayesian networks to evaluate and to forecast the cascading effects of sea-level rise on shoreline change, barrier island state, and piping plover habitat availability. We use publicly ... |
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Development: Development delineation: Rockaway Peninsula, NY, 2013–2014
Understanding how sea-level rise will affect coastal landforms and the species and habitats they support is critical for crafting approaches that balance the needs of humans and native species. Given this increasing need to forecast sea-level rise effects on barrier islands in the near and long terms, we are developing Bayesian networks to evaluate and to forecast the cascading effects of sea-level rise on shoreline change, barrier island state, and piping plover habitat availability. We use publicly ... |
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DisMOSH, Cost, MOSHShoreline: Distance to foraging areas for piping plovers (foraging shoreline, cost mask, and least-cost path distance): Rockaway Peninsula, NY, 2013–2014
Understanding how sea-level rise will affect coastal landforms and the species and habitats they support is critical for crafting approaches that balance the needs of humans and native species. Given this increasing need to forecast sea-level rise effects on barrier islands in the near and long terms, we are developing Bayesian networks to evaluate and to forecast the cascading effects of sea-level rise on shoreline change, barrier island state, and piping plover habitat availability. We use publicly ... |
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DisOcean: Distance to the ocean: Rockaway Peninsula, NY, 2014
Understanding how sea-level rise will affect coastal landforms and the species and habitats they support is critical for crafting approaches that balance the needs of humans and native species. Given this increasing need to forecast sea-level rise effects on barrier islands in the near and long terms, we are developing Bayesian networks to evaluate and to forecast the cascading effects of sea-level rise on shoreline change, barrier island state, and piping plover habitat availability. We use publicly ... |
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SupClas, GeoSet, SubType, VegDen, VegType: Categorical landcover rasters (landcover, geomorphic setting, substrate type, vegetation density, and vegetation type): Rockaway Peninsula, NY, 2013–2014
Understanding how sea-level rise will affect coastal landforms and the species and habitats they support is critical for crafting approaches that balance the needs of humans and native species. Given this increasing need to forecast sea-level rise effects on barrier islands in the near and long terms, we are developing Bayesian networks to evaluate and to forecast the cascading effects of sea-level rise on shoreline change, barrier island state, and piping plover habitat availability. We use publicly ... |
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Collection, Analysis, and Age-Dating of Sediment Cores from Salt Marshes, Rhode Island, 2016
The accretion history of fringing salt marshes in Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island, was reconstructed from sediment cores. Age models, based on excess lead-210 and cesium-137 radionuclide analysis, were constructed to evaluate how vertical accretion and carbon burial rates have changed during the past century. The Constant Rate of Supply (CRS) age model was used to date six cores collected from three salt marshes. Both vertical accretion rates and carbon burial increased from 1900 to 2016, the year the data ... |
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Nearshore groundwater seepage and geochemical data measured in 2015 at Guinea Creek, Rehoboth Bay, Delaware
Assessment of biogeochemical processes and transformations at the aquifer-estuary interface and measurement of the chemical flux from submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) zones to coastal water bodies are critical for evaluating ecosystem service, geochemical budgets, and eutrophication status. The U.S. Geological Survey and the University of Delaware measured rates of SGD and concentrations of dissolved constituents, including nitrogen species, from recirculating ultrasonic and manual seepage meters, and ... |
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Mean tidal range in marsh units of Plum Island Estuary and Parker River salt marsh complex, Massachusetts
Biomass production is positively correlated with mean tidal range in salt marshes along the Atlantic coast of the United States of America. Recent studies support the idea that enhanced stability of the marshes can be attributed to increased vegetative growth due to increased tidal range. This dataset displays the spatial variation of mean tidal range (i.e. Mean Range of Tides, MN) in the Plum Island Estuary and Parker River (PIEPR) salt marsh complex based on conceptual marsh units defined by Defne and ... |
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Conceptual marsh units for Cape Cod National Seashore salt marsh complex, Massachusetts
The salt marsh complex of Cape Cod National Seashore (CACO), Massachusetts, USA and approximal wetlands were delineated to smaller, conceptual marsh units by geoprocessing of surface elevation data. Flow accumulation based on the relative elevation of each location is used to determine the ridge lines that separate each marsh unit while the surface slope is used to automatically assign each unit a drainage point, where water is expected to drain through. Through scientific efforts initiated with the ... |
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Collection, analysis, and age-dating of sediment cores from Herring River wetlands and other nearby wetlands in Wellfleet, Massachusetts, 2015–17
The Herring River estuary in Wellfleet, Cape Cod, Massachusetts, has been tidally restricted for more than a century by a dike constructed near the mouth of the river. Upstream from the dike, the tidal restriction has caused the conversion of salt marsh wetlands to various other ecosystems including impounded freshwater marshes, flooded shrub land, drained forested upland, and brackish wetlands dominated by Phragmites australis. This estuary is now managed by the National Park Service, which plans to ... |
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Conceptual marsh units for Fire Island National Seashore and central Great South Bay salt marsh complex, New York
The salt marsh complex of Fire Island National Seashore (FIIS) and central Great South Bay was delineated to smaller, conceptual marsh units by geoprocessing of surface elevation data. Flow accumulation based on the relative elevation of each location is used to determine the ridge lines that separate each marsh unit while the surface slope is used to automatically assign each unit a drainage point, where water is expected to drain through. Through scientific efforts initiated with the Hurricane Sandy ... |
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2013-14 Massachusetts Lidar-Derived Dune Crest Point Data
This data release of dune metrics for the Massachusetts coast is part of a 2018 update to the Massachusetts Shoreline Change Project. Because of continued coastal population growth and the increased threat of coastal erosion, the Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management (CZM) launched the Shoreline Change Project in 1989 to identify erosion-prone areas of the coast. Maps of historic shoreline locations from the mid-1800s to 1978 were produced from multiple data sources, and in 2001, a 1994 shoreline ... |
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2013-14 Massachusetts Lidar-Derived Dune Toe Point Data
This data release of dune metrics for the Massachusetts coast is part of a 2018 update to the Massachusetts Shoreline Change Project. Because of continued coastal population growth and the increased threat of coastal erosion, the Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management (CZM) launched the Shoreline Change Project in 1989 to identify erosion-prone areas of the coast. Maps of historic shoreline locations from the mid-1800s to 1978 were produced from multiple data sources, and in 2001, a 1994 shoreline ... |
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Collection, analysis, and age-dating of sediment cores from mangrove wetlands in San Juan Bay Estuary, Puerto Rico, 2016
The San Juan Bay Estuary, Puerto Rico, contains mangrove forests that store significant amounts of organic carbon in soils and biomass. There is a strong urbanization gradient across the estuary, from the highly urbanized and clogged Caño Martin Peña in the western part of the estuary, a series of lagoons in the center of the estuary, and a tropical forest reserve (Piñones) in the easternmost part with limited urbanization. We collected sediment cores to determine carbon burial rates and vertical ... |
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Conceptual marsh units of Massachusetts salt marshes
This data release contains coastal wetland synthesis products for Massachusetts, developed in collaboration with the Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management. Metrics for resiliency, including unvegetated to vegetated ratio (UVVR), marsh elevation, and tidal range are calculated for smaller units delineated from a digital elevation model, providing the spatial variability of physical factors that influence wetland health. The U.S. Geological Survey has been expanding national assessment of coastal ... |
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Elevation of marsh units in Massachusetts salt marshes
This data release contains coastal wetland synthesis products for Massachusetts, developed in collaboration with the Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management. Metrics for resiliency, including unvegetated to vegetated ratio (UVVR), marsh elevation, and tidal range, are calculated for smaller units delineated from a digital elevation model, providing the spatial variability of physical factors that influence wetland health. The U.S. Geological Survey has been expanding national assessment of coastal ... |
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Mean tidal range of marsh units in Massachusetts salt marshes
This data release contains coastal wetland synthesis products for Massachusetts, developed in collaboration with the Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management. Metrics for resiliency, including unvegetated to vegetated ratio (UVVR), marsh elevation, and tidal range are calculated for smaller units delineated from a digital elevation model, providing the spatial variability of physical factors that influence wetland health. The U.S. Geological Survey has been expanding national assessment of coastal ... |
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Unvegetated to vegetated ratio of marsh units in Massachusetts salt marshes
This data release contains coastal wetland synthesis products for Massachusetts, developed in collaboration with the Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management. Metrics for resiliency, including unvegetated to vegetated ratio (UVVR), marsh elevation, and tidal range are calculated for smaller units delineated from a digital elevation model, providing the spatial variability of physical factors that influence wetland health. The U.S. Geological Survey has been expanding national assessment of coastal ... |
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Conceptual marsh units of Chesapeake Bay salt marshes
This data release contains coastal wetland synthesis products for Chesapeake Bay. Metrics for resiliency, including unvegetated to vegetated ratio (UVVR), marsh elevation, and tidal range are calculated for smaller units delineated from a digital elevation model, providing the spatial variability of physical factors that influence wetland health. The U.S. Geological Survey has been expanding national assessment of coastal change hazards and forecast products to coastal wetlands with the intent of providing ... |
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Elevation of marsh units in Chesapeake Bay salt marshes
This data release contains coastal wetland synthesis products for Chesapeake Bay. Metrics for resiliency, including unvegetated to vegetated ratio (UVVR), marsh elevation, and tidal range are calculated for smaller units delineated from a digital elevation model, providing the spatial variability of physical factors that influence wetland health. The U.S. Geological Survey has been expanding national assessment of coastal change hazards and forecast products to coastal wetlands with the intent of providing ... |
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Mean tidal range of marsh units in Chesapeake Bay salt marshes
This data release contains coastal wetland synthesis products for Chesapeake Bay. Metrics for resiliency, including unvegetated to vegetated ratio (UVVR), marsh elevation, and tidal range are calculated for smaller units delineated from a digital elevation model, providing the spatial variability of physical factors that influence wetland health. The U.S. Geological Survey has been expanding national assessment of coastal change hazards and forecast products to coastal wetlands with the intent of providing ... |
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Unvegetated to vegetated ratio of marsh units in Chesapeake Bay salt marshes
This data release contains coastal wetland synthesis products for Chesapeake Bay. Metrics for resiliency, including unvegetated to vegetated ratio (UVVR), marsh elevation, and tidal range are calculated for smaller units delineated from a digital elevation model, providing the spatial variability of physical factors that influence wetland health. The U.S. Geological Survey has been expanding national assessment of coastal change hazards and forecast products to coastal wetlands with the intent of providing ... |
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Comparison of methane concentration and stable carbon isotope data for natural samples analyzed by discrete sample introduction module - cavity ring down spectroscopy (DSIM-CRDS) and traditional methods
A discrete sample introduction module (DSIM) was developed and interfaced to a cavity ring-down spectrometer to enable measurements of methane and CO2 concentrations and 13C values with a commercially available cavity ring-down spectrometer (CRDS). The DSIM-CRDS system permits the analysis of limited volume (5 - 100-ml) samples ranging six orders-of-magnitude from 100% analyte to the lower limit of instrument detection (2 ppm). We demonstrate system performance for methane by comparing concentrations and ... |
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Unvegetated to vegetated marsh ratio in Cape Cod National Seashore salt marsh complex, Massachusetts
Unvegetated to vegetated marsh ratio (UVVR) in the Cape Cod National Seashore (CACO) salt marsh complex and approximal wetlands is computed based on conceptual marsh units defined by Defne and Ganju (2019). UVVR was calculated based on U.S. Department of Agriculture National Agriculture Imagery Program (NAIP) 1-meter resolution imagery. Through scientific efforts initiated with the Hurricane Sandy Science Plan, the U.S. Geological Survey has been expanding national assessment of coastal change hazards and ... |
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Unvegetated to vegetated marsh ratio in Assateague Island National Seashore and Chincoteague Bay, Maryland and Virginia
Unvegetated to vegetated marsh ratio (UVVR) in the Assateague Island National Seashore and Chincoteague Bay is computed based on conceptual marsh units defined by Defne and Ganju (2018). UVVR was calculated based on U.S. Department of Agriculture National Agriculture Imagery Program (NAIP) 1-meter resolution imagery. Through scientific efforts initiated with the Hurricane Sandy Science Plan, the U.S. Geological Survey has been expanding national assessment of coastal change hazards and forecast products to ... |
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2015 Mean High Water Shorelines of the Puerto Rico coast used in Shoreline Change Analysis
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) maintains shoreline positions for the United States coasts from both older sources, such as aerial photos or topographic surveys, as well as contemporary sources like lidar point clouds and digital elevation models (DEMs). These shorelines are compiled and analyzed in the Digital Shoreline Analysis System (DSAS) software to compute rates of change. It is useful to keep a record of historical shoreline positions as a method of monitoring change over time to identify areas ... |
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2016 NOAA Mean High Water Shorelines of the Puerto Rico coast used in Shoreline Change Analysis
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) maintains shoreline positions for the United States coasts from both older sources, such as aerial photos or topographic surveys, as well as contemporary sources like lidar point clouds and digital elevation models (DEMs). These shorelines are compiled and analyzed in the Digital Shoreline Analysis System (DSAS) software to compute rates of change. It is useful to keep a record of historical shoreline positions as a method of monitoring change over time to identify areas ... |
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2016 USACE Mean High Water Shorelines of the Puerto Rico coast used in Shoreline Change Analysis
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) maintains shoreline positions for the United States coasts from both older sources, such as aerial photos or topographic surveys, as well as contemporary sources like lidar point clouds and digital elevation models (DEMs). These shorelines are compiled and analyzed in the Digital Shoreline Analysis System (DSAS) software to compute rates of change. It is useful to keep a record of historical shoreline positions as a method of monitoring change over time to identify areas ... |
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2018 Mean High Water Shorelines of the Puerto Rico coast used in Shoreline Change Analysis
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) maintains shoreline positions for the United States coasts from both older sources, such as aerial photos or topographic surveys, as well as contemporary sources like lidar point clouds and digital elevation models (DEMs). These shorelines are compiled and analyzed in the Digital Shoreline Analysis System (DSAS) software to compute rates of change. It is useful to keep a record of historical shoreline positions as a method of monitoring change over time to identify areas ... |
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Historical Shorelines for Puerto Rico from 1901 to 1987
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) maintains shoreline positions for the United States coasts from both older sources, such as aerial photos or topographic surveys, as well as contemporary sources like lidar point clouds and digital elevation models (DEMs). These shorelines are compiled and analyzed in the Digital Shoreline Analysis System (DSAS) software to compute rates of change. It is useful to keep a record of historical shoreline positions as a method of monitoring change over time to identify areas ... |
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VA Bias_Feature – Feature class containing Virginia proxy-datum bias information to be used in the Digital Shoreline Analysis System.
Geological Survey (USGS) has compiled national shoreline data for more than 20 years to document coastal change and serve the needs of research, management, and the public. Maintaining a record of historical shoreline positions is an effective method to monitor national shoreline evolution over time, enabling scientists to identify areas most susceptible to erosion or accretion. These data can help coastal managers and planners understand which areas of the coast are vulnerable to change. This data release ... |
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Intersects for coastal region of Virginia generated to calculate short-term shoreline change rates using the Digital Shoreline Analysis System version 5.1
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) has compiled national shoreline data for more than 20 years to document coastal change and serve the needs of research, management, and the public. Maintaining a record of historical shoreline positions is an effective method to monitor national shoreline evolution over time, enabling scientists to identify areas most susceptible to erosion or accretion. These data can help coastal managers and planners understand which areas of the coast are vulnerable to change. This ... |
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Long-term shoreline change rates for the Virginia coastal region, calculated with and without the proxy-datum bias using the Digital Shoreline Analysis System version 5.1
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) has compiled national shoreline data for more than 20 years to document coastal change and serve the needs of research, management, and the public. Maintaining a record of historical shoreline positions is an effective method to monitor national shoreline evolution over time, enabling scientists to identify areas most susceptible to erosion or accretion. These data can help coastal managers and planners understand which areas of the coast are vulnerable to change. This ... |
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Short-term shoreline change rates for the Virginia coastal region using the Digital Shoreline Analysis System version 5.1
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) has compiled national shoreline data for more than 20 years to document coastal change and serve the needs of research, management, and the public. Maintaining a record of historical shoreline positions is an effective method to monitor national shoreline evolution over time, enabling scientists to identify areas most susceptible to erosion or accretion. These data can help coastal managers and planners understand which areas of the coast are vulnerable to change. This ... |
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A GIS compilation of vector shorelines for the Virginia coastal region from the 1840s to 2010s
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) has compiled national shoreline data for more than 20 years to document coastal change and serve the needs of research, management, and the public. Maintaining a record of historical shoreline positions is an effective method to monitor national shoreline evolution over time, enabling scientists to identify areas most susceptible to erosion or accretion. These data can help coastal managers and planners understand which areas of the coast are vulnerable to change. This ... |
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Continuous Monitoring Data From Great Barnstable Marsh on Cape Cod, Massachusetts, 2017-19
Salt marshes are environmental ecosystems that contribute to coastal landscape resiliency to storms and rising sea level. Ninety percent of mid-Atlantic and New England salt marshes have been impacted by parallel grid ditching that began in the 1920s–40s to control mosquito populations and to provide employment opportunities during the Great Depression (James-Pirri and others, 2009; Kennish, 2001). Continued alteration of salt marsh hydrology has had unintended consequences for salt marsh sustainability ... |
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Conceptual marsh units for Jamaica Bay to western Great South Bay salt marsh complex, New York
This data release contains coastal wetland synthesis products for the geographic region from Jamaica Bay to western Great South Bay, located in southeastern New York State. Metrics for resiliency, including unvegetated to vegetated ratio (UVVR), marsh elevation, and mean tidal range, are calculated for smaller units delineated from a Digital Elevation Model, providing the spatial variability of physical factors that influence wetland health. Through scientific efforts initiated with the Hurricane Sandy ... |
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Elevation of marsh units in Jamaica Bay to western Great South Bay salt marsh complex, New York
This data release contains coastal wetland synthesis products for the geographic region from Jamaica Bay to western Great South Bay, located in southeastern New York State. Metrics for resiliency, including unvegetated to vegetated ratio (UVVR), marsh elevation, and mean tidal range, are calculated for smaller units delineated from a Digital Elevation Model, providing the spatial variability of physical factors that influence wetland health. Through scientific efforts initiated with the Hurricane Sandy ... |
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Mean tidal range in marsh units of Jamaica Bay to western Great South Bay salt marsh complex, New York
This data release contains coastal wetland synthesis products for the geographic region from Jamaica Bay to western Great South Bay, located in southeastern New York State. Metrics for resiliency, including unvegetated to vegetated ratio (UVVR), marsh elevation, and mean tidal range, are calculated for smaller units delineated from a Digital Elevation Model, providing the spatial variability of physical factors that influence wetland health. Through scientific efforts initiated with the Hurricane Sandy ... |
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Unvegetated to vegetated marsh ratio in Jamaica Bay to western Great South Bay salt marsh complex, New York
This data release contains coastal wetland synthesis products for the geographic region from Jamaica Bay to western Great South Bay, located in southeastern New York State. Metrics for resiliency, including unvegetated to vegetated ratio (UVVR), marsh elevation, and mean tidal range, are calculated for smaller units delineated from a Digital Elevation Model, providing the spatial variability of physical factors that influence wetland health. Through scientific efforts initiated with the Hurricane Sandy ... |
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Mean High Water Shorelines for the Outer Cape of Massachusetts from Nauset Inlet to Race Point (1998-2005)
This data release contains mean high water (MHW) shorelines for the Outer Cape of Cape Cod, Massachusetts, from Nauset Inlet to Race Point. From 1998-2005, the U.S. Geological Survey surveyed 45 kilometers of coastline 111 times using a ground-based system called Surveying Wide-Area Shorelines (SWASH). The SWASH system used a six-wheeled amphibious all-terrain vehicle as a platform for an array of Global Positioning System sensors. High-accuracy measurements of horizontal position, vertical position, and ... |
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Elevation of marsh units in Assateague Island National Seashore and Chincoteague Bay, Maryland and Virginia
Elevation distribution in the Assateague Island National Seashore (ASIS) salt marsh complex and Chincoteague Bay is given in terms of mean elevation of conceptual marsh units defined by Defne and Ganju (2018). The elevation data is based on the 1-meter resolution Coastal National Elevation Database (CoNED). Through scientific efforts initiated with the Hurricane Sandy Science Plan, the U.S. Geological Survey has been expanding national assessment of coastal change hazards and forecast products to coastal ... |
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Collection, analysis, and age-dating of sediment cores from a salt marsh platform and ponds, Rowley, Massachusetts, 2014-15
Sediment cores were collected from three sites within the Plum Island Ecosystems Long-Term Ecological Research (PIE-LTER) domain in Massachusetts to obtain estimates of long-term marsh decomposition and evaluate shifts in the composition and reactivity of sediment organic carbon in disturbed marsh environments. Paired sediment cores were collected from three sites on the marsh platform and from three ponds; these cores were about 100 and 50 centimeters in length, respectively. The marsh sites had similar ... |
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Baseline for the Florida east coast (FLec) coastal region generated to calculate shoreline change rates using the Digital Shoreline Analysis System version 5
During Hurricane Irma in September 2017, Florida and Georgia experienced significant impacts to beaches, dunes, barrier islands, and coral reefs. Extensive erosion and coral losses result in increased immediate and long-term hazards to shorelines that include densely populated regions. These hazards put critical infrastructure at risk to future flooding and erosion and may cause economic losses. The USGS Coastal and Marine Hazards Resources Program (CMHRP) is assessing hurricane-induced coastal erosion ... |
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Bias Feature for the Florida east coast (FLec) coastal region containing proxy-datum bias information to be used in the Digital Shoreline Analysis System version 5
During Hurricane Irma in September 2017, Florida and Georgia experienced significant impacts to beaches, dunes, barrier islands, and coral reefs. Extensive erosion and coral losses result in increased immediate and long-term hazards to shorelines that include densely populated regions. These hazards put critical infrastructure at risk to future flooding and erosion and may cause economic losses. The USGS Coastal and Marine Hazards Resources Program (CMHRP) is assessing hurricane-induced coastal erosion ... |
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Intersects for the Florida east coast (FLec) coastal region generated to calculate long-term shoreline change rates using the Digital Shoreline Analysis System version 5
During Hurricane Irma in September 2017, Florida and Georgia experienced significant impacts to beaches, dunes, barrier islands, and coral reefs. Extensive erosion and coral losses result in increased immediate and long-term hazards to shorelines that include densely populated regions. These hazards put critical infrastructure at risk to future flooding and erosion and may cause economic losses. The USGS Coastal and Marine Hazards Resources Program (CMHRP) is assessing hurricane-induced coastal erosion ... |
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Intersects for the Florida east coast (FLec) coastal region generated to calculate short-term shoreline change rates using the Digital Shoreline Analysis System version 5
During Hurricane Irma in September 2017, Florida and Georgia experienced significant impacts to beaches, dunes, barrier islands, and coral reefs. Extensive erosion and coral losses result in increased immediate and long-term hazards to shorelines that include densely populated regions. These hazards put critical infrastructure at risk to future flooding and erosion and may cause economic losses. The USGS Coastal and Marine Hazards Resources Program (CMHRP) is assessing hurricane-induced coastal erosion ... |
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Shorelines of the Florida east coast (FLec) coastal region used in shoreline change analysis
During Hurricane Irma in September 2017, Florida and Georgia experienced significant impacts to beaches, dunes, barrier islands, and coral reefs. Extensive erosion and coral losses result in increased immediate and long-term hazards to shorelines that include densely populated regions. These hazards put critical infrastructure at risk to future flooding and erosion and may cause economic losses. The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Coastal and Marine Hazards Resources Program (CMHRP) is assessing hurricane ... |
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Long-term shoreline change rates for the Florida east coast (FLec) coastal region using the Digital Shoreline Analysis System version 5
During Hurricane Irma in September 2017, Florida and Georgia experienced significant impacts to beaches, dunes, barrier islands, and coral reefs. Extensive erosion and coral losses result in increased immediate and long-term hazards to shorelines that include densely populated regions. These hazards put critical infrastructure at risk to future flooding and erosion and may cause economic losses. The USGS Coastal and Marine Hazards Resources Program (CMHRP) is assessing hurricane-induced coastal erosion ... |
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Short-term shoreline change rates for the Florida east coast (FLec) coastal region using the Digital Shoreline Analysis System version 5
During Hurricane Irma in September 2017, Florida and Georgia experienced significant impacts to beaches, dunes, barrier islands, and coral reefs. Extensive erosion and coral losses result in increased immediate and long-term hazards to shorelines that include densely populated regions. These hazards put critical infrastructure at risk to future flooding and erosion and may cause economic losses. The USGS Coastal and Marine Hazards Resources Program (CMHRP) is assessing hurricane-induced coastal erosion ... |
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Baseline for the Florida panhandle (FLph) coastal region generated to calculate shoreline change rates using the Digital Shoreline Analysis System version 5
During Hurricane Irma in September 2017, Florida and Georgia experienced significant impacts to beaches, dunes, barrier islands, and coral reefs. Extensive erosion and coral losses result in increased immediate and long-term hazards to shorelines that include densely populated regions. These hazards put critical infrastructure at risk to future flooding and erosion and may cause economic losses. The USGS Coastal and Marine Hazards Resources Program (CMHRP) is assessing hurricane-induced coastal erosion ... |
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Bias Feature for the Florida panhandle (FLph) coastal region containing proxy-datum bias information to be used in the Digital Shoreline Analysis System version 5
During Hurricane Irma in September 2017, Florida and Georgia experienced significant impacts to beaches, dunes, barrier islands, and coral reefs. Extensive erosion and coral losses result in increased immediate and long-term hazards to shorelines that include densely populated regions. These hazards put critical infrastructure at risk to future flooding and erosion and may cause economic losses. The USGS Coastal and Marine Hazards Resources Program (CMHRP) is assessing hurricane-induced coastal erosion ... |
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Intersects for the Florida panhandle (FLph) coastal region generated to calculate long-term shoreline change rates using the Digital Shoreline Analysis System version 5
During Hurricane Irma in September 2017, Florida and Georgia experienced significant impacts to beaches, dunes, barrier islands, and coral reefs. Extensive erosion and coral losses result in increased immediate and long-term hazards to shorelines that include densely populated regions. These hazards put critical infrastructure at risk to future flooding and erosion and may cause economic losses. The USGS Coastal and Marine Hazards Resources Program (CMHRP) is assessing hurricane-induced coastal erosion ... |
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Intersects for the Florida panhandle (FLph) coastal region generated to calculate short-term shoreline change rates using the Digital Shoreline Analysis System version 5
During Hurricane Irma in September 2017, Florida and Georgia experienced significant impacts to beaches, dunes, barrier islands, and coral reefs. Extensive erosion and coral losses result in increased immediate and long-term hazards to shorelines that include densely populated regions. These hazards put critical infrastructure at risk to future flooding and erosion and may cause economic losses. The USGS Coastal and Marine Hazards Resources Program (CMHRP) is assessing hurricane-induced coastal erosion ... |
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Shorelines of the Florida panhandle (FLph) coastal region used in shoreline change analysis
During Hurricane Irma in September 2017, Florida and Georgia experienced significant impacts to beaches, dunes, barrier islands, and coral reefs. Extensive erosion and coral losses result in increased immediate and long-term hazards to shorelines that include densely populated regions. These hazards put critical infrastructure at risk to future flooding and erosion and may cause economic losses. The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Coastal and Marine Hazards Resources Program (CMHRP) is assessing hurricane ... |
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Long-term shoreline change rates for the Florida panhandle (FLph) coastal region using the Digital Shoreline Analysis System version 5
During Hurricane Irma in September 2017, Florida and Georgia experienced significant impacts to beaches, dunes, barrier islands, and coral reefs. Extensive erosion and coral losses result in increased immediate and long-term hazards to shorelines that include densely populated regions. These hazards put critical infrastructure at risk to future flooding and erosion and may cause economic losses. The USGS Coastal and Marine Hazards Resources Program (CMHRP) is assessing hurricane-induced coastal erosion ... |
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Short-term shoreline change rates for the Florida panhandle (FLph) coastal region using the Digital Shoreline Analysis System version 5
During Hurricane Irma in September 2017, Florida and Georgia experienced significant impacts to beaches, dunes, barrier islands, and coral reefs. Extensive erosion and coral losses result in increased immediate and long-term hazards to shorelines that include densely populated regions. These hazards put critical infrastructure at risk to future flooding and erosion and may cause economic losses. The USGS Coastal and Marine Hazards Resources Program (CMHRP) is assessing hurricane-induced coastal erosion ... |
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Baseline for the Florida west coast (FLwc) coastal region generated to calculate shoreline change rates using the Digital Shoreline Analysis System version 5
During Hurricane Irma in September 2017, Florida and Georgia experienced significant impacts to beaches, dunes, barrier islands, and coral reefs. Extensive erosion and coral losses result in increased immediate and long-term hazards to shorelines that include densely populated regions. These hazards put critical infrastructure at risk to future flooding and erosion and may cause economic losses. The USGS Coastal and Marine Hazards Resources Program (CMHRP) is assessing hurricane-induced coastal erosion ... |
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Bias Feature for the Florida west coast (FLwc) coastal region containing proxy-datum bias information to be used in the Digital Shoreline Analysis System version 5
During Hurricane Irma in September 2017, Florida and Georgia experienced significant impacts to beaches, dunes, barrier islands, and coral reefs. Extensive erosion and coral losses result in increased immediate and long-term hazards to shorelines that include densely populated regions. These hazards put critical infrastructure at risk to future flooding and erosion and may cause economic losses. The USGS Coastal and Marine Hazards Resources Program (CMHRP) is assessing hurricane-induced coastal erosion ... |
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Intersects for the Florida west coast (FLwc) coastal region generated to calculate long-term shoreline change rates using the Digital Shoreline Analysis System version 5
During Hurricane Irma in September 2017, Florida and Georgia experienced significant impacts to beaches, dunes, barrier islands, and coral reefs. Extensive erosion and coral losses result in increased immediate and long-term hazards to shorelines that include densely populated regions. These hazards put critical infrastructure at risk to future flooding and erosion and may cause economic losses. The USGS Coastal and Marine Hazards Resources Program (CMHRP) is assessing hurricane-induced coastal erosion ... |
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Intersects for the Florida west coast (FLwc) coastal region generated to calculate short-term shoreline change rates using the Digital Shoreline Analysis System version 5
During Hurricane Irma in September 2017, Florida and Georgia experienced significant impacts to beaches, dunes, barrier islands, and coral reefs. Extensive erosion and coral losses result in increased immediate and long-term hazards to shorelines that include densely populated regions. These hazards put critical infrastructure at risk to future flooding and erosion and may cause economic losses. The USGS Coastal and Marine Hazards Resources Program (CMHRP) is assessing hurricane-induced coastal erosion ... |
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Shorelines of the Florida west coast (FLwc) coastal region used in shoreline change analysis
During Hurricane Irma in September 2017, Florida and Georgia experienced significant impacts to beaches, dunes, barrier islands, and coral reefs. Extensive erosion and coral losses result in increased immediate and long-term hazards to shorelines that include densely populated regions. These hazards put critical infrastructure at risk to future flooding and erosion and may cause economic losses. The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Coastal and Marine Hazards Resources Program (CMHRP) is assessing hurricane ... |
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Long-term shoreline change rates for the Florida west coast (FLwc) coastal region using the Digital Shoreline Analysis System version 5
During Hurricane Irma in September 2017, Florida and Georgia experienced significant impacts to beaches, dunes, barrier islands, and coral reefs. Extensive erosion and coral losses result in increased immediate and long-term hazards to shorelines that include densely populated regions. These hazards put critical infrastructure at risk to future flooding and erosion and may cause economic losses. The USGS Coastal and Marine Hazards Resources Program (CMHRP) is assessing hurricane-induced coastal erosion ... |
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Short-term shoreline change rates for the Florida west coast (FLwc) coastal region using the Digital Shoreline Analysis System version 5
During Hurricane Irma in September 2017, Florida and Georgia experienced significant impacts to beaches, dunes, barrier islands, and coral reefs. Extensive erosion and coral losses result in increased immediate and long-term hazards to shorelines that include densely populated regions. These hazards put critical infrastructure at risk to future flooding and erosion and may cause economic losses. The USGS Coastal and Marine Hazards Resources Program (CMHRP) is assessing hurricane-induced coastal erosion ... |
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Baseline for the Georgia coastal region generated to calculate shoreline change rates using the Digital Shoreline Analysis System version 5
During Hurricane Irma in September 2017, Florida and Georgia experienced significant impacts to beaches, dunes, barrier islands, and coral reefs. Extensive erosion and coral losses result in increased immediate and long-term hazards to shorelines that include densely populated regions. These hazards put critical infrastructure at risk to future flooding and erosion and may cause economic losses. The USGS Coastal and Marine Hazards Resources Program (CMHRP) is assessing hurricane-induced coastal erosion ... |
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Bias Feature for the Georgia coastal region containing proxy-datum bias information to be used in the Digital Shoreline Analysis System version 5
During Hurricane Irma in September 2017, Florida and Georgia experienced significant impacts to beaches, dunes, barrier islands, and coral reefs. Extensive erosion and coral losses result in increased immediate and long-term hazards to shorelines that include densely populated regions. These hazards put critical infrastructure at risk to future flooding and erosion and may cause economic losses. The USGS Coastal and Marine Hazards Resources Program (CMHRP) is assessing hurricane-induced coastal erosion ... |
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Intersects for the Georgia coastal region generated to calculate long-term shoreline change rates using the Digital Shoreline Analysis System version 5
During Hurricane Irma in September 2017, Florida and Georgia experienced significant impacts to beaches, dunes, barrier islands, and coral reefs. Extensive erosion and coral losses result in increased immediate and long-term hazards to shorelines that include densely populated regions. These hazards put critical infrastructure at risk to future flooding and erosion and may cause economic losses. The USGS Coastal and Marine Hazards Resources Program (CMHRP) is assessing hurricane-induced coastal erosion ... |
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Intersects for the Georgia coastal region generated to calculate short-term shoreline change rates using the Digital Shoreline Analysis System version 5
During Hurricane Irma in September 2017, Florida and Georgia experienced significant impacts to beaches, dunes, barrier islands, and coral reefs. Extensive erosion and coral losses result in increased immediate and long-term hazards to shorelines that include densely populated regions. These hazards put critical infrastructure at risk to future flooding and erosion and may cause economic losses. The USGS Coastal and Marine Hazards Resources Program (CMHRP) is assessing hurricane-induced coastal erosion ... |
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Shorelines of the Georgia coastal region used in shoreline change analysis
During Hurricane Irma in September 2017, Florida and Georgia experienced significant impacts to beaches, dunes, barrier islands, and coral reefs. Extensive erosion and coral losses result in increased immediate and long-term hazards to shorelines that include densely populated regions. These hazards put critical infrastructure at risk to future flooding and erosion and may cause economic losses. The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Coastal and Marine Hazards Resources Program (CMHRP) is assessing hurricane ... |
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Long-term shoreline change rates for the Georgia coastal region using the Digital Shoreline Analysis System version 5
During Hurricane Irma in September 2017, Florida and Georgia experienced significant impacts to beaches, dunes, barrier islands, and coral reefs. Extensive erosion and coral losses result in increased immediate and long-term hazards to shorelines that include densely populated regions. These hazards put critical infrastructure at risk to future flooding and erosion and may cause economic losses. The USGS Coastal and Marine Hazards Resources Program (CMHRP) is assessing hurricane-induced coastal erosion ... |
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Short-term shoreline change rates for the Georgia coastal region using the Digital Shoreline Analysis System version 5
During Hurricane Irma in September 2017, Florida and Georgia experienced significant impacts to beaches, dunes, barrier islands, and coral reefs. Extensive erosion and coral losses result in increased immediate and long-term hazards to shorelines that include densely populated regions. These hazards put critical infrastructure at risk to future flooding and erosion and may cause economic losses. The USGS Coastal and Marine Hazards Resources Program (CMHRP) is assessing hurricane-induced coastal erosion ... |
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Preliminary global database of known and inferred gas hydrate locations
For more than 25 years, the U.S. Geological Survey Gas Hydrates Project has compiled and maintained an internal database of locations where the existence of gas hydrate has been confirmed or inferred in research studies. The existence of gas hydrate was considered confirmed when gas hydrate was recovered by researchers or videotaped from a vehicle (such as a submersible or remotely operated vehicle) near the sea floor. The existence of gas hydrate was considered inferred when seismic data, borehole logs, or ... |
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Elevation of marsh units in Blackwater salt marsh complex, Chesapeake Bay, Maryland
This data release contains coastal wetland synthesis products for the geographic region of Blackwater salt marsh complex, Chesapeake Bay, Maryland. Metrics for resiliency, including unvegetated to vegetated ratio (UVVR), marsh elevation, and others, are calculated for smaller units delineated from a digital elevation model, providing the spatial variability of physical factors that influence wetland health. The U.S. Geological Survey has been expanding national assessment of coastal change hazards and ... |
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Unvegetated to vegetated ratio of marsh units in Blackwater salt marsh complex, Chesapeake Bay, Maryland
This data release contains coastal wetland synthesis products for the geographic region of Blackwater salt marsh complex, Chesapeake Bay, Maryland. Metrics for resiliency, including unvegetated to vegetated ratio (UVVR), marsh elevation, and others, are calculated for smaller units delineated from a digital elevation model, providing the spatial variability of physical factors that influence wetland health. The U.S. Geological Survey has been expanding national assessment of coastal change hazards and ... |
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Geochemical data supporting investigation of solute and particle cycling and fluxes from two tidal wetlands on the south shore of Cape Cod, Massachusetts, 2012-19 (ver. 2.0, October 2022)
Assessment of geochemical cycling within tidal wetlands and measurement of fluxes of dissolved and particulate constituents between wetlands and coastal water bodies are critical to evaluating ecosystem function, service, and status. The U.S. Geological Survey and collaborators collected surface water and porewater geochemical data from a tidal wetland located on the eastern shore of Sage Lot Pond in Mashpee, Massachusetts, within the Waquoit Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve, between 2012 and 2019. ... |
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2014 profile-derived mean high water shorelines of Cape Cod Bay, MA used in shoreline change analysis
The Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management launched the Shoreline Change Project in 1989 to identify erosion-prone areas of the coast. The shoreline position and change rate are used to inform management decisions regarding the erosion of coastal resources. In 2001, a 1994 shoreline was added to calculate both long- and short-term shoreline change rates at 40-meter intervals along ocean-facing sections of the Massachusetts coast. In 2013 two oceanfront shorelines for Massachusetts were added using ... |
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Uncertainty table for lidar-derived shorelines used when calculating rates in the Digital Shoreline Analysis System software for Cape Cod Bay, MA
The Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management launched the Shoreline Change Project in 1989 to identify erosion-prone areas of the coast. The shoreline position and change rate are used to inform management decisions regarding the erosion of coastal resources. In 2001, a 1994 shoreline was added to calculate both long- and short-term shoreline change rates at 40-meter intervals along ocean-facing sections of the Massachusetts coast. In 2013 two oceanfront shorelines for Massachusetts were added using ... |
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2012-2014 contour-derived mean high water shorelines of the Massachusetts coast used in shoreline change analysis
The Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management launched the Shoreline Change Project in 1989 to identify erosion-prone areas of the coast. The shoreline position and change rate are used to inform management decisions regarding the erosion of coastal resources. In 2001, a 1994 shoreline was added to calculate both long- and short-term shoreline change rates at 40-meter intervals along ocean-facing sections of the Massachusetts coast. In 2013 two oceanfront shorelines for Massachusetts were added using ... |
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2012 profile-derived mean high water shorelines of Martha's Vineyard, MA used in shoreline change analysis
The Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management launched the Shoreline Change Project in 1989 to identify erosion-prone areas of the coast. The shoreline position and change rate are used to inform management decisions regarding the erosion of coastal resources. In 2001, a 1994 shoreline was added to calculate both long- and short-term shoreline change rates at 40-meter intervals along ocean-facing sections of the Massachusetts coast. In 2013 two oceanfront shorelines for Massachusetts were added using ... |
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2013 profile-derived mean high water shorelines of Martha's Vineyard, MA used in shoreline change analysis
The Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management launched the Shoreline Change Project in 1989 to identify erosion-prone areas of the coast. The shoreline position and change rate are used to inform management decisions regarding the erosion of coastal resources. In 2001, a 1994 shoreline was added to calculate both long- and short-term shoreline change rates at 40-meter intervals along ocean-facing sections of the Massachusetts coast. In 2013 two oceanfront shorelines for Massachusetts were added using ... |
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2013 profile-derived mean high water shorelines of the north shore of Martha's Vineyard, MA used in shoreline change analysis
The Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management launched the Shoreline Change Project in 1989 to identify erosion-prone areas of the coast. The shoreline position and change rate are used to inform management decisions regarding the erosion of coastal resources. In 2001, a 1994 shoreline was added to calculate both long- and short-term shoreline change rates at 40-meter intervals along ocean-facing sections of the Massachusetts coast. In 2013 two oceanfront shorelines for Massachusetts were added using ... |
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Uncertainty table for lidar-derived shorelines used when calculating rates in the Digital Shoreline Analysis System software for the north shore of Martha's Vineyard, MA
The Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management launched the Shoreline Change Project in 1989 to identify erosion-prone areas of the coast. The shoreline position and change rate are used to inform management decisions regarding the erosion of coastal resources. In 2001, a 1994 shoreline was added to calculate both long- and short-term shoreline change rates at 40-meter intervals along ocean-facing sections of the Massachusetts coast. In 2013 two oceanfront shorelines for Massachusetts were added using ... |
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Uncertainty table for lidar-derived shorelines used when calculating rates in the Digital Shoreline Analysis System software for the south shore of Martha's Vineyard, MA
The Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management launched the Shoreline Change Project in 1989 to identify erosion-prone areas of the coast. The shoreline position and change rate are used to inform management decisions regarding the erosion of coastal resources. In 2001, a 1994 shoreline was added to calculate both long- and short-term shoreline change rates at 40-meter intervals along ocean-facing sections of the Massachusetts coast. In 2013 two oceanfront shorelines for Massachusetts were added using ... |
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2012 profile-derived mean high water shorelines of Nantucket, MA used in shoreline change analysis
The Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management launched the Shoreline Change Project in 1989 to identify erosion-prone areas of the coast. The shoreline position and change rate are used to inform management decisions regarding the erosion of coastal resources. In 2001, a 1994 shoreline was added to calculate both long- and short-term shoreline change rates at 40-meter intervals along ocean-facing sections of the Massachusetts coast. In 2013 two oceanfront shorelines for Massachusetts were added using ... |
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2013 profile-derived mean high water shorelines of Nantucket, MA used in shoreline change analysis
The Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management launched the Shoreline Change Project in 1989 to identify erosion-prone areas of the coast. The shoreline position and change rate are used to inform management decisions regarding the erosion of coastal resources. In 2001, a 1994 shoreline was added to calculate both long- and short-term shoreline change rates at 40-meter intervals along ocean-facing sections of the Massachusetts coast. In 2013 two oceanfront shorelines for Massachusetts were added using ... |
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2013 profile-derived mean high water shorelines of the north shore of Nantucket, MA used in shoreline change analysis
The Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management launched the Shoreline Change Project in 1989 to identify erosion-prone areas of the coast. The shoreline position and change rate are used to inform management decisions regarding the erosion of coastal resources. In 2001, a 1994 shoreline was added to calculate both long- and short-term shoreline change rates at 40-meter intervals along ocean-facing sections of the Massachusetts coast. In 2013 two oceanfront shorelines for Massachusetts were added using ... |
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Uncertainty table for lidar-derived shorelines used when calculating rates in the Digital Shoreline Analysis System software for the north shore of Nantucket, MA
The Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management launched the Shoreline Change Project in 1989 to identify erosion-prone areas of the coast. The shoreline position and change rate are used to inform management decisions regarding the erosion of coastal resources. In 2001, a 1994 shoreline was added to calculate both long- and short-term shoreline change rates at 40-meter intervals along ocean-facing sections of the Massachusetts coast. In 2013 two oceanfront shorelines for Massachusetts were added using ... |
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Uncertainty table for lidar-derived shorelines used when calculating rates in the Digital Shoreline Analysis System software for the south shore of Nantucket, MA
The Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management launched the Shoreline Change Project in 1989 to identify erosion-prone areas of the coast. The shoreline position and change rate are used to inform management decisions regarding the erosion of coastal resources. In 2001, a 1994 shoreline was added to calculate both long- and short-term shoreline change rates at 40-meter intervals along ocean-facing sections of the Massachusetts coast. In 2013 two oceanfront shorelines for Massachusetts were added using ... |
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2010 profile-derived mean high water shorelines of the North Shore of MA used in shoreline change analysis
The Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management launched the Shoreline Change Project in 1989 to identify erosion-prone areas of the coast. The shoreline position and change rate are used to inform management decisions regarding the erosion of coastal resources. In 2001, a 1994 shoreline was added to calculate both long- and short-term shoreline change rates at 40-meter intervals along ocean-facing sections of the Massachusetts coast. In 2013 two oceanfront shorelines for Massachusetts were added using ... |
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2014 profile-derived mean high water shorelines of the North Shore of MA used in shoreline change analysis
The Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management launched the Shoreline Change Project in 1989 to identify erosion-prone areas of the coast. The shoreline position and change rate are used to inform management decisions regarding the erosion of coastal resources. In 2001, a 1994 shoreline was added to calculate both long- and short-term shoreline change rates at 40-meter intervals along ocean-facing sections of the Massachusetts coast. In 2013 two oceanfront shorelines for Massachusetts were added using ... |
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Uncertainty table for lidar-derived shorelines used when calculating rates in the Digital Shoreline Analysis System software for the North Shore of MA
The Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management launched the Shoreline Change Project in 1989 to identify erosion-prone areas of the coast. The shoreline position and change rate are used to inform management decisions regarding the erosion of coastal resources. In 2001, a 1994 shoreline was added to calculate both long- and short-term shoreline change rates at 40-meter intervals along ocean-facing sections of the Massachusetts coast. In 2013 two oceanfront shorelines for Massachusetts were added using ... |
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2011 profile-derived mean high water shorelines of the Outer Cape of MA used in shoreline change analysis
The Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management launched the Shoreline Change Project in 1989 to identify erosion-prone areas of the coast. The shoreline position and change rate are used to inform management decisions regarding the erosion of coastal resources. In 2001, a 1994 shoreline was added to calculate both long- and short-term shoreline change rates at 40-meter intervals along ocean-facing sections of the Massachusetts coast. In 2013 two oceanfront shorelines for Massachusetts were added using ... |
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2014 profile-derived mean high water shorelines of the Outer Cape of MA used in shoreline change analysis
The Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management launched the Shoreline Change Project in 1989 to identify erosion-prone areas of the coast. The shoreline position and change rate are used to inform management decisions regarding the erosion of coastal resources. In 2001, a 1994 shoreline was added to calculate both long- and short-term shoreline change rates at 40-meter intervals along ocean-facing sections of the Massachusetts coast. In 2013 two oceanfront shorelines for Massachusetts were added using ... |
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Uncertainty table for lidar-derived shorelines used when calculating rates in the Digital Shoreline Analysis System software for the Outer Cape of MA
The Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management launched the Shoreline Change Project in 1989 to identify erosion-prone areas of the coast. The shoreline position and change rate are used to inform management decisions regarding the erosion of coastal resources. In 2001, a 1994 shoreline was added to calculate both long- and short-term shoreline change rates at 40-meter intervals along ocean-facing sections of the Massachusetts coast. In 2013 two oceanfront shorelines for Massachusetts were added using ... |
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2014 profile-derived mean high water shorelines of the south shore of Cape Cod, MA used in shoreline change analysis
The Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management launched the Shoreline Change Project in 1989 to identify erosion-prone areas of the coast. The shoreline position and change rate are used to inform management decisions regarding the erosion of coastal resources. In 2001, a 1994 shoreline was added to calculate both long- and short-term shoreline change rates at 40-meter intervals along ocean-facing sections of the Massachusetts coast. In 2013 two oceanfront shorelines for Massachusetts were added using ... |
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Uncertainty table for lidar-derived shorelines used when calculating rates in the Digital Shoreline Analysis System software for the southern shoreline of Cape Cod, MA
The Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management launched the Shoreline Change Project in 1989 to identify erosion-prone areas of the coast. The shoreline position and change rate are used to inform management decisions regarding the erosion of coastal resources. In 2001, a 1994 shoreline was added to calculate both long- and short-term shoreline change rates at 40-meter intervals along ocean-facing sections of the Massachusetts coast. In 2013 two oceanfront shorelines for Massachusetts were added using ... |
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2010 profile-derived mean high water shorelines of the South Coast of MA used in shoreline change analysis
The Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management launched the Shoreline Change Project in 1989 to identify erosion-prone areas of the coast. The shoreline position and change rate are used to inform management decisions regarding the erosion of coastal resources. In 2001, a 1994 shoreline was added to calculate both long- and short-term shoreline change rates at 40-meter intervals along ocean-facing sections of the Massachusetts coast. In 2013 two oceanfront shorelines for Massachusetts were added using ... |
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2013 profile-derived mean high water shorelines of the South Coast of MA used in shoreline change analysis.
The Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management launched the Shoreline Change Project in 1989 to identify erosion-prone areas of the coast. The shoreline position and change rate are used to inform management decisions regarding the erosion of coastal resources. In 2001, a 1994 shoreline was added to calculate both long- and short-term shoreline change rates at 40-meter intervals along ocean-facing sections of the Massachusetts coast. In 2013 two oceanfront shorelines for Massachusetts were added using ... |
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Uncertainty table for lidar-derived shorelines used when calculating rates in the Digital Shoreline Analysis System software for the South Coast of MA
The Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management launched the Shoreline Change Project in 1989 to identify erosion-prone areas of the coast. The shoreline position and change rate are used to inform management decisions regarding the erosion of coastal resources. In 2001, a 1994 shoreline was added to calculate both long- and short-term shoreline change rates at 40-meter intervals along ocean-facing sections of the Massachusetts coast. In 2013 two oceanfront shorelines for Massachusetts were added using ... |
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2011 profile-derived mean high water shorelines of the South Shore of MA used in shoreline change analysis
The Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management launched the Shoreline Change Project in 1989 to identify erosion-prone areas of the coast. The shoreline position and change rate are used to inform management decisions regarding the erosion of coastal resources. In 2001, a 1994 shoreline was added to calculate both long- and short-term shoreline change rates at 40-meter intervals along ocean-facing sections of the Massachusetts coast. In 2013 two oceanfront shorelines for Massachusetts were added using ... |
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2013-2014 profile-derived mean high water shorelines of the South Shore of MA used in shoreline change analysis
The Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management launched the Shoreline Change Project in 1989 to identify erosion-prone areas of the coast. The shoreline position and change rate are used to inform management decisions regarding the erosion of coastal resources. In 2001, a 1994 shoreline was added to calculate both long- and short-term shoreline change rates at 40-meter intervals along ocean-facing sections of the Massachusetts coast. In 2013 two oceanfront shorelines for Massachusetts were added using ... |
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Uncertainty table for lidar-derived shorelines used when calculating rates in the Digital Shoreline Analysis System software for the South Shore of MA
The Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management launched the Shoreline Change Project in 1989 to identify erosion-prone areas of the coast. The shoreline position and change rate are used to inform management decisions regarding the erosion of coastal resources. In 2001, a 1994 shoreline was added to calculate both long- and short-term shoreline change rates at 40-meter intervals along ocean-facing sections of the Massachusetts coast. In 2013 two oceanfront shorelines for Massachusetts were added using ... |
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2018 mean high water shoreline of the coast of MA used in shoreline change analysis
The Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management launched the Shoreline Change Project in 1989 to identify erosion-prone areas of the coast by compiling a database of historical (mid 1800's-1989) shoreline positions. Trends of shoreline position over long and short-term timescales provide information to landowners, managers, and potential buyers about possible future impacts to coastal resources and infrastructure. In 2001, a 1994 shoreline was added to calculate both long- and short-term shoreline ... |
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Historical shoreline positions for the coast of MA, from 1844 - 2014.
The Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management (MA CZM) launched the Shoreline Change Project in 1989 to identify erosion-prone areas of the coast by compiling a database of historical (1800's-1989) shoreline positions and shoreline change maps. Trends of shoreline position over long and short-term timescales provide information to landowners, managers, and potential buyers about possible future impacts to coastal resources and infrastructure. In 2001, a 1994 shoreline was added to calculate both long- ... |
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Unvegetated to vegetated marsh ratio in Plum Island Estuary and Parker River salt marsh complex, Massachusetts
Unvegetated to vegetated marsh ratio (UVVR) in the Plum Island Estuary and Parker River (PIEPR) salt marsh complex was computed based on conceptual marsh units defined by Defne and Ganju (2018). UVVR was calculated based on U.S. Department of Agriculture National Agriculture Imagery Program (NAIP) 1-meter resolution imagery. Through scientific efforts initiated with the Hurricane Sandy Science Plan, the U.S. Geological Survey has been expanding national assessment of coastal change hazards and forecast ... |
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Preliminary estimates of forecasted shoreline positions for Florida and Georgia
During Hurricane Irma, Florida and Georgia experienced substantial impacts to beaches, dunes, barrier islands, and coral reefs. Extensive erosion and coral losses from hurricanes result in increased vulnerability of coastal regions, including densely populated areas. Erosion may put critical infrastructure at risk of future flooding and may cause economic loss. The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Coastal and Marine Hazards Resources Program is working to assess shoreline erosion along the southeast U.S. ... |
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Uncertainty of forecasted shoreline positions for Florida and Georgia
During Hurricane Irma, Florida and Georgia experienced substantial impacts to beaches, dunes, barrier islands, and coral reefs. Extensive erosion and coral losses from hurricanes result in increased vulnerability of coastal regions, including densely populated areas. Erosion may put critical infrastructure at risk of future flooding and may cause economic loss. The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Coastal and Marine Hazards Resources Program is working to assess shoreline erosion along the southeast U.S. ... |
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Collection, analysis, and age-dating of sediment cores from mangrove and salt marsh ecosystems in Tampa Bay, Florida, 2015
Coastal wetlands in Tampa Bay, Florida, are important ecosystems that deliver a variety of ecosystem services. Key to ecosystem functioning is wetland response to sea-level rise through accumulation of mineral and organic sediment. The organic sediment within coastal wetlands is composed of carbon sequestered over the time scale of the wetland’s existence. This study was conducted to provide information on soil accretion and carbon storage rates across a variety of coastal ecosystems that was utilized in ... |
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Mean tidal range in marsh units of Fire Island National Seashore and central Great South Bay salt marsh complex, New York
Biomass production is positively correlated with mean tidal range in salt marshes along the Atlantic coast of the United States of America. Recent studies support the idea that enhanced stability of the marshes can be attributed to increased vegetative growth due to increased tidal range. This dataset displays the spatial variation of mean tidal range (i.e. Mean Range of Tides, MN) in the Fire Island National Seashore and central Great South Bay salt marsh complex, based on conceptual marsh units defined ... |
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Collection, analysis, and age-dating of sediment cores from natural and restored salt marshes on Cape Cod, Massachusetts, 2015-16
Nineteen sediment cores were collected from five salt marshes on the northern shore of Cape Cod where previously restricted tidal exchange was restored to part of the marshes. Cores were collected in duplicate from two locations within each marsh complex: one upstream and one downstream from the former tidal restriction (typically caused by an undersized culvert or a berm). The unaltered, natural downstream sites provide a comparison against the historically restricted upstream sites. The sampled cores ... |
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Elevation of marsh units in Plum Island Estuary and Parker River salt marsh complex, Massachusetts
This data release provides elevation distribution in the Plum Island Estuary and Parker River (PIEPR) salt marsh complex. Elevation distribution was calculated in te |